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1、必修四 Unit 3A taste of English单元测试2笔试部分:I. 单项选择1Preparing children for the future challenges is more important than just teaching them knowledge. _.AIts up to you BThats all rightCIm with you on that DYes,I do2How did he _ our suggestion at yesterdays meeting? Im afraid he is not for it,for he didnt m

2、ake any comment on it.A. react B. consider C. direct D. overcome3He looks cool in that dark suit,which he wears only on some special _.A. situations B. conditionsC. occasions D. states4Holding birthday parties for children is quite _ in cities in our country.A. common B. ordinary C. normal D. genera

3、l5My friend knows where he can _ a good used car at a very reasonable price.A. pick out B. make outC. take up D. pick up6Although he is content _ his present salary,he isnt content_ for such a strict boss.A. for;working B. with;workingC. with;to work D. with;working7He was _ with the long and meanin

4、gless speech,but he tried not to show it.A. bored B. boringC. astonished D. astonishing8The couple,_ their son was gifted for music,decided to send him abroad for better education.A. convincing B. to convinceC having convinced D. convinced9With lots of worries _ her mind,she was unable to sleep well

5、.A. filled B. fillingC. to fill D. being filled10Back home,I found my husband _ on the floor,_ our children with some toys.A. sitting;to entertain B. seated;entertainingC. sitting;entertained D. sat;entertained11A man is asking to see you._ he come in?Let him in.AMust BShall CWill DMay12More wild ti

6、gers have been seen in the forest around this area,_ there used to be few.A. when B. what C. which D. where13I went to see The Founding of a Republic last week. Really?Then why did you remain silent when we talked about it _ you hadnt seen it?A. even if B. as long asC. as if D. although14As time wen

7、t _,more and more famous directors invite him to star in their films.A. through B. by C. over D. away15As a writer,he proved to be _ failure,forcing him to be in _ search of another way to make a living.Aa;/ B/;the Ca;the Dthe;/.完形填空It was a hot August day in 1937 when the Cohen brothers entered the

8、 office of Henry Ford,the car maker.“Mr. Ford,”_16_ Norman Cohen,the eldest of the three.“We have a remarkable _17_ that will change the automobile industry. Wed like to show it to you _18_.”They brought Mr. Ford outside and asked him to enter a black automobile _19_ in front of the building.Hyman C

9、ohen,the _20_ brother,opened the door of the car.“What!”shouted the tycoon,“Are you _21_?It must be 200 degrees in that car!”“It is,_22_ sit down,Mr. Ford,and push the white _23_.”smiled the youngest brother,Max.”_24_,Ford pushed the button. Suddenly a whoosh of freezing air started _25_ from all ar

10、ound the car,and within several seconds he felt quite cool and _26_.“Amazing!”exclaimed Ford.“How much do you _27_ for the patent?”“One million dollars,”Norman _28_,“And there is something else:The name Cohen Brothers AirConditioning must be _29_ right next to the Ford logo(商标)!”“Money is no problem

11、,”retorted Ford,“but _30_ will I have a Jewish name next to my logo on my cars!”They argued _31_ for a while and finally they reached an _32_.Five million dollars,and only the first names of the brothers would be _33_.And that is _34_,even today,whenever you enter a Ford vehicle,you will see those t

12、hree _35_ clearly printed on the air conditioning control panel:NORM,HI and MAX.16A. begged B. announced C. ordered D. required17A. idea B. opinion C. invention D. thought18A. in person B. in publicC. in turn D. in return19A. laid B. stored C. parked D. stood20A. youngest B. strongestC. middle D. ol

13、dest21A. crazy B. joked C. actual D. normal22A. so B. but C. and D. or23A. window B. seat C. key D. button24AExcited BConfusedCInterested DSurprised25A. flowing B. blowing C. flying D. running26A. quiet B. mildC. comfortable D. amused27A. pay B. cost C. gain D. charge28A. gave up B. called upC. pick

14、ed up D. spoke up29A. printed B. laid C. arranged D. pressed30A. anyway B. no wayC. hardly D. unless31A. back and forth B. here and thereC. up and down D. now and then32A. decision B. agreementC. choice D. conclusion33A. mentioned B. remainedC. left D. possessed34A. how B. what C. why D. because35.

