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1、Unit 3 Getting along with others Extended reading Reading makes a full man,conference a ready man,and writing an exact man.Francis Bacon读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人严谨。弗朗西斯培根Francis Bacon(15611626)An English Renaissance statesman and philosopher,known for his promotion of the scientific method and for his essa

2、ys which show his sharp worldly wisdom.About the author As we walk the“path of life”,we may sometimes wish to be alone with our own thoughts,for quiet periods of reflection can lead to personal improvement.However,when we seek to be alone,we must be careful that we do not always escape into our own

3、world.Social life is also important to us.More often than not,close friendships will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.Of Friendship当我们走上“人生之路”时,我们有时可能希望独自思考,因为安静思考期间会带来个人进步。然而,当我们设法独处时,我们必须小心,不要总逃避到自己的世界里去。社交生活对我们也很重要。通常,亲密的友谊会帮助铺平我们注定要踏上的时而崎岖的道路。论友谊Para.1:Int

4、roduction to the topic As we live in social groups,there are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.Generally speaking,close friendships have three“fruits”:they may comfort the heart,advise the head and help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.Through friendship,we can become happier,wi

5、ser and more satisfied humans.由于生活在社会群体中,我们可以享受友谊带来的许多好处。一般来说,亲密的友谊有三个“成果”:它们可以抚慰心灵,指点迷津,帮助我们实现我们为自己设定的目标。通过友谊,我们可以变成更快乐、更明智、更满足的人。Para.2:the topicthree“fruits”本句为主从复合句。句中As引导原因状语从句,对应的主句中,that we can enjoy为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词benefits of friendship,that在定语从句中作enjoy的宾语。The first fruit of friendship is

6、the peace that comes from sharing with friends our joy,sadness,success and failure.Here,friendship has a double advantagehappiness takes on a greater meaning and a trouble shared becomes a trouble halved!Naturally,this kind of openness results from a close friendship.With true friends,we feel free t

7、o share our joy and sadness in full measure.We know that our friends will both respect our feelings and treasure these moments of closeness.Indeed,the human heart depends on suchopportunities for comfort and protection.友谊的第一个成果是和平,和平来自与朋友分享我们的快乐、悲伤、成功和失败。在这里,友谊具有双重优势幸福具有更大的意义,分担的烦恼减半!当然,这种开放性来自亲密的友谊

8、。有了真正的朋友,我们可以尽情地分享我们的快乐和悲伤。我们知道我们的朋友不仅会尊重我们的感情,而且会珍惜这些亲密时光。事实上,人的内心依赖这样的安慰和保护机会。Para.3:Detailed explanation of the fruitsthe peaceThe second fruit of friendship is the better understanding and judgement that may be achieved through conversations with well-meaning and wise friends.We often find it ea

9、sier to recognize other peoples weaknesses than our own.As a result,if we are guided only by our own feelings,our judgements might be one-sided.On the other hand,our friends are better able to offer advice on important decisions that we all have to make.Also,when we want to talk our problems over wi

10、th a friend,we have to put our thoughts into words first.This alone helps make our thoughts clearer and brings us a more thorough understanding of our problems.Para.4:Detailed explanation of the fruitsthe better understanding and judgement友谊的第二个成果是通过与善意的、智慧的朋友交谈,可能会获得的更好的理解和判断。我们常常发现,认识别人的弱点比认识自己的弱点

11、容易。因此,如果我们只被自己的感情所支配,我们的判断就可能是片面的。另一方面,我们的朋友能更好地为我们都必须做出的重要决定提供建议。此外,当我们想和朋友详谈我们的问题时,我们必须先把自己的想法用言语表达出来。只有这样才能使我们的想法更加清晰,使我们对自己的问题了解得更加透彻。The third fruit of friendship is the help that a friend may offer in many different ways.Sometimes a friend is even known as our“second self”.There are so many th

12、ings in life that can only be achieved with the help of friends.Friends may have many different ideas and skills.They can help us achieve what we want during life and,perhaps,even after death.Para.5:Detailed explanation of the fruitsthe help友谊的第三个成果是朋友可能用许多不同的方式提供的帮助。有时朋友甚至被称为我们的“第二个自己”。生活中有很多事情只有在朋

13、友的帮助下才能实现。朋友可能有很多不同的想法和技能。他们可以帮助我们获得我们在生命中,可能甚至死后想要的东西。本句为主从复合句,句中what we want during life and,perhaps,even after death为what引导的宾语从句,作achieve的宾语。Finally,it should be pointed out that enjoying the company of a crowd is not the same as being with friends.Friends should be carefully chosen and relations

14、hips carefully developed.In this way,we can better walk the“path of life”with the comfort,advice and help from our trusted friends.(Adapted from“Of Friendship”,an essay written by Francis Bacon,a great English writer,scientist and philosopher)Para.6:Conclusion最后,应该指出,与一群人在一起和与朋友在一起,不是一回事。选择朋友须谨慎,经营友

15、情须用心。这样,我们就能在信任的朋友的安慰、建议和帮助下更好地走上“人生之路”。(改编自英国伟大的作家、科学家和哲学家弗朗西斯培根的散文论友谊)A close lookPara.1 Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.6 Introduction to the topicDetailed explanation of the fruitsConclusionFruitsThe way to get the fruitsThe importance of the fruitsPeaceBetter understanding and judgementHelpA close

16、 lookFruits The way to get the fruitsThe importance of the fruitsPeace Be free to share with our friends our joy,sadness,success and failure in full measure Have a double advantage happiness becomes greater and trouble is halved Give our heart comfort and protectionFriendship can _ the heart and mak

17、e us _.comforthappierA close lookFruits The way to get the fruitsThe importance of the fruitsBetter understanding and judgement Through conversations with well-meaning and wise friends Our friends are better able to offer advice Conversations make our thoughts clearer and help us understand our prob

18、lems more thoroughlyFriendship can_ the head and make us _.advisewiserA close lookFruits The way to get the fruitsThe importance of the fruitsHelp A friend may offer help in many different ways We cannot achieve many things without the help of friends Friends can help us achieve what we want during

19、life,even after deathFriendship can help us _ and make us _.achieve the goals we set for ourselvesmore satisfied humansA close lookForgivingReliableInterestingNiceEncouragingDevotedSincereHelpfulIndependentPatientSummary WritingWhat is a summary?A shortened passage(about 60 words)Retain the key poin

20、ts of the original passage A restatement in your own wordsWrite a summary of the essay.Use the following questions to help you.What are the three“fruits”of friendship?Why are they important?What makes a good summary?Content A good summary should cover all the main points.A good summary should not in

21、clude personal opinions.Language A good summary should be written in your own words and with correct grammar and vocabulary.Structure A good summary should include proper linking words.Thesis statementMain point 1Supporting factsConclusionSupporting factsSupporting factsMain point 2Genre:Argument essayDos Focus on the main ideas and key ideas.Express these ideas in your own words.Use some linking words.Pay attention to coherence.TipsDontsDont include supporting details or background knowledge.Dont include your personal opinion.Write a summary of the essay.THANKS


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