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1、词汇题 出题特点:1.考查词汇多为常见词汇,但具体意思视语境而定。如suffer,poor,question,fine,want、betray等。2.考查难度以中等偏下为主,但选项设置干扰性较强。适合考生在十分有限的时间内优先选择作答。但是,词汇题选项设置的干扰性较强 3.考查数量相对比较固定 4.有时通过判断单词在句子中或者文章中所表现的态度,positive,negative or neutral也可以直接选正确答案,或者排除大多数选项solution一、表意直选法一、表意直选法 即在选项中直接找出与考查词汇的常用义最接近的选项作为正确答案。有时候甚至不需要考虑上下文语境,有时候需考虑单词

2、所表现的positive or negative attitude直接看选项就能做出正确判断。原题如下:I dont think its fair for some girls to have plenty of things and other girls nothing at all.17.In line 65,“fair”most nearly means(A)comely(B)temperate(C)equitable(D)auspicious(E)mediocre Comely 好看的;temperate 温和的;equitable公平的;auspicious有前途的;吉利的;med

3、iocre 普通的,中等的前后有对照关系“some。Plentyother.nothing”His(Mark Twins)humor has international range because it is constructed out of a deep comprehension of human nature and a profound sympathy for human relationships and human failings.In line 23,range most nearly means A.scope B.distance C.variation D.rank

4、ing E.value 马克吐温的幽默有着世界的range,因为它对人类的本性有着深刻的理解,并且对人们之间的关系和人们的失败有着意义深远的同情。可见 幽默表现在多个方面.if they cared to risk another girl,and whether the other poor girl would slave through the years she should have been frivolous,only to have some man step in at the end,and induce her to surrender the things she ha

5、d gained through sacrifice and toil.In line 27,“poor”most nearly means A.pitiable b.indigent c.inferior d.humble E.petty key:to risk another girl.poor.frivolous.only to have some man step.she.sacrifice and toil.Answer:A If one discounts the UFO claims,yet still believes that there are many technolog

6、ical civilizations in the galaxy,why have they not visited us?“claims”most means A.demands b.assertions c.rights D.territories pensations Key:discount不怎么相信 Answer:b 二、语境判断法二、语境判断法 最为有效且适用性最广的一种方法。所谓语境判断,就是指考生需要根据某个单词所在的上下文关系推出该单词的具体意思。上下文关系主要包括平行、转折和解释三种。(一)句中的平行关系是指一个句子中存在结构相同或相似、语意相关或并重、语气一致的语言成分5

7、0-54 行“While the artists communication is linked forever with its original form,that of the scientist is modified,amplified,fused with the ideas and results of others and melts into the stream of knowledge and ideas which forms our culture.”In line 53,“melts”most nearly means(A)liquefies(B)thaws(C)e

8、vaporates(D)merges(E)softensLiquefy液化;thaw溶解,解冻;merge 合并;amplify扩大;fuse融合Fuse withMelt into.FormPositive or neutralShakespeares dramatic gifts had little to do with encyclopedic knowledge,complex ideas,or a fluency with great systems of thought.In Passage 2,line 75,the word encyclopedic most nearly

9、means A.technical B.comprehensive C.abridged D.disciplined E.specialized Eplex(复杂而综合的)并列关系。选项中只有comprehensive(全面而广泛的)与complex的意思一样。Abridge 省略;剥夺;Thus,at a time when occupation was becoming a core element in masculine identity,any position for middle-class women other than in relation to men was cons

10、idered anomalous.In line 24,“occupation“most nearly means A military conquest B pleasant diversion C vocation D settlement E political repression Key:Occupation-position(二)句中的转折关系是指一个句中存在结构相同或相似,但语意或语气相反的语言成分。如果考生能够识别出这种关系,就能通过与考察词汇转折反义的其他词汇来推出其具体含义。Shadowy 所在的41-42 行“Shadowy imaginings do not usual

11、ly hold up in the light of real experience.”13.In context,“Shadowy”(line 41)primarily serves to suggest something(A)gloomy(B)secret(C)sinister(D)concealed(E)unsubstantiatedNotice:shadowy-realGloomy黑暗的,忧郁的;sinister危险的;conceal隐瞒;unsubstantiated未经证实的(三)解释关系是指一个句中存在对某些单词或词组的内容、性质、范围等方面进行解释说明的语言成分,可以通过对于

12、考查词汇的相关解释推出该词汇的具体含义。19-21 行“I had never been around children my own age,and they seemed to me to be almost fantastic,like the little elves and fairies that my father made up stories about.”16.In line 21,“fantastic”most nearly means(A)grotesque(B)agitating(C)eccentric(D)superb(E)fanciful“like the lit

