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1、七年级英语下册第一单元检测试题A卷. 单项选择(15分)( )1. My sister likes playing the guitar, but she cant play _.A. nice B. good C. well( )2. Are you good _ swimming? Yes, and I think I can help kids _ it.A. with; in B. with; with C. at; with( )3. He wants _ the English club.A. to join B. to be C. be in( )4. My father can

2、t play _ basketball. He can play _ piano.A. the; the B. /; the C. the; /( )5. Why do you want to _ the English club? Because Mr Li in the club is good _ us.A. have; with B. join; with C. join; at( )6. My brother doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV.A. and B. but C. or( )7. Can you speak Chin

3、ese, Tom? Yes, but only _.A. lots of B. many C. a little( )8. _ do you want to join? The music club.A. What club B. When C. What( )9. Hi!Can I help you? _. I want to join the club.A. No, thanks a lot B. Great C. Yes, please( )10. _? He can do Chinese kung fu well.A. Can he do Chinese kung fu B. What

4、 can he doC. Does he want to join the Chinese kung fu club( )11. -What can you do? -I can _.A. play the guitar B. play violinC. swimming D. join the club( )12. -Can Tom help kids _ swimming? -Yes, can.A. x B. with C. for D. to( )13. -_ do you want to join the chess club? -Because I like chess very m

5、uch.A. Who B. How C. Why D. What( )14. What is the first day of the week?A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday( )15. I can swim well.I want to join the _ club.A music B chess C swimming D、musician.完形填空(10分)Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister 16 a brother. They are Helen and Paul. An

6、n and Helen can 17 . Ann can sing and play 18 well, but Helen 19 . Helen doesnt like playing the instruments. She 20 chess, but she doesnt play chess 21 Ann. Ann cant play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays 22 very well. Paul can 23 play basketball well. And he is 24 the school b

7、asketball club. He often 25 other students with basketball.( )16. A. or B. but C. and( )17. A. speak B. show C. dance( )18. A. the guitar B. guitars C. guitar( )19. A. can B. cant C. dont( )20. A. has B. does C. likes( )21. A. with B. for C. on( )22. A. basketball B. chess C. games( )23. A. also B.

8、too C. only( )24. A. of B. to C. in( )25. A. plays B. joins C. helps.阅读理解(10分)ATony and Anna are brother and sister. They are Americans. Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer, basketball and volleyball. Anna likes music(音乐) very much. She cant play ball games. But they both(两者都) like playi

9、ng on computers.They like eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch, Anna likes eating vegetables and fruit, but Tony likes chicken and fish(鱼). They both like hamburgers. But they dont like ice cream or dessert.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(10分)( )26. Anna is Tonys _ and they are _.A. sister; Chinese B. siste

10、r; Americans C. friend; Americans( )27. Tony likes _ and he can play _.A. sports; tennis B. music; basketball C. sports; volleyball( )28 Tony and Anna both like _.A. vegetables B. soccer C. playing on computers( )29. For breakfast, they like _.A. eggs, bread and milk B. vegetables and fruit C. chick

11、en and fish( )30. They dont like _ or _.A. ice cream; vegetables B. ice cream; dessert C. hamburgers; dessertBSally is an English girl. She is my English teacher, Mrs Browns daughter. She is only five years old. (A)她没有上学。She likes playing ping-pong. Her favorite ping-pong player is Zhang Yining. Sal

12、ly is in the ping-pong club. She goes to the ping-pong club every day. She plays ping-pong for two hours there.Sally has a sister. Her name is Maria. She is in our class. She likes running. She runs with her mother every morning. (B)Her favorite running star is Liu Xiang. Maria says she wants to be

13、a running star like Liu Xiang.31. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。( )a. Mrs Brown is also Marias teacher.( )b. Maria goes to the ping-pong club every day.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )32. Mrs Brown teaches _.A. P.E. B. English C. ping-pong( )33. From this passage(文章) we know MrsBrown _ every morning.A. runs with Maria B.

