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1、高考专题高考专题英语中的平行结构英语中的平行结构l连词是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。l并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组和分句。l从属连词用来引导名词从句和各类的状语从句。一、平行结构,即并列结构:由并列连词连接两个或两个以上对等的语言成分构成。l常见的并列连词有:1、表递进关系:and,not onlybut also,neithernor,not but2.选择关系:or,eitheror,otherwise,whether.or 3.转折对比关系:but,yet,whereas,while,still4

2、.因果关系:so,for5.并列关系:and,when二、对连接词连接的成分要求:形式对称;功能相同(充当同样的句子成分),时态平衡。l 并列平行结构应该是名词和名词,副词和副词,分词和分词,不定式和不定式,动词和动词,句子和句子等的并列,而不能其中一个概念用分词结构表达,而另一个概念用不定式或从句来表达。l 比如下面句子就违反了平行结构的准则:l Do some nice things for your parents that they dont expect like cooking,doing the dishes,washing clothes,or clean the floors

3、.l 做饭、刷碗、洗衣服、拖地在本句中应为并列结构作为介词like“像”的宾语,故应用相同的形式,都用动名词,所以应将clean改为cleaning。三、平行结构主要类型l 1.名词和名词平行结构l The patients symptoms were fever,dizziness,and headache.l 病人的症状是发烧、头晕和头痛。l 2.形容词和形容词平行结构l Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.l 早睡早起使人健康、富有、聪明。l 3.副词和副词平行结构l The work i

4、s handsomely and skillfully done.l 这项工作做得漂亮,有水平。l 4.分词平行结构(现在分词与现在分词/过去分词与过去分词)l The boys were running,shouting and laughing.l 男孩子们边跑,边喊叫着、笑着。(伴随状语)l The old man returned home,disappointed and exhausted.l 5.动名词doing平行结构l Henrys work is reading books and writing book reviews.l 亨利的工作是读读书,写写书评。l 6.动词不定

5、式平行结构l On the other hand,40%think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers,and(to)buy plants and young trees.另一方面,40%的同学认为应收门票,他们认为门票费可以作为支付园林工人及其他工作人员的工资和购买新花木的费用。and 连接并连接并列不定式第二个不定式往往省略列不定式第二个不定式往往省略 to。l 7.介词短语平行结构l 1)Your semester grade is based not

6、only on how well you do on each test,but also on how you participate in class.l 2)We often go to the countryside as well as to factories.l 8.谓语动词平行结构 谓语形式时态要一致谓语形式时态要一致 l He went downtown,bought some books and visited his daughter.l 9.句子的并列(并列句)l I was tired,but I felt happy.四、需掌握的知识点l 1.be about to

7、 do sth when+从句l 2.祈使句+and+句子l 3.while conj.然而,而l 4.分辨谓语动词的并列和伴随状语l 5.what名词性短语的并列l 6.“随着”两种表达:with+复合结构/as+句子l 7.分辨短语和句子l 8.分辨定语从句和并列句l 9.不定式的并列l 10.分辨:句子+并列连词+句子、短语+句子五五、And的用法的用法l综述:and 是并列连词,它既能连接两个并列(平行)的结构,也能连接两个并列的分句。我们可以通过分析它在句子结构中的功能,从而巧妙的解题。(一):(一):and连接两个或两个以上的并列结构在形式上连接两个或两个以上的并列结构在形式上要一

8、致。在不同的语境中,也可用其他并列连词要一致。在不同的语境中,也可用其他并列连词or,but等。等。l句1:We rushed back to the palace and looked for it.l句2:Father sat at the desk and wrote something.l句3:I had to lie to the company and pretend to be a man.句句1可转化成不定式作目的状语。可转化成不定式作目的状语。We rushed back to the palace to look for it.句句2可转化成现在分词作伴随状语。可转化成现在

9、分词作伴随状语。Father sat at the desk,writing something.句句3中的中的and连接两个不定式,后一个连接两个不定式,后一个不定式不定式to要省略。要省略。例1:the goat rolled over and _.A.died B.dead C.dying D.deathl2.He called at every door and _ people the exciting news.A.tell B.telling C.told D.having toldcalled 和和 and 为并列谓语。若将为并列谓语。若将and改为逗号,择选改为逗号,择选B,

