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1、【小升初】上海市小升初英语完形填空详细答案精品试卷试卷一、完形填空1完形填空阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Daming, Simon and Simons father are 1 the UN building. Its in 2 . There are lots of 3 from all around the world. Daming wants to go 4 to have a look. There are many presents from many countries in the UN. Simon 5 Daming one of the presents from Chi

2、na. Its very beautiful. Daming wants 6 photo of it.1. A. visitB. visitsC. visiting2. A. New YorkB. BeijingC. London3. A. countryB. flagC. flags4. A. insideB. underC. out5. A. showB. showsC. showed6. A. to takeB. takesC. taking【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)A; 【解析】【分析】这是介绍大明他们三人游览联合国大厦的短文。 (1)句意:大明

3、,西蒙和西蒙的爸爸正在.联合国大厦。这里和are搭配,用现在分词visiting,构成进行时态正确。故答案为:C。 (2)句意:它在.。联合国大厦在纽约,A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (3)句意:这里有许多来自世界各地的.。这里用flags“国旗”正确,country“国家”,意思不合适,这里有lots of(许多)修饰,flag用复数。故答案为:C。 (4)句意:大明想要去.看看。A选项是“里面”,B选项是“在.下面”,C选项是:外面。这里有inside“里面”正确。故答案为:A。 (5)句意:西蒙.大明一件来自中国的礼物。根据上下文,句子时态用一般现在时,句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用动

4、词的单三形式,B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (6)句意:大明想.它的照片。这里是短语want to do sth“想要做某事”,A选项正确。故答案为:A。 【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。仔细审题,根据语法结构和句意提示来选择合适的答案。2完形填空根据上下文,选择适当的单词填空。 One year, two weeks before Christmas, I went to London with my mother. I 1 forget the day. The streets were 2 people. The shop windows were very bright. My moth

5、er held my hand and we both went into a toy shop. The shop was full of 3 . There were nice toys 4 . Then I saw Father Christmas. I 5 my mother by the hand. Please 6 me to Father Christmas, I said. There were 7 children near Father Christmas. They were standing 8 line. Father Christmas spoke to every

6、 one of them. At last it was my 9 . Hello, little Tom. he said to me. As soon as I heard his 10 , I found out that he was my uncle, John Smith.1. A. shall neverB. dontC. always2. A. crowds ofB. full ofC. fill of3. A. manB. womenC. children4. A. anywhereB. somewhereC. everywhere5. A. pulledB. pushedC

7、. got6. A. bringB. takeC. ask7. A. muchB. lots ofC. few8. A. inB. atC. with9. A. timeB. turnC. toy10. A. soundB. noiseC. voice【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)B;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】这篇短文叙述了作者圣诞节前在伦敦的一次经历。 (1)句意:我.忘记这一天。A选项是:将永远不会;B选项是:不会;C选项是:一直。这里用A选项和句子意思搭配正确。故答案为:A。 (2)句意:街道上.人。这里是短语be f

8、ull of“充满.”,B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (3)句意:商店里挤满了.。根据前文toy shop,可知C选项children“孩子们”正确。故答案为:C。 (4)句意:这里.都是好看的玩具。A选项是:任何地方;B选项是:某处;C选项是:到处。这里用C选项意思正确。故答案为:C。 (5)句意:我.我妈妈的手。A选项是:拉;B选项是:推;C选项是:得到。用A选项意思正确。故答案为:A。 (6)句意:请.我去找圣诞老人。这里是短语take sb to “带某人去.”,bring是带来,意思不合适,ask“请求”,意思也不合适。故答案为:B。 (7)句意:圣诞老人附近有.孩子们。这里修饰可数名

9、词复数,much不修饰可数名词,不可以; few意思是否定意思,和句子语境不符;只有B选项“许多”正确。故答案为:B。 (8)句意:他们在站.队。这里是短语stand in line“站队”,A选项正确,故答案为:A。 (9)句意:最后.我了。这里是常用句型“Its my turn。轮到我了”,time“时间”,toy“玩具”意思都不合适。故答案为:B。 (10)句意:我一听到他的.我就发现他是我的叔叔,约翰史密斯。这里表示人是说话的声音,用voice“嗓音”,sound“声音”,指声响;noise是“噪音”,都不合适。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查完型天空的题目。根据上下文,以及常用的短语

10、和语法选择合适的选项。3完形填空根据上下文,选择适当的单词 It happened in a very cold 1 . One day a farmer was on his way 2 . Suddenly, he saw a snake lying on the 3 almost frozen to death. Poor snake! Let me 4 your life!”said the farmer. Then he put the snake under his coat, next to his warm body. A few minutes 5 , the snake c

