高考英语二轮复习- 定语从句(共30张PPT).ppt

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1、Unit 14 Attributive clause 定 语从句 教材:人教版高中英语词汇与语法 基础知识自学自测 1 重难点突破 2 核心考点梳理 3 综合能力提升 4 录 目目 Step 1. 基础知识自学自测 This is the boy who won the first prize in the English Speech Competition. 定语从句:从句作定语,作用相当于形容词,修饰主句中的一 个名词或代词(有时修饰整个主句)。 先行词先行词 关系词关系词 主句主句 定语从句定语从句 关系词 关系_词: who, whom, that, which, whose, 作主

2、语、宾 语(可省略)或定语(whose) 关系_词: where, when, why 作状语 关系词的三个作用: 作定语从句的一个_ 起着连接主句和从句的作用 代指被修饰的_,一般位于定语从句的_ 句子成分句子成分 先行词先行词 句首句首 代代 副副 关 系 词 基 本 用 法 指代指代 充当从句成分充当从句成分 关 系 代 词 who 人 主语/宾语 whom 人 宾语 that 人/物 主语/宾语 which 物 主语/宾语 whose 人的/物的 定语 关 系 副 词 when 时间 时间状语 where 地点 地点状语 why 原因 原因状语 基础过关题(用合适的关系词完成句子) 1

3、.The man _/_was here yesterday is a painter. 2.The man_/_/_/_ I saw is called Smith. 3.A child _parents are dead is called an orphan. who that that whom who 不填不填 whose 基础过关题(用合适的关系词完成句子) 4.Id like a room _window looks out over the sea. 5.A letter_/_ is written in pencil is hard to read. 6.The letter

4、 _/_I received from him yesterday is very important. that that whose which which The reason why Po cannt get over the wall is that he is too fat. Step 2. 重难点突破:如何划分定语从句 The school (_ he once studied )is very famous. 2)无关系词的: 开始句中出现主谓结构 结束第二个谓语动词之前 People (who used horses to pull heavy loads)would ch

5、oose to keep stronger animals. 1)含有关系词的: 开始关系词(介词+关系代词) 结束第二个谓语动词之前 高考过招(用括号括出定语从句) 1) Those who break the rules should be punished. 2) The reason why he was absent was that he was ill. 3) This is the reason that he gave for his absence. 4) We are living in an age when many things are done on comput

6、er. 1) Those ( who break the rules ) should be punished. 2) The reason (why he was absent ) was that he was ill. 3) This is the reason (that he gave for his absence). 4) We are living in an age ( when many things are done on computer). The little baby who is trying to drink water is very cute. Step

7、3. 核心考点梳理 考点考点1.关系词的选择技巧关系词的选择技巧 A. 选用关系词,要看关系词在定语从句中作什么成分 ,而不是看先行词是什么词性。 1) I like the school which is near to my home. 2) I like the school where my sister studies. which作_ where作_ 主语主语 地点状语地点状语 Step 3. 核心考点梳理 B.选用关系词的方法:一“找”二“还”三“替换” 一“找”:把句子分为主句和从句两部分,再找出先行 词 二“还”:把先行词放进从句,大胆把定语从句还原为 完整的一句话。(可以添

8、词) 三“替换”:用关系词替换定语从句中添加的先行词, 作主语和宾语用关系代词,作状语用关系副词。 一“找”二“还”三“替换” 3)This is the school _I once studied. 定语从句还原:_ 4)This is the school _has many famous teachers. 定语从句还原:_ 5)I am studying at a school _my father teaches English. 定语从句还原:_ I once studied in the school The school has many famous teachers. m

9、y father teaches English in the school where where which 考点高考题过招 1) Those _ break the rules should be punished. 2) In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to _ she could turn for help. 3) Gone are the days _ we used foreign oil. who whom when Tom was always late for school. One day, his teac

10、her asked him, “Tom,why are you always late every morning ?“ Tom answered: “Every time I come to the corner, a sign says school-go slow! “. 考点2. 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 翻译下列句子,体会限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句在形式 、意义、译法和关系词的使用上的区别 1.He has a brother who is a physicist. _ 2.He has a brother , who is a physicist. _ 3.He re

