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1、Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. I might be late for work so I decided to go to work by _ taxi.A. the B. 不填 C. a D. an( )22. When I see people pour dirty water into rivers, I always get angry _ it.A.

2、with B. on C. about D. of( )23. Eric _ football with me unless he _ time tomorrow.A. wont play; will have B. doesnt play; hasC. doesnt play; will have D. wont play; has( )24. The next morning Alice was surprised to find _ in a strange house.A. hers B. herself C. myself D. mine( )25. What _ can you g

3、ive me on improving spoken English? I think you should join an English club. A. advice B. news C. information D. questions( )26. You look so _. Whats wrong? I had a math exam last Friday, but Im worrying about the result. A. angry B. surprised C. serious D. upset( )27. When we have problems, we shou

4、ld try to solve them but not _ them.A. run out of B. run away from C. take out of D. take away from( )28. Miss Miller, my music teacher, advised me _ the school music club.A. join B. to join C. joining D. joined( )29. _ to my house if you _ free the day after tomorrow.A. Come; will be B. Coming; are

5、 C. Coming; will be D. Come; are( )30. Mrs. Green, a middle-aged teacher, has _ in teaching.A. an experience B. much experience C. lots of experiences D. no experience( )31. She stopped halfway through the trip. She was _ tired _ go any further.A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. such; that( )32

6、. We spent one hour discussing the problem before _ it.A. preparing B. sharing C. solving D. catching( )33. 7-year-old Jimmy made a _ mistake again because he never does things _.A. careful; carefully B. careful; careful C. careless; careful D. careless; carefully( )34. Youd better travel around Can

7、ada with a guide _ you want to know more about its culture.A. unless B. until C. though D. if( )35. Jim, you can wear your cool coat to the party. _!A. You look so cool B. Thats a great idea C. Have a great time D. Id love to.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。One day, I ca

8、me home from school and I felt terrible. I had tried out for (参加选拔) the school volleyball team, 36 I didnt make it. I didnt want to talk to anyone. My mother was worried and she sent me to 37 my uncle who lived close by. My uncle welcomed me at his home. Over dinner, he gave me some good 38 . He sai

9、d, “Tommy, Im proud (自豪的) of you for trying out for the volleyball team. Do you know what I do? Every year, I make a promise to myself to try one new thing 39 a new sport, a new book, a new friend or a new hobby. Trying new things helps you 40 .”It sounded interesting. I decided to try his advice th

10、at day. I took a 41 route (路线) to go home first.On the new route I saw some boys playing baseball. I thought about what my 42 had said. It took some courage (勇气) to walk to the boys, but soon I was playing with 43 and having fun. From then on, I played with them every week. A year later, I made the

11、school baseball team. And Im 44 having fun playing baseball with those boys every week. I found this happiness because I 45 something new.( )36. A. so B. if C. but D. because ( )37. A. save B. visit C. invite D. serve ( )38. A. predictions B. promises C. practice D. advice ( )39. A. from B. like C.

12、with D. for ( )40. A. put up B. wake up C. grow up D. stay up ( )41. A. different B. similar C. long D. short ( )42. A. mother B. uncle C. teacher D. friend ( )43. A. her B. him C. it D. them ( )44. A. ever B. only C. still D. even ( )45. A. saw B. played C. felt D. tried . 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框

13、中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Jack. We had a great time at Drews house on Sunday. (46)_B: I had to study for an English test.What did you do at the party?A: We saw a movie named Back to the Future. B: (47)_A: Its about a kid. He travels back in time to his parents high school days. He changes his own

14、future.In the end, his parents.B: Wait. Dont tell me the ending. If you do, youwill spoil (破坏) the movie for me. (48)_A: OK, OK. Lets get back to your English test. How did you do onit?B: I think Im going to get an “F” on the test.A: You just dont study enough. (49)_B: Thats easy for you to say. You

