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1、26.那片绿绿的爬山虎那片绿绿的爬山虎 叶圣陶先生是我国现代著名的作家,教育家,出版家,政治活动家。他创作、出版了第一部童话集稻草人、我国现代文学史上第一部长篇小说倪焕之。并编辑过几十种课本,写过十几本语文教育论著,为我国的教育事业倾注了毕生的精力。肖复兴肖复兴,我国著名作家,曾任,我国著名作家,曾任小说选刊小说选刊副主编,副主编,人人民文学民文学杂志社副主编。作品主要有系列长篇小说杂志社副主编。作品主要有系列长篇小说中学生三部中学生三部曲曲、长篇报告文学、长篇报告文学与当代中学生的对话与当代中学生的对话和当代中学生通信和当代中学生通信录录等。等。那片绿绿的爬山虎那片绿绿的爬山虎写于写于199

2、2年,是为了纪念叶圣陶先年,是为了纪念叶圣陶先生而作。回忆生而作。回忆1963年叶圣陶先生给年叶圣陶先生给“我我”批改作文,并请批改作文,并请“我我”到到他家做客,使他家做客,使“我我”受益匪浅的成长经历。受益匪浅的成长经历。1、自读课文,读准、自读课文,读准字音,语句读通顺。字音,语句读通顺。2、边读边想,课文、边读边想,课文主要写了哪两件事?主要写了哪两件事?分成哪两部分?分成哪两部分?学习要求学习要求推荐推荐 删删 掉掉 动词动词 融洽融洽 黄昏黄昏 jin shn c qi hn hu ki 余余 晖晖 楷楷 模模 燥燥 热热 窗窗 棂棂 z o l ng 一一 篇篇 翻翻 开开握握

3、手手 摇摇 曳曳 pin fn w y 规范规范 客厅客厅模模糊糊模模糊糊 映入眼帘映入眼帘 第一件第一件 (1-5)1-5)叶圣陶先生给叶圣陶先生给“我我”修改作文修改作文的事的事。第二件第二件 (6-10)“我我”到叶老家里到叶老家里做客做客。返回返回 莫名其妙莫名其妙 愣住愣住 意外意外 认真认真 平和平和 质朴质朴 返回返回 翻到我的那篇作文,我一下子愣住了:映入眼帘的是红色的修改符号和改动后增添的小字,密密麻麻,几页纸上到处是红色的圈、钩或直线、曲(q q)线。叶老先生修改作文的方法叶老先生修改作文的方法 改改 断断 删删 增增叶叶老老对对作作文文的的修修改改 返回返回 学习要求学习

4、要求 默读课文第一部分(15),想想“我”拿到叶老为“我”修改的作文,“我”看到了什么?有什么感受?翻到我的那篇作文,我一下子愣住了:映入眼帘的是红色的修改符号和改动后增添的小字,密密麻麻,几页纸上到处是红色的圈、钩或直线、曲(q q)线。题目一张画像改成一幅画像,我立刻感到用字的准确性。“怎么你把包几何课本的书皮去掉了呢?”叶老先生改成 “怎么你把几何课本的包书纸去掉了呢?”删掉原句中“包”这个动词,使句子干净了也规范了。我虽然未见叶老先生的面,却从他的批改中干受到他的认真、平和以及温暖,如春风拂面。这一篇作文写的全是具体事实,从具体事实中透露出对王老师的敬爱。肖复兴同学如果没有在这几件有关

5、画画的事儿上深受感动,就不能写得这样亲切自然。当我翻到我的那篇作文时,我()。当我仔细看了叶老的修改后,我()。当我看到叶老简短的评语后,我()。一下子就愣住了一下子就愣住了感受到他的认真、平和以及温暖,如春风感受到他的认真、平和以及温暖,如春风拂面拂面树立了写作的信心树立了写作的信心返回返回 学习要求学习要求 默读课文第二部分(610),想想“我”应邀做客,叶老给“我”留下了怎样的印象呢?我们的交谈很融洽,仿佛我不是小孩,而是我们的交谈很融洽,仿佛我不是小孩,而是大人,一个他的老朋友。他亲切之中蕴含的认真,大人,一个他的老朋友。他亲切之中蕴含的认真,质朴之中包容的期待,把我小小的心融化了,以

