五年级下册英语教案-Unit3 My community 辽师大版(三起) (6).docx

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1、五年级下册Unit 3 My community教学设计内容来源 辽师大版(三年级起点)五年级上册 Unit 3My community (第1课时)课标要求1.能就日常生活话题作简短叙述2.能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事,在老师帮助下表演小故事或短剧3.在学习中乐于参与、敢于表达、积极合作,能够完成自我评价活动,进一步树立学习英语的自信心教材分析在第二单元参观学校话题的基础上,本单元谈论的主要话题是我的社区,本课时的主要教学内容是通过谈论社区,掌握单词park, toilet, supermarket, shop, cinema等 以及句型Are there any.? 的用法以

2、及肯否定的回答方式;并能运用所学,介绍自己的社区。学生分析处于五年级这个年龄段的学生,学生的有意识记逐渐占据主导地位,并且已经有了一定的语言基础,也初步形成了一定的用英语交流的能力。 本课的创新之处,则是在基于该学年段学生的认识及身心发展规律,充分利用多媒体课件、白板的交互,通过完成闯关任务,认识地图,讨论社区,并在掌握公共场所单词的基础上,及时做到情感的渗透与升华,培养学生的规则意识、跨文化交际意识和能力。教学目标1.能听、说、读、写,并运用本单元的单词park, toilet, supermarket, shop, cinema2.听懂会说Listen and say 部分短文3.掌握句型

3、Are there any.?4.能够用英语表达自己的的社区5.培养学生规则意识、跨文化交际意识和能力教学重点1. 听懂、会说单词park, toilet, supermarket, shop, cinema2. 能听懂、会说本单元的主要句型Are there any.? 并根据实际情况介绍自己社区教学难点1. 句型Are there any.?中 any 的用法2. 结合实际,介绍自己的社区教学策略在课堂教学中,注重学生的听、说、读、写能力以及合作、探究意识的综合训练,采用任务型教学模式,充分借助多媒体辅助教学,运用信息化教学需求设计的互动式多媒体教学平台,更加直观的创设教学情境,加大学生互

4、动环节。通过多媒体设计各种情境和游戏,利用卡片、礼物和激励性语言鼓励学生,及时做到情感渗透;并且通过电子白板的交互功能,展示学生书写的关于自己社区小作文。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生综合语言运用能力规则意识和跨文化交际能力。 教学准备多媒体课件、白板、投影仪、单词及句型的卡片等教学过程教学过程教学内容教师、学生活动内容与目标媒体设备资源分析Step 1 Greeting & warming upT: Boys and girls,are you ready for class?Good morning.My dear students.S: Good morning,Lily.T: Tha

5、nk you. Sit down,please. OK. Listen and look,what is it?S: Thunder.T: Great. Are you afraid? OK.Dont worry, Lets sing a song-There is thunder.S: Sing the song together.【设计意图】 基于该学年段学生的认知、身心发展规律,选择学生喜欢的动画歌曲,进行热身,歌曲中的歌词复习旧知“There is.”,既做到了促使学生以一种积极的心理状态投入到课程之中,又为新知的呈现做铺垫学生和教师一起跟唱歌曲There is thunder,运用T

6、PR全身反应法,让学生边做动作,边唱歌曲歌曲呈现时,运用多媒体课件的音频与视频结合,让学生的兴趣倍增Step 2Lead in &PresentationStep 3PracticeStep4ConsolidationStep 5ExtensionStep 6SummaryStep 7HomeworkT:Boys and girls, there are five tasks, if you finish one, you can get some presents and a post card. Now lets go to the task1. Look! Who is he?S:Da

7、Xiong.T:Yes,you are right. He is crying. He cant find his community. Do you know community? So today lets learn Unit 3 My community. Read after me .S:Read the word community.T:OK. There is a map.Lets ask Da Xiong.S:Is there a .?T:Lets count the gyms.S:Two.T:Great! So we can ask”Are there any gyms?”C

8、lear?(板书句子)S:Yes.【设计意图】基于任务型教学模式,在整个课堂活动中,设置五个任务,并在任务中设置情境。如该环节设置“帮助大雄寻找社区”任务,其目的是以学生喜爱的动画人物形象为切入点,帮助学生整体感知“社区”单词的声形、词义、顺利导入新知T:My dear students, we have finish Task 1. You are so excellent! Now we can get the post card. Look! What is it?S: Park(公园)T:Super! But how to read these words? Can you find

9、the rules?S:Car, bar, art. The letter group “ar” is in the words.T:Wonderful. “ar” pronounces a:. Now let the letter “p” and “k” in. Its park.S: Read the word “park”.T:OK. Lets see what the opposite of the post card. Are there any parks in your community? S: Different answers.(Yes or No)T:You know t

10、here are two kinds of the parks.”Natural park” and “Theme park”. Now lets guess A or B.S:Guess A or B.【设计意图】本环节在整体感知新语言前提下,通过音形相近的单词,在真实语境中操练单词park,并通过看图作答的游戏向学生介绍自然公园和主题公园,拓展学生知识宽度T: Oh, look! My dear students, Da Xiong is crying again. So lets listen why he is crying. Oh, he wants to go to the WC.