14、runs with SallyC. plays ping-pong34. 将句中(A)处画线句子译为英语。 _35. 将句中(B)处画线句子译为汉语。 _.词汇题A.根据句意及词首字母写出单词。(5分)36.Gina wants to j _ the music club.37.Can you s _ English?38.I can play the guitar but cant play the p _.39.My e-mail a _ is cindyyjones 163. com.40.Can you h _ kids withswimming?B.用所给单词适当形式填空(12分)4

15、1.Can you help kids with (dance)?Yes,I can.42.They want (join)the baseball club.43.Can you (sing)?44.The girl likes music.She wants to be a (music).45.Do you want to join the (swim)club?46.Are you good with (kid),Jim?47He wants to join the_(dance) club.48_ (music) wanted for Rock Band.49.She can _ (

16、play) basketball.50.She can help _(I) with _ (I) English.51. I need _ (buy) a pen?.按要求完成句型转换,每空一词。(23分)52. He can play the piano. (对画线部分提问)_ _ he ?53. They can play the piano, the violin and the guitar. (改为一般疑问句)_ they play the piano, the violin _ the guitar?54. I want to join the music club. (对画线部分

17、提问)_ _ do you want to join?55. Bill can play the drums. (改为否定句)Bill _ _ the drums.56. Whats your name? (改为同义句)_ I _ your name?57.My e-mail address is rko.(划线提问)_ _ _ address?58.She can play the violin.(用the drum变成选择疑问句)_ _ _ the violin _ the drum?59.Tom can play the drum.Tom cant play the trumpet.(合

18、并句子)Tom can play the drum _ _ _ play the trumpet.60.Linda likes music.(改成否定句)Linda music.完成句子(20分)61. 你唱歌唱得好吗?_ you _ _62. 你想参加什么俱乐部?_ _ do you want _ _63. 你会唱歌或跳舞吗?Can you _ _ _64. 你和小孩子们相处得好吗?_ you _ _ kids65. 请打电话622-6033找张衡。Please _ Zhang Heng _ 622-6033.66. 我们的摇滚乐队需要两名好的音乐家。We _ two good _ _ ou

19、r _ _.B卷.根据句意及词首字母写出单词。1.Gina wants to j _ the music club.2.Can you s _ English?3.I can play the guitar but cant play the p _.4.My e-mail a _ is cindyyjones 163. com.5.Can you h _ kids with swimming?.从第栏中找出第栏中问句的相应答语。 ( )6.What club do you want to join? A.Very well.( )7.Whats your phone number? B.It

20、s $10.( )8.How are you? C.Its 8989766.( )9.How can I contact you? D.The music club.( )10.How much is the shirt? E.You can call me at 898976.单项选择( ) 11.Tom wants _ to you. Are you free?A.to tell B.tells C.to talk D.talks( )12.Can you help me _ my English?A.with B.of C.learning D.about( )13.Here _.A.i

21、s some in formations B.are some in formationsC.are some information D.is some information( )14.Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin.A.the, the B., C.the, D. , the( )15.Can you paint? _.A.Yes, a little B.Yes, little C.No, a little D.No, little( )16.Please call me _ 8989766.A.in B.at C.about D

22、.with( )17._ like to go swimming _ summer.A.Children, on B.Children, inC.A child, on D.A child, in( )18.Miss Read is good _ music.She can be good _ children in the music club.A.at, at B.with, with C.at, with D.with, at( )19.The young _ plays the _ very well.A.pianist, piano B.piano, pianistC.pianist

23、, pianist D.piano, piano( )20.What can you do, Lin Tao? _.A.I like sports B.I want to join the music clubC.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu( )21.Hi, can I help you? _.A.Yes, please B.No, I cant C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome( )22._ you can _ our school concert.A.Maybe, in B.Maybe, be inC.May be,

24、 in D.May be, be in( )23.We want two good _ our rock band.A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for( )24.Little Tom can draw _.His drawings are very _.A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well( )25.Can he _ it in English?A.speak B.speaks C.say D, talk.选词填空,每词只用一次。do join can wan

25、t cant26._you dnce?27.I_ sing.28.What club does she _to join?29.We want to _ the guitar club.30.What can you _ ?.连词成句,注意标点符号。31.play, brother, the, your, guitar, can, (?)32.cant, he, piano, the, play, (.)33.play, you, the, can, guitar, (?)34.guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and, yes, (.)35.to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our, (?)36.I, show, want, to, talent, my, (.).将下列句子译成英语。37.我想当一名艺术家。38.我想加入艺术俱乐部。39.琳达很会唱歌。40.请向张老师咨询更多的信息。


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