10、现在分词作伴随状语。现在分词作伴随状语。若是既无若是既无and也无逗号,则用不定式也无逗号,则用不定式to tell 作目的状语。作目的状语。既是既是B:He called at every door,telling people the exciting news.C:He called at every door to tell people the exciting news.3.She went to the market,_ everything she needed and took a taxi home.A.buy B.bought C.buying D,to buy 三个并列

11、的谓语动词:三个并列的谓语动词:went,bought and took(二):(二):and连接并列分句,这种并列句可转换成简单连接并列分句,这种并列句可转换成简单句或者从句。句或者从句。l A.并列句和简单句,状语从句的转换。并列句和简单句,状语从句的转换。l Ex:Use your head and you will find a way.l 简单句:简单句:Using your head,you will find a way.从句:从句:If you use your head,you will find a way.l _and they bought a picnic with

12、them.A.It being a fine day B.It is a fine day C.Being a fine day D.It was a fine dayB.并列句and和定语从句的转换l Ex:Bamboos are hollow and this makes them very light.l 定从:Bamboos are hollow,which makes them very light.1.She heard a terrible noise and _ brought her heart into her mouth.A.which B.it C./D.what转换:

13、She heard a terrible noise,which brought her heart into her mouth.2.She had two sons and _ were doctors.A.all of them B.all of whomC.both of them D.both of whoml 转换:转换:l She had two sons,both of whom were doctors.l 3.The decision _,what is to be done now is how to carry it out.l A.is made B.has been

14、 made C.having been made D.having made4.I saw a lot of children playing in the garden,most of them _ girls.A.are B.were C.being D.have been comes-coming/and leaveskeep-keeping/and you判断下列句子的正误l1.The weather turned out to be very good,it was more than we could expect.l2.Spring comes,leaves turn green

15、.l3.Keep on trying,youll succeed.l4.They get coal out of the ground,changing it into electricity and send it to many places.l5.He has made a wonderful discovery,which I think it is of great help to us.It-which/it 前加前加andchanging-changel6.They got off the train,carrying all their cases and their fath

16、ers jacket.l7.Turning down the radio and the baby is sleeping.l8.I have three coats,none of them fits me.l9.The secretary worked into the night,preparing a long speech for the president.l10.As there are nearly 50 streets in the city,most of which we cant remember clearly.Turning-Turnthem-which/and n

17、onewhich-them在高考中的体现及解题思路 l 1.The house belongs to my aunt but shehere any more(2006年全国卷)Ahasnt lived Bdidnt live Chadnt lived Ddoesnt live 解析:but前后分句的时态平衡。时态平衡。but连接两个并列句,第一个分句谓语动词belongs属于一般现在时态,but后的分句也用一般现在时态doesnt live来表达以保持时态平衡,选D。2.The old couple married for 40 years and never once _with each

18、 other.(2003全国卷)A.they had quarreled.B.they have quarreled C.have they quarreled D.had they quarreled.l解析:这对老夫妻已结婚40年了,他们彼此从未吵过架.本题的关键词是and,and前是句子,and 后也应是句子形式,后一分句以never开头的则应倒装倒装,C。3.She set out soon after dark _ home an hour later.(1994)A.arriving B.to arrive C.having arrived D.and arrivedl 分析:她天

19、黑后回家,一个小时后到家。A C是分词 A为分词一般式doing,表示与谓语同时发生;having arrived表示先于谓语发生;to arrive表示目的。很明显先set out 后arrive排除A和C而本题时态是一般过去时,所以选D.and连接两个谓语。4._the Fire Department in your city,and you will learn a lot about firefighting.(湖南卷)A.Having searched B.To search C.Searching D.Searchl 解析:做好本题的关键是注意到句中的并列连词and,由and可知这

20、是一个并列句,and的后面是句子,其前面也应是句子。由于句首无主语,可推断它是祈使句,所以选动词原形D。5.It is worth considering what makes“convenience”foods so popular,and _ better ones of your own.A.introduces B.to introduce C.introducing D.introducedl句中的并列连词and连接的是两个对称的并列成分,由于其前的considering为动名词,所以空格处也要用动名词。选6One learns a language by making mistak