15、A. brothers B. words C. names D. products.阅读理解AMy hero is a doctor. He saved my life when I could have died. He has saved lots of childrens lives. He has worked and studied a lot to get the job he does now. He has done very difficult surgery. He has to work almost every day at the hospital. He has s

16、tudied kidneys(肾)and got his Ph.D.at Queens University. He is a great doctor and he is easy to talk to.He is willing to take a risk to save someones life. He saved my life from a kidney inflammation (发炎) disease when I was in hospital. He worked very hard to find out what exactly was wrong with my k

17、idneys and why they werent working.He went out of his way for someone like me and my parents because he had to explain to them what was wrong with me and do lots of different tests to find the medicine to cure me. He talked to my parents and me every day to let us know how I was going. He makes a di

18、fference in others lives,especially mine. I saw him look after many other children in the hospital and help them recover. Also,he is always there helping by teaching other doctors about being kidney specialists. He works very hard to keep others alive. You can phone him anytime and hell phone you ba

19、ck as soon as possible to see how he can help you. He has a great staff who make his appointments and make sure you get the medicine that Dr Wade tells them to give you.36The doctor is called “hero” because he _.A.is the authors friendB. has saved many persons livesC. knows a lot about medical careD

20、. works very well37The underlined phrase “went out of his way” in the third paragraph probably means “_”A. hardly went B. had no waysC. took the trouble D. kept out of the way38From the passage we can learn the doctor _.A. isnt willing to save a seriously sick manB. saves the authors life very easil

21、yC. examines every patient personallyD. trains several doctors to be outstanding39The last paragraph mainly tells us _.A. how the doctor deals with his workB. the influence the doctor has on his patientsC. the differences between the doctor and othersD .how the doctor looks after the sick childrenBA

22、 sense of humour is just one of the many things shared by Alfred and Anthony Melillo,64yearold twin brothers from East Haven who made history in February 2002.On Christmas Eve,1992,Anthony had a heart transplant from a 21yearold donor. Two days before Valentines Day in 2002,Alfred received a 19yearo

23、ld heart,marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants.“Im 15 minutes older than him,but now Im younger because of my heart and Im not going to respect him,”Alfred said with a grin,pointing to his brother while talking to a roomful of reporters,who laughed frequen

24、tly at their jokes.While the twins knew that genetics might have played a role in their condition,they recognized that their eating habits might have also contributed to their heart problems.“Wed put half a pound of butter on a steak. I overdid it on all the food that tasted good,so I guess I deserv

25、ed what I got for not dieting properly.”The discussion moved to Anthonys recovery. In the five years since his heart transplant,he had been on an exercise program where he regularly rode a bicycle for five miles,swam each day,and walked a couple of miles. He was still on medication,but not nearly as

26、 much as Alfred,who was just in the early stage of his recovery.“Right now I feel pretty young and Im doing very well,”Anthony said.“I feel like a new person.”Alfred said his goal,of course,was to feel even better than his brother. But,he added,“I love my brother very much. Were very close and Im su

27、re well do just fine.”40This article is mainly about _.A. the danger of heart transplant surgeryB. becoming young by getting a new heartC. the effect of genetics on the heartD. the twin brothers who received heart transplants41What did Alfred and Anthony have in common?ALifespan. BCareer goals.CA se

28、nse of humour. DLove for bicycling.42What did Alfred and Anthony think also caused their heart problems?AExercise. BDiet.CSurgery. DMedicines.43Why did Alfred say,“Im 15 minutes older than him,but now Im younger because of my heart.”?AHis heart transplant surgery was more successful than Anthonys.BH

29、is recovery from the heart surgery was faster than Anthonys.CHis exercise program was better than Anthonys.DHis new heart was younger than Anthonys.CGoing,Going,Gone!The Haynes Middle School ParentTeacher Organization invites you to attend our latest fund(基金)raiser,The Fourth Annual(每年一次的)Haynes Sch

