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1、完形填空完形填空(二二)每日一句:每日一句:Action speak louder than words!行动胜于言语!行动胜于言语!考纲要求考纲要求应试策略应试策略命题规律命题规律应试技巧应试技巧解题步骤解题步骤回顾旧知回顾旧知考查重点考查重点、考点设置考点设置选材特点、选材特点、设空特点设空特点Step 1:通读全文,把握主旨通读全文,把握主旨Step 2:上下求索,先易后难:上下求索,先易后难Step 3:复读全文,微调答案:复读全文,微调答案重首句重首句,易入题易入题 重平行重平行,觅逻辑觅逻辑 寻复现寻复现,找答案找答案 依常识依常识,定答案定答案看语境看语境,辨词义辨词义 破难句破

2、难句,解句意解句意析逻辑析逻辑,索答案索答案 巧排除巧排除,降难度降难度据搭配据搭配,知答案知答案记叙文记叙文夹叙夹议夹叙夹议解题技巧:记叙文解题技巧:记叙文第一步:不可忽略的初读环节第一步:不可忽略的初读环节完形填空答题时必须遵循完形填空答题时必须遵循“整体整体部分部分整体整体”的步骤,要先完其意后完其形。注的步骤,要先完其意后完其形。注重整合,注重上下文信息关联,做到瞻前重整合,注重上下文信息关联,做到瞻前顾后。在初读文章时,我们可以运用以下顾后。在初读文章时,我们可以运用以下策略选定正确的答案:策略选定正确的答案:(1)根据首句信息解题根据首句信息解题(2)根据文化背景知识和生活常识解题



5、汇、语法、语篇知识、生活常识、文化背景知识等进行逻辑推理生活常识、文化背景知识等进行逻辑推理和综合判断的能力,而非简单考查其词汇和综合判断的能力,而非简单考查其词汇使用和单句语法及意义。使用和单句语法及意义。考题探究考题探究1(2019课标全国课标全国)记叙文记叙文 The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to midMarch_1_ six months out of the yea

6、r.“Of course,we _2_ it when the sun is shining,”says Karin Ro,who works for the towns tourism office.“We see the sky is _3_,but down in the valley its darkerits like on a _4_ day.”But that _5_ when a system of hightech _6_ was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰山峰)into the valle

7、y below.Wednesday,residents(居民居民)of Rjukan _7_ their very first ray of winter sunshine:A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to _8_.The mirrors are controlled by a computer that _9_ them to turn along with the sun throughout the _10_ and to close during windy weather.They refl

8、ect a concentrated beam(束束)of light onto the towns central _11_,creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters.When the light _12_,Rjukan residents gathered together.“People have been _13_ there and standing there and taking _14_ of each other,”Ro says.“The town square was totally _15_.I thi

9、nk almost all the people in the town were there.”The 3,500 residents cannot all _16_ the sunshine at the same time._17_,the new light feels like more than enough for the towns _18_ residents.“Its not very _19_,”she says,“but it is enough when we are _20_.”1.A.only B.obviouslyC.nearly D.precisely2.A.

10、fear B.believeC.hear D.notice3.A.empty B.blueC.high D.wide4.A.cloudy B.normalC.different D.warm5.A.helped B.changedC.happened D.mattered6.A.computers B.telescopesC.mirrors D.cameras7.A.remembered B.forecastC.received D.imagined8.A.repair B.riskC.rest D.use9.A.forbids B.directsC.predicts D.follows10.

11、A.day B.nightC.month D.year11.A.library B.hallC.square D.street12.A.appeared B.returnedC.faded D.stopped13.A.driving B.hidingC.camping D.sitting14.A.pictures B.notesC.care D.hold15.A.new B.fullC.flat D.silent16.A.block B.avoidC.enjoy D.store17.A.Instead B.HoweverC.Gradually D.Similarly18.A.naturelov

12、ing B.energysavingC.weatherbeaten D.sunstarved19.A.big B.clearC.cold D.easy20.A.trying B.waitingC.watching D.sharing本文属于记叙文,讲述北欧挪威的本文属于记叙文,讲述北欧挪威的Rjukan小镇因地处群山之中,小镇因地处群山之中,山谷遮挡住了阳光导致整个镇子长达半年没有阳光照射。为了改山谷遮挡住了阳光导致整个镇子长达半年没有阳光照射。为了改善这一情况,人们在那里安装了由电脑控制的镜子,利用镜子把善这一情况,人们在那里安装了由电脑控制的镜子,利用镜子把阳光反射到小镇广场上,让生活在那

13、里的人们获得阳光。阳光反射到小镇广场上,让生活在那里的人们获得阳光。The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to midMarch_ six months out of the year.“Of course,we _ it when the sun is shining,”says Karin Ro,who works for the towns tourism office.“We

