牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册英语 Unit 8 Visiting museums 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).ppt

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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册英语 Unit 8 Visiting museums 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第1页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册英语 Unit 8 Visiting museums 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第2页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册英语 Unit 8 Visiting museums 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第3页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册英语 Unit 8 Visiting museums 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第4页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上册英语 Unit 8 Visiting museums 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).ppt_第5页
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1、牛津深圳版牛津深圳版 Unit 8 Visiting museums Section A Learning aims 1.掌握的单词:掌握的单词:bee,insect,ant,anything,kind, finger,dancer,insect museum,car museum,model car,science museum,many kinds of. 2.掌握重点知识点:掌握重点知识点:名词复数。名词复数。 3.掌握重点句型:掌握重点句型: Did you see any museums during your holiday? Yes,I did.I visit a/an. Wha

2、t did you see there? I saw. Warm-up 你认为文物都是无生命的吗? Free talk 1.What are artifacts(文物)? 2.How much do you know about artifacts? Presentation What are they talking about? Do you like honey? Who makes honey? bee 蜜蜂 What are these? They are ants? ant 蚂蚁 Ants are strong men. bee ant insect 昆虫 你还知道哪些昆虫? 课堂

3、延伸课堂延伸 How many kinds of insects do you know? kind 种类 I can buy anything on Taobao. anything 任何东西 Look!They are listening to music. Oh,yes.But they are just fingers. finger 手指 He is a dancer. He is dancing. dancer 舞蹈演员 museum 博物馆 博物馆是征集、典藏、陈列和研究代表自然和人类文化遗产的实物的场 所,并对那些有科学性、历史性或者艺术价值的物品进行分类,为公众提供 知识、教

4、育和欣赏的文化教育的机构、建筑物、地点或者社会公共机构。博 物馆是非营利的永久性机构,对公众开放,为社会发展提供服务,以学习、 教育、娱乐为目的。 163文库网 There are many cars in the car museum. car museum 汽车博物馆 You can also buy some model cars. model car 汽车模型 There are many kinds of insects in the insect museum. insect museum 昆虫博物馆 many kinds of 各种各样的 science museum 科学博物馆

5、 Much science is in the science museum. ant bee insect anything kind finger museum Game Grammar 复数复数 复数 指数量超过“一”,即不止一个。 an ant 一只蚂蚁 例如: two ants a bee 一只蜜蜂 three bees 163文库网 a butterfly four butterflies 名词单数变复数的规律 (1)一般直接在单数名词后加-s. bookbooks beebees (2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,加-es. busbuses boxboxes watchwa

6、tches (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要变y为 i,再加-es. butterflybutterflies 课堂练习课堂练习 按要求完成下列各题。 (1)fly,girl,country,brush(写出这些单词的 复数形式) (2)在桌子上有一些苹果。 There are_ _on the table. (3)我有很多盒子。(翻译成英语) (4)There are some_(bus)in the street. (5)I can see three _ in the zoo. A. monkeys B. monkeys C. monkey D.monkeies flyflies gi

7、rlgirls countrycountries brushbrushes some apples I have a lot of boxes. buses Ask and answer (1)Where did Alice buy the toy bee? (2)What did Alice see at the museum? (3)Where did Joe go last Sunday? (4)What did Joe see? (5)What did Joe buy at the car museum? She saw ants,bees,butterflies and other

8、insects. Alice bought the toy bee at an insect museum. He went to a car museum last Sunday. He saw a lot of interesting cars. He bought a model car. Complete these diaries. insect saw beautiful ugly bought car saw a lot of interesting cars bought 163文库网 Ask and answer the questions about museum with

9、 your classmates. S1:Did you visit any museums during the holiday? S2:Yes,I did.I visited an art museum. S1:What did you see there? S2:I saw a lot of art pictures. Example: 163文库网 S1:Did you visit any museums during the holiday? S2:Yes,I did.I visited a car museum. S1:What did you see there? S2:I sa

10、w a lot of model cars. 163文库网 S1:Did you visit any museums during the holiday? S2:Yes,I did.I visited a film museum. S1:What did you see there? S2:I saw a lot of old films. S1:Did you visit any museums during the holiday? S2:Yes,I did.I visited an insect museum. S1:What did you see there? S2:I saw a

11、 lot of insects. S1:Did you visit any museums during the holiday? S2:Yes,I did.I visited a science museum. S1:What did you see there? S2:I saw a lot of science. S1:Did you visit any museums during the holiday? S2:Yes,I did.I visited a toy museum. S1:What did you see there? S2:I saw a lot of toys. Cu

12、lture Corner The Palace Museum is in Beijing.It is famous around the world. 163文库网 The Louvre Museum is in Paris.It is a great are museum. 163文库网 你还知道哪些类型的博物馆? 3.掌握重点句型:掌握重点句型: Did you see any museums during your holiday? Yes,I did.I visit a/an. What did you see there? I saw. 1.掌握的单词:掌握的单词:bee,insect,ant,anything,kind, finger,dancer,insect museum,car museum, model car,science museum,many kinds of. 2.掌握重点知识点:掌握重点知识点:名词复数。名词复数。 1.记忆本课的新单词。 2.你去过博物馆吗? 3.你喜欢什么类型的博物馆? 163文库网 Have a good time! 163文库网


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