牛津译林版英语八年级下册-8B-Unit7-知识点及习题(DOC 6页).docx

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1、 Unit 7 International Charities 1. 剩下一些零花钱:have some pocket money_. 离开伦敦,_ 前往伦敦 leave for London2. 吃一顿丰盛的午饭have _ big lunch 吃饭_, 吃一顿丰盛的晚宴 have a wonderful dinner. 3. 快点,come on = hurry up = be quick. 得了吧:come on 4. 我太虚弱了,再也走不动了. I am _ _to walk any further. 用sothat改写_ 用be + adj+enough to do (改写)_5.

2、进一步的信息,further information 进一步的学习_ _; 进一步的讨论_ _ 6. 了解国际慈善机构 know about international charities. 7. UNICEF为每个人建造一个更美好的世界,尤其是全世界的孩子. UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world.8. 基础教育 basic education 接受基础教育receive_贫困地区的孩子 children in poor areas. UNICEF 为贫困地区

3、的孩子提供基础教育:_9. 平等权利 the equal rights UNICEF 致力于为女孩和妇女的平等权利UNICEF works for the equal rights of girls and women.10. 防止一些严重疾病在年轻人中的传播 prevent the spread of some serious diseases among young people. 11. 采访某人 interview sb. have an interview with sb.12. 告诉我们有关失明的情况: tell us about _(失明) (adj看不见的_ (1) His _

4、 brings him lots of trouble in his life. (2) We should do something to help _ people . 13. 40% 的鸟类 forty per cent of the birds80%的病例_ (1) 我们学校里百分之90%的教师是女教师。_ in our school _women teachers. (2) 地球的百分之六十被水覆盖。60% of the earth _(be) covered with water.14. 医疗 medical treatment 现代医学 modern medicine 15. m

5、ost (1) adj. + n. 大部分课程 most subjects, 大部分病例_ (2) most of +限定词+n(s) 中大部分 动/植物中大部分 most of the animals. / plants (3) mostly, (adv) 大部分地,主要地 我的学生大部分来自农村: My students _ come from the country. 汽车大部分由金属制造。Cars are _ made of metal. _ of the cars are made of metal. = _cars are made of metal. 16. 飞行眼科医院 Fly

6、ing Eye Hospital 17. 在飞机上 on the plane 在公交车上on the bus 18. 给某人做手术 operate on sb. = do an operation on sb. = perform an operation on sb. (1)Dr. Ma operated on the poor boy. = (被动)_by Dr. Ma. (2) Local doctors and nurses come to their plane to learn about eye _(operate).19. 训练中心 a training center, 这个飞

7、机被用作一个培训中心The plane _ _ _ a _center(1)曾经,过去常常:used to do sth.; used to be +adj/n; There used to be + n. 她曾经苗条(slim) She used to_. 学校附近曾经有个花园。There used to _ near the school. (2)习惯于sb. + be used to doing (sth)/ sb. + get used to doing (sth)(A) 她习惯于步行去学校: She _used to _(步行) to school. 我们习惯于早起We _ _ _

8、_ up early.(B) 习惯于某物 be used to sth. 我父母习惯茶,而不是咖啡 My parents _ used _ _, _ of coffee. 她不习惯这儿干燥的气候。She _ used _ the _ weather. (C) 逐渐习惯于 get / become used to doing sth/ sth 你们会逐渐习惯于使用电脑。You will _ _ _ _ computers. She is getting used to the life in the country. (中文)_练习1( ). He used_on the right in Ch

9、ina, but he soon got usedon the left in England.A. to drive; to drivingB. to drive; to drive C. to driving; to drive D. to driving; to driving(2) I am used to _(drive) in all kinds of weather。我习惯于在各种天气里开车。(3) Are you used to _(read) books before _(go) to sleep. (4) They used to _(chat) on the Intern

10、et. (3 ) 某物被用来做某事(被动语态)sth. be used to do sth. = sth be used for doing sth. 钱是用来买东西的。Money is _ _ _(buy) things. = Money is _ _ _(buy) things. (4) 某物被用作, sth be used as 这个房子被用作一图书馆。 The house _ a library. 20. 在医院工作work in a / the hospital 生病住院 be ill in hospital 去医院看病 go to hospital21. 买得起,负担得起:affo

11、rd to do sth = afford sth. 贫困学生买不起文具。(1)The poor students _. (afford sth.)(2) The poor students _. (afford to do sth.) (3) 我们的很多病人没钱去医院看病.Many of my patients _22. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请n._ 在飞机(火车,轮船上) on board. (cp_) 当地医生和护士被邀请到飞机上学习眼科手术_ doctors and nurses are _ on _ to learn about _ _. 2

12、3. (1) 教某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth; 教我们唱英语歌曲_us _ English _(2) 教某人某事 teach sb(宾). sth. 教他们新的技能 teach _ new _. (3) 自学:teach oneself sth = learn sth by oneself (自学法语French)_24. 通过做某事来做另一件事 do sth(2) by doing sth (1) = do sth(1) to do sth(2) 通过举办一个派对来庆祝圣诞节 celebrate Christmas by _ a party. = hold a part

13、y _ _ Christmas. 通过卖卡片来筹集资金raise money _ _ cards = _ cards _ _ money. 通过卖CDs 来挣钱 _ money by selling CDs. (make money= earn money)25. 在我的上一次访问期间 during my last visit. 26. 做一份重要的工作 do an important job. 干得好 Youve done a good job. = Well done. 27. 自豪的做某事sb. + be proud to do sth 以为豪 sb. + be proud of , L