11、 We can also say”toilet”.S: Toilet.T:Look at the map. Which sign is the toilet?And how many toilets?S: A boy and a girl. Three.T:You are right! Lets go to the toilet! Please remember wash our hands and turn off the tap, do not waste the water. Clear?S:Clear.【设计意图】该环节通过地图呈现单词toilet,并在教学中,结合图片,渗透如厕文明T

12、:Now we can come to Task 2. Lets visit Da Xiongs community. Please ask by using the sentences”Is there.?”&”Are there.?”S:”Is there.?”&”Are there.?”T:OK. Look at the map.What is it?S:Cinema.T:Great! Lets go to the cinema with Da Xiong.S:See the film.T:Listen and look,what the girl said?S:Shush! Be qu

13、iet!T:Yes! All of you, remember to be quiet in the cinema!S:OK!【设计意图】此环节课件设计新颖,通过参观大雄的社区、和大雄一起观影,直观帮助学生掌握所学单词和句型之外,还能引导学生在公共场所不得大声喧哗!T:My dear students, we have finish Task 2. You are so great! Now we can get the post card. And lets go to the task 3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Q1:I

14、s there a park in the community?S: Yes, there is. There is a small park.T:Q2:Are there any restaurants?S:Yes, there are.T:You are so great. Now you can get a post card of the restaurant. Lets see the opposite. Oh, its about the table manners. Do you know the differences?S:Say the differences.T:Super

15、.We use round table. Western countries use long table. We use chopsticks and they use forks and knifes. Who can use the fork and knife in right way?S:Let me try.T:You are so clever! Please remember to follow the table manners.For example,we often let the elders first, and they often pray before eati

16、ng.T:Now listen again and answer the third question.Q3:Are there any toy shops? Do you know the word”shop”? Look at the picture, there are toy shop, pet shop and cloth shop. So guess which shop we can see them.S:Guess.T:Super. Now listen and answer Q3”Are there any toy shops?”S:No, there arent. But

17、there is a big supermarket.T:Good for you! Look at the word “supermarket”. Super and market make the word supermarket.Clear?S:Clear!T:Are there any supermarkets in your community?S:Different answers.(Yes or No)【设计意图】本环节通过听课文录音,回答问题的方式,基于学生的认知规律,由易到难地为学生呈现了有针对性的三个问题,在问题解决过程中,自然呈现新单词及核心句型,融新知教学于语言交际的情

18、境之中T: Now, lets read and fill the blanks.S:Read one by one, group by group, and do it together.T:Lets fill the blanks.S:Let me try.T:OK. Lets go to the task 4.This time lets make a dialogue with your partner.S:Make a dialogue according to the map.【设计意图】在此环节中,通过设计分层次阅读课文、补全对话和自主表演对话的活动形式,帮助学生内化所学知识;并

19、且做到在操练中,针对学生的信息反馈,达到操练巩固新知的目的T:Lets go to the task 5. Lets watch a video. Its about my community. After watching, lets talk about your community. S: Watch the video.T:Now its your turn. Lets be a little writer. Write about your community.S:Write and show the composition to the class.【设计意图】该环节实际上是对所学

20、知识的巩固与输出的过程,结合本课内容,进行适当的拓展延伸,设计了小小作家谈论我的社区这一任务,并用word bank 予以词汇支撑,完成写作并做范文展示,以此达到语言综合运用的目的T:Boys and girls, we live in our communities,what can we do for the communities? Lets watch a video.S:Watch the video.T:There are some rules and can you follow the rules?S: Yes!T:Super!【设计意图】本环节通过动态视频,引导学生遵守公共场

21、所规则,热爱我们的社区,对学生进行情感教育T:Boys and girls, what have you got today?S:Words, sentences and some rules.【设计意图】本环节是对整堂课进行总结,在单词和句型总结的基础上,引导学生对公共场所应遵守的规则,进行总结T:Now its your homework. You can send it to me when you finish. So much for today. Goodbye.S:Goodbye.【设计意图】在布置作业中,注重作业的创新,更好地激发学生的创造力、想象力利用多媒体课件的声音和图像结

22、合,让学生和喜爱的动画人物形象大雄对话,既达到了复习巩固旧知,又自然呈现新知的作用学生在完成任务1后,得到post card,通过观察图片、单词对比、看图作答等活动,在语境中,掌握单词,谙熟句型学生通过观察动图和教师的语言描述,了解在如厕应注意的事项学生和教师通过观察地图、观看电影,以及文明小贴士,操练单词和句型,并提醒学生在公共场所的注意事项学生通过教师设置听音问题,在听音过程中,寻求答案;与此同时,教师也在教学中,利用多媒体课件,引导学生学习、了解餐桌礼仪、商店、超市购物等学生在教师的指导下,自主朗读、分角色朗读课文和创编对话,增强学生合作意识和能力学生通过观看教师展示的社区视频后,试着自

23、己描述社区,增强学生的语言实践学生观看视频,谨记公共场所应注意事项学生自主梳理并总结所学内容呈现作业任务,完成后,可发送至邮箱或微信在Task 1环节中,利用多媒体课件中的地图,与大雄进行对话,新奇且情境代入感强烈,易于学生掌握所学利用多媒体课件多种形式的翻页过场功能,以及英语学科音标逐一呈现,使得学生乐于学习单词,同时通过课件的路径设置,拓展单词,寓教于乐利用白板和课件中的动图,直观且形象通过设置多媒体课件中,揭开幕帘,观看电影,引导学生进入观影情境,将语言融入到情境中,贴近生活实际利用白板触屏功能,结合图片、音频,即点即播,优化课堂教学利用多媒体课件的遮盖功能,创编补全对话的活动利用电子白板的交互功能,将手机与白板相连接,呈现学生书写的小作文利用视频,更加直观、生动地呈现公共场所应遵守规则,易于学生接受与内化通过在多媒体课件中,呈现图片和文字,更好地帮助学生小结通过课件,呈现作业任务,并告知学生在完成后,可发送至教师的邮箱或微信上,这样一来,信息反馈及时且高效


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