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1、1.How many countries does the UK consist of?大不列颠由多少个国家组成?大不列颠由多少个国家组成?Warming up consist of=be made up of,be composed of 由由组成组成e.g.Water consists of hydrogen(氢气氢气)and oxygen(氧气氧气).(注意注意:consist of不能用于被动语态和进行时态不能用于被动语态和进行时态)=Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.翻译翻译:这个班有这个班有30个女生和个女生和20个男生个男生.This

2、 class consists of 30 girls and 20 boys.consist的常用短语的常用短语:consist in 基于基于,在于在于,存在存在之中之中 翻译翻译:什么才是真正的幸福?什么才是真正的幸福?What does happiness consist in?e.g.The beauty of Venice consists in the style of its ancient building.威尼斯的美在于它具有古代建筑物的风格。威尼斯的美在于它具有古代建筑物的风格。Assignment 用用 consist of和和 consist in填空填空1.This

3、 club _ one hundred members.2.The happiness of a country _the freedom of its people.consists ofconsists in2.England can be divided into three main areas.Pre-reading英国可以分成三大部分。英国可以分成三大部分。divide.into 把把.分成分成e.g.Divide this line into 20 equal parts.把这条直线分成把这条直线分成20个等长的线段个等长的线段.分隔分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分把原来连在一起或

4、靠近的分隔开来隔开来,没有破坏宾语的完整性没有破坏宾语的完整性,只是将宾语分开。只是将宾语分开。separate辨析辨析:divide,separatedivide划分划分;把整体分成若干部分把整体分成若干部分,破坏了宾语的破坏了宾语的完整性。完整性。He _ the big eggs _ thesmall ones.e.g.The world is _ five continents.divided intoseparatedfrom AssignmentAssignmentWe _the job _ five parts We _the job _ five parts and each

5、man did one part.and each man did one part.A.divided;intoA.divided;intoB.separated;intoB.separated;intoC.divided;fromC.divided;fromD.separated;fromD.separated;fromA A指把原来连在一起的,可靠近的东西分开指把原来连在一起的,可靠近的东西分开拓展拓展:divide into 把把分成分成 divide sth.among sb.在在分配分配divide A from B使使A和和B分离分离;使分开使分开divide by用用除以除以由

6、于由于divide 常可与常可与 into,among,between 搭配搭配,因此可构成以下短语因此可构成以下短语:3.puzzle(1)n.难题、谜、测验能力的问题(或玩具)难题、谜、测验能力的问题(或玩具)e.g This is really a puzzle to him.困惑困惑,迷惑迷惑 a jigsaw puzzle 七巧板,智力拼图玩具七巧板,智力拼图玩具 e.g.He is in a puzzle about the matter.这对我来说真是个难题。这对我来说真是个难题。他对这件事很困惑他对这件事很困惑.(2)vt.使迷惑使迷惑;使为难使为难,使窘困使窘困e.g.Thi

7、s letter puzzles me.这封信使我迷惑不解这封信使我迷惑不解.注意:其过去分词作表语、定语、状语。注意:其过去分词作表语、定语、状语。There was a puzzled expression on his face.他的脸上露出迷惑不解的表情。他的脸上露出迷惑不解的表情。He looked a little puzzled.他看上去有点困惑。他看上去有点困惑。Puzzled by his problem,I didnt know how to answer.他的问题把我难住了,我不知怎样回答。他的问题把我难住了,我不知怎样回答。4.People may wonder why

8、 different words are used to describe these four countries:England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Island.对于用不同的语言来描述英格兰、威尔士、对于用不同的语言来描述英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家,人们或许会苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家,人们或许会感到奇怪。感到奇怪。句中句中why引导宾语从句引导宾语从句,作作wonder的宾语的宾语回忆回忆 wonder的用法的用法(1)n.U 惊奇;惊叹惊奇;惊叹 e.g.to look at sth.in wonder 惊奇地看着某物惊奇地看着某物

9、 They were filled with wonder.他们非常惊奇。他们非常惊奇。世界七大奇观世界七大奇观 C 奇观;壮举;奇才奇观;壮举;奇才e.g.the seven wonders of the worldHes a wonder.他是个奇才。他是个奇才。Its a wonder you recognized me.真奇怪你认得我真奇怪你认得我.Its a wonder(that)奇怪的是奇怪的是(It is)no wonder he is not hungry;he has beeneating sweets all day.难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果

10、。(Its)no wonder 难怪;并不奇怪;当然难怪;并不奇怪;当然(2)v.纳闷纳闷;想知道想知道 e.g.I was just wondering about my car.我在想我的汽车怎么样了我在想我的汽车怎么样了.(+about/wh-从句从句)I wonder why James is always late for school.我想知道为什么詹姆斯上学总是迟到。我想知道为什么詹姆斯上学总是迟到。我想知道究竟发生了什么事。我想知道究竟发生了什么事。I wonder what really happened.觉得惊讶觉得惊讶;不明白不明白(+at/-that从句从句)e.g.I

