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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1People in China like eating _ (饺子)2My mother usually makes a big birthday _ (蛋糕) for my birthday every year.3We have _(不同的) kinds of noodles for your order.4At the _(年龄) of 18, you can drive a car.5(中考贺州)Li Lei often helps others, so he is very _ (受欢 迎的) i

2、n our school.二、根据汉语意思完成课文原句或原句改编6_ _ _(的数量) Yang Mis fans is about 30 million.7 The birthday person must _ _ _ (许一个愿) and blow out the candles.8 In China, it is getting popular _ _ _(吃蛋 糕) on your birthday.9 In China,the long noodles are _ _ _(的 象征) long life.They never _ them _(切碎)10 They _ _ _ _ (

3、给带来好运) the birthday person.三、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词11Lets go to the cinema tonight. Thats a good i_. 12I think most people in the w_ love peace and hate war.13(2015广州)Close the window or the wind will b_ everything off my desk.14Dont eat too many c_. Theyre not good for your teeth. 15Thanks for telling me t

4、hese a_ to the questions.四、用所给词的适当形式填空16He doesnt like eating_(pancake)17Allen likes meat, and beef _ (be) his favorite.18We were late for the film Roman Holiday, but _ (luck) we didnt miss much. 19You can see all kinds of _(fish) in the sea world.20Bob and Frank are good friends. They are in the sa

5、me school but different _ (class). 五、从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空 come true,make a wish,get popular,cut up,good luck21She _ the tomatoes with a knife now. 22Anna, please _ before you blow out the candles. 23Im sure my dream of becoming an artist will _. 24In China, people think red means _25Its _ to buy wh

6、at you need on the Internet now. 六、单项选择26(中考达州)After the PE. class, I often feel very thirsty(渴的) Why not buy some _ to drink? Abread Bnoodles Capple juice Dteas27 (2015安徽)I will have an important match tomorrow. I hope I will win. _. AGood luck BNo idea CThats such a pity DIts all right28Would you

7、like a big bowl of ice cream_four yuan? No,thanks.Id like a small one. Afor Bat Cto Din29What kind of porridge would you like, Alice? I would like _. Aegg porridge Beggs porridge Cfish porridges Dfishes porridge30(2015益阳)How many women doctors are there in your hospital? _ them _ over twenty. AA num

8、ber of; are BThe number of; are CThe number of; is31 (2016江西) Last night, the shop was closed _ she didnt buy any chocolate. Aso Bif Cor Dwhen32 The Old Town of Lijiang is _ with tourists because of its beautiful old buildings. Adifferent Bfamous Cspecial Dpopular33(2015漳州)Kangkang, could you tell m

9、e how to cook noodles? OK. First, you should _ ham, cabbage and onions finely. Acut up Bcut down Ccut off34Who can _ the question? Hands up, please. Areply Blisten Clearn Danswer35 (中考泸州)If you _ tomorrow, I will let you know all about it. Awill come Bcome Ccame Dcomes七、根据汉语意思完成句子36高中和初中的教学方式是不同的。Th

10、e ways of teaching in senior high school are _ _ those in junior high school.37琳达一口气喝了一大碗水。 Linda drinks a large bowl of water _ _ _. 38将来他想环游世界。 He wants to travel _ _ _ in the future. 39蜡烛还在燃烧着。请把它吹灭。 The candle is still burning. Please _ _ _. 40每天有许多人来这里旅游。旅游人数有3000多人。_ _ _ people come to visit h

11、ere every day and _ _ _ them is over 3,000.八、按要求改写句子41My mother likes black tea and porridge.(改为否定句) My mother_ _ black tea _ porridge.42How old is your father? (改为同义句) _ your fathers _? 43People around the world want to visit the Great Wall.(改为同义句)People_ _ the world_ _ to visit the Great Wall.44 M

12、y father always brings me a birthday cake on my birthday.(改为同 义句)My father always_a birthday cake_ me on my birthday.45There are some dumplings on the table.(改为否定句) There_ _ dumplings on the table.九、短文填空(词数:约140;建议用时:6分钟)从方框中选词填空完成短文,使短文完整、通顺。bread, much, from, world, dont,call, potatoes, dumplings,

13、 fish, with The food in the UK is very different _(46) our Chinese food. For example, they eat a lot of _(47). They like to eat them every day. They eat _(48)for breakfast. They eat their bread _(49)butter (黄油), cheese (奶酪) or jam (果酱)things we _(50)eat much in China. They drink a lot of milk, too.