11、ame back to life. The farmer did not get any signs of thanks for saving the snakes life. 6 the snake bit the farmer and left. Poor me! Why did I save the life of a cold-blooded snake? 7 the dying farmer.1. A. summerB. winterC. autumn2. A. homeB. to schoolC. to play3. A. groundB. floorC. wall4. A. sa

12、vingB. helpC. save5. A. laterB. agoC. late6. A. AndB. ButC. Instead7. A. smiledB. criedC. laughed【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B; 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:发生在一个非常寒冷的。 A夏天,很热,B冬天,很冷,C秋天,凉爽,根据 cold寒冷的,可知是冬天,故答案为B. (2)句意:一天,一个农夫在回的路上。 on his way +名词,A家,名词,B到学校,介词+名词,C去玩,动词不定式,故答案为A. (3)句意:突然,他看见一条蛇躺在地上,几乎

13、冻死了。A地上,B地板,C墙,根据前句在回家的路上,可知在路上,故答案为A. (4)句意:”可怜的蛇!让我来你的生命!Let+人称代词宾格+动词原形+其它。A拯救,现在分词,排除,B帮助,动词原形,C拯救,动词原形,根据前句蛇几乎冻死了,故答案为C. (5)句意:几分钟后,蛇复活了。 a few minutes later几分钟后,固定搭配,故答案为A. (6)句意:相反,蛇咬了农夫然后离开了。A和,并列关系,根据前句句意,排除,B但是,转折关系,前句与后句没有转折关系,C相反,根据句意农夫救了蛇,应该谢谢他,但是蛇没有,相反,蛇没有谢谢农夫而是咬了农夫,故答案为C. (7)句意:“可怜的我!

14、为什么我要救一条冷血蛇的命?”垂死的农夫喊道。根据句意农夫要死了,与选项B哭着喊道,相匹配,故答案为B. 【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译句子,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填空,使句意完整。 4完形填空完形填空 There are four seasons in a year and I like spring best. The weather gets 1 , birds begin to sing, and flowers begin to blossom. These show that spring has 2 Spring makes the world become green

15、 and the world is full of vitality (生机). In spring, the daytime becomes longer than the night. And the sunlight makes things grow better. I like sunlight very much, 3 I also enjoy rain. On rainy days, I love doing something 4 , such as listening to music, doing some reading, or just looking at the r

16、ain and thinking about some beautiful things. When I do that, I will forget all the bad things. I think its a good way to 5 Do you know the Chinese saying The years work depends on (取决于) a good 6 in spring? Then lets make our plans for the new year!1. A. coolB. coldC. warmD. hot2. A. finishedB. come

17、C. stayedD. lived3. A. yetB. orC. butD. so4. A. easilyB. quicklyC. suddenlyD. quietly5. A. studyB. workC. relaxD. run6. A. startB. endC. wayD. part【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A; 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:一年有四个季节,我最喜欢春天。天气变了,鸟儿开始唱歌,花朵开始开花。与根据前句是春季,春天的天气是温暖的,选项C温暖的,相匹配。故选C. (2)句意:这说明春天已经,春天使世界变得“绿色”,世界充满了活力。

18、世界变绿色了,说明春天来了,与选项B来了,相匹配。故选B. (3)句意:我非常喜欢阳光,我也喜欢下雨。前半句与后半句是转折关系,与选项C但是,相匹配。故选C. (4)句意:在雨天,我喜欢做一些事情,比如听音乐,看书,或者只是看着雨,想着一些美好的事情。根据后半句听音乐,看书,或者只是看着雨都是做些很安静的事情,与选项D安静地,相匹配。故选D. (5)句意:我觉得这是好方法。根据前句指所做的事情,都是放松的的好方法,与选项C放松的,相匹配。故选C. (6)句意:你知道中国有句话叫“一年的工作有赖于春天的良好开端”?这是一句谚语, start开端, 与选项A开端,相匹配。故选A. 【点评】本题考查

19、了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的选项填空。5完形填空完形填空 Tomb-sweeping Festival (清明节) is the most important festival in spring. It comes 1 early April. On that day, people visit tombs (墓) to honour (纪念) the dead. They always 2 some time cleaning the tomb area. They usually plant some trees near the tombs and decora

20、te (装饰) them with fresh 3 But it is not just a day for honouring the dead. It is also a good time to celebrate the coming of spring. With the coming of spring, nature 4 , dressing the world in green. Everything is new, clean and fresh. Birds begin to 5 houses for their babies. In forests and fields,