11、 wonder at her rudeness.我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。We wonder that the little boy is a universitystudent.我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。5.You can easily clarify any problems if you study British history.如果你学习了英国历史如果你学习了英国历史,很容易就能弄清楚任何很容易就能弄清楚任何问题。问题。clarify vt.1 1)阐明)阐明,澄清澄清,(,(使某事物使某事物)清楚易懂清楚易懂e.g.clarify t

12、he issueMy mind was clarified on this issue.对这个问题我的头脑变得清楚了。对这个问题我的头脑变得清楚了。澄清问题澄清问题 2)使(液体等)澄清)使(液体等)澄清e.g.clarify butter使黄油纯净使黄油纯净 clarification n.澄清、说明澄清、说明 6.回忆回忆 refer to1)提及,指的是提及,指的是 When he said“some students”,do you think he was referring to us?2)参考;查阅;询问参考;查阅;询问 If you dont understand a word

13、 you may refer to your dictionaries.3)关系到;关乎关系到;关乎 What I have to say refers to all of you.This rule refers to everyone.reference n.参考参考/提及提及;涉及涉及/查询查询;了解了解reference books参考书参考书 7.回忆回忆 find+宾语宾补宾语宾补(adj;adv;v-ing;pp;介介词短语;名词词短语;名词;不定式)不定式)3.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in

14、the kitchen.v-ingadj1.Youll find him easy to get along with.4.They found themselves trapped by the bush fire.advpp2.I called on him yesterday,but I found him out.5.When I woke up,I found myself in hospital.介词短语介词短语名词名词 6.The teacher found the girl a good singer.不定式不定式 7.I found nothing new to say.当形

15、容词作宾语补足语时当形容词作宾语补足语时,常用常用it作形式宾语作形式宾语,而将而将真正的宾语置后真正的宾语置后 8.get sth done=have sth done 使某事被做使某事被做.e.g.Ill just get my hair cut.He found it very difficult to solve this problem.补充知识点补充知识点:(1)get+n.+to do 使使做做e.g.Youll get her to agree.(2)get+n.+doing 使使开始开始,发动发动 e.g.Ill get the car going.我将让车子发动起来我将让车

16、子发动起来.你要让她同意你要让她同意.1._ by his problem,I didnt know how to answer.A.Puzzled B.Puzzle C.Puzzling D.To puzzleA即时练习即时练习:2.It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.A.stick to B.refer to C.keep to D.point to3.When I returned my hometown,I found it _.A

17、.change B.changes C.changed D.changing4.I can watch TV when I get my homework _.A.finish B.finishing C.finishes D.finished BCD9.However,the Southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.然而,爱尔兰的南部不愿意,分离出去建立了然而,爱尔兰的南部不愿意,分离出去建立了自己的政府。自己的政府。(1)unwilling adj.不愿意的不愿意的;不

18、情愿的不情愿的;厌恶的厌恶的He is unwilling to accept advice.用法推测用法推测:be unwilling to do sth.不愿意做不愿意做be willing to do sth.乐意做乐意做翻译翻译:他不愿意接受忠告。他不愿意接受忠告。break的常用短语的常用短语break into 强行闯入强行闯入 break out 突然爆发突然爆发 break up 分解,解散,终止,结束分解,解散,终止,结束 break through 突围突围/破破break in 插嘴插嘴 break down (机器、车辆)坏了(机器、车辆)坏了(2)break away

19、(from)挣脱,从挣脱,从摆脱,摆脱,打破打破(陈套等陈套等)break away from conventions 打破常规打破常规 e.g.The prisoner broke away from the guard.囚犯从看守手中逃脱了囚犯从看守手中逃脱了.AssignmentAssignmentNews reported say talks between the two News reported say talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached.countries _ with no agreement

20、 reached.A.have broken downA.have broken downB.have broken outB.have broken outC.have broken inC.have broken inD.have broken upD.have broken upA A10.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas(eg,the currency and international relations),but they still 值得赞扬的是,虽然这四个国家值得赞扬的是,虽然这四

21、个国家的确的确在一些方面在一些方面共同合作共同合作(如货币和国际关系上如货币和国际关系上),但它们仍然但它们仍然 U 信贷信贷/信任信任/赞扬赞扬 credite.g.The bank refused further credit to the company.银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。I did not give credit to her story.我没有相信她的话我没有相信她的话.C 学分学分do在此处是强调助动词,起强调作用在此处是强调助动词,起强调作用My math class is worth three credits.The credit f

22、or this invention goes to Mr.Lodge.这项发明的荣誉属于洛奇先生这项发明的荣誉属于洛奇先生.(+for)我的数学课为三个学分。我的数学课为三个学分。vt.相信相信/把把.归于归于be credited to 把把.归于归于e.g.Nobody credited his story.没有人相信他的话。没有人相信他的话。The accident was credited to the careless driver.这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。to ones credit值得赞扬;为某人增值得赞扬;为某人增光光e.g.To h