11、turned all the books which are written in English. _ 4.He returned all the books, which are written in English. _ 他归还了所有的书,这些书都是英文书。 他归还了所有的英文书。 他有一个哥哥,是个物理学家。 他有一个当物理学家的哥哥。 限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 形式上 不用逗号和主句隔开 用逗号和主句隔开 意义上 是先行词不可缺少的定 语,起指定是哪一个的 作用,去掉后句意义不 完整 是对先行词的补充说明, 删除后句子意思仍完整, 可修饰整个主句 译法上 翻译成先行词的定语

12、通常翻译成主句的并列 句 关系词的使 用上 A.作宾语时可省略;B . 可用that; 可用who代替 whom; D 可用why A. 不可省;B,不用that, 不用who 代替whom; C. why 要换为for which 高考题过招 1. Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a month ago. 2.All the neighbors admire this family,_the parents are treating their child like a friend. 3.Eric received training in

13、computer for one year , after_ he found a job in a big company. which which where 高考题过招 4.Some pre-school children go to a day-care center, _they learn simple games and songs . 5.The weather turned out to be fine , _ was better than we expected . 6.Ancient Rome was a country _ culture influenced the

14、 western world for centuries. where which whose The baby who falls alseep while eating is very adorable. Those students who fall alseep in class are not cool at all. Step4. 综合能力提升阅读理解 Beginning Swimmer Saved Drowning Boy An 18-year-old high school senior who had just learned to swim in June saved th

15、e life of a drowning Ohio boy on Friday afternoon. Tom Erickson was credited with saving the life of Jason Pryor,10, in Mill Creek (小河) Park. Young Jason Pryor,who lives in Chillicothe,Ohio, was visiting relatives from Anchor Point when he fell into Mill Creek and was caught in the undertow. The Pry

16、or boy had no business playing near the edge of the river, but he had no idea of the danger.His parents were to blame for not watching him more closely. The raging creek, which had been swollen by recent rains, carried the boy around a bend and out of sight from his parents, who said they had not ev

17、en witnessed the incident. Luckily for Jason, one of the most unselfish and likable students from Brentwoods Central High School was hiking alone through the park. As soon as he found the boy struggling in the water, Erickson jumped into the creek and managed to pull the drowning boy out of the wate

18、r. And it was reported that Erickson had never received any life-saving instruction before. “I wasnt sure I could do it,” Erickson said. “I didnt know if I could swim through that current by myself, not to mention getting another person out with me.” This incident should be a lesson to young childre

19、n who do not know how to swim. Stay away from dangerous bodies of water. Oh my god! Im BATMAN! THis is the dog whose shadow looks like BATMAN. Step6. 课堂小结 1)关系词分类和作用 关系_词: who, whom, whose, which, that, 作_、 _(可省略)或_(whose)关系_词: where, when, why 作_ 2) 如何划分定语从句 2.1)含有关系词的:开始关系词(介词+关系代词) 结束 第二个谓语动词之前 2

20、.2)无关系词的:开始句中出现 主谓结构 结束第二个谓语动词之前 代代 副副 定语定语 宾语宾语 主语主语 状语状语 Step6. 课堂小结 3.) 选用关系词的技巧: 一“找” _ 二“还” _ 三“替换” _ 4.) 非限制性定语从句特点: 用_和主句隔开,是对先 行词的补充说明,删除后句子意思仍完整,可修饰整个主句, 常翻译成主句的并列句A. 不可省;B,不用that, 不用who 代 替whom; C. why 要换为for which 先行词 还原定语从句 关系词替换从句中重复的部分(先行词) 逗号逗号 1.完成助学案上的课后巩固习题 2.用定语从句改写下面的作文 我最好的朋友是扬。

21、他的外号叫小胖。我不喜欢他的外号。我最好的朋友是扬。他的外号叫小胖。我不喜欢他的外号。 原因是它深深地伤害了他。他居住在石河子。在这人们可原因是它深深地伤害了他。他居住在石河子。在这人们可 以游览很多美丽的景点。我们过去常常一起去游泳。我不以游览很多美丽的景点。我们过去常常一起去游泳。我不 会忘记那段日子。会忘记那段日子。 My best friend is Yang. His nickname is “Xiao Pang”. I dont like his nickname.The reason is that it deeply hurts him. He lives in Shihezi. People can visit lots of scenic spots here. We used to go swimming together.I will never forget the days . THANK YOU


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