15、 always get As.A: (50)_B:I guess youre right. A. I want to see it myself.B. Whats it about, Alice?C. Where did you go that day?D. Why didnt you come to the party?E. Can you tell me more about the movie?F. In fact, Iwont always get As unlessI study hard. G. If you study more, you will pass (通过) the t

16、est easily. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)ADear Anita,I work for a big international company (国际公司). I love my job because I can travel to a lot of different countries. My problem is that it usually takes me about three days to get used to the local time (适应当地时间). During those days I have some meetings, but Im al

17、ways very tired and its difficult to think clearly. And, when I just get used to the local time, I have to fly back home. Can you give me any advice?StewartDear Anita,Help! I live in Hong Kong and I am going to travel to Canada in three days to have a two-week summer camp. The problem is that I have

18、 to fly. I dont feel safe (安全的) on a plane. I cant sleep, and sometimes I even cant breathe (呼吸). What can I do?ThomasDear Anita,Im not afraid of flying, but I dont like to fly. I find it very difficult to sleep on a plane. The seats are too small and other people are sometimes noisy and wake me up.

19、 Also, flying is very boring. Any advice?Debbie根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )51. How long does Stewart usually stay in another country? A. About one day. B. About three days. C. About one week.D. About two weeks.( )52. Who is scared of going by plane?A. Anita. B. Stewart. C. Thomas. D. Debbie.( )53. What does Deb

20、bie think of flying?A. Safe. B. Boring. C. Interesting. D. Dangerous.( )54. What do Thomas and Debbie have in common?A. They are from the same city. B. They both like traveling around. C. They work for the same big company. D. They both have sleeping problems on a plane.( )55. The material may be fr

21、om a _. A. diary B. calendar C. magazine D. storybookBThe Smiths moved to a little village in France twelve years ago. They bought a big house in the village and set up a kind of walking holiday business (生意). People come in small groups and stay with them for a day or two, and then walk from villag

22、e to village.The Smiths seem to be doing very well now. But it took a long time to get their business going. The first two or three years were a real struggle. Luckily, theyve got good relationships with the walking holiday companies now. And they make their money in the spring and the summer, and w

23、inter can be quiet.The Smiths tried to be part of the village as soon as they moved there. They both could speak French, which was a big help. They went to festivals and events to get to know people. But the real difference was when they had a baby thats when they were really accepted, and people kn

24、ew that they were there to stay. The baby was a real star in the village!The Smiths have bought more houses, and last year they started a restaurant which was the first one in the village. The night of the day it started they gave everyone a free dinner, which went down very well! They say they are

25、going to spend more of their lives in the village!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )56. What do we know about the Smiths from Paragraph 1?A. Which country they are from. B. Why they went to the village.C. What they do in their free time.D. What their business was in the village.( )57. The underlined words “a real str

26、uggle” in Paragraph 2 refer to a very _ thing.A. lucky B. funny C. special D. difficult( )58. The villagers really accepted the Smiths after the Smiths _ in the village.A. had a baby B. bought a house C. went to an event D. gave a free dinner( )59. What do the Smiths plan to do in the future?A. To b

27、uy more houses. B. To start a restaurant. C. To stay in the village. D. To help the villagers.( )60. Which of the following is TRUE about the Smiths?A. They arent able to speak French. B. They want to have more children. C. They cant make much money in winter. D. They like walking from village to vi

28、llage. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A) 从方框中选择合适的单词填空,使每个句子在结构、句意和逻辑上正确。organize, teenager, understand, certainly, meet61.The reading club is a popular place for most _.62.This week we are going to have a(n) _ to discuss the plan.63.Mary is so _ that all her friends like to talk about their problems with her.64.A

29、t the end of December, students _ a concert for New Year.65.The little girl believes the interesting story is _ true.B) 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。66. The children can sit for hours playing v games.67.They did about 30 m a day on the cycling trip.68. It takes many s to make a model plane.69. I lost my w .