30、ool Auction(拍卖)!Saturday,May 106:00 pm.11:00 pm.In the school hall6:00 pm.6:30 pm.:All items for auction are previewed.6:30 pm.7:00 pm.:Silent auction begins.7:00 pm.7:30 pm.:Highest bidders(出价人)from silent auction are determined.7:30 pm.11:00 pm.:Main auction begins.Items up for bid in the silent a

31、uction range in value from $5.00 to $30.00.Items up for bid in the main auction include the following:Airline tickets to a place of your choiceWeekend getaways at firstclass hotelsSeason tickets to the Chicago Bears football game$50 gift tickets to local gift shops,restaurants,and salonsTheater tick

32、ets to The Merchant of VeniceDont miss the boat!Book your tickets today.Last year,tickets sold out in five days!Tickets are sold on a first come,first served basis.$15.00 per personAll the money from the auction will be given to the Haynes School computer lab.44The more items that are given or bough

33、t for auction,_.A. the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auctionB. the more money that can be raised to support the computer labC. the faster the ticket will be sold to the auctionD. the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction45Which of the follow

34、ing is most likely to happen at the years auction?AThe airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.BAll items up for bid will be sold for at least twice their value.CMore money will be raised this year than any other year before.DTickets for the event will be sold out in less than o

35、ne week.46The phrase “first come,first served” tells you that _.A. people can buy the tickets on the first day onlyB. the person who is the first to arrive will receive a ticket at no chargeC. food and drinks will be served at the auctionD. tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy t

36、hemDPeople who do not get enough vitamin A in their diet may develop night blindness. But in the developing world a lack(缺乏)of vitamin A causes much more serious harm to children. According to the WHO,as many as 25,000 children die every year because of a lack of vitamin A.One excellent source of vi

37、tamin A is found in sweet potatoes with orange flesh(果肉)Orange sweet potatoes contain high levels of betacarotene(胡萝卜素),which the body changes into vitamin AExperts say orange sweet potatoes specially produced because of growing conditions in Africa could help solve the lack of vitamin A there.But,f

38、irst,more people will need to be persuaded to eat them. Jan Low says the sweet potato needs a better image in Africa. “We do have an image problem with the sweet potato in general in Africa.”Ms. Low explains that sweet potatoes are mainly grown by poor women to feed their families in case(以防万一)anoth

39、er crop fails,so it is seen as a crop of the poor.Jan Low took part in a project to study how to market(推销)orange sweet potatoes to Africans. The project included radio messages about the benefits of the orange sweet potato. They advertised its ability to “fight diseases,make you strong,clear your s

40、kin and make you look healthy.”In areas without radio,they spread the message through theater. The performances included singing,dancing and storytelling.And everywhere they went,they wore orange Tshirts and hats. They even drove orange vehicles. Jan Low says the color of the orange sweet potato mad

41、e it easier to gain public attention.Dan Gustafson heads the Washington office of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. He says most of these efforts in the past failed because organizers did not consider what people wanted to eat. But Mr. Gustafson sees a better chance for the effor

42、ts to increase the popularity of the orange sweet potato in Africa. “It is because you have got advertising that I think will work.”47The first two paragraphs tell us that _.A. people cant see well at night without eating sweet potatoesB. lack of sweet potatoes leads to many child deaths in AfricaCA

43、frican orange sweet potatoes are different from those in other placesD. orange sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A48Africans usually think that sweet potatoes _.A. are food for poor peopleB. dont look beautiful in appearanceC. are the main food for womenD. cant grow well in Africa49How did Jan Low

44、advertise orange sweet potatoes in Africa?AShe sold them in the market herself.BShe spread the benefits of them by performing in some areas.CShe sent messages to the local people by mobile phones.DShe put an advertisement for them on TV.50The text is mainly about _.A. a better yet cheaper source of

45、vitamin AB. the difficulty in changing the way people thinkC. the importance of vitamin A for our bodyD. an image problem for the orange sweet potato.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Taking no action,you will achieve no results.51._ .There isnt anything that you can do to change it. If you are not satisfied with your life,maybe you are not taking the necessary steps to make things better.That knowledge is power isnt true.Knowledge itself isnt powerful. Knowledge is only useful when it is connected with action.52._ Therefore,they are just reading and not taking an


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