21、 many animals have babies at this time of the year. Days begin to get longer and the weather gets warmer. People in China will have a three-day holiday during the Tomb-sweeping Festival. It is a happy time for people to enjoy the outdoor activities, 6 flying kites, swinging and hiking. This is why t

22、his festival has been very popular for thousands of years.1. A. onB. atC. inD. by2. A. spendB. payC. costD. take3. A. airB. foodC. flowersD. water4. A. comes downB. wakes upC. rises upD. falls off5. A. putB. buildC. climbD. fly6. A. such asB. as ifC. for exampleD. look like【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(

23、5)B;(6)A; 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:它在四月初到来。在月份前面用介词in,故答案为C. (2)句意:他们总是些时间清理墓区。 spend in doing是指在做什么事上花费了时间,后面接的是动词+ing,pay付费的意思, cost的主语是物或事,It takes sb some time to do sth.某人花费一些时间做某事。可知选项A符合题意, 故答案为A. (3)句意:他们通常在坟墓附近种植一些树,并用鲜装饰它们。人们在扫墓时多数拿鲜花,可知选项C符合题意,故答案为C. (4)句意:随着春天的到来,大自然了,把世界打扮成绿色。春天到来时,到处是绿色,就像刚睡醒了,A下

24、降,B醒来,C上升,D脱落,故答案为B. (5)句意:鸟类开始为它们的宝宝房屋。根据句意,鸟为宝宝建房子,A放,B建造,C爬,D飞,故答案为B. (6)句意:这是人们享受户外活动的好时机,放风筝、荡秋千和徒步旅行。后半句有好几个例子,A如, 常列举同类人或物中的几个例子;B好像;C例如, 一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、句末;D看起来像,故答案为A. 【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的选项填空,使短文完整。6完形填空完形填空 Wei Hua had a busy day yesterday. She got up b

25、efore 7oclock in the 1 , and quickly washed her hands and face. She got to school early. She had 2 rest after lunch, but she 3 hard in class all day. She played basketball 4 school, and then walked home. Wei Huas pen was broken, so she needed a 5 one. On her way home she 6 a new pen at a shop. When

26、she reached home she had a short rest and drank a cup of water. After that she helped her parents. She quickly cooked the supper, 7 cleaned the house. She 8 TV for half an hour after 9 . Then she started her homework. She finished her homework at half past nine. She went to bed before a quarter to t

27、en. I asked Wei Hua this question: “ Do you enjoy 10 ?” “Yes, I do”, she answered, “I like to keep busy!”1. A. eveningB. afternoonC. nightD. morning2. A. fewB. a fewC. someD. a little3. A. workedB. worksC. will workD. is working4. A. afterB. beforeC. inD. on5. A. blueB. longC. oldD. new6. A. borrowe

28、dB. foundC. boughtD. took away7. A. butB. andC. orD. so8. A. watchedB. sawC. looked atD. noticed9. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. tea10. A. readingB. restingC. workingD. writing【答案】 (1)D;(2)D;(3)A;(4)A;(5)D;(6)C;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】这是介绍卫华一天的生活。(1)句意: 她.七点前起床。根据句意,起床在早上morning, 故答案为: D.(2)

29、句意: 午饭后她休息了.。这里rest是不可数名词,不用few和a few修饰,some很多, a little很少。根据句意用a little. 故答案为: D.(3)句意: 可是她一整天努力.。根据句意这里是短语work hard, 这里是陈述过去的事,用一般过去时, work用过去式worked. 故答案为: A.(4)句意: .学后,她打篮球。根据句意这里是短语after school放学后, 故答案为: A.(5)句意: 卫华的钢笔坏了。她想买一个.。A选项是蓝色的, B选项是长的, C选项是旧的, D选项是新的。根据句意用新的new. 故答案为: D.(6)句意: 在回家的路上,她

30、到商店.一个新钢笔。根据句意用买buy, 这是过去的事用过去时, buy用过去式bought. 故答案为: C.(7)句意: 她很快的吃了晚饭,.打扫了房间。根据句意,吃饭和打扫房间动作是并列关系用and, but表示转折,or表示选择,so表示顺承,都不合适。故答案为: B.(8)句意: .后她.电视半小时。这里是短语watch TV看电视, watch用过去式watched. 故答案为: A.(9)句意: .后她.看电视半小时。根据上下文是晚饭后after supper. 故答案为: C.(10)句意: 你喜欢.吗? A选项是阅读, B选项是: 休息,C选项是: 工作,D选项是: 写作。根

31、据句意,用working. 故答案为: C.【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。要掌握所学知识的综合利用。7完形填空完形填空。Hello. Im Jenny. I have a best friend. 1 name is Amy. We are in the same school. We both can sing and dance well. She is as 2 as me.At school, my teachers all can make 3 happy. But we must 4 white blouse with the long sleeves. I am good 5