13、tle elves and fairies that my father made up stories about(就像是我爸爸编的故事中的小侏儒和小仙女)”Grotesque奇异的;奇异风格;agitating搅拌,不安的;eccentric古怪的;fanciful想象的,稀奇的 The most succinct support for my view comes from Nobel laureate physicist Enrico Fermi,the man who ran the first nuclear reaction ever controlled by human be

14、ings.In line17,“ran”most nearly means A.fled b.accumulated c.traversed d.managed e.incurred Flee逃跑;traverse横越,穿过;incur遭受 Key:physicist。后面是定语从句解释这一身份,只能是dAnyone with more than a superficial knowledge of Shakespeares plays must necessarily entertain some doubt concerning their true authorship.In Passa

15、ge 1,line 2,entertain most nearly means A.amuse B.harbor C.occupy D.cherish E.engage 无论任何人,只要他对莎士比亚剧作有一定的了解,都必然会entertain一些关于这些剧作真正作者是谁的疑问。entertain前的半句话与这个单词的后半句话的关系是包含关系,这句话填一个“拥有”The young clerks made jokes about him to the best of their clerky wit,and told before his face all sorts of stories of

16、 their own invention about him.In line 35,“invention”most nearly means A creative experiment B new device C fabrication D discovery E adeptness Key:stories.invention,加上语境make jokes,判定negative poor:pitiable drawn:attracted ran:managed claims:assertions searching:penetrating crash:decline bearing:awar

17、eness of a situation position:view vision:conception peculiar:distinctive regular:unvarying hanging:suspended picking up:locating question:matter compromised:degraded drive:vitality finished off:completed sign:indication fair:equitable sounding:proclaiming lies:resides chart:chronicle melts:merges c

18、rush:overabundance given:granted adapted:acclimated realize:conceive real:authentic false:misleading sense:meaning fantastic:fanciful pursuits:activitiescarried:boresimple:fundamentalconfounded:confusedmean:basefine:satisfactoryappreciate:recognizefamiliar:easily recognizeddisturbed:troubledsimply:b

19、asicallyunhappily:unfortunatelycheat:misleadprimitive:barbaricpractice1 S:They are altogether unlike the provinces,where the surprises lie not in discovering what is odd or new but in appreciating,at last what is routine and everyday,a larger accomplishment than one might imagine.Q:In line 21,apprec

20、iating most nearly means A.preserving from harm B.increasing in value C.understanding better D.praising E.thanking Answer:C Explain:not odd or new不奇怪也不新鲜,就是很普通,at last最终成为一种惯例,普通的东西又最终成了惯例,肯定是容易理解的。2 S:In the United States,the traditional view embraced by society is that fences are European,out of p

21、lace in the American landscape.Q:In line 1,embraced most nearly means A.caressed B.adopted C.enfolded D.included E.encircled Answer:B Explain:A抚爱,CDE都是“包含包括”,B收养、采纳。3 S:The cost of having so successfully itemized and pigeonholed nature,of being able to name names and explain behaviors,is to limit ce

22、rtain possibilities of seeing and apprehending.For example,the modern human thinks that he or she can best understand a tree(or a species of tree)by examining a single tree.Q:As used in lines 87-88,apprehending most nearly means A.seizing B.anticipating C.fearing D.understanding E.doubting Answer:D

23、Explain:如果只根据“并列”结构,并不能通过seeing判断apprehending的意思,因为seeing本身就可能引导出有多重意思。通读这句话的上下两句,下句话for example中出现了can best understand by examining,因此,选项中只有understanding与这些词汇的含义相贴切。Pigeonhole n.鸽舍出入口,小房间,文件架上的小间隔vt.把搁在分类架上,把留在记忆中,缓办4 S:It sits atop a wooded hillside overlooking the Pacific in Malibu,California.Cri

24、tics have contemptuously compared it to Disneyland.A plastic paradise in kitsch city,grumped one.It outstrips any existing monument to expensive,aggressive bad taste,cultural pretension,and self-aggrandizement.Q:In line3,plastic most nearly means A.pliable B.artificial C.impermanent D.innovative E.i

25、nexpensive Answer:B Explain:contemptuously显示态度消极,因此pliable(易弯的,柔软的)innovative,inexpensive不选。再对照disneyland可知artificial。Impermanent暂时的 5 S:For the truth was,as Mulcahy had to acknowledge,pacing up and down his small office,that in spite of all the evidence he had been given of the presidents unremitti

