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1、年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 英语翻译模拟题 I. Multiple choices. 1它是知识经济时代产生的基本力量,具有光明的前途。 It is the basic force born to the age of knowledge economy, and is to have C . A. a right future B. a gloomy future C. a bright future D. a awesome future 2毫无疑问,就企业文化的性质和作用而言,它是一种经济文化,是一朵文化和经济结合 的奇葩。 Undou

2、btedly, as far as nature and function of entrepreneurial culture are concerned, it is a kind of economic culture; it is B of the combination of culture and economy. A. a strange flower B. a splendid blossom C. a terrible flower D. a lousy blossom 3国家信息中心预计,今年全年我国的国内生产总值将增长9.3%,总计 13.4 万亿元。 China s S

3、tate Information Centre predicts China s gross domestic product will grow/ increase by 9.3 percent for all of this year, with a total of 13.4 D yuan. A. million B. billion C. thousand D. trillion 4本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 This contract shall A from the date of execution hereof by the buyer and the builder.

4、 A. come into force B. come into being C. come into power D. come into action 5早知如此,我就不参加了。 If I had known it, I D it. A. would have joined B. would join C. would not join D. would not have joined II. Translate the following sentences from the texts we have learned into Chinese. 1. It is recommended

5、 that business travelers prepare for country visits by reading travel guides, which are located in the travel sections of most libraries and bookstores. 我们建议商务旅行者通过阅读旅游指南对到访国家有所准备,旅游指南在大多数图书馆和书 店的旅游柜台。 2. What this means is that business must be in a constant process of change and adaptation to the

6、new economic realities. 这意味着商业处在一个不断变化的过程中,必须适应新的经济现实。 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 3. With a population of nearly one-half million, Long Beach is Californias fifth largest city, ideally located in the heart of the Tech Coast. 4. Our corporation is established for the purpose of carrying

7、on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. 本公司是以经营进口业务和进行对外贸易有关活动为目的而建立的,积极开展和各国及各地 区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。 5. Corporate Fitness Club will serve Seattle-area businesses, helping them to become more productive, while lowering their overall costs. 企业健康俱乐部将为西雅图地区

8、的企业服务,帮助他们降低总成本的同时提高生产效率。 6. In doing so, the interviewer attempts to determine whether applicants have acquired the necessary knowledge while in school or while working in previous jobs. 面试者这样做的目的就是想决定,申请者在校期间或在原来的工作中,是否已经获得了必要 的知识。 7. The Internet has taken its place beside the telephone and telev

9、ision as an important part of people s lives. Consumers use the Internet to shop and invest online. 因特网已经继电话和电视之后成为人们生活的又一重要组成部分。消费者们使用因特网进行 在线购物和投资。 “online” 一般译为“在线”,表示与因特网实时连接. 8. The market inefficiencies can prove detrimental for this important sector of the economy. 市场效率的低下对这个重要的经济部分来说是有害的。 9.

10、 It is also very essential to understand market expectations vis-a-vis the reported figures. 另外还必须理解市场预期和已公布数据之间的对比关系。 10. This theory argued that bank assets (except for cash) should consist of exclusively commercial loans. 这一理论认为银行资产(除现金外)应由纯商业贷款组成。 III. Translate the following sentences in the Ex

11、ercises of the Textbook from English into Chinese. 1. Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine, although visitors may reward special services if they wish, in which cases 10 percent of the bill is adequate. 澳大利亚的酒店和餐馆不增收服务费,不鼓励付小费的行为,所以付服务员小费的现象不多 见。当然, 如果客人因自己得到特别周到的服务而愿意付些酬劳,那么付以相当于帐额10% 的小费较为合适。

12、 2. People need to consider what they would really like to do and are especially good at, as well as what potential customers would like to have. Many smart people get paid to do the things they love to do. Some turn their hobbies into moneymaking ventures. 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 人们

