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1、六 年 级 英 语 调 研 试 卷学校: 命题人: 命题时间 : 2020/3/10 装-装-订-线-时间:60分钟 分值:100分 听力部分一、 Listen and circle(听录音,圈出所听到的内容)(10分)(创新题)( )1.a.last b.fast c.late ( )2.a.walk b.wake c.weak ( )3.a.deep b.cheer c.sleepy ( )4.a.quietly b.quickly c.loudly ( ) b.never c.next ( )6.a.from then on b.just then c. do well ( )7.a.l

2、et go b.get out c.well done ( )8.a.some day b.one day c.next day ( )9.a.grandparents b.parents c.friends ( )10.a.rooms b.schoolbags c.desks 二、Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的答句) (10分)(改编题)( )1.a.He was sad. b.He was hungry. c.He was happy.( )2.a.The hole is deep.b.Its in the hole c.Yes,it is.( )3.a.Yes,h

3、e does. b.At nine oclock c.He goes to bed early. ( )4.a.No,I dont. b.Yes,I did. c.Yes,I do. ( )5.a.Yes,he did b.No,I didnt c.No,she doesnt三、Listen and write(听录音,补全短文)(10分)(创新题)Sam and Bobby are good friends.But they have different_.Sam usually gets up_.Bobby often _ him up_.Sam wants to catch him,bu

4、t Bobby runs_.Bobby likes singing.He often sings_at night.The next day he feels_.Sam knows Bobby_,Bobbys room is not_and_.笔试部分(70分)一、 Read and group(根据划线部分的读音,将单词归类)(4分)(改编题)last too short ask soon make for late1.fast_ _ 2.wake_ _2.room_ _ 4.horse_ _二、Read and complete(根据句意及首字母提示完成句子)(5分)(改编题)1.The

5、boy is running f_.2.The woman is crying s_.3.The lion could not get out f_the net.4.He often h_his parents.5.Wang Bing is a good boy.He n_goes to school late.三、Write the following words(按要求写单词)(6分)(改编题)1.excited(副词)_ 2.happy(副词)_3.good(副词)_ 4.bite(过去式)_5.let(过去式)_ 6.wake(过去式)_四、Read and translate(根据

6、中文提示完成句子)(10分)(创新题)1.The lion was_(又大又强壮)2.Zhong Qiang is a good boy.He_(起床早)in the morning.3.Nancy always_her things_ _(把她的东西整理得井井有条)4.He went to bed late last night.He_ _(看起来很困)now.5.We should_ _(小声地说话)in the library.五、Choose and complete(选择合适的单词或词组,完成句子)(8分)(改编题)a. showaround b.is good at c. bad

7、for our eyes d.in the grounde. finishes his homework f.cheered for g.walking through h.from then on 1.Tim_drawing.He can draw beautiful pictures. 2.Mike and Liu Tao pLayed well in the football match.Their classmates_them loudly. 3.The lion and the mouse became friends_. 4.Be careful!There is a big h

8、ole_. 5.Let me_you_our school. 6.Reading in bed is_. 7.Wang Bing usually_early. 8.A man is _the forest with his dog.六、Make sentences(连词成句)(10分)(改编题)1.asked the sadly lion_2.also at does home well he_3.late goes he to bed never_4.said the mouse happily_5.should you put books your in order and toys_七、

9、Look and match (看图,将句子和图片匹配)(10分)(创新题) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( )a.You should put your toys in order,Bobby.b.Hes singing badly.c.You shouldnt go to bed late,Liu Tao.d.The horses are running fast.e.The boy goes to the sweet shop and wants to buy a lollipop.八、Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”)(10

10、分)(改编题)Dog and Rabbit were good friends. They played happily together every day. One day,Dog said to Rabbit,“How about going on a trip tomorrow?”“Good idea!”“OK.Lets meet at the bus station at 7:00 tomorrow morning.”“OK.” Then Dog thought,“Will she go with me?Will she cheat(欺骗)me?”But Rabbit thought

11、,“I must go to bed early tonight.I mustnt be late tomorrow.” The next day, it was sunny.Rabbit went to the bus station early.She waited for an hour.But Dog still didnt appear(出现).She was too cold.So she walked sadly. On her way home,she met Dogs mother.Dogs mother said,“Hes still sleeping.”Rabbit cr

12、ied angrily. When Dog heard this,he felt sorry to rabbit. You mean what you say and trust(信任)your friends. Trust can make your friendship better.( )1.Dog and Rabbit only played at weekends.( )2.Dog reached the bus station early the next day.( )3.Rabbit waited for the Dog till(到)8:00in the evening.(

