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1、广东省中山市小榄花城中学2022-2023学年八年级下学期第一次作业大检查(月考)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、语法选择Everyone has different _1_ at different times.I still remember my first English speech competition(演讲比赛). One day, my English teacher asked me to join in _2_ English speech competition. I agreed, but I felt _3_ and even afraid at tha

2、t time. People always have such feelings, especially when they do _4_ for the first time. Before the competition, I spent the most of my free time _5_ for it. I felt very tired every day.The great day finally came. I was the third to make the speech. I felt very nervous and I couldnt remember _6_ I

3、would say. I even wanted to cry for help. When I put my hand into my pocket, I touched a note(便条). It said, “Dont be nervous. Relax and believe in yourself.” It was a note _7_ my English teacher. After seeing it, I felt much _8_. A few minutes later, my turn came. I wasnt nervous when I began to mak

4、e my speech. And I finished my speech with great confidence(自信). Luckily, I _9_ the competition in the end. I even couldnt believe my ears when I heard the good news. I felt very happy. I couldnt wait _10_ the good news with my parents. I tried my best and I also learned that nothing comes easily an

5、d practice makes perfect.1AfeelBfeelsCfeelingDfeelings2AaBanC/Dthe3AworryBworriedCworriesDworriedly4AanythingBeverythingCsomethingDnothing5AprepareBto prepareCpreparedDpreparing6AhowBwhenCwhatDwhere7AfromBwithCinDfor8AgoodBbetterCbestDwell9AwonBhave wonCwinDwill win10AshareBto shareCsharingDto shari

6、ng二、完形填空How to improve your relationship with your parents? Sometimes you may feel that it is impossible to get along with your parents. However, they are probably your best teachers in _11_. If you find that you and your parents cant get on well, try to understand _12_ better. Spend time with your

7、parents. Your parents wont always be around, _13_ spend time with them when you are able to. This doesnt mean just _14_ in front of the TV together. Instead, find activities to do together. By doing this, you can _15_ more about each other._16_ your parents. To understand your parents better, you ha

8、ve to spend time having a conversation with them. Use this time to learn about their _17_ hobbies and opinions. For example, you can _18_ them to tell you about their own childhood, or about their jobs. Listen to them carefully. This may seem easy, but it is often _19_ than you think. When you are c

9、ommunicating with your _20_, make sure you are listening. This means looking at their eyes when they are talking, and speaking _21_ when responding (回应). If youre not sure _22_ they meant, try to ask them to repeat.Make your parents feel proud(骄傲的). There are many, many _23_ that you can move your p

10、arents such as getting good marks in exams and sharing the housework. Try your best, and you will show them that you are becoming more _24_, and that they can begin to discuss everything _25_ you. Follow these ways, and youll get on with each other better.11AchangeBlifeCtimeDdanger12AhimBherCtheyDth

11、em13AsoBandCalthoughDor14AworkingBsleepingCsittingDstudying15AworryBbelieveClearnDforget16ALook afterBCompare withCDepend onDTalk with17AdifferentBseriousCdifficultDterrible18AaskBplanCofferDfollow19AeasierBharderCbiggerDsmaller20AteachersBparentsCstudentsDfriends21AnervouslyBangrilyCproperlyDheavil

12、y22AhowBwhenCwhyDwhat23AwaysBdifficultiesCsignsDjokes24AcarelessBunderstandingCcreativeDtalented25AagainstBtoCforDwith三、阅读单选Hello and Welcome to World Book DayWorld Book Day is here to change lives through a love of books and shared reading, and bring books to the children who need them most. World

13、Book Day is an excellent chance for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading.Share A Story Liveour exciting digital events programme sending authors (作家) straight into your school. Its a good chance for you to talk with the authors about the story face to face.Raising money, raising readersour fundr

14、aising ideas to help us change lives through reading. We believe that you can get a lot from reading.World Book Day Book Cluba new online reading community. Its a convenient way for you to share reading with others.Share A Story Cornerstories to encourage families to read together. In this way, fami

15、ly members can encourage each other to read more.Happy World Book Day!For up-to-date information, visit our website !26World Book Day is a special day for people to _.Acelebrate the joy of readingBchange lives by raising moneyCmeet famous authors at homeDenjoy writing in local communities27According

16、 to the poster, whats the purpose of “Raising money, raising readers”?ATo have a new online reading community.BTo bring books to the adults who need them.CTo share a story live in our schools.DTo help people change lives through reading.28According to the poster, if you want to read stories with you

17、r parents, you can join _.AShare A Story LiveBShare A Story CornerCWorld Book Day Book ClubDRaising money, raising readers29How can you get more information of the World Book Day?ARing a call.BWrite a letter.CSend an email.DVisit the website.30The designer uses words and pictures in the poster to _.