6、质朴之中包容的期待,把我小小的心融化了,以致不知黄昏什么时候到来致不知黄昏什么时候到来。课外资料课外资料 我非常庆幸,自己第一次见到作家,竟是这样一位人品与作品都堪(knkn)称楷(kiki)模的大作家。比喻句比喻句 刚进院里,一墙绿绿的爬山虎扑入眼刚进院里,一墙绿绿的爬山虎扑入眼帘。夏日的燥热仿佛一下子减去了许多,帘。夏日的燥热仿佛一下子减去了许多,阳光都变成绿色的,像温柔的小精灵一样阳光都变成绿色的,像温柔的小精灵一样在上面跳跃着,闪烁着迷离的光点。在上面跳跃着,闪烁着迷离的光点。比喻比喻句句 落日的余晖染红窗棂,院里那一墙的爬落日的余晖染红窗棂,院里那一墙的爬山虎,绿得沉郁,如同一片浓浓

7、的湖水,映山虎,绿得沉郁,如同一片浓浓的湖水,映在客厅的玻璃窗上,不停的摇曳着,显得虎在客厅的玻璃窗上,不停的摇曳着,显得虎虎有生气。虎有生气。继继 续续 叶小沫引我到客厅,叶老先生已在门口等候。见了我,他像会见大人一样同我握了握手,一下子让我觉得距离缩短不少。落座之后,他用浓重的苏州口音问了问我的年龄,笑着讲了句:“你和小沫同龄呀!”那样随便、和蔼,作家头顶上神秘的光环消失了我的拘束感也消失了。越是大作家越平易近人,原来他就如一位平常的老爷爷一样让人感到亲切。课外资料课外资料 想来有趣,那一下午,叶老先生没谈我那篇获奖的作文,也没谈写作。他没有向我传授什么文学创作的秘诀、要素活指南之类。相反



10、,就仿佛又看到那片绿绿的爬山叶圣陶先生,就仿佛又看到那片绿绿的爬山虎,所以以此为题。虎,所以以此为题。讨论:讨论:课文为什么以课文为什么以“那片绿绿的爬山虎那片绿绿的爬山虎”为题?为题?曹 冲 称 象一一杆秤杆秤gn chng gn 笔杆笔杆 枪杆枪杆 gn 旗杆旗杆 栏杆栏杆杆杆称称称称:测定重量:测定重量秤秤:测定物体重量的器具:测定物体重量的器具 称象称象谁称象谁称象?为什么要称象为什么要称象?这头大象长得怎么样?这头大象长得怎么样?用什么办法称象?用什么办法称象?结果怎么样?结果怎么样?PPT模板: PPT课件: 1、读一读、读一读 读读课文第四自然段读读课文第四自然段2 2、划一划、

11、划一划 用波浪线划出曹冲称象的办法用波浪线划出曹冲称象的办法3 3、说一说、说一说 用用“先先然后然后再再最后最后”等词等词 说说曹冲想出的办法说说曹冲想出的办法4 4、想一想、想一想 和官员们的办法比,谁的办法更和官员们的办法比,谁的办法更 好?为什么?好?为什么?曹操的儿子曹冲才七岁,他站出来,说:曹操的儿子曹冲才七岁,他站出来,说:“我有个办法。我有个办法。把大象赶到一艘大船上,看船身把大象赶到一艘大船上,看船身下沉多少,就沿着水面,在船下沉多少,就沿着水面,在船舷舷上画一条线。再上画一条线。再把大象赶上岸,往船上装石头。装到船下沉到画把大象赶上岸,往船上装石头。装到船下沉到画线的地方为