13、)4.The dog felt sorry to rabbit.( )5.It was raining next day ,so the dog didnt go out.九、Look and write (根据提示,写一写你在学习生活中的有哪些好习惯吧)(7分)(创新题) go to bed early get up early save water I have some good habits:_听力部分材料一、 listen and circle(听录音,圈出所听到的内容)(10分)1.I walk fast in the street2.You look so weak.3.I of

14、ten feel sleepy in the morning.4.The mouse said quietly.5.How can I get out of the net?6.They became good friends from then on.7.At last,the lion let the mouse go.8.The next day, they met at the school gate.9.They help their parents.10They keep their desks clean.二、Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的答句) (10分

15、)1.How did the lion feel in the net?2.Where is the ball3.When does Wang Bing go to bed? 4.Did you put the books and toys in order?5.Does Yang Ling brush her teeth before bedtime?三、Listen and write(听录音,补全短文)(10分)Sam and Bobby are good friends.But they have different_habits_.Sam usually gets up_late_.

16、Bobby often _wakes_ him up_loudly_.Sam wants to catch him,but Bobby runs_fast_.Bobby likes singing.He often sings_happily_at night.The next day he feels_sleepy_.Sam knows Bobby_well_,Bobbys room is not_clean_and_tidy_.六 年 级 英 语 调 研 试 卷 答 案听力部分一、 listen and circle(听录音,圈出所听到的内容)(10分)1.b 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.

17、a6.a 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.c(编排说明:本题主要考查学生对易混淆的新词和词组进行区分考查。主要检测单词和词组的音、形。难度较容易)二、Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的答句) (10分)1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.c(编排说明:本题主要考查学生对句型的问答情况,综合考查学生的句子的意思以及如何回答。主要是对基本的句型操练进行检测。难度中等)三、Listen and write(听录音,补全短文)(10分)habits late wakes loudly fast happily sleepy well clean tidy (编排说明:本题主要通过语篇

18、来让学生完成所缺单词以及正确形式的默写。主要检测学生的四会单词及重要单词的正确书写。难度较容易)笔试部分一、 Read and group(根据划线部分的读音,将单词归类)(4分)1.last ask 2.make late3.too soon 4.short for(编排说明:本题主要通过归类同类字母的发音来让学生积累一些字母及字母组合的发音。培养学生寻找语音的发音规律,为以后系统学好英语打好基础。难度较容易)二、Read and complete(根据句意及首字母提示完成句子)(5分)1.fast 2. sadly 3.from 4.helps 5.never(编排说明:在平时的教学中学生

19、对单词的默写还可以,但是应用到具体的语境中效果就不行。结合新课标精神,要在具体的语境中用单词特出此题来训练学生用单词的能力。难度中等)三、Write the following words(按要求写单词)(6分)1.excitedly 2.happily3.well 4.bit5.let 6.woke(编排说明:本提示对一、二两单元的重要语法知识点进行最基本的考查。难度较容易)四、Read and translate(根据中文提示完成句子)(10分)1.large and strong2.gets up early3.puts in order4.looks sleepy5.say quiet

20、ly(编排说明:本题是考查学生如何正确使用所学的重要词组,在平时会默写的基础上能正确使用才是最关键的。难度系数稍有难度)五、Choose and complete(选择合适的单词或词组,完成句子)(8分)1.b 2.f 3.h 4.d5.a 6.c 7.e 8.g(编排说明:本题主要考查学生对句意的理解,从而选择正确的词组。是对词组和句子相结合的基本的考查。难度中等)六、Make sentences(连词成句)(10分)1.The lion asked sadly.2.He also does well at home.3.He never goes to bed late4.The mous

21、e said happily5.You should put your books and toys in order.(编排说明:本题主要对两单元的重要句型进行最基本的考查,让学生在有提示的前提下正确写出重点句型。难度较容易)七、Look and match (看图,将句子和图片匹配)(10分)1.(a) 2.(c) 3.(e) 4.(d) 5.(b)(编排说明:本题主要通过图文并茂的形式考查学生对所学内容的了解掌握情况。难度较容易)八、Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”)(10分)1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F(编排说明:本题通过设计动物之间发生的一个小故事来把一、二两单元的知识结合在一起进行综合考查学生的阅读水平。难度中等)九、Look and write (根据提示,写一写你在学习生活中的有哪些好习惯吧)(7分)(略)(编排说明:本题通过有些图片和短语提示开发散学生的思维,寻找身边的一些好习惯。并能结合所学写写自己的好习惯。对于高年级学生来说写小短文还是很有必要的。难度中等)


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