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1、参照秘密级管理启用前 试卷类型:A2020级高三校际联合考试英语试题2023.04本试卷共三部分,共10页。满分120分。考试时间100分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的条形码粘贴在答题卡相应的位置。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AFrom a multi-da

2、y hike following the routes of a Japanese poet,to a classic climb in the Argentinian Lake District,there are thousands of incredible trails(小路) that allow us to get up close to nature.Appalachian Trail,United StatesExtending for 2,200 miles,the Appalachian Trail is listed as the longest hiking-only

3、footpath in the world. It runs from Springier Mountain in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine, passing through some of the most remote country in the United States. That means its a hard task, either for those with endless vacation allowance, or walkers looking to do a small piece of a classic route.

4、The Basho Wayfarer,JapanThis self-guided trip follows a route taken by the poet Matsuo Basho over 300 years ago. The six-day hike starts in Sendai and works its way through the nor-them Tohoku region,passing through the UNESCO World Heritage(遗产)Site of Hiraizumi and along the ancient Dewa Kaido path

5、. With its beech and cherry forests,it finishes at the temple of Yamadera.Mount Toubkal,MoroccoThe path upwards rises from the village of Imlil, passing over a dry river bed before rising sharply through a temple and on towards a large mountain cottage. After overnight here, hikers set off up the sn

6、owfield to the peak, where the Atlas Mountains open out and the views are breathtaking. A local guide and muleteers for carrying luggage are a must.The Dingle Way,IrelandIt is a ring-like path that offers the best way to get under the skin of wild County Kerry in Irelands south west. Starting in the

7、 town of Tralee, the clockwise path follows narrow roads, taking in the wide sweep of sand at Inch Strand, passing along the clifftops outside Dingle town and heading around the edge of Mount Brardon, the highest peak on the Dingle Peninsula.1.What do we know about the Basho Wayfarer?A. It offers no

8、 guide service. B.It was built by a poet.C.It ends in the northern Tohoku region. D.It is on the world heritage list.2. Where can hikers enjoy a good view of snow?A.Appalachian Trail. B.The Basho Wayfarer. C.Mount Toubkal. D.The Dingle Way. 3.What is special about the Dingle Way?A. It follows a circ

9、le path. B.It is the longest in the world. C.It finishes at Mount Brandon. D.It reaches the highest peak in Ireland. BKeNyzjah Ferebee was standing by the kitchen worktop,adding cupcake liners to a pan. She used an ice cream spoon to fill each with cake batter(面糊) to ensure they would look identical

10、. A finished group sat on the counter with white buttercream turning on top. The cupcakes were for a 2-year-olds “Moana”-themed birthday party. The next day,she had orders for a two-tiered cake and two birthday cakes.While most teenagers are spending the summer hanging out with friends and working,

11、KeNyzjah is filling orders,updating her website and getting new branding photos. She owns and operates KayKe Bakery,a home-based business,specializing in custom cakes and cupcakes. She offers 14 flavors. She requires at least two to four weeks notice on orders,and she gets six to seven a week.In 202

12、0, she started baking out of boredom and a desire for cake. She asked her mom for a solution. Mom pointed her to a box of cake mix in the cupboard. KeNyzjahs first attempt failed. But she tried making more cakes the next day. She got better.She watched hours of YouTube videos to come up with a recip

13、e and to teach herself baking techniques.“Once I got on Instagram and started seeing other peoples decorated cakes, thats when I got inspired to be a cake artist instead of just a baker, she said. She took business classes such as digital marketing at her school. She also registered for a course to

14、become a certified customer service specialist. It taught her how to talk to customers and get through a sale. Shes constantly trying to find more ways to promote her business and find new clients.“Its a little difficult having to keep up with both my Instagram and my Facebook pages and managing sch

15、ool,personal life and a business.It can be a lot sometimes, but I manage.”Nakesia Fercbec, KeNyzjahs mother, felt her daughters father has been influential. KeNyzjah gives her mother a large of the credit.“Shes like my biggest supporter. Shes made me who I am. Ive come to realize that I am an incred

16、ible person.4.What was KeNyzjah doing according to the first paragraph?A.Designing a themed party. B.Making cakes for business.C.Preparing for her birthday party. D.Placing an order for cakes online.5.What can be inferred about Kayke Bakery?A.It is well received. B.It hosts parties for customers. C.