21、es andthemAcorrect Bcorrecting Ccorrects Dto correct l解析:列连词and连接两个动名词短语making mistakes和correcting them作介词by的宾语,使其and前后形式一致。选B。7.The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent _ at the end of last March.A.has been launched B.having been launched C.being launched D.to be la

22、unched l 解析:两个“句子”间没有并列连词,所以空格处不可能填一个完整的谓语,据此我们可以最先排除选项A。又因动作于去年的三月底就已经发生,所以排除C,D。选B。the most recent having been launched at the end of last March为独立主格结构,在句中做伴随状语。“独立主格结构”是由名词或代词作为逻辑主语,加上分词、形容词、副词、动词不定式或介词短语作为逻辑谓语构成。其作用相当于一个状语从句。8The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons _ for the

23、 day.(重庆卷)A.finishing B.finished C.had finished D.were finished l解析:B。两个“句子”间没有并列连词,不可能填一个完整的谓语,可以最先排除C和D。再根据句意,由于lessons与动词finish之间为被动关系,故要用过去分词。单选题:1.The young member made several proposals,and none of _ considered practical or acceptable.A.them B.which C.it D.what 2.Jingqiu,the young heroine of t

24、he new Zhang Yimou movie Under the Hawthorn Tree,is a very innocent high school student,_ love story set in _ mid 1970s.A.her;the B.whose;/C.whose;the D.her;/3.The old man spoke to the girl again,raising his voice,but still _ no answer.A.received B.receiving C.had received D.to receive4.The purpose

25、of new technologies is to make life easier,_ it more difficult.A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make 5.Tom caught the school bus,_.A.and Jane did neither B.but so did Jane C.and Jane didnt either D.but Jane didnt 6.On Sunday afternoon,Mrs.Green went to the market,_ some bananas and vis

26、ited her cousin.A.bought B.buying C.to buy D.buy7.She set out soon after dark_ home an hour later.A.arriving B.to arrive C.having arrived D.and arrived8._ the poem a second time,the meaning will become clearer to you.A.Your having read B.While readingC.If reading D.When you read9._ it with me and Il

27、l see what I can do.A.When left B.Leaving C.Leave D.If you leave 10.The children climbed up the hill,_ they picnicked.A.on its top B.on the top of itC.on whose top D.on the top of that11.While reading,_.A.the doorbell rang B.the doorbell was rangC.we heard the doorbell ring D.the bell of the door ra

28、ng12._ many times,but he still couldnt understand it.A.Having been told B.Though he had been toldC.He was told D.Having told 13._ the road and youll soon get to the museum.A.Walking on B.Following C.Walk D.Take14._ an expert,so he knew exactly what to do.A.Being B.Having been C.As D.He was15.The dic

29、tionary is expensive,_ we could have to buy it.A.but B.and C.or D.so16.Five minutes earlier,_ we could have caught the last train.A.or B.but C.and D.so17.Hurry up!_ well be late.A.and B.so C.for D.so that18.Its idea didnt agree with _ was written in the Bible.A.which B.what C.that D.how19.He is plea

30、sed with _ you have given her and all _ youve told her.A.that;that B.that;what C.what;that D.what;what20._ we cant get seems better than _ we have.A.What;what B.What;that C.That;that D.That;what 21.John got the first place and _ made his parents happy.A.which B.that C.as D.what 22.Rather than _ on a

31、 crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycle.A.ride;ride B.riding;rideC.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding23.You can only be sure of _ you have at present,you can not be sure of something _ you might get in the future.A.that;what B.what;/C.which;that D./;that24.He was educated at the local high school,_ he

32、 went to Beijing University.A.after which B.after thatC.in which D.in that25.Last week,only two people came to look at the house,_ wanted to buy it.A.none of them B.both of themc.none of whom D.neither of whom26.She brought with her three friends,none of _ I had ever met before.A.them B.who C.whom D

33、.these27.The artist was born poor,_ poor he remained all his life.A.and B.or C.but D.so 28.Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a child.A.when B.if C.and D.till29._ more and more forests were destroyed,some animals are facing the danger of dying out.A.By B.With C.As D.For 30.Tom is very good at science,_ for his brother,art is his favorite.A.but B.while C.therefore D.and


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