18、Acatch readers attentionBencourage families to write booksChelp readers form reading habitsDrecommend different types of booksSome students have fun with their school life. But most students are unhappy. They have lots of pressure from their family. Most of them must study hard at school to please t

19、heir parents. So its tiring and boring for most students.Most students try their best at school, but sometimes they may fail the exams and make their parents and teachers unhappy. The students may have more pressure from both their family and the school. So they finally get weary of their schoolwork

20、. Day by day, they find it hard to get good grades and lose interest and confidence in their studies gradually.It is surprising that many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and it is the teachers work to help their children. To make the matter worse, a lot of parents send the

21、ir children to those schools opening in the evenings or on weekends. But it helps only a little with childrens grades, because the children are too tired to keep everything in mind. These parents never care about their childrens development. For example, many school students say they dont know how t

22、o get on well with and how to take care of others. Thats bad for kids mind and body.In China, many schools usually own their strict rules for students hair cuttings and clothes. Students in China live under great pressure both at school and at home.31Students are unhappy because _.Atheir parents giv

23、e them too much pressureBthey have to work hard on weekend schoolsCschools teach them too much knowledgeDmany students live a meaningless life32Most students have to work hard at school for _.AthemselvesBparentsCfunDmoney33The underlined word “weary” probably means _ in English.AangryBtiredCinterest

24、edDcrazy34According to the passage, parents and schools should care more about students _.Aschool gradesBhair cuttings and clothesCevening classesDdevelopment in mind and body35Which is NOT true?AStudents like strict school rules.BMost parents care about only grades.CStudents have greater pressure a

25、t school.DSome students even hate their schoolwork.四、阅读匹配配对阅读。左栏是五个初中生对自己烦恼的自述,右栏是七个专家给他们的建议。请将建议和烦恼进行配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在相应的位置。()1.I dont know how to choose my clothes, but I really want to look beautiful. Im very upset.()2.My parents fight a lot, and I really dont like it. Relations between them have b

26、ecome difficult. I dont know what to do.()3.I hate my school rules! I just want to wear my own clothes. I dont know how to talk about my feeling with my teachers.()4.My parents are too strict with me. They want me to stay at home and they dont allow me to play with my friends after school.()5.I alwa

27、ys feel tired in class. I think I always stay up too late at night, but I just want to finish my homeworkAYour parents love you very much.They just want you to study harder at home.If you really want to go out with your friends, you can talk with them after doing your homework.I think your parents w

28、ill let you do that.BYou should be happy if your friends wear like you.It means that your clothes are beautiful.If you really dont like it, you can just talk about it with them.CI think you should try your best to do your homework faster.Maybe you can ask your teachers for help.Go to bed earlier so

29、that you can have enough time for sleep.DWhy dont you talk about how you feel with your parents? Maybe you can do more chores at home so that they have more time for communication.E.Every school has rules because its very necessary.I know that you want to choose your own clothes.But in my opinion, a

30、s students, school uniforms are the best clothes for you.F.In my opinion, you can choose the clothes that are comfortable.In fact, clothes are not everything in your life.You can work harder at your study.Dont think too much about the clothes.G.You should exercise more to lose weight.Im sure you wil

31、l be thinner if you dont give up.36_37_38_39_40_五、短文语境提示填空短文填空My dear kids,Monday again, and mother will be busy all day long. And this Monday I have _41_ things to do than last week. As a result, I wont be back _42_ 8:00 p.m. I hope that _43_ of you can be together and share the chores.I hope Tony

32、can help make the salad at dinner time. And, Molly, could you please help to set the table? Simi and Pete, I want you to do the dishes and wash the clothes after _44_. And Pete can help to sweep the floor. Simi, you should _45_ up your room. I dont know what you are doing there, but your _46_ are ev

33、erywhere. So Molly and Simi help put away the toys and make the room tidy.Dad will be home at around 6:30 p.m._47_ dont you get dinner ready by then? In a word, I hope you will help each other. Enjoy your dinner. By the way, dont _48_ to walk the dog in the park. Pete, and you can also do some sport

34、s. Its _49_ for your health.Oh, yes, you can have the cake in _50_ fridge. But please leave a piece for your daddy.Love,Mom六、读写综合回答问题请阅读一篇关于志愿者工作的短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。The meaning of the word “volunteer” may be a little different in different countries, but it usually means one who offe

35、rs his or her services. There are many different ways in which people can volunteer, such as taking care of sick people, working in homes for homeless children, and picking up rubbish from beaches and parks. Volunteers may work within their own countries or in other countries. They are usually peopl

36、e with a strong wish to help those who are less fortunate(幸运的) than themselves. Volunteers dont expect any kind of pay. At the root of volunteering is the idea that one person may have the ability to offer services that can help other people. Tracy, a good friend of mine, however, recently came back

37、 from India with a new idea of what being a volunteer means. She worked for two and a half weeks in Calcutta. “I was asked to work in a home for sick people. I helped wash clothes and sheets, and pass out lunch. I also fed the people who were too weak to feed themselves and tried to cheer them up. I

38、 felt it was better to share with them than to think that I have helped them. To be honest, I dont think I was helping very much. It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help, but to learn about and experience another culture that helped improve my own understanding of life and the

39、 world.”51What does the word “volunteer” usually mean?_52Whom do volunteers usually help?_53How long did Tracy work in Calcutta?_54Where was Tracy asked to work?_55What did Tracy learn about during the volunteer work in India?_56书面表达 根据要求完成短文写作。假如你是Mia,你在报纸上看到学生中心招募志愿者的消息,你也想去帮助有需要的人。请写一封信申请一份你喜欢的志愿者工作。内容包括:1. 你要申请的志愿者工作是什么?2. 你有哪些能力或兴趣爱好能胜任这份工作并说明原因(两点以上)。Dear sir or madam,I read the newspaper of our Students Center and Im glad to know that volunteers are needed. Now Im writing this letter to _Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,Mia试卷第7页,共8页


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