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1、人教PEP版四年级下学期期末测试英 语 试 卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_听力部分(40分). 听音,照例子,圈出图片所代表单词中包含的字母组合。(5分)1. 例: 2. 3. ir ur or er ur or 4. 5. 6. ar er ur or al le. 听音,选择,将听到的单词或短语序号填在括号内。(7分)1. ( ) A. scarf B. sock C. sweater2. ( ) A. art B. Chinese C. class3. ( ) A. hen B. horse C. sheep4. ( ) A. cold B. cloudy C. cool5. ( )

2、A. whose B. how much C. how many6. ( ) A. go to bed B. get up C. go to school7. ( ) A. put away B. hang up C. take off. 听音, 排序。(5分) 1000 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). 听音,在相符的图片下方打。(6分) 11:30 a.m.7:30 a.m.1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 听音,判断图片与所听内容是( )否( )相符。(5分)1. 2. 12 3.

3、 4. 5.VI. 听音,按顺序标号。(6分)( 2 ) Yes. These pants are nice.( ) Can I try them on?( ) Can I help you?( ) How much are they?( ) Sure. Here you are.( ) They are just right. Ill take it.( ) They are 95 yuan. They are cheap. . 听音,判断正(T)误(F)。(6分)1. ( ) Its cool and snowy in Beijing.2. ( ) That umbrella is 15

4、yuan.3. ( ) The shorts are Mikes.4. ( ) They are ducks.5. ( ) The music room is on the second floor.6. ( ) My new socks are on the bed.笔试部分(60 分). 照例子,找规律写单词。(5分)shirt farm world under people Tom water/bird/Bobdinner/girl/ Tom nurse/for/sisterhamburger/horse/ 例: 1.thirty/car/tallfirst/ /ball Mark/sa

5、le /littlearm/make/ 2. 3.homework/nice/uncle /size/applemall/skirt/hurtwall/ /turn4. 5. . 看图,选择,将单词写在相应图片下方的 。(10+1分)hen shorts glove tomato pantscarrot library sock umbrella windy III. 圈出同类单词的序号。(6分)1. Beijing London A. USA B. Harbin 2. cheap nice A. expensive B. PE 3. forty eighty A. much B. thirt

6、y 4. cool warm A. hot B. yours 5. breakfast dinner A. hamburger B. lunch 6. classroom office A. music class B. music room IV. 选择图片,将序号填在括号内。(5分)( ) 1. Is this your classroom? No. Its the teachers office.A. B.( ) 2. Whats the weather like in Qingdao? Its sunny.QingdaoQingdaoA. B.( ) 3. Whose jacket i

7、s this? Its Sarahs.SarahsSarahsA. B.( ) 4. Are they tomatoes? No, they arent. They are green beans.A. B.( ) 5. What time is it? Its four oclock. Its time to go home.A. B.V. 读一读,判断。句子与图意相符的写T,不符的写F。(5分)( ) 1. Is it cloudy in London? Yes, it is.( ) 2. How do you like these gloves? They are too small.(

8、 ) 3. How many horses do you have? Seventeen.( ) 4. Whose shoes are these? They are Wu Yifans.( ) 5. Where is the art room? Its on the first floor.VI. 根据作息表完成句子。(5+1分)Amys Time table April 16th Monday Weather: cloudy 6:30 get up 2:10 PE class 7:00 breakfast 4:50 go home 7:25 go to school 6:00dinner

9、10:40 English class 9:00go to bed 12:00 lunch1. Whats the weather like today? It is _.2. Its 6:30, Its time to _.3. Its _, its time for English class.4. Its 12:00. Its time for _.5. Time for _. Lets jump and run.VII. 选择合适的句子在四线格上规范地抄写下来。(10+1分) They are sheep. Lets sing and dance. Can I go outside n

10、ow? They are forty-five yuan. Do you have a computer room? 1. No, you cant. Its rainy outside.2. Time for music class. 3. Yes, we do. Its on the second floor.4. How much are these shoes? 5. What are these? VIII. 阅读。(11分)(一)连线。(6分)Hello, Im Amy. Its eight oclock now. Its time to pack my familys cloth