12、止,然后称一称船上的石头。线的地方为止,然后称一称船上的石头。石头有石头有多重,大象就有多重。多重,大象就有多重。”曹冲想出了什么样的称象办法?曹冲想出了什么样的称象办法?赶象上船赶象上船船沉画线船沉画线装石到线装石到线称石累加称石累加 他叫人照曹冲说的方法去做,果然他叫人照曹冲说的方法去做,果然称出了大象的重量。称出了大象的重量。曹冲是怎样想出称象的办法的?1 1、曹冲听了官员们议论造大秤的办法,想到了什么?曹冲听了官员们议论造大秤的办法,想到了什么?曹冲想:造大秤可不容易,不如用船来代替大秤,曹冲想:造大秤可不容易,不如用船来代替大秤,因为船能装很重很重的东西;即使造了大秤,也没有人因为船


14、官员 柱子柱子 宰割宰割船舷船舷 果然果然 议论议论一杆秤一杆秤 一杆枪一杆枪读生字,分析字形组词语 称(称()船(船()柱(柱()杆(杆()秤(秤()舷(舷()住(住()竿(竿()作作 业业1、完成课后练习,会用、完成课后练习,会用“才才”“”“一边一边一边一边”造句。造句。2、把曹冲称象的故事讲给别人听。、把曹冲称象的故事讲给别人听。What we hope to achieve in the short and long run34%From 2014 59%From 2014 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit

15、,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaWhat we hope to achieve in the short and long runLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor

16、incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna34%From 2014 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit a

17、met,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaWhat we hope to achieve in the short and long runLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna81,680Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur a

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19、 ELIT81,68081,680What we hope to achieve in the short and long run9,300Million3,500Million2,400MillionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incidi

20、dunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaWhat we hope to achieve in the short and long runLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolor

21、e magnaLorem amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.LOREM IPSUM DOLOR AMET CONSECTETUR ELIT9,300MillionWhat we hope to achieve in the short and long runThe concepts national income and

22、 national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sumAdd The TitleThe concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sumAdd The TitleThe concepts national in

23、come and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sumAdd The TitleThe concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sumAdd The TitleWhat we hope to

24、achieve in the short and long runThe concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably ADD THE TITLEThe concepts national income and national product have roughly The concepts national income and national product have roughly The concepts natio

25、nal income and national product have roughly What we hope to achieve in the short and long run48%From 2014 52%From 2014 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiu

26、smod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaWhat we hope to achieve

27、in the short and long runCloud automaticThis is an example text.example text.go ahead and replace it.Visual graphicThis is an example text.example text.go ahead and replace it.Date reliableThis is an example text.example text.go ahead and replace it.CoordinateThis is an example text.example text.go

28、ahead and replace it.Team workThis is an example text.example text.go ahead and replace it.RigorousThis is an example text.example text.go ahead and replace it.What we hope to achieve in the short and long runThe concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be us

29、ed interchangeably if our interest is in their sum total which is measured as the market value of the total output of goods and services of an economy in a given period,usually a year.ADD THE TITLEADD THE TITLEThe concepts national income and national product have roughly ADD THE TITLEADD THE TITLET

30、he concepts national income and national product have roughly ADD THE TITLEADD THE TITLEThe concepts national income and national product have roughly ADD THE TITLEADD THE TITLEThe concepts national income and national product have roughly What we hope to achieve in the short and long run82%The conc

31、epts national income and national product have roughly+17,356,12376%The concepts national income and national product have roughly+17,356,12392%The concepts national income and national product have roughly+17,356,12354%The concepts national income and national product have roughly+17,356,123What we

32、 hope to achieve in the short and long run20%50%30%The concepts national income and national product have roughlyADD THE TITLE The concepts national income and national product have roughly The concepts national income and national product have roughlyADD THE TITLE The concepts national income and n

33、ational product have roughly The concepts national income and national product have roughlyADD THE TITLE The concepts national income and national product have roughlyWhat we hope to achieve in the short and long runNew YorrkNew Yorrk200Paris60London48Paris57London139Insert InfoLorem iosum DolorSit

34、ametInsert InfoLorem iosum DolorSit ametWhat we hope to achieve in the short and long runLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magnaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 34%From 2014


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