23、is credit,Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.杰克对所发生的事守口如瓶,值得赞扬。杰克对所发生的事守口如瓶,值得赞扬。注意注意work together是一个习惯用语是一个习惯用语,不能按字面意不能按字面意思直译。思直译。work 在此处的被译为在此处的被译为“起反应起反应,起作起作用用”,此时整体翻译就是此时整体翻译就是“共同合作共同合作”11.England is the largest of the four countries and for convenience it is divided roughly in

24、to three zones.在这四个国家中在这四个国家中,英格兰最大英格兰最大,为了方便起见为了方便起见,它它大致被分为了三个地区。大致被分为了三个地区。conveniencee.g.1)He thinks only of his own convenience.2)a library planned for the users convenience3)at your convenience 在你方便的时候在你方便的时候 c 便利设施;方便的用具便利设施;方便的用具e.g.The house has all the modern conveniences.u 方便,便利,合方便,便利,合宜

25、宜It is a convenience to live near the station.习惯搭配习惯搭配for(the sake of)convenience 为了方便起见为了方便起见e.g.I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.为了图方便为了图方便,我把参考书放在书桌前。我把参考书放在书桌前。convenient adj.方便方便 的,便利的,合宜的的,便利的,合宜的be convenient to/for sb.be convenient for sb.to do e.g.1)Come here whenever

26、it is convenient to you.3)It was not convenient for him to come here now.2)Will the 3:50 train be convenient for you?e.g.a convenient place/timeattract A to B A被被B吸引吸引12.attractv.吸引,引诱吸引,引诱翻译翻译:你认为是什么吸引人们到大城市来的你认为是什么吸引人们到大城市来的?What do you think attracts people to big cities?attractione.g.What first

27、attracted me to her was her sense of humour.她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感.U 吸引吸引;吸引力吸引力C 吸引物吸引物;喜闻乐见的事物喜闻乐见的事物Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction.e.g.Detective novels have no attraction for me.attractive adj.有吸引力,诱人的有吸引力,诱人的13.collectione.g.a stamp/coin collectione.g.The collection of these

28、 stamps took ten years.U 收集收集,采集采集;收取收取C 收藏品收藏品,搜集的东西搜集的东西收集这些邮票花了十年时间。收集这些邮票花了十年时间。邮票邮票硬币收藏品硬币收藏品 collect v.收藏;搜集;收集收藏;搜集;收集 14.回忆回忆influence1)u 对对的影响的影响 influence on/over sb./sth.e.g.The fact had no influence on our decision.这个事实对我们的决定没影响。这个事实对我们的决定没影响。2)c 产生影响的人产生影响的人/事物事物 influence on sb./sth.e.

29、g.His friend has been a good influence on him.3)v.影响影响e.g.Her style of painting has been influenced by Chinese art.worthwhile“值得做值得做,有价值有价值/作用作用”作表语和定语作表语和定语 常用结构常用结构:It is worthwhile to do/doing e.g.It is worthwhile to try/trying this experiment.e.g.1)Working for so little money just isnt worthwhil

30、e.2)a very worthwhile career.15.回忆回忆worthwhile翻译翻译:做这个实验是值得的做这个实验是值得的worthybe worthy of sth./being done be worthy to be donebe worth sth./doing sth.worthe.g.This experiment is worthy of being tried.to be tried.e.g.This experiment is worth trying.我们没有考虑到他会来我们没有考虑到他会来.nleave alone leave alone 不打扰不打扰 让

31、独自呆着让独自呆着nleave behind leave behind 留下,忘带留下,忘带nleave for leave for 动身去(某地)动身去(某地)e.g.You have left out the most importante.g.You have left out the most important word in this sentence.word in this sentence.你在这一句里漏掉了最重要的一个词你在这一句里漏掉了最重要的一个词.We left out the possibility of hisWe left out the possibility

32、 of ing.关于关于leaveleave的其它短语的其它短语16.leave out省去省去;遗漏遗漏;不考虑不考虑1.Water _hydrogen and oxygen.2.The teacher _ the class _ two groups.3.It is not easy for him to _bad habits.4.To be honest,I cant tell what the _of this building is.5._,he passed the driving test.Exerciseconsists ofdivided intobreak away fr

33、omattractionTo his delight1.My car _ on my way to Shanghai.A.broke down B.broke up C.broke in D.broken out2.I kept my dictionary near my desk _.A.for convenience B.in convenience C.at convenience D.with convenience3.I kept my reference book near my desk _.A.for convenience B.at my convenience 4.The book _ reading.A.is worth B.is worthy C.is worth to AAAA To Finish Exercise 1,2,3on page 12.Find sentences with past particles in the text and get prepared for grammar study.Homework


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