14、i Na 自豪的赢得比赛。Li Na was _ _ _ the game. 你的父母以你为荣:Your parents _ _ _ you. (自豪,骄傲n. pride, take pride in 以为豪= be proud of 28. 帮助人们重见光明help people see again. 29. 改善他们的生活 improve their lives 提高他们的技能_ their _; 提高我们的知识_30. 现代医学发展迅速:modern medicine is developing quickly. 发达国家 developed countries 发展中国家develo

15、ping countries. 31. 继续某事 carry on with sth , = continue sth 继续做某事 carry on doing sth = continue doing sth / to do sth 32. 为而付钱 pay for sth 你应该为这顿饭买单You should _ _ the dinner33. 周游世界travel around the world. (过去时_)34. 有眼病的人 people with eye problems. 35. 有钱去医院affrod to go to hospital. 36. 分发传单 hand out

16、 leaflets. to sb. 上交:hand in (hand out 和hand in 动副结构)37. 把某物寄给, 送给某人 send sth to sb. = send sb sth 38. 收集寒衣 collect warm clothes (collect n._)39. 学生会 the Students Union 40. 建立,成立,设立 set up ; 被动 sth be set up The government set up our school in 1959. (被动_) 中国是1949年建立的China _in 1949. 41. 包括(1)(vt) inc

17、lude sth. The price includes the house and the furniture. (家具_)这个课程包括八个主题. The course _ eight topics/ subjects. (2) 介词including 很多人死于这次空难,包括两个婴儿 Many people were killed in the air crash, _ two babies. 42. 慈善项目/工程 charity projects (Project Hope_)43. 的一部分 be part of/ UNICEF 是联合国的一部分 UNICEF is _ _ the

18、United Nations. 保护野生动物是她生活的一部分。_ wildlife is _ _ her life. 44. 使这个世界成为一个更美好的地方make the world a better place for children 45. 二战后 after World War II, 战争与和平 War and peace (peace 的adj_) 过着和平的生活live a _ life. (过着幸福的生活_a _ _)46. 想让孩子们健康want children _ _ _ 想让我成为一名志愿者 want me _47. 组织其它活动organize other acti

19、vities. 组织一次旅行(或会议) _48 孩子们的生活因为战争而改变_ lives _ _ because _ the war.49. 阻止某人做某事prevent sb. (from) doing sth 防止某人得病prevent sb from _ illnesses 50. 得病 get illnesses = get sick 51. 帮助某人重返校园 help sb. go (back) to school = help sb. return to school52人们可以通过捐钱或从事志愿者来支持UNICEF. People can support UNICEF by _

20、money or _ as volunteers. 53. 为某人筹集资金raise money for sb. 捐钱给某人 donate money to sb.We raised money_ the poor. we donated money _ the poor. 54. 看起来脸上苍白look pale , 看起来气色好look well 很快康复get well soon 感觉身体好feel well 55. 牙痛get toothache 肚子痛get a stomachache 发烧get a fever 头痛get a headache (get/ catch +某种疾病.

21、表示瞬间) (have +某种疾病,表示延续) I got / caught a fever a week agao = I _ _ a fever since a week ago/ for a week. 56. 你感觉这样有多久了?How long have you felt like this?=How long have been like this? 57. 检查一下have a check 没什么严重的 Its nothing serious58. 饭后服药,一天三次 take this medicine after meals three times a day. 59. 几天

22、后你就会好的Youll be all right in a few days. 60. 重大的日子 the big day ( 重大的日子来的很快_ came very quickly61. 一点也不,根本不 not at all, 她一点也不会说英语She cant speak French _ _ 这个电影一点也有趣 The movie _ interesting _ _.62. 不再,再也不not any more = no more. 我再也忍受不了了。I cant bear it any more. She didnt eat fish. = she no more _ _. (忍受

23、bear = stand = put up with63. 不停问自己keep asking oneself ; 不停问我自己keep _ _.64. 看演出 watch the show, (cp_), 看比赛_the _65.发出很多噪音make a lot of noise = make much noise The station was so _(嘈杂的). They are shouting _(吵闹地)66. 大声说话speak loudly. (loudly 比较级_?)67. 一个公司的秘书 a secretary of a company 68. 害怕坐飞机 be afra

24、id of flying 乘飞机_ a plane69. 训练做一名护士train as a nurse (= train _ _ a nurse) 70. 开车去工作drive to work. (开车上学_)开车送某人去某地drive sb.+ to +地点, 开车送我么去戏院(theatre)_71. 去过很多地方 travel to many places. 72. 看一个关于ORBIS电视节目see a TV programme about73. 下定决心做某事make up ones mind to do sth = decide to do = make a decision t

25、o do sth 74. 上课 attend courses = attend lessons. (=take courses) 75. 习惯于坐飞机旅行 get used to travelling by plane 76. 她没有以前那么有钱She doesnt have as much money as before 77. 她认为她的生活更加有意义了。She thinks her life is _ _. 78. 过去整天在农场干活 used to work on the farm all day. 79. 不会读和写 cant read _ write. 80. 了解当地人的生活情况

26、learn about the living conditions of the local people81. 希望当一名志愿者hope to become a volunteer. (希望当一名ORBIS护士_82. 不用被动语态的情况:(1) look, sound, taste, smell, feel, (2) sell well_? (3) come out _(4) happen , take place (5) 用光 run out (6) come true83. 你怎么了?Whats the matter with you? = whats wrong with you = what happened to you?


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