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1、江苏省连云港市开发区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题 一、听录音选图片1Which music instrument is David good at playing?ABC2Who does the boy talk to when he has problems?ABC3Where will the girl watch the basketball match? ABC4What programme did the woman miss last night?ABC二、听短对话选答案5What happened to a boy yesterday?AHe fell i

2、nto the river.BHe lost his way.CHe was murdered.6What is the documentary about?AElephants in Africa.BElephants in Asia.CTigers in Africa.7How long did the concert last?AOne hour and a half.BTwo hours and a half.CThree hours and a half.8How does the woman probably feel?AHappy.BWorried.CAngry.9How muc

3、h does Johns watch cost?A¥ 100.B¥85.C¥ 115.10When did the dialogue most probably take place?AIn spring.BIn winter.CIn autumn.三、听长对话选答案听一段对话,回答下列小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。11What is Simons favourite kind of film?ARomantic films.BAction films.CHorror films.12Why does the woman dislike action films?ABec

4、ause there are too many fights in then.BBecause they have a bad influence on teenagers.CBecause they are too exciting for people to watch.四、听录音完成表格(含选项)听短文,回答下列小题。答题完毕, 请等待“嘀”的信号, 进入下一篇短文。The introduction of Emma and JerryFor whomIts especially suitable for English _13_.ContentsIt has 10 stories. Th

5、e exercises include vocabulary, _14_ and writing.Pages & priceIt has _15_ pages and costs 9.9 dollars.13AteachersBloversCbeginners14AreadingBgrammarCspeaking15A175B155C145五、听短文选答案听短文,回答下列小题。16What is it difficult for the three children?ATo read and listen.BTo listen and write.CTo read and write.

6、17How long did the documentary take?AThree years.BTwo years.COne year.18What is Xiaoxiao good at?AComposing music.BDesigning clothes.CCommunicating with people.19Who made Qunxiao feel stressed?AHis parents.BHis teacher.CHis deskmate.20Why are the three children lucky?ABecause teachers help them with

7、 their study.BBecause parents help them find their own ways.CBecause they make progress by teaching themselves.六、单项选择21Which letter group pronounces differently from the others?AleaderBwealthCpeaceDsteal22Simon usually plays _ piano for half _ hour every day.Athe; aB/ ; aCthe; anD/; an23Mothers birt

8、hday is coming. Lets make a cake for _.AsheBherChersDherself24Only two students passed the exam. The questions were _ our abilities.AamongBunderCwithoutDbeyond25My brother loves his job and he is ready to take on new _ any time.ApositionsBchancesCpurposesDchallenges26If youre interested in solving m

9、ysteries, you _ like watching horror films.AmightBneedCcantDneednt27Our geography teacher is friendly and patient _ there is little smile on her face.AsinceBuntilCthoughDwhen28My uncle is a man with great charm. He has an _ quality.AattractiveBimpatientCenergeticDorganized29The menu of the Beijing 2

10、022 Winter Olympics has 678 dishes _.Aall timeBall overCat allDin all30 Excuse me, sir. Can I get my phone back? Sure, I _ it.Ahave repairedBwill repairCam repairingDrepaired31If a war _ in this country, millions of people will be in danger.Abreaks outBputs outCfinds outDtakes out32A lion was sleepi

11、ng _ in the forest when a mouse ran across his paw.AcarefullyBcorrectlyCpeacefullyDespecially33All the students are looking forward to _ the best high school in September.AcontrollingBenteringCrefusingDchoosing34I wonder _ last Sunday. By bus.Ahow will you go to Mount HuaguoBhow you will go to Mount

12、 HuaguoChow did you go to Mount HuaguoDhow you went to Mount Huaguo35 Shall we watch a Japanese TV series together? No. _ I think all of them are boring.AI have nothing to do.BIts well worth watching.CI am a fan of TV series. DIts simply a waste of time.七、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。I

13、t was the last day of our final exam. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering students were talking about their exam, which would begin in a few minutes. There was _36_ on their faces. This was their last exam-then on to graduation and jobs. After four years of college, they felt _37_ t

14、o see the world. The exam, they knew, would be _38_. The professor said they could bring any books or notes they wanted. They went into the room. The professor _39_ the papers. And smiles became bigger _40_ the students saw there were only five questions. Three hours _41_. The professor began to col