26、ng hatred,he found himself hurt by the letterwounded,to be honest,not only in his self-esteem but in some tenderer place,in that sense of contract between people that transcends personal animosities and factional differences,that holds the individual distinct from the deed and maintains even in the

27、fieriest opposition the dream of final agreement and concord.He had not known,in short,that the president disliked him so flatly.Q:In line 60,flatly most nearly means A.evenly B.tautly C.shallowly D.unemphatically E.unequivocally Answer:E Explain:发现he had been given of the presidents unremitting hat

28、red对照president的态度。我们发现,hatred与dislike对应,因此修饰hatred的形容词unremitting就是flatly的同义词。Evenly均匀的,tautly紧张而简洁的,shallowly肤浅而微弱的 unemphatically不明显的6 I didnt venture into the room again for more than a few seconds at a time,except when I was with grown-ups.Emboldened by their companyI talked with my elders.Ii wa

29、s still being watched.The searching gaze was always the same,so melancholy and accusing that I begin to feel a sense of guilt.Q:In line 60,“searching”most nearly means(A)bidden(B)beseeching(C)resourceful(D)forlorn(E)penetrating Answer:E 解析:作者一直都在描述画中男人的眼神,并且这种眼神让他感到不安与恐惧,甚至这种眼神会让他有种罪恶感。能让他感到罪恶的眼神一定时

30、严厉的,锐利的等,所以画中人的眼神不可能是 A 道别的;B 恳求的;C 丰富的;D 孤独的,所以正确答案选择E,锐利的 7 to make the magnificent cats story more poignant still,many scientists have concluded that the species is severely inbred,the result of a disastrous population crash thousands of years ago from which the poor animals have hardly had a cha

31、nce to recover.Q:In line 16,”crash”most nearly means (A)accident (B)intensity (C)decline (D)noise (E)extinction Answer:C 8.motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition,charged more by unfathomable vision than by intelligence or introspection.Q:In line 12,”charged”most nearly means(A)commanded(

32、B)indicated(C)replenished(D)inspired(E)attacked Answer:D 解析:两句话是并列的,由此可以根据motivated来推断charged 的意思。Unfathomable高深莫测的 introspection反省 Replendish补充9Jerry had certain ambitions:ambition makes more liars than egotism does.But Jerry was so careful,his lies such modest calculations,that he was always belie

33、ved.Q:“modest”most nearly means(A)shy(B)self conscious(C)secretive(D)decent(E)moderate Answer:E 解析:Jerry非常的小心,他的那些谎言是经过了适当的考虑和编造,以至他被大家相信了。Decent得体的,正派的;10In Celebrated Women Travelers of the Nineteenth Century(1883),Davenport Adams comments:Fettered as women are in European countries by restraints,

34、obligations,and responsibilities,which are too often arbitrary and artificial.,it is natural enough that when the opportunity offers,they should hail even a temporary emancipation through travel.Q:in context,“hail”(line 80)most nearly means(A)call out to(B)gesture to(C)come from(D)welcome(E)summon A

35、nswer:D 解析:在欧洲国家的那些妇女被各种责任和义务所束缚,所以有一些机会到来的时候(出国的机会),她们当然“hail”通过出国旅行获得的哪怕是一种暂时的解放。Fetter束缚;arbitrary专制的,武断的 summon传唤,召唤 11The imitation thesis argues primarily in moral terms.According to it,television consumption leads above all to moral dangers.Anyone who is exposed to the medium becomes habituat

36、ed to libertinism,irresponsibility,crime,and violence.Q:as used in line 14,“consumption”most nearly means (A)destruction (B)viewing (C)erosion (D)purchasing (E)obsession Answer:B 12Unlike everyone else,the theorist has remained completely intact morally,can distinguish in a sovereign manner between

37、deception and reality,and enjoys complete immunity in the face of the idiocy that he or she sorrowfully diagnoses in the rest of us.Q:in line 59,“sovereign”is best understood to mean(A)excellent(B)opulent(C)elitist(D)absolute(E)oppressive Answer:D Opulent富裕的;elitist优秀人才;oppressive沉重的,压抑的14And they c

38、all a work”good if it succeeds in creating the illusion necessary to make the imaginary personages appear like living persons.In poetry the majority of people seek the passion and pain of the human being behind the poet.Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.Q:as used in line 18,“figures”most nearly means(A)crude images(B)abstractions(C)representation(D)numbers(E)famous persons Answer:C homework-og(13)p335-3;p336-8;p338-12;p339-18;p347-45;p347-48 p457-14;p457-16;p459-25;p462-37;p462-39;p465-44;p466-47


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