11、es. The red skirt is mine. These blue pants are my fathers. The black dress is my mothers. The yellow shorts are my sister Ginas. The white T-shirt is my brother Tims. Look at the pink shoes, they are my baby sister Alices.AmysfathersGinasAlicesTimsmothersblack dressyellow shortswhite T-shirtpink sh

12、oes red skirtblue pants(二) 选择。(5分)Mom: Its seven oclock now. Its time to get up.Tom: OK. Whats the weather like today?Mom: It is windy today. Lets go to the park.Tom: Great! I can fly kites with John today. Whats the weather like tomorrow?Mom: It will be sunny tomorrow.Tom: Wonderful! I will play ba

13、sketball with Mike. We will have a good time!( ) 1. What time is it now? A. Its 6:00. B. Its 7:00. C. Its 7:30.( ) 2. Is it windy today?A. Yes, you can. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is.( ) 3. Who will play basketball with Tom? A. John. B. Mike. C. Mom.( ) 4. Whats the weather like tomorrow?A. It will

14、be windy tomorrow. B. It is windy now.C. It will be sunny tomorrow.( ) 5. Can Tom fly kites today? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he cant.听力材料. 听音,照例子,圈出图片所代表单词中包含的字母组合。1. bird 2. tiger 3. fork 4. arm 5. hamburger 6. table. 听音,选择,将听到的单词或短语序号填在括号内。1. My sock is white.2. The art room is next to

15、 the teachers office.3. The horse is strong.4. Its cool outside.5. How many cows do you have? Sixteen.6. Its time to get up.7. Put away your coat. 听音, 排序。1. How do you like the dress? Its pretty.2. Time for English class. Lets read and write.3. Is this the art room? Yes, it is.4. Its rainy in New Yo

16、rk.5. The scarf is too expensive. 听音,在相符的图片下方打。 1. Whats the weather like today? Its snowy.2. What time is it? Its 11:30 a.m.3. Do you like the sweater? Yes, I do.4. Look at the potato. Its so big.5. Is that the library? Yes, it is.6. The sheep is cute.V. 听音,判断图片与所听内容是( )否( )相符。1. Lets go to the pla

17、yground to play football.2. Its time for PE class.3. Its cold outside. Put on the hat.4. What are these? They are tomatoes.5. How much is the shirt? Its 12 yuan.VI. 听音,按顺序标号。Can I help you?Yes. These pants are nice. How much are they?They are 95 yuan.They are cheap.Can I try them on?Sure. Here you a

18、re.They are just right. Ill take it.VII. 听音,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Good morning. Heres the weather report. Its warm and sunny in Beijing.2. That umbrella is nice. How much is it? Its 15 yuan.3. Whose shorts are these? They are Mikes.4. Are they ducks? Yes, they are.5. Where is the music room? Its on the firs

19、t floor.6. Where are your new socks? They are on the bed.试题参考答案听力部分.(每对一个得1分) 2. er 3. or 4. ar 5. ur 6. le.(每对一个得1分) 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A.(每对一个得1分) 5 4 2 1 3.(每对一个得1分) 1. 图二 2. 图二 3. 图二 4. 图一 5. 图一 6. 图一.(每对一个得1分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.VI. (每对一个得1分)2 5 1 3 6 7 4VII (每对一个得1分) 1. F 2. T 3. T 4.

20、T 5. F 6. T笔试部分.(每写对一个得1分) 1. under 2. people 3. farm 4. shirt 5. worldII.(每写对一个得1分,书写规范整洁加1分) 略III.(每写对一个得1分)1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. BIV.(每对一个得1分) 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. BV.No,my _hurt.I am happy.(每对一个得1分)1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F VI.(每对一个得1分, 书写规范整洁加1分)1. cloudy 2. get up 3. 10:40 4. lunch 5. P

21、E classVII. (每对一句得2分,书写规范整洁加1分) 1. Can I go outside now? 2. Lets sing and dance.3. Do you have a computer room? 4. They are forty-five yuan.5. They are sheep.VIII.(一) (每对一条线得1分) Amys red skirt fathers blue pants Ginas yellow shortsAlices pink shoes Tims white T-shirt mothers black dress(二) (每对一个得1分) 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A


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