(三起)北师大版六下英语Unit 8 Music-Lesson 1 Mochy's Show.-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:b03a3).doc

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(三起)北师大版六下英语Unit 8 Music-Lesson 1 Mochy's Show.-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:b03a3).doc_第1页
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1、人教版高一英语人教版高一英语必修四必修四 unit4 unit4 BodyBody languagelanguage 教案教案 Teaching goals: Teaching goals: 1.Talk about body language: cdcultural differences and intercultural communication 2.Practise talking about prohibition & warning as well as obligation 3.Improve the students reading ability, such as skim

2、ming, scanning,get the detailed information and understand the main idea of the text. 4.let students learn about the words and expressions about body language. Teaching Important Points:Teaching Important Points: 1Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cult

3、ures as well as in different occasions. 2. How does body language differ among people from different cultures? Teaching Difficult Points: Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language. 2.to grasp the main idea of the text. Te

4、aching Methods:Teaching Methods: 1.Question-and-answer activity teaching method 2.Pair work, individual work method and group work method 3. Acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement P Part 5.art 5.Teaching aids Teaching aids 1.Multimedia 2.the blackboard P Part 6.Tart 6.Teach

5、ing eaching procedureprocedure S Step tep I I Waming up Waming up Ask students something about QQ and then show them a series of pictures of a QQ catoon character and ask them to explain the picture. Students learn that what is body language and how useful body language is in our dailylife. S Stepte

6、p IIII PrePre- -readingreading 1. Discuss the fuction of the body language 2. Tell students the background of the article and let they pretend to be the person in the article. S Steptep IIIIII WhileWhile- -readireadingng 1. scanning give students two questions before reading. 1 what is the topic of

7、the article? 2. what is the problem when these people meet? Give students 2min to scan the article and think about the two questions. find out the main ideas of each paragragh with students and then ask students to answer the questions. 2. pair work read the article again to finish the chart in pair

8、 person country Suitable greeting Mr Garcia Julia Smith Japanese Geroge Cook Ahmed Aziz Modame coulon To a man: To a woman: And then check the answers and the customs of greeting of different countries. S Steptep IVIV PostPost- -readingreading 1. Let students imitate the greetings in pair and show t

9、heir imitation to the whole class. 2. group work i Read the text carefully and try to discuss those questions in group of four. Why are the people visitng China? Why is Julia Smith surprised? What do French people ofen do when they meet people they know? Why do you think we need to study body langua

10、ge? Is the main character male or female? How do you know? ii Ask students to share their opinion with us and check the answers together. S Step tep V V List and explain some setences about body language Do in Rome as the Romans do. 谚入国问禁, 入乡随俗。 Manners make the man. 礼貌造就人。 Good manners are the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. -Jonathan Swift 礼貌周到是使同我们谈话的那些人感到自在的艺术。 (英作家)斯威夫特 part7part7 HomeworkHomework Get ready to retell the text in your own words Find out more information about the different body language in the world.


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