30、Ill call the police now.70.Peter t around the world for a year with his friend. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出所缺内容,每空一词。71.I can tell you about it, but you must _ _ _ _(保守秘密).72. This letter is personal, and I dont want _ _(其他任何人) to read it.73. Yesterday he gave me _ _ _ _(一条建议) on how to learn ma

31、th.74. Johnny, can you cut this watermelon _ _(分成两半)?75.Little Tom _ _ _ _(做了一部分) his homework and went out to play. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。normal, come, important, also, when, make, trust, you, way, betweenA famous person once said, “Nothing is more difficult than

32、to be able to decide.” We all make decisions every day of our lives. Some decisions are (76)_ than others. For example, deciding (77)_ tea and coffee for breakfast isnt as important as deciding which university is right for you. Were all afraid of (78)_ the wrong (错误的) decision, or making a bad deci

33、sion. How many times do you say to (79)_, “If I do X then Y wont happen” or “If I dont do X then Y wont happen” ?The word “decide” (80)_ from the Latin word “decidere” which means to cut off. Usually, (81)_ we make decisions we look at the options (选择) and cut off the ones we dont think are best. Ma

34、ny people make a list of the advantages and disadvantages (把优缺点列成清单) of each option. This is the (82)_ way. Some people (83)_ others. They hope other people can make the decision for them. And some people like a more special (84)_ such as tossing a coin (掷硬币). So deciding how to make a decision can

35、(85)_ be a difficult decision. 书面表达(15分)Teens Feelings是一个国际青少年网站,以下内容取自其贴吧。下面是一位叫李华的中学生在此贴吧中诉说了自己的烦心事。假如你是Robert Hunt,请你用英语回帖,给李华提一些建议来帮助她。Im having a problem with my classmate, Rena. Last Friday I sent an e-mail to another classmate, Beth. In the e-mail I said some personal things about Rena. Butwh

36、en Beth was writing back to me, she sent the message to Rena by mistake!Now Rena is really angry with me and wont talk to me. How can I get her to forgive (原谅) me? What should I do? Li Hua要求:1.所提建议要有积极意义并符合实际;2.词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Hi, Li Hua, Im sorry to hear about your problem. Id be happy to g

37、ive you some advice._ I really hope my advice will help you. Good luck!Robert Hunt 附加题(共10 分)After Smiley moved his cattle (牛) out to a new ranch (牧场), he had one problem after another. First, he lost five of his cattle. Then his cattle often walked out onto the Highway 99, near another town.(1)_ Th

38、e company was selling the Cattle-Watching System (系统). “Maybe it helps!” thought Smiley. A few weeks later, Smiley was looking at a group of computer screens at his office. He could see all his cattle with the help of the Cattle-Watching System. (2)_Two days later, Nino, Smileys son, was at the offi

39、ce watching the computer screens. He was looking at a picture of some cattle walking around the ranch. Suddenly, Smiley ran into the office. “Nino,” he shouted. “(3)_”“But I am looking right at them,” said Nino. “Come with me!” shouted Smiley. (4)_ As they drove to the Highway 99, they saw a huge tr

40、uck (大卡车) moving slowly along the road.“Thats Bigalow Electronics truck!” Smiley shouted. “Call the police, Nino!” The police came soon and they stopped the truck. (5)_ They also found this group sold Cattle-Watching System first, and then sent old pictures to the computers, and stole (偷) the cattle

41、. They were stealing cattle all over the country.根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。A. He was very happy. B. All the cattle are missing!C. They found it was full of Smileys cattle.D. They drove all around the ranch, but couldnt find any cattle.E. One day, Smiley read about a company named Bigalow Electronics in the newspaper.答案. 21-25 BCDBA 26-30 DBBDB 31-35 ACDDB. 36-40 CBDBC 41-45 ABDCD. 46-50 DBAGF. 51-55 BCBDC 56-60 DDACC. 61. teenagers 62. meeting 63. understanding 64. organized 65. certainly 66. video 67. miles 68. steps 69. wallet 70. traveled / travelled . 71. keep it to yourse


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