1、12022-2023 学学年年深深圳圳市市福福田田区区中中考考模模拟拟考考试试英英语语答答案案及及评评分分标标准准I.完完形形填填空空(10 分分)(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)1-5BDCAD6-10BCADBII.阅阅读读理理解解(40 分分)第第一一节节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分)11-15BDBCA16-20CABBD21-25BADAB第第二二节节短短文文填填空空(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)26-30EDBAF第第三三节节 信信息息匹匹配配(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分)31-35FADEC.语语法法填填空空(10 分分)(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)评评分
2、分标标准准:每每小小题题 1 分分;大大小小写写错错误误扣扣 0.5 分分;错错误误不不给给分分。36.height37.of/about38.a39.first40.the most beautiful41.was born42.Although/Though43.to follow44.have won45.truly.书书面面表表达达(15 分分)参参考考范范文文 1:Last week,the activity“Experiencing Future Jobs”was held in our school.Therewere various jobs to experience,suc
3、h as firefighter,doctor,game tester,etc,and all myclassmates showed great interest in them.As a fan of English,I chose to be an English teacher.I tried to act like Mary,myEnglish teacher.I offered to help Tom with English grammar.So many times I hadexplained,but he was still confused.“A stone is cle
4、verer than you,”said I,pretending tobe angry.But thinking of how Mary encouraged us every time we met difficulties,Iadded,“But dont worry.As long as you dont give up,you will make it!”Both of uslaughed.What a meaningful experience!I realize how important a teacher can be to astudents life.So I am no
5、w more determined to become a teacher in the future.参参考考范范文文 2:Last week,the activity“Experiencing future jobs”was held in our school.With great interest,I stepped into the hall.The introductions of different jobs,such asfirefighters,doctors and photographers hung on the wall were presented to us.Th
6、e dogtrainer with a lovely dog attracted me.Raising and training pets is always a great fun forme.With the help of the trainer,I taught the dog how to sit and stand.I even successfullytrained the dog to fetch a ball!The relationship I had with the dog rose my love for thisjob.2Thanks to this activit
7、y,I have got to learn more about the job of a dog trainer andexplore more possibilities in myself.I have realized it takes passion and patience to dothings right!书书面面表表达达评评分分原原则则A.采用整体印象评分法。评分时,先根据文章的内容要点表达的完整性,初步确定其所属档次,然后在该档次内选择合理的分数。B.注重内容表达。评分时要重点看所传达的信息是否有效,能否完成题目要求。C.注重语言正确性、连贯性和得体性。语言正确性是基础,连
8、贯性和得体性是更高的要求。D.鼓励考生充分发挥。考生可以不使用参考词汇。E.同类错不重复扣分。赋赋分分建建议议:给给分分点点分分值值合合计计场场景景描描写写 2 分分多种职业1 分15 分自拟1 分体体验验描描述述 6 分分你的选择1 分自拟(侧重描写)5 分体体验验感感悟悟 2 分分自拟2 分语语篇篇、语语用用及及语语言言 5分分衔接自然,结构、条理清晰2 分无标点、单词拼写及语法错误2 分用语得当,沟通与交流得体有效1 分说说明明:内内容容要要点点可可用用不不同同方方式式表表达达,内内容容可可适适当当拓拓展展,但但应应紧紧扣扣主主题题。特特别别提提醒醒:请阅卷老师仔细判断:1、考生有无抄写。抄写(袭)的作品具有很大欺骗性,很大程度上会误导评卷奏快的老师。2、注意书写工整的“假作文”。一些考生书写工整且写了一定的篇幅,却是直接抄写了试卷上的某些文段,其实所写的内容与答题要求根本无关。请老师们特别留意,注意鉴别!