13、需要考虑什么是他们真正想做的,什么是他们特别擅长做的,什么是潜在的顾客想要的。 许多聪明的人做他们喜欢做的事情并且得到报酬,有些人则把它们的兴趣爱好变成能赚钱的 事业。 3. We predict a growth of thirty percent in the first year with sales exceeding $26 million. 我们预计,第一年将增长30%,销售额超过2600 万美元。 4. In competition-based pricing, a firm uses competitor s prices rather than demand or cost

14、considerations as its primary pricing guideposts. 在以竞争为基础的定价中,企业采用竞争者的价格而不是以需求或成本作为其首要的定价基 础 5. A recent study, for instance, found that workers intentions to stay with their organizations are heavily dependent on their levels of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 最近的研究发现, 员工是否愿意留在自己机构里

15、在很大程度上取决于他们对机构的尽职程度 和对工作的满意程度. IV. Translate the following paragraph. Force Majeure : The Sellers shall not be responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Se

16、llers shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within fourteen days thereafter the Sellers shall send a notice by courier to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident o

17、ccurs as evidence thereof. 不可抗力 凡在制造或装船、运输过程中,因不可抗力导致卖方延迟或不能交货的,卖方不负责任。在 发上上述情况时,卖方应理解通知买方,并在_ 天内,以特快专递把事故证明书发送给 买方作为上述情况证明。该事故证明书由事故发生地的当地民间商会签发。 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 英语翻译模拟题 I. Multiple choices. 1本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 This contract shall A from the date of execution hereof by the bu

18、yer and the builder. A. come into force B. come into being C. come into power D. come into action 2 它是知识经济时代产生的基本力量,具有光明的前途。 It is the basic force born to the age of knowledge economy, and is to have C . A. a right future B. a gloomy future C. a bright future D. a awesome future 3 毫无疑问, 就企业文化的性质和作用而

19、言,它是一种经济文化,是一朵文化和经济结合 的奇葩。 Undoubtedly, as far as nature and function of entrepreneurial culture are concerned, it is a kind of economic culture; it is B of the combination of culture and economy. A. a strange flower B. a splendid blossom C. a terrible flower D. a lousy blossom 4 国家信息中心预计,今年全年我国的国内生

20、产总值将增长9.3%,总计 13.4 万亿元。 China s State Information Centre predicts Chinas gross domestic product will grow/ increase by 9.3 percent for all of this year, with a total of 13.4 D yuan. A. million B. billion C. thousand D. trillion 5 早知如此,我就不参加了。 If I had known it, I D it. A. would have joined B. would

21、join C. would not join D. would not have joined II. Translate the following sentences from the texts we have learned into Chinese. 1. Our corporation is established for the purpose of carrying on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. 本公司是以经营进口业务和进行对

22、外贸易有关活动为目的而建立的,积极开展和各国及各地 区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 2. What this means is that business must be in a constant process of change and adaptation to the new economic realities. 这意味着商业处在一个不断变化的过程中,必须适应新的经济现实。 3. The Internet has taken its place beside the telephone and telev

23、ision as an important part of people s lives. Consumers use the Internet to shop and invest online. 因特网已经继电话和电视之后成为人们生活的又一重要组成部分。消费者们使用因特网进行 在线购物和投资。 “online” 一般译为“在线”,表示与因特网实时连接. 4. Corporate Fitness Club will serve Seattle-area businesses, helping them to become more productive, while lowering the

24、ir overall costs. 企业健康俱乐部将为西雅图地区的企业服务,帮助他们降低总成本的同时提高生产效率. 5. In doing so, the interviewer attempts to determine whether applicants have acquired the necessary knowledge while in school or while working in previous jobs. 面试者这样做的目的就是想决定,申请者在校期间或在原来的工作中,是否已经获得了必要 的知识。 6. This theory argued that bank as

25、sets (except for cash) should consist of exclusively commercial loans. 这一理论认为银行资产(除现金外)应由纯商业贷款组成。 7. The market inefficiencies can prove detrimental for this important sector of the economy. 市场效率的低下对这个重要的经济部分来说是有害的。 8. It is recommended that business travelers prepare for country visits by reading t

