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1、2022年广东省深圳市龙华区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空Liu Yuguan, 13, is a student at Beijing 21st Century International School. Recently he received a special _1_. It was from Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee(IOC). “I was so _2_! I didnt expect such a big name would take time to

2、reply to my letter,” said Liu. Liu is a(an) _3_ lover. During last years Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Liu watched almost every event.But he saw a _4_. “There are 33 events but no men took part in synchronized swimming(花样游泳).” he said. _5_ is it so? “Is it discrimination(歧视) against men? Or is it the ot

3、her way around?” Liu believes that gender equality(性别平等) is something the IOC should _6_. So he wrote a letter to Bach to tell his worries. He also _7_ that the IOC should include mens synchronized swimming “as soon as possible”.“It took me about a month to do research and finish the letter. I had t

4、o make sure there were no _8_ and that my handwriting in English looked perfect,” said Liu. Getting a reply letter has made Liu believe that _9_ is much more important than just being a dreamer “As long as we take action, we can help build a better world, no matter how young we are,” he said. _10_ t

5、he IOC hasnt taken his advice yet, Liu said that “perhaps it will happen one day.”1AgiftBletterChelpDgreeting2AnervousBfoolishCterribleDexcited3AmusicBnatureCsportsDart4AnoteBticketCpartyDproblem5AWhyBWhatCWhoDWhen6Agive upBlearn fromCcare aboutDfind out7AbelievedBsuggestedCremindedDresponded8Amista

6、kesBworriesCdreamsDachievements9Asticking withBmaking a differenceCopening upDtaking action10ABecauseBButCAlthoughDWhile二、阅读单选Trees are the biggest plants on the planet. They take in harmful gases and give off fresh air. They also make our world more beautiful. Here is some information about four di

7、fferent trees. Mulberry treesMulberry trees come from China. Silkworms like to cat their leaves and produce silk. Chinese people began to raise them about 4,000 years ago. The silk went out through the Silk Road and made China famous.GingkoThe gingko is from China and the wild species only grows in

8、Zhejiang province. Its life can be very long. There is a saying that if you plant a gingko tree when you are a child; you can eat its fruit when you are very old. Sugar mapleThe sugar maple comes from North America. There is special juice in its trunk(树干)called sap(树液). If you cut it, the sap will c

9、ome out. People make sugar with the sap. This is why the trees are called sugar maples. Baobab treesWhere are baobab trees from? They grow in Africa. They are one of the oldest and biggest trees in the world. They can live for more than 1,000 years. They are about 25 meters tall. More than 10 people

10、 can hug the tree trunk hand in hand. Baobab trees are useful in many ways. Their fruit tastes sour, so people make it into drinks. Their seeds can be turned into oil. People also cat their leaves.11Where are mulberry trees from?ANorth America.BChina.CAfrica.DEngland.12Which of the following about g

11、ingko is True?AIt has a very long life.BIt can only be found in America.CIt is the biggest tree in the world.DSilkworms like to eat its leaves.13Which kind of trees can people use to make sugar?AMulberry trees.BGingko.CSugar maple.DBaobab tree.14What is the structure of this passage?ABCD15Where can

12、you find this article?AA fiction book.BA comic book.CA story book.DA science book.I was on the train one afternoon. There were just a few people. At one station, a drunk man suddenly entered the train. He shouted loudly at a woman who was carrying a baby. He was about to throw his fists(拳头)to people

13、 around him. Everyone was frightened. Id been learning Kungfu(功夫)for the past three years. But Id never fought in real life. As students of Kungfu, we are not allowed to start a fight. “Kungfu,” my teacher always told us, “is nor about starting problems, but solving them.”I decided that this was my

14、moment. If I didnt take action fast, somebody might get hurt. So I stood up, ready to fight. Just then, someone shouted, “Hey!” It was an old man. He was smiling at the drunk man. “What have you been drinking?” he asked. “Ive been drinking wine, but its none of your business!” said the drunk man ang

