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1、新目标九年级英语重要短语Unit 1-4I. 动词短语1.be terrified of害怕,恐惧2.be on the team在队里3.be good for对有益4.be proud of对感到骄傲(自豪)5.get nervous(变得)紧张了6.be angry with对生气7.deal with处理,料理8.be made up组成;构成9.feel differently感到不同10.end up结束;告终11.make mistakes犯错;出错12.pay attention to关心;注意13.give up doing sth.放弃做某事14.sound like听起来

2、像15.sleep with the light on开着灯睡觉 16.learn from向学习e up with提出;想出18.get out of逃开;躲避19.fall down摔倒20.regard as把当作21.think ofas把当作22.look on as把当作23.break off突然终止;中断24.stay up熬夜25.concentrate on全神贯注;专心于26.care about担心;关心e out出版;发表28.take notes做记录29.make flashcards制作抽认卡30.have long hair留长发31.get into tro

3、uble陷入困境32.allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事33.keep sb. happy 让某人感到高兴34.have a part-time job有一份兼职工作35.help you relax帮你放松36.make a decision下决心;下决定II. 名词短语1.professional athlete专职运动员2.drivers license驾驶执照3.old peoples home养老院4.a developed country一个发达国家5.a circle of good friends朋友圈子6.head teacher班主任III. 介词短语1

4、.in history在历史上2.in public当众;公开的3.in slightest一点也;根本IV. 其他短语1.later on 以后;随后2.cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事3.even though即使;纵然;尽管4.what if如果将会怎么样Units 5-8I. 动词短语1.be careful当心;注意2.be in agreement意见一致3. be supposed to do应该做4.belong to属于5.use up用完6.sing along with伴随歌唱7.prefer to比更喜欢8.remind of提醒;使记得9.stay

5、 away from与保持距离10.travel around到处观光走动11.provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物12.provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物13.set up建立;创立14.run out of用完;耗尽15.put off推迟;拖延16.give away赠送;捐赠17.fix up修理18.take after长得像19.hand out发放;分发20.put up展示;张贴21.have a math test举行数学考试22.late for work上班迟到23.take it easy别紧张24.plan on doing s

6、th.打算做某事e true实现;达到26.go on vacation度假27.give sb. some suggestion给某人提建议28.volunteer ones time to do sth.自愿花时间做某事II. 名词短语1. final exam期末考试2. hair band一个发带3.quiet and gentle songs轻柔的歌曲4.traditional music传统音乐5.different kinds of music不同种类的音乐6.a movie poster一张电影海报7.an Indian film festival一个印度电影节8.a Chin

7、ese musical concert一场中国音乐会9.too much junk food太多的垃圾食品10.Niagara Falls尼亚加拉大瀑布11.an educational movies一部富有教育意义的电影12.a friend of mine我的一个朋友III. 介词短语1.at the picnic野餐2. because of因为3.in the symphony hall在交响乐大厅4.on display展览;陈列5.on show展览;陈列6.on a hot day在热天7.in general通常;大体上IV. 其他短语1.to be honest老实说;实在的

8、2.as soon as possible尽快地3.over and over again一次又一次地Units 9-11I. 动词短语系动词+形容词(+其他)1. be used for用来做;用于2.be invented by有发明3.get dressed穿衣4.get married结婚动词+介词或副词1.fall down掉下2.fall into 落入;陷入3.knock into 撞上(某人)4.get off(闹钟)闹响5.run off跑掉;迅速离开6.break down损坏;坏掉7.show up出席;露面8.set off激起;引起9.go past路过;经过10.h

9、ang out闲荡11.dress up盛装;打扮;装饰12.hand in交上动词+宾语(由名词,不定式或动名词等充当)1.get some magazines买杂志2.make a telephone call打电话3.save money存钱4.exchange money兑换钱5.prefer doing sth.乐意做某事6.make requests请求II名词短语1.mivrowave oven微波炉2.potato chips薯片3.over three thousand years三千年前4.boiling water开水5.give sb. a ride让某人搭便车6.Ap

10、ril Fools Day愚人节7.costume party化装舞会8.light bulb灯泡9.department store百货商店10.furniture store家具商店11.water sliders水滑道12.plain looks普通的外表13.traffic light交通灯III.介词短语1.for a long tome很长时间2.in the end最后;终于3.according to根据;按照4.by mistake错误地5.by accident偶然地6.by the time到时候为止7. as muchas像一样多8. on time按时;准时IV.其他

11、词组battery-operated电池驱动;电动Units 12-15I.动词词组系动词+形容词(+其他)1. be supposed to应该2. be/get used to习惯于3. be relaxed about对比较随意4. be annoyed with sb.与某人生气5. be off离开;走开6. be suitable for sb. to do sth.适合某人做某事7.be surprised to do sth对做某事感到惊讶8. be suitable for the hot weather适合炎热的天气动词+介词或副词1. drop by访问;拜访2. go

12、out of ones way特殊性地;想尽办法3. learnby oneself自学4. give up doing sth.放弃做某事5. learn from向学习6. keep out of the sun防晒7. aim at瞄准;打算8. to start with首先;作为开始9. jump out of从跳出来10. clean out清除;扫干净11. put in放进;插入12. turn off关闭13. thanks to多亏.;由于14. look forward to盼望;期待(某事)15. care for担心; 关心16. pull down摧毁;推翻动词+宾

13、语(由名词,不定式或动名词等充当)1. shake hands握手2. meet for the first time初次见面3. make plans to do sth计划做某事4. make noise制造噪音;吵闹5. get into trouble陷入困境6. give some advice for sb.给某人提建议7. make money赚钱;挣钱8. keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事9. lead sb. to do sth.引导某人做某事10. make me energetic使我精力充沛11. tell the truth说实话12. wate

14、r the plants浇花13. pack the camera把相机装进包里14. take the dog for a walk溜狗15. collect water挑水16. experience village life体验农村生活17. provide sth. for sb.提供某物给某人18. raise money for为捐钱19. save the manatees拯救海牛20. save the environment保护环境II. 名词短语1. table manners餐桌礼仪2. fast food restaurant快餐店3. endangered anima

15、ls濒危动物4. pros and cons赞成与反对;正面与反面5. some day来日;将来某一日6. recycling paper废纸回收7. Childrens Hospital儿童医院8. bathing suit游泳衣9. living textbooks活教材10. underwater plants and vegetation水下植物III. 介词短语1. for instance例如;比如2. in search of寻找;寻求3. in ones spare time在某人的空闲时间IV. 其他词组1. after all毕竟2. kind of angry有一点儿生气3. ahead of time提前4. so far到目前为止5. thousands of成千上万的3


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