26、ravel guides, which are located in the travel sections of most libraries and bookstores. 我们建议商务旅行者通过阅读旅游指南对到访国家有所准备,旅游指南在大多数图书馆和书 店的旅游柜台。 9. It is also very essential to understand market expectations vis-a-vis the reported figures. 另外还必须理解市场预期和已公布数据之间的对比关系。 10. With a population of nearly one-half

27、million, Long Beach is Californias fifth largest city, ideally located in the heart of the Tech Coast. III. Translate the following sentences in the Exercises of the Textbook from English into Chinese. 1. In competition-based pricing, a firm uses competitor s prices rather than demand or cost consid

28、erations as its primary pricing guideposts. 在以竞争为基础的定价中,企业采用竞争者的价格而不是以需求或成本作为其首要的定价基 础 2. Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine, although visitors may reward special services if they wish, in which cases 10 percent of the bill is adequate. 澳大利亚的酒店和餐馆不增收服务费,不鼓励付小费的行为,所以付服务员小费的现象不多 见。当然, 如果客人因自己得到

29、特别周到的服务而愿意付些酬劳,那么付以相当于帐额10% 的小费较为合适。 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 3. People need to consider what they would really like to do and are especially good at, as well as what potential customers would like to have. Many smart people get paid to do the things they love to do. Some turn their h

30、obbies into moneymaking ventures. 人们需要考虑什么是他们真正想做的,什么是他们特别擅长做的,什么是潜在的顾客想要的。 许多聪明的人做他们喜欢做的事情并且得到报酬,有些人则把它们的兴趣爱好变成能赚钱的 事业。 4. We predict a growth of thirty percent in the first year with sales exceeding $26 million. 我们预计,第一年将增长30%,销售额超过2600 万美元。 5. A recent study, for instance, found that workers inte

31、ntions to stay with their organizations are heavily dependent on their levels of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 最近的研究发现, 员工是否愿意留在自己机构里在很大程度上取决于他们对机构的尽职程度 和对工作的满意程度. IV. Translate the following paragraph. Force Majeure : The Sellers shall not be responsible for the delay in shipment

32、or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Sellers shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within fourteen days thereafter the Sellers shall send a notice by cou

33、rier to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. 不可抗力 凡在制造或装船、运输过程中,因不可抗力导致卖方延迟或不能交货的,卖方不负责任。在 发上上述情况时,卖方应理解通知买方,并在_ 天内,以特快专递把事故证明书发送给 买方作为上述情况证明。该事故证明书由事故发生地的当地民间商会签发。 年级

34、_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 英语翻译模拟题 I. Multiple choices. 1. 观众中詹姆士的朋友们让他唱一首歌。詹姆士站在台上呆若木鸡,他不会唱。 His friends in the audience asked him to sing a song. C , James cannot. A. Like a chicken B. As dumb as a chicken C. Frozen on the stage D. Freezing on the stage 2. 它是知识经济时代产生的基本力量,具有光明的前途。 It is

35、 the basic force born to the age of knowledge economy, and is to have C . A. a right future B. a gloomy future C. a bright future D. an awesome future 3. 政府进行了大刀阔斧的改革。 The government was D in its reform programs. A. bald and resolute B. big knife and broad ax C. knife and fork D. bold and resolute 4

36、. 毫无疑问,就企业文化的性质和作用而言,它是一种经济文化,是一朵文化和经济结合 的奇葩。 Undoubtedly, as far as nature and function of entrepreneurial culture are concerned, it is a kind of economic culture; it is B of the combination of culture and economy. A. a strange flower B. a splendid blossom C. a terrible flower D. a lousy blossom 5.