15、rily. “Oh, thats wonderful,” said the old man. Then he told the drunk man how he loved drinking wine with his wife and eating watermelon. “I also love watermelon,” said the drunk man. “And Im sure you have a wonderful wife, too,” said the old man. “No,” replied the drunk man. “My wife died.” Then he

16、 began to cry. “I have no wife, no home, no job. Im so ashamed of myself.”“Oh, that is so difficult. Sit down here and tell me about it,” said the old man. As I got off the train, I realized Id just seen real Kungfu in action. This was the real spirit of how to solve problems.16How did the people ar

17、ound the drunk man feel?AHappy.BExcited.CScared.DLonely.17What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?AKungfu is meanngless for students.BKungfu is not used to start fights.CKungfu cant solve any problems.DKungfu is the only way to cause problems.18What do we know about the drunk man?AHe d

18、isliked watermelon.BHe had a beautiful wife.CHe wanted to learn Kungfu.DHe met some difficulties in life.19What does the writer mean in the last paragraph?AWe should use real Kungfu as often as possible.BThe real spirit of Kungfu is to cause problems.CFighting is the only way to deal with problems.D

19、Real Kungfu uses wisdom instead of fight.20What can be the best title of the passage?AWise words work wonders.BActions speak louder than words.CIts never too old to learn.DBad times mare a good man.Why is the phrase “buy things” in Chinese maidongxi(buy east and west), but not mainanbei(buy south an

20、d north)? There are many theories about this. One theory says it has something to do with Chinese wuxing(五行), the five elements: jin(metal), mu(wood), shui(water), huo(fire)and tu(earth). In Chinese culture, directions were connected to these elements. Usually, east matches gold, west matches wood,

21、south matches water and north matches fire. In one old story, Zhu Xi, a famous Song Dynasty scholar(学者), met a friend named Sheng Wenhe one day. “Where are you going?” Zhu asked. “Im going to maidongxi(buy something),” Sheng replied, with a basket in his hand. “Why not mainanbei?” Zhu asked. “Well,

22、my basket is made of bamboo,” Sheng said. “If I say Im carrying nan(south) and bei(north), it means to put water and fire in my basket. Thats not even possible. But if I put dong(east) and xi(west) inside, well, of course my basket can carry metal and wood!”21Which is NOT one of the five elements of

23、 Chinese wuxing?AGold.BWood.CFood.DWater.22Which is the right connection between directions and five elements?AeastwoodBwestgoldCsouthwaterDnorthearth23What does the underlined word “theories” mean in Chinese?A假说B肢体语言C表情D故事24What can we infer from the passage?AThe Chinese phrase “maidongxi” means “b

24、uy south and north”.BZhu Xi was a famous Song Dynasty scholar.CSheng Wenhe wanted to buy water and food.DOne of the five elements “jin” means “money”.25According to Sheng Wenhe, he couldnt say “mainanbei” because _.Ahis basket is made of metalBit was too heavy to carry metal and woodCit was impossib

25、le to put water and fire in the basketDthere was nothing in south and north三、阅读还原6选5请阅读下面的短文,并从文后六个选项中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。According to a new study, the Amazon rainforest may become grassland in a few years. The Amazon is the worlds biggest rainforest. Climate change and human activities make it “

26、sick”. Usually, the rainforest can fix itself. _26_ The trees may die and the rainforest could turn into a hot, dry grassland. _27_The Amazon is one of the worlds wettest places. But since 2005, three droughts(干旱)have hit the rainforest. _28_ The trees dont have enough water to grow. Whats worse, as

27、 they become dry, they can easily catch fire. On top of this, people cut down rainforest trees for wood. They burn the forest to make farmland. They clear trees to find minerals(矿产)._29_What will happen if we lose it? The Amazon is like the lungs(肺)of our planet. The rich plants there take carbon di

28、oxide out of the air and make oxygen. They make more than 20 percent of the planets oxygen. If the Amazon “dies”, there will be more CO2 and our Earth will become even hotter. _30_. Many of them cant live anywhere else. They would very likely just disappear.AThey were caused by climate change.BThe A