14、They drink cold or hot milk, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, too. They are the biggest tea drinkers in the _(51). They like Chinese tea, but they mostly drink strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡). They dont eat _(52)rice. For their main meal they like meat or _

15、(53)with potatoes and one or two vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something sweet. They _(54) this dessert (甜点). They dont have _(55)in the UK. 答案:一、1.dumplings2.cake3.different 4.age5.popular二、6.The number of7.make a wish8.to have cake9.the symbol of;c

16、ut;off10.bring good luck to三、11.idea点拨:本题用逻辑推理法解答。对方的建议是一个好主意。idea意为“主意”。12.world点拨:本题用常识法解答。由常识可知,现在世界上大多数人都热爱和平反对战争。in the world为固定短语,意为“在世界上”。13.blow14.candies15.answers四、16.pancakes 17.is点拨:本题用主谓一致法解答。beef是不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数。18.luckily点拨:本题用构词法解答。句意:我们看电影罗马假日迟到了,但幸运的是我们没有错过太多。名词luck的副词形式luckily常位

17、于句首,表示“幸运地;幸运的是”。19.fishes点拨:当表示不同种类的鱼时,fish的复数为fishes。20.classes点拨:本题用寻找题眼法解答。different意为“不同的”,后跟名词的复数形式,故答案为classes。五、21.is cutting up22make a wish点拨:本题用常识法解答。过生日时,人们通常在吹蜡烛前许愿。23come true点拨:come true意为“实现”。经常由物作主语。24good luck25. getting popular六、26.C点拨:本题用寻找题眼法解答。根据题眼“thirsty”可知应选饮料,而D项teas是错误的,te

18、a作为“茶水”讲时是不可数的,无复数形式。故选C。27A点拨:交际法。当别人要参加比赛时,通常要对对方说“祝你好运。”所以选A。28A 29A点拨:本题考查名词作定语。名词作定语时,常用单数形式,故排除B、D两项;再由porridge是不可数名词,不能加s,故排除C。答案为A。30C点拨:本题用主谓一致法解答。句意:你们医院里有多少女医生?她们的数量是20多。the number of.意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数,故选C。31A32D点拨:本题用词语辨析法解答。句意:丽江古城因其漂亮的古老建筑而受游客欢迎。be popular with sb.意为“受到某人的欢迎”。而famous

19、意为“著名的”,special意为“特别的”,different意为“不同的”,均与句意不符。33A点拨:本题用短语辨析法解答。cut up切碎;cut down砍倒;cut off切除。句意:康康,你能告诉我怎么煮面条吗?可以。首先,你要把火腿、卷心菜和洋葱切成小块。由句意可知选A。34D点拨:answerreply to回答。35B点拨:本题用语法判定法解答。主句是一般将来时,if引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来。主语you是第二人称,故谓语动词用原形come。七、36.different from 37in one go38around the world点拨:本题用套用固定结构

20、法解答。around the world与all over the world同义,意为“全世界”。 39blow it out点拨:blow out为“动词副词”结构短语,代词作宾语时,需放于两词之间。40A number of; the number of八、41.doesnt like; or42Whats; age点拨:本题用同义转换法解答。Whats sb.s age?可与How old is sb.?进行同义句转换,意为“某人多少岁了?”43all over; would like 44brings; to 45arent any 九、46.from47.potatoes48.bread 49with50.dont51.world52much53.fish54.call 55dumplings


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