15、lect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. _42_, they looked scared. The professor asked, “_43_ of you finished all five questions?” Not a hand was _44_. “How many answered four?” Still no hands. “Three? Two?” “One, then?”But the class still stayed _45_. The professor put down the pap

16、ers. “That is _46_ what I expected, ”he said. “I just want to tell you that even though you have finished four years of college, there are still many things about _47_ that you dont know. The questions you could not answer are _48_ things you will work with every day. “Then, smiling, he _49_ “You wi

17、ll all pass this course, but remember-although you are now college graduates, your education has just _50_.”Not everyone remembers this professors name. But all of his students remember his final lesson.36AconfidenceBimportanceCsilenceDpatience37AsadBtiredCangryDready38AspecialBboringCeasyDcommon39A

18、gave upBgave outCwent upDwent out40AasBifCwheneverDbefore41AparkedBpassedCprovedDpresented42AMoreoverBInsteadCOtherwiseDAnyway43AHow farBHow oftenCHow manyDHow old44AhurtBhitCremainedDraised45AcheerfulBquietCcuriousDclean46AsadlyBexactlyChardlyDluckily47AexamBcollegeCbuildingDengineering48AamongBupo

19、nCaboutDfor49AendedBdiscoveredCaddedDguessed50AstartedBshapedCcreatedDmentioned八、阅读单选Looking forward to having fun in the following winter? Come to be volunteers!Winter CampOffer you a chance to lead children in games, sports and art.Date: January 22February 10, Mondays & FridaysTime: 10:00 a.m.

20、5:00 p.m.Farm VolunteerWe are looking for volunteers in three types: duck feeding, horse training and tree painting.Date: January 23February 12, Sundays Time: 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.Badminton ClubBadminton volunteers teach kids basic skills of playing badminton, and have a chance to play it with the famo

21、us badminton player. Date: January 20February 13, Wednesdays Time: 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.The New ViewHelp open kids eyes to the newest achievements in technology. This program includes trips to local museums.Date: January 20February 10, TuesdaysTime: 8:30 a.m.5:00 p.m.To become a member of our volunteer

22、s, you must be the students who will graduate from junior middles school this year, and apply for it before June 23rd. For more information, please e-mail us at dlice.51What will you choose if youre free only on Tuesday every week?AWinter Camp.BThe New View.CFarm Volunteer.DBadminton Club.52How can

23、you contact us for more information?ABy phone.BBy WeChat.CBy e-mail.DBy letter.53Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AVolunteers should feed ducks in Farm Volunteer.BThe students are glad to play football with players.CVolunteers in Badminton Club can rest on Wednesdays.DThe stud

24、ents must apply for the job before February 18th.All people will meet with mountains in their lives. When I was a little girl, my parents moved us to the small village in a town. This town was built at the foot of a big mountain. One day after school, while exploring the green woods of this mountain

25、, I saw some stairs. What could these steps lead to? Could this be the way to the top?With these questions, I started climbing up those mysterious steps. I climbed and climbed, but still there was nothing in sight. It was getting dark, and I wasnt even close to the top. I decided to hurry back home

26、and try again the next day. I didnt tell anyone about what I found that night. I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain we lived on. Could there be a handsome prince, treasure or monsters up there?Ah . . . such childhood fantasies(幻想)! Those were the days wh

27、en we dared(敢)to dream. We dared to do crazy things. We believed! Im all grown up now, and life has shown me a beating at times. I did live on a mountain in a town as described, but I created this childhood fantasy to make my days so much more fun as a kid. This story is like life today. You might a

28、sk, “What was at the top of that mountain?” I ask you, “What would you have wanted to find?”Dream about whats at the top of your mountain. What do you want out of life?Tomorrow is another day, and still, you must climb. Whatever you do, never give up on your dream! Never let anyone tell you, “You ca

29、nt.”54The author regards mountains in the article as _.Apeoples dreamsBchildrens fantasiesCtreasures in the woodsDdifficulties in real life55From Para 3 & 4, we can know the writer is_.ApatientBcuriousChumorousDhonest56According to the article, we can learn that _.Athere was nothing on the mount

30、ainBthe writer made up a childhood storyCthere was a monster on the top of the mountainDthe writer finally reached, the top of the mountain57The author writes this article in order to _.Aencourage people to follow their dreamsBshare her childhood memories with readersCexplain the advantages of climb