29、mazon is also home to over 3 million animals and plants.CBut now, it feels too “tired” to get better.DWhy is the Amazon “sick”?EThe Amazon River runs through the rainforest.FAll these activities have caused about 17 percent of the rainforest to disappear.四、阅读匹配下面的材料A-F分别介绍了六位同学的冰雪故事。请将以下同学的个人信息与他们的冰

30、雪运动故事相匹配。_31_ Wei Ziru and Wei Ziqiao are 13-year-old twin sisters. They have been trained for skiing from several years ago and joined in competitions. _32_ Liu Zhiyan is a 12-year-old girl from Shenyang, Liaoning and she prefers snowboarding to skiing because she enjoys the feeling of sliding_33_

31、Ye Enke is a 12 year-old boy from Xinjiang. Even though he got hurt in skiing, he didnt give up_34_ Lu Yuzhu is a 14-year-old girl from Hefei, Anhui and she is good at roller-skating and ice-skating. _35_ Liu Zimeng is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Sanya now and she enjoys playing ice hockey.AI st

32、arted to learn skiing at 6 from my father. I once injured my ankle(脚踝)and I recovered after a month. skiing was so fun and exciting, and I dream to be an athlete in the Winter Games someday! BMy sister and I have started to ski since 2015 when Beijing got the chance to host the Winter Games. Weve jo

33、ined in many skiing competitions. CWhen I was 8, I went skiing in the wild in Jilin province. However, I switched from skiing to snowboarding because it is relaxing. I have been snowboarding for seven years. DWhen my parents asked me to learn skiing last winter vacation, I refused. But I changed my

34、mind when I saw people were having fun on the slope. After I learned some basics, I tried skiing on an easy part of the mountain. I succeeded! E. When I was a third-grader, I found a pair of roller skates in our house. They were a good fit, so I learned to roller-skate by myself. After falling down

35、and standing up many times, I mastered the skill, which made it easier for me to learn ice-skating. F. I can play ice hockey(冰球)in my city, though a long time ago I never thought I could in the south of China. In 2020, my school opened a class in ice hockey and invited three players to teach us. We

36、usually train on the ground at school.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡规定的位置上。Weifang in Shandong province is known as the birthplace of kites. Kites here are _36_ (make) from bamboo. There are _37_ (tradition) Chinese paintings on them. In 2006, Weifang kite-making was included in

37、 the national-level intangible cultural heritage list(国家级非物质文化遗产名录). The International Kite Festival has been held in Weifang each year since 1984. Masters storyYang Hongwei, 56, was born into a kite-making family in Weifang. She learned to make kites from her grandfather _38_ the age of 16. After p

38、racticing the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992. “Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites,” Yang said. “_39_ I think the cultural idea behind our kites is special.”On Yangs kites, people can see not only patterns like butterflies and birds, but also some prin

39、ts telling Chinese _40_ (story). For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix(凤凰). On each side of the phoenix, there _41_ (be) pictures of 50 famous women from Chinese history. Each womans picture is a little _42_ (difference) from the others. Yang spent lots of time _43_ (read) history book

40、s. She also talked about the stories with experts. In her free time, she also travels to different countries _44_ (tell) people stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. “It is an important job of _45_ (I), to spread our heritage around the world and on to the next generation,

41、” she said.六、材料作文462022年春天新冠病毒再次袭击深圳,全市人民在深圳市政府的带领下团结一心共同抗疫,很快取得了显著成效。现在我们已经返回校园,但仍不能放松警惕。假如你是初三的学生李华,你们班将召开“科学防疫,积极备考”主题班会。请你根据以下要点,写一篇发言稿。要点:1. 按照学校要求佩戴医用口罩,放学后按时回家,不去人多的地方;2. 中考复习阶段保持良好心态,积极迎战中考;3. 补充你自己关于“科学防疫,积极备考”两点建议。要求:1. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;3. 可适当增加细节,以使条理清楚、行文连贯。提示词:医用口罩medical face mask:新冠肺炎 COVID-19;病毒virus;积极的态度 positive attitudeDear classmates, It is so glad that all of us can return to school safely. _试卷第9页,共9页


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