17、It is a joint business. D.It mainly provides service for kids 6.What might be a challenge for KeNyzjah?A.Attending business classes. B.Teaching herself baking techniques. C.Getting along with her clients. D.Balancing her business with schooling. 7.What is the text mainly about?A.A home-based teen ba

18、ker. B.A boredom-killing bakery.C.How to become a cake artist. D.How to start a business.CCrossing Phoenix,Arizona,are 180 miles of canals. In 1867,the citys founding father,Jack Swilling saw the remains of irrigation(灌溉)channels wandering across the landscape. He realized that, centuries before, so

19、me society had farmed this desert. Soon after, Swilling began clearing the blocked canals to bring agriculture back to the region.Three years later, Swilling and other pioneers met to consider names for their settlement. The top two were Pumpkinville and Stonewall. Luckily, English adventurer Darrel

20、l Duppa proposed a name inspired by the resurrection(复兴)of the canals.“A great race once lived here. and another great race will live here in the future, he considered.“I predict that a new city will spring. phoenix-like,from the ruins and ashes of the old.”Gary Huckleberry, a researcher, said,“In t

21、he southwest,we have some serious issues to deal with in terms of water. The Colorado Riveris the main source of water for the southwest. and its over distributed. Weve got population growth and climate change. How are we going to deal with that? I think theres something to be learned by looking at

22、past societies who managed water for thousands of years.”That great society was the Hohokam. Between100 and 1450 AD,they constructed 1,000 miles of canals. As the Hohokam expanded their network, they constantly repaired, cleaned and diverted the canals.“It requires cooperation, because all the users

23、 of the water from that canal have to agree not only to construct it, but also to maintain it,”Henderson, a scientist, said. “Users would have to agree to certain conditions to keep the entire system going.The Hohokam committed to sharing water and put themselves on timetables.The Hohokam used canal

24、 irrigation for 3,00) years.“That, to me, is the definition of sustainable development, Huckleberry said.“They learned how to sustainably farm, to manage water, to not destroy their soils in a way that is worthy and might give us insight into how we might deal with the current trouble. I think one o

25、f the key lessons is that you dont put all your eggs in one basket.”8.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A.The reconstruction of canals. B.The origin of the citys name Phoenix. C.The discovery of the irrigation channels. D.The agricultural development in the settlement.9. What does the underlined word

26、“that”in paragraph 3 refer to?A.The source of water. B.The climate change.C.The population growth. D.The over distribution of water. 10.What does Henderson say about the Hohokam?A.They were expert in farming. B.They were poor at time management. C.They had a strong sense of team spirit. D.They fough

27、t for their rights to use water.11. Which of the following would Huckleberry agree with?A. Canal irrigation is out of date. B.Sustainable development matters. C. Farming can solve current trouble. D.The loss of soils is worse than before. DResearchers in Singapore have developed an electronic materi

28、al that helps robots sense touch and nearby objects.The material is a kind of foam: a solid substance that is filled with air and is soft. And the foam has another useful quality. It repairs itself when damaged, much like human skin. The material is called AiFoam, which is short for artificially inn

29、ervated foam. To innervate means to supply with nerves. In robots, AiFoam would gather information from nearby and send it to a computer controlling the robot. AiFoam is a stretchy polymer(聚合物)combined with a mixture that lowers surface tension.This means that if you cut the material, it can return

30、easily into one piece.To copy the human sense of touch, the researchers mixed microscopic pieces of metal into the material. Then they added very small electrical connections beneath the surface of the foam.Benjamin Tee, a lead researcher on the new material at the National University of Singapore,s

31、aid that when there is pressure on the material,the metal particles(颗粒)get closer. The movement changes their electrical properties. The electrical connections sense these changes and send information about them to a computer,which then tells the robot what to do.“When I move my finger near the sens

32、or, you can see the sensor is measuring the changes of my electrical field and responds accordingly to my touch,”he said. The robotic hand senses not only the amount but also the direction of the force placed on it. That could make robots more intelligent and responsive.Tee said AiFoam is the first