31、ing mountainsDshow children the ways of climbing mountainsNarrator: There once was a businessman whose name was Ebeneezer Scrooge. One day, he was asleep. Suddenly, he heard a noise. It was the Spirit of Christmas Past. He took Scrooge into the past. Scrooge saw himself as a young man. He was talkin

32、g to a beautiful girl.Scrooge: It will be many years before we can marry.Girl: But we have known one another since childhood. Our parents have always wanted us to marry. I want to have children and raise a family. Why must we wait?Scrooge: I do not have much money yet. Marriage is expensive.Girl: Bu

33、t two can live almost as cheaply as one.Scrooge: Nonsense. You need food and clothing. You have no money of your own. Anyway, I have no time to spare. I must work everyday until late to make money.Girl: Money isnt everything.Scrooge: It is if you havent got any.Girl: There is another man who wants t

34、o marry me. He is a good, kind man.Scrooge: Then marry him if it is so important to you. I must put my business first.Girl: I hope you will be happy, Ebeneezer.Narrator: The girl married and had a family. Now she had grandchildren. She led a happy life. She was never rich, but her husband could prov

35、ide a place to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. That was OK.Narrator: The spirit left. Then the Spirit of Christmas Future arrived and took Scrooge to a shop.Shopkeeper: Tell me what you have to sell me.First woman: The cups, plates and some clothes from the dead mans house. Why wasnt he a go

36、od man when he was alive? If he had been, he would not have died alone.Second woman: Thats very true. He got the death he deserved.Shopkeeper: Your things are worth nothing. I wont pay a penny on them.First woman: How about these blankets?Shopkeeper: Were these his blankets? I hope he didnt die of c

37、old because you took his blankets off him.First woman: He didnt care about me, or anybody. Why should I have cared about him?Narrator: he spirit showed Scrooge how no one cared when he died. Scrooge realized that no one cared for him because he had been so mean and unkind during his lifetime.58What

38、is the passage?AA poem.BAn application.CA play.DAn interview.59What does the underlined word “led”mean?Alived.Bcaused.Cguided.Dpassed.60What is the correct order of what Scrooge did?a. He was taken by the Spirit of Christmas Future to a shop. b. He saw himself talking to a beautiful girl as a young

39、man. c. He was taken by the Spirit of Christmas Past into the past. d. He saw two women sell his things and say bad words about him. Ac-b-d-aBc-b-a-dCb-d-a-cDb-c-a-d61What would Scrooge do next according to the story?AHe would drive the two women away.BHe would ask the spirit to help him live longer

40、.CHe would wake up and become unkinder than before.DHe would change and become a kind and generous man.Nowadays, there are so many detectives in fiction that detective stories are considered their own genre(类别). Where did this genre come from? Most people think detective stories were created by US w

41、riter Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). His detective was named C Auguste Dupin, and first appeared in 1841. Poe created Dupin before anyone heard the word “detective”, says the website Novel Suspects. So, he is usually considered the father of detective fiction. In Poes stories, Dupin is born into a ric

42、h French family. He is skilled at guessing the thoughts of others by noticing the smallest details. He also has a good friend who tells his stories and explains certain details to readers. Does that sound familiar? Arthur Conan Doyle used Poes style as a blueprint(蓝图)for Sherlock Holmes and John Wat

43、son. He was influenced by Poe. Dupins way of solving cases is different. He enters the mind of the criminal and then tries to think the same way as the criminal. By knowing everything that a criminal knows, he can solve any crime. Take The Purloined Letter as an example, which is about finding a let

44、ter that is hidden by a minister(大臣). Dupin places himself in the mind of the minister and realizes that the minister would have hidden the letter in the most obvious (明显的)place. Another thing Dupin is famous for is that he sometimes solves cases and helps people without getting paid. For example, i

45、n one story, Dupin helps a man for free who was charged for a crime he hadnt done. Perhaps this is one of the reasons he is such a popular character.62Who does the underlined word “he” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AEdgar Allan Poe.BSherlock Holmes.CConan Doyle.DC Auguste Dupin.63How does Dupin solve case

46、s?ABy guessing the thoughts of others.BBy asking Edgar Allan Poe for help.CBy thinking the same way as the criminal.DBy explaining the details of the cases to readers.64What do we know about Dupin from the article?AHe is skilled at telling stories.BHe was greatly influenced by Poe.CHe is a kind-hearted detective.DHe was born in a poor Fre


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