14、 see the sky is _,but down in the valley its darkerits like on a _ day.”1.A.only B.obviouslyC.nearly D.precisely2.A.fear B.believeC.hear D.notice3.A.empty B.blueC.high D.wide4.A.cloudy B.normalC.different D.warm nearly notice blue cloudy But that _ when a system of hightech _ was introduced to refle

15、ct sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰山峰)into the valley below.Wednesday,residents(居民居民)of Rjukan _ their very first ray of winter sunshine:A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to _.5.A.helped B.changedC.happened D.mattered6.A.computers B.telescopesC.mirrors D.cameras7.A.remem

16、bered B.forecastC.received D.imagined8.A.repair B.riskC.rest D.use changed mirrors received useThe mirrors are controlled by a computer that _ them to turn along with the sun throughout the _ and to close during windy weather.They reflect a concentrated beam(束束)of light onto the towns central _,crea

17、ting an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters.When the light _,Rjukan residents gathered together.9.A.forbids B.directsC.predicts D.follows10.A.day B.nightC.month D.year11.A.library B.hallC.square D.street12.A.appeared B.returnedC.faded D.stopped directs day square appeareddirect:adj.直接的;直达的;直率

18、的直接的;直达的;直率的 v.指路;指引;导演;管理;命令;对准指路;指引;导演;管理;命令;对准 adv.直接地直接地 “People have been _ there and standing there and taking _ of each other,”Ro says.“The town square was totally _.I think almost all the people in the town were there.”13.A.driving B.hidingC.camping D.sitting14.A.pictures B.notesC.care D.hol

19、d15.A.new B.fullC.flat D.silent sitting pictures fullThe 3,500 residents cannot all _ the sunshine at the same time._,the new light feels like more than enough for the towns _ residents.“Its not very _,”she says,“but it is enough when we are _.”16.A.block B.avoidC.enjoy D.store17.A.Instead B.However

20、C.Gradually D.Similarly18.A.natureloving B.energysavingC.weatherbeaten D.sunstarved19.A.big B.clearC.cold D.easy20.A.trying B.waitingC.watching D.sharingenjoy However sunstarved big sharing解题技巧:夹叙夹议解题技巧:夹叙夹议三大结构特点三大结构特点 理清文章的结构,把作者叙述的故事和理清文章的结构,把作者叙述的故事和作者要表达的观点有机结合起来分析,是做作者要表达的观点有机结合起来分析,是做好夹叙夹议类完形



23、顺序和对照等手段,使得上下文之间逻辑性强、前后照应、相使得上下文之间逻辑性强、前后照应、相互一致。常见的语篇标志词有:互一致。常见的语篇标志词有:(1)表示逻辑关系的:表示逻辑关系的:thus,therefore,so,though等;等;(2)表示改变话题的:表示改变话题的:by the way,however等;等;(3)表示递进关系的:表示递进关系的:besides,furthermore,whats more等。等。考题探究考题探究2(2019天津天津)夹叙夹议夹叙夹议 I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night

24、,when fear seized me.My wallet was gone.I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some _16_ station.The _17_ moment was quickly followed by mental math.How much time and money would it cost to replace the _18_ of that little wallet?The credit cards,the drivers lic

25、ense,the cash,all lost to the bus.Two hours later,back at my house,I heard a knock on the door.My husband _19_ it while I was on the phone in the dining room.“Does Jennifer live here?”I heard a lady say.In my husbands hand was my wallet,with not a penny _20_.She left before I could _21_ make it to t

26、he door to offer my thanks.After sharing the story online,I heard from someone,who _22_ the lady as Erin Smith.Without _23_,I called to thank her.She said she _24_ my wallet on a bus seat.She _25_ that going to a strangers house was a _26_ move,but she decided to take the chance.“If I were in that _

27、27_ I would want someone to try to find me,”she said.This one stranger responded beautifully to my small _28_,but she actually wasnt the only one.Right after Erin _29_ my wallet on the bus,she posted a picture of my drivers license to an online forum(论坛论坛),trying to see _30_ anyone knew me.No sooner

28、 did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my sons nursery and who recognized my face.Ive never _31_ words with those moms beyond small talk,but they wanted to help.I read that people are more divided than ever,but thats not how the people I _32_ tend to act._33_,I

29、feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger.Erin had gone _34_ what almost anyone would have done,finding my house on a bitterly cold night,and for that I was extremely _35_.16.A.accessible B.hiddenC.unknown D.convenient17.A.facesaving B.brainwashing C.eyecatching D.heartstopping18.A.parts B.