33、material of its kind to combine self-repairing properties with nearness and pressure sensing. After spending over two years developing it,Tee and his team hope the material can be put to use within five years.12.What is one feature of AiFoam?A. It is made out of air. B.It is a low-cost material. C.I

34、t has self-repairing ability. D.It can replace human skin. 13.How does the author develop paragraph 2?A.By giving instructions. B.By listing examples.C.By making comparisons. D.By offering explanations.14.Which of the following gives orders to the robot?A.Benjamin Tee. B.The researcher. C.The sensor

35、. D.The computer.15.What can we learn about AiFoam from the last two paragraphs?A. It can measure the shape of your finger. B.It can change the direction of the force. C. It will come onto the market in the near future. D. It makes robots more sensitive than human beings.第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下

36、面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Hurricane season can be wild and unpredictable._16_Here are some ways you can beef up your home security in hurricane weather, even if you need to move out._17_That actually does nothing to ensure your safety in the powerful winds. Sticking to hurricane shelter

37、s or plywood(胶合板)is the only way to go when it comes to protecting those points of entry in hurricane conditions. Buy sheets of plywood,measure your windows and use brackets(支架)to hold the plywood in place.Sandbags are very useful. While sandbags wont be able to help in the extreme storm, many peopl

38、e will be able to prevent flooding and extensive damage to their belongings by placing sandbags._18_Any storm water that is kept out of your home is storm water that wont be able to damage the belongings inside your home,so sandbags are well worth having at your doorways during a hurricane.Its impor

39、tant to prepare the inside of your home for strong winds and rain.But you should also keep an eye on the outside of your house,too.Trim(修剪)trees,especially dead branches,to prevent anything else that could fly through a window and cause damage during a hurricane. _19_You should also take pictures of

40、 expensive items like electronics and keep notes of their serial numbers._20_Also, there are always bad people out right after a storm. If the worst happens and your home is broken into right after a bad storm,having pictures and detailed notes about what was in your home prior to the hurricane will

41、 make it easier for police to track down stolen items.A.You should have a camera at home.B.It can be strong enough to resist the forceful winds. C.Making sure nothing is loose in your yard is important. D.You may see people taping windows before a hurricane comes. E.They will be able to effectively

42、keep storm water out in many cases. F.It will aid with your insurance company if anything needs to be replaced. G.These dangerous storms can bring damage to your home and belongings.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Residents of a Wiltshire town have c

43、reated a vertical living garden to fight pollution. The wall of plants has been_21_to the side of a shop in Bridge Yard in the center of Bradford-on-Avon.Stephanie Edwards_22_the idea and brought it to the town council to put into_23_.“As a matter of fact,the plants have_24_with them insects, and we

44、ve had a couple of birds sitting up there so its_25_for sure and we must not forget the_26_of health and well being,”she said.The wall had been in the_27_since 2019 and took about five days to construct. The wall is _28_seasonal plants,low energy LED lighting, birdhouses and bug hotels.Alex Kay said

45、 the living wall had a number of beneficial_29_.“I dont think that anyone will guarantee that this will solve our air quality situation,but it will_30_it,”she said.“Its not just the traffic and the_31_quality,but this is about well being. This is good for the_32_.James Sullivan-Tail your,who owns th

46、e nearby Swan Hotel,said he was really_33_with the wall.“I think its_34_a cleaner town,a nicer town,but also something_35_that is going to attract visitors as well,”he added.21.A.limited 22.A.explained 23.A.action 24.A.filled 25.A.changing 26.A.benefits 27.A.waiting 28.A.connected to 29.A.aspects 30

47、.A.make 31.A.life 32.A.business 33.A.familiar 34.A.designing 35.A.abnormalB.moved B.formed B.trouble B.shared B.growing B.causes B.planning B.mixed with B.profits B.help B.soil B.agriculture B.careful B.creating B.strangeC.attached C.tested C.shape C.brought C.marketing C.meanings C.painting C.made up of C.views C.leave C.water C.technology C.patient C.describing C.uniqueD.pulled D.predicted D.p


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