37、 本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 This contract shall A from the date of execution hereof by the buyer and the builder. A. come into force B. come into being C. come into power D. come into action II. Translate the following sentences from the texts we have learned into Chinese. 1. It is recommended that business

38、travelers prepare for country visits by reading travel guides, which are located in the travel sections of most libraries and bookstores. 我们建议商务旅行者通过阅读旅游指南对到访国家有所准备,旅游指南在大多数图书馆和书 店的旅游柜台。 2. Globalization of the economy has also raised new issues of nationalism and protection of local culture. 经济全球化也

39、带来了新的民族主义的问题和对当地文化进行保护的问题。 3. Entrepreneurial culture has gained in importance because employers need to attract talented 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! people and employees want to find increased meaning in their work. 由于雇主需要吸引有才能的人,雇员希望在他们的工作中找到更多的意义,企业文化变得越 来越重要。 4. Our corporation is es

40、tablished for the purpose of carrying on import and export business as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. 本公司是以经营进口业务和进行对外贸易有关活动为目的而建立的,积极开展和各国及各地 区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。 5. Corporate Fitness Club will serve Seattle-area businesses, helping them to become more productive, while loweri

41、ng their overall costs. 企业健康俱乐部将为西雅图地区的企业服务,帮助他们降低总成本的同时提高生产效率。 6. In doing so, the interviewer attempts to determine whether applicants have acquired the necessary knowledge while in school or while working in previous jobs. 面试者这样做的目的就是想决定,申请者在校期间或在原来的工作中,是否已经获得了必要 的知识。 7. The Internet has taken it

42、s place beside the telephone and television as an important part of people s lives. Consumers use the Internet to shop and invest online. 因特网已经继电话和电视之后成为人们生活的又一重要组成部分。消费者们使用因特网进行 在线购物和投资。 “online” 一般译为“在线”,表示与因特网实时连接。 8. The market inefficiencies can prove detrimental for this important sector of th

43、e economy. 市场效率的低下对这个重要的经济部分来说是有害的。 9. It is also very essential to understand market expectations vis-a-vis the reported figures. 另外还必须理解市场预期和已公布数据之间的对比关系。 10. The term “commercial banking ” is no longer particularly good one for two reasons. III. Translate the following sentences in the Exercises

44、of the Textbook from English into Chinese. 1. There are a variety of restaurants to suit all tastes and pockets, from top-class restaurants with international cuisine to small coffee shops serving snacks. 在澳大利亚可以找到各式各样的餐馆,从具有国际烹饪水准的一流豪华饭店,到供应快餐的 小咖啡店,各种风味,一应俱全,可以满足各类顾客不同口味和价位要求。 2. People need to co

45、nsider what they would really like to do and are especially good at, as well as what potential customers would like to have. Many smart people get paid to do the things they love to do. Some turn their hobbies into moneymaking ventures. 人们需要考虑什么是他们真正想做的,什么是他们特别擅长做的,什么是潜在的顾客想要的。 许多聪明的人做他们喜欢做的事情并且得到报酬

46、,有些人则把它们的兴趣爱好变成能赚钱的 事业。 3. The prices we quote above are rock-bottom. Although we are keen to meet your requirements, we regret being unable to comply with your request for a reduction in price. 年级_;层次 _;专业 _;姓名 _ 复习资料,自我完善,仅供参考,考完上交! 我方报价是最低价。虽然我方满足你方要求,但抱歉不能按照你方要求降价。 4. In competition-based pricin

47、g, a firm uses competitor s prices rather than demand or cost considerations as its primary pricing guideposts. 在以竞争为基础的定价中,企业采用竞争者的价格而不是以需求或成本作为其首要的定价基 础。 5. A recent study, for instance, found that workers intentions to stay with their organizations are heavily dependent on their levels of organiz

48、ational commitment and job satisfaction. 最近的研究发现, 员工是否愿意留在自己机构里在很大程度上取决于他们对机构的尽职程度 和对工作的满意程度。 IV. Translate the following paragraph. Some of the cultural distinctions that U.S. firms most often face include differences in business styles, attitudes toward development of business relationships, attit

49、udes toward punctuality, negotiating styles, gift-giving customs, greetings, significance of gestures, meanings of colors and numbers, and customs regarding titles. 美国公司经常碰到的一些文化差异包括商务方式、对发展商务关系的态度、对守时的态度、 谈判风格、 赠送礼物的习惯、问候、手势的意义、颜色和数字的含义以及和头衔相关的风俗 习惯 . A misunderstanding over gestures is a common occurrence i


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