32、maths and English. She 6 English. She thinks its difficult. Yesterday we 7 a party at school. We enjoyed ourselves.At spare time, my favourite 8 is winter. I like 9 snowmen in winter. But she likes eating ice creams in summer.What a pity! In two months time, we are going to go to middle school. We a

33、re very busy every day. We 10 harder than now. 1. A. SheB. HerC. Shes2. A. tallB. tallerC. tallest3. A. usB. ourC. ours4. A. wearing B. woreC. wear5. A. atB. inC. on6. A. isnt likeB. doesnt likeC. dont like7. A. haveB. hadC. are going to have8. A. monthB. seasonC. day9. A. makeB. makesC. making10. A

34、. learnB. are learningC. will learn【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了我和最好的朋友艾米的一些情况。(1)考查上下文的联系,根据I have a best friend. name is Amy. 可知我又一个好朋友,她的名字是艾米,故选B。(2)考查上下文的联系,根据She is as as me.可知她和我一样高,asas,和一样,故选A。(3)考查上下文的联系,根据At school, my teachers al

35、l can make happy. 可知在学校,我的老师会使我们很高兴,故选A。(4)考查上下文的联系,根据But we mustwhite blouse with the long sleeves.可知我们必须穿长袖白衬衫,故选B。(5)考查上下文的联系,根据 I am good maths and English. 可知我擅长数学和英语,故选C。(6)考查上下文的联系,根据 She English. She thinks its difficult. 可知 她不喜欢英语,她认为英语很难,故选A。(7)考查上下文的联系,根据 Yesterday we a party at school. 可

36、知昨天我们学校举办了一场聚会,故选B。(8)考查上下文的联系,根据At spare time, my favouriteis winter. 可知 我最喜欢的季节是冬季,故选A。(9)考查上下文的联系,根据 I like snowmen in winter. 可知我喜欢在冬天堆雪人,故选C。(10)考查上下文的联系,根据We are very busy every day. We harder than now.可知我们现在每天都很忙,并且现在学习更努力,根据now可知此处应该使用现在进行时,故选B。【点评】本题主要考查了单词的应用,主要考察介词动词名词等做本题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活

37、运用所学的基础知识本题考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识并且联系上下文,选出合适的单词。8完形填空完形填空。 It is a sunny Sunday morning. Lana and her mother are on a big bus. There are 1 people on it. Some 2 from America, and some 3 England and Canada. They are all 4 friends. They are going to the G

38、reat Wall. 5 are two Chinese on the bus. 6 is a woman. She is 7 the bus. The other is a young man. He 8 good English. He is now talking 9 the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it 10 .1. A. muchB. anyC. many2. A. isB. areC. has3. A. with

39、B. ofC. from4. A. herB. hisC. their5. A. TheyB. TheirC. There6. A. ThatB. ThisC. One7. A. ridingB. takingC. driving8. A. speaksB. saysC. talls9. A. withB. on C. about10. A. a lotB. lot ofC. very【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)C;(5)C;(6)C;(7)C;(8)A;(9)C;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】(1)people是人的复数,所以Be动词也应该用复数are所以这个题目选择C。(

40、2)some一些,因为前文中说一些人,所以这应该是一些人,一些人是复数,所以用are。所以这个题目选择B。(3)from来自的意思,上文中说一些来自美国,所以对照上文,这个题目选择C。(4)第二句写的是Lana and her mother。所以这里应该指的是两个人。A 她的 her B his 他的 C their 他们的 ,故选C。(5)There be句型,这里有。故选C。(6)上文说到2个人是中国人,现在说的其中的一个,故用one。选C。(7)他们都在公交车上,riding是骑的意思,排除,应该是驾驶。故选C。(8)说某种语言,用的是speak。故选A。(9)谈论什么的内容用about

41、。A 选项with是和谁交谈。故选C。(10)AB都是很多的意思。但是of后面要加名词。C选项very后面要加very much 或者加形容词。故选A。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完型填空首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。9完形填空完形填空。 My mother is going to have a cookie party in our 1 . She is going to 2 all the mothers and 3 young children in our street (街道).

42、There are 4 five families in our street. And there are eight young children in these families. 5 mother is going to 6 some cookies and bring them to the party. But they do not 7 to bring any drink. My mother will 8 enough (足够) drink. The children will be very 9 , because they can enjoy a lot of 10 cookies.1. A. townB. schoolC. gardenD. city2. A. helpB. inviteC. callD. make3. A. itsB. theirC. hisD. her4. A. muchB. manyC. onlyD. some5. A. MuchB


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