30、contentsC.details D.ingredients19.A.ignored B.answeredC.examined D.interrupted20.A.missing B.returnedC.remaining D.abandoned21.A.still B.everC.yet D.even22.A.selected B.appointedC.identified D.defined23.A.delay B.alarmC.regret D.invitation24.A.moved B.placedC.opened D.spotted25.A.disagreed B.complai

31、ned C.calculated D.recommended26.A.selfless B.riskyC.slow D.personal27.A.site B.directionC.situation D.atmosphere28.A.crisis B.dangerC.threat D.failure29.A.got rid of B.made use of C.had control of D.took possession of30.A.if B.whereC.how D.when31.A.recalled B.exchanged C.repeated D.whispered32.A.en

32、counter B.followC.consult D.accompany33.A.Going away B.Turning around C.Looking back D.Coming along34.A.into B.againstC.over D.beyond35.A.longing B.enthusiasticC.concerned D.grateful本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我我”不小心把装有一些重要不小心把装有一些重要证件的钱包遗忘在公交车上了,被一位陌生女士捡到了,证件的钱包遗忘在公交车上了,被一位陌生女士捡到了,她冒着严寒将钱包送到她冒着严寒将钱包送到“我

33、我”家中,令家中,令“我我”非常感动。非常感动。I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me.My wallet was gone.I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some _ station.The _ moment was quickly followed by mental math.How much time and money would it cos

34、t to replace the _ of that little wallet?The credit cards,the drivers license,the cash,all lost to the bus.16.A.accessible B.hiddenC.unknown D.convenient17.A.facesaving B.brainwashing C.eyecatching D.heartstopping18.A.parts B.contentsC.details D.ingredients unknownheart-stoppingcontentscontent:n.内容;

35、内容;(书等的书等的)目录;满意,满足目录;满意,满足 adj.满意的;满足的满意的;满足的 v.使满意使满意 Two hours later,back at my house,I heard a knock on the door.My husband _ it while I was on the phone in the dining room.“Does Jennifer live here?”I heard a lady say.In my husbands hand was my wallet,with not a penny _.She left before I could _

36、 make it to the door to offer my thanks.19.A.ignored B.answeredC.examined D.interrupted20.A.missing B.returnedC.remaining D.abandoned21.A.still B.everC.yet D.evenansweredmissingeven After sharing the story online,I heard from someone,who _ the lady as Erin Smith.Without _,I called to thank her.She s

37、aid she _ my wallet on a bus seat.She _ that going to a strangers house was a _ move,but she decided to take the chance.“If I were in that _ I would want someone to try to find me,”she said.22.A.selected B.appointedC.identified D.defined23.A.delay B.alarmC.regret D.invitation24.A.moved B.placedC.ope

38、ned D.spotted25.A.disagreed B.complained C.calculated D.recommended26.A.selfless B.riskyC.slow D.personal27.A.site B.directionC.situation D.atmosphereidentifieddelayspottedcalculatedriskysituationspot:n.点;斑点;污点;地点;场所;点;斑点;污点;地点;场所;v.发现;认出发现;认出calculate:v.计算;核算计算;核算 预测;估计(预测;估计(estimate)This one stra

39、nger responded beautifully to my small _,but she actually wasnt the only one.Right after Erin _ my wallet on the bus,she posted a picture of my drivers license to an online forum(论坛论坛),trying to see _ anyone knew me.28.A.crisis B.dangerC.threat D.failure29.A.got rid of B.made use of C.had control of

40、 D.took possession of30.A.if B.whereC.how D.whencrisistook possession ofifNo sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my sons nursery and who recognized my face.Ive never _ words with those moms beyond small talk,but they wanted to help.I read that people ar

41、e more divided than ever,but thats not how the people I _ tend to act._,I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger.Erin had gone _ what almost anyone would have done,finding my house on a bitterly cold night,and for that I was extremely _.31.A.recalled B.exchanged C.repeated D.whispered32.

42、A.encounter B.followC.consult D.accompany33.A.Going away B.Turning around C.Looking back D.Coming along34.A.into B.againstC.over D.beyond35.A.longing B.enthusiasticC.concerned D.gratefulexchangedencounterLooking backbeyondgrateful记叙文记叙文夹叙夹议夹叙夹议课堂小结课堂小结 三步法:初读,选择,复读三步法:初读,选择,复读首句,上下文,关联词首句,上下文,关联词situated adj.位于,坐落在位于,坐落在tourism n.旅游业旅游业high-tech adj.高科技的高科技的reflective adj.沉思的沉思的mountainside n.山腰;山坡山腰;山坡concentrated adj.全神贯注的全神贯注的roughly adv.大约;粗略地大约;粗略地speed v.加速加速replace v.代替代替blessed adj.有福气的有福气的bitterly adv.极其;非常极其;非常 respond v.回答;做出反应回答;做出反应 take the chance 冒险冒险make it 成功成功课堂小结课堂小结


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