Unit3 section A 2a-2d (ppt课件)(1)-2023新人教新目标Go For It 版九年级全册《英语》.pptx

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1、Section APeriod 1 2a-2d学习目标学习目标 Key words&phrases:restroom,stamp,beside,postcard,pardon,bathroom,rush Key sentences:Could you please tell me where I can buy some stamps?Could you tell me how to get to Center Street?Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Objective Clauses with wh-questions.

2、Learn how to ask and show the way.postcard pardonwashroombathroomnormallyrush n.明信片明信片v.原谅;原谅;interj.请再说一遍请再说一遍n.洗手间;厕所洗手间;厕所n.浴室;洗手间浴室;洗手间adv.通常;正常情况下通常;正常情况下v.&n.仓促;急促仓促;急促Words ReviewMatch the picture with directions.1._ Turn right.2._ Go to the second floor.3._ Turn left.4._ Go to the third floo

3、r.5._ The lion is between the tiger and the dog.a ab b c ce ef fPlease find answers as soon as possible!2a2aListen.You will hear some of the directions below.Number the directions in the order you hear _ Go to the third floor._ Turn left._ Go to the second floor._ Turn right._ The supermarket is bet

4、ween the flower store and the bookstore._ Go past the bookstore.1234Listen again.Draw a line in the picture above to show how the boy walks to the supermarket.2bA:Excuse me,could you tell me where I can buy some medicine?B:Yes,theres a supermarket in this shopping center.A:Do you know how to go ther

5、e?B:Yes,go to the second floor and then then turn left.Lets see Then go past the bookstore.And umm the supermarket is2bbetween the flower store and the bookstore.You should be able to get medicine there.A:OK,great.Oh,and one more thing.Do you know when this shopping center closes tonight?B:Im not su

6、re,but you can ask for information over there.A:OK,thanks a lot.B:Youre welcome.Have you ever seen these signs?Do you know what they mean?Do they have the same meaning or different meanings?1.Whats the name of the park?2.Where did Alice want to go first?Fun Times Park.Restroom/Washroom/Toilet.Read t

7、he conversation and answer some questions.1.What is not commonly used in China,toilet,restroom or washroom?Restroom.2.Does Alice need to rush?No,she doesnt.3.Where are He Wei and Alice?Fun Times Park.4.What different parts does Fun Times Park have?Space World,Water World,Animal World.5.Alice used a

8、word that He Wei didnt fully understand at the beginning.What was the word?Restroom.A:This is Fun Times Park,the biggest amusement park in our city!B:Im excited to try the rides!A:What should we start with?Theres Space World,Water World,Animal World B:Before we decide,could you first tell me where t

9、he restrooms are?A:Pardon?Restroom?You want to rest?But we havent even started yet!Listen.Then role-play the conversation.B:Oh no,I dont mean that.I mean you know,a washroom or bathroom.A:Hmm so you mean the toilet?B:Yes!Sorry,maybe people in China dont often use the word“restroom”when they speak En

10、glish.A:Thats right.In China,we normally say“toilet”or“washroom”in English.Anyway,theyre just over there.B:OK.Ill be quick!A:No problem.You dont need to rush!1.Go past the bookstore.经过书店。经过书店。(教材(教材P18)go past=pass 意为意为“经过;路过经过;路过”。其中其中 past为介词,为介词,意为意为“从从旁边过去旁边过去”。Go past our school.=Pass our schoo

11、l.经过我们学校。经过我们学校。The bus went past us without stopping at the bus stop.公共汽车没在站点停留就从我们旁边过去了。公共汽车没在站点停留就从我们旁边过去了。past用作介词时还表示用作介词时还表示“(时间时间)在在后;晚于后;晚于”。Its five past six now.现在是现在是 6 点点 5 分。分。Language Points 辨析:辨析:past,over,across与与throughpast晚于;从晚于;从旁边旁边经过经过表示时间上表示时间上“在在之后之后”或空间或空间上上“经过经过”over从从上方跨过上方

12、跨过表示空间范围上表示空间范围上“越过越过”across横穿;越过横穿;越过表示动作是在某一物体表面进行的表示动作是在某一物体表面进行的,强调从一端到另一端,强调从一端到另一端through穿过;越过穿过;越过表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,强调从内部穿过强调从内部穿过 The man walked past a shop.这个人走过一家商店。这个人走过一家商店。There is a bridge over the river.河上河上面面有有座桥座桥。The little boy is walking across the road.这个小男孩正在步行穿这个小男孩

13、正在步行穿过马路过马路。He can go through the forest by himself.他能独自穿过森林他能独自穿过森林。1.Im excited to try the rides!ride n.供乘骑的游乐设施供乘骑的游乐设施 v.骑骑 ride her bikea roller coaster ride 坐过山车坐过山车How about that new ride over there?去玩一玩那边新开的骑乘项目怎么样?去玩一玩那边新开的骑乘项目怎么样?2)restroom,washroom,bathroom&toilet 以上词都可以表示以上词都可以表示“洗手间洗手间”

14、。中西方文化差异中西方文化差异,习惯用语不同。习惯用语不同。2.Before we decide,could you first tell me where the restrooms are?1)该句是由连接副词该句是由连接副词where引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。3.Could you first tell me where the restrooms are?“厕所厕所”委婉语委婉语restroom n.(美美)washroom;bathroom;the gents;mens(room);the ladies;womens(room);comfort roompardon v.原谅;

15、原谅;interj.请再说一遍请再说一遍(1)pardon在此处作感叹词,常用于表示没有听清楚或不理在此处作感叹词,常用于表示没有听清楚或不理解对方所说的内容,请求对方再重复一遍,语气比较委婉,解对方所说的内容,请求对方再重复一遍,语气比较委婉,读时用升调;也可用于表示歉意。读时用升调;也可用于表示歉意。“Pardon?”相当于相当于“I beg your pardon?”或或“Pardon me?”。Pardon?I didnt catch what you said.2.Pardon?什么什么?(教材(教材P18)(2)pardon还可作及物动词,意为还可作及物动词,意为“原谅原谅”。pa

16、rdon sb.for(doing)sth.原谅某人原谅某人(做做)某事。某事。Pardon my ignorance,but what does OPEC stand for?yet副词副词,意为意为“还;尚还;尚”,常用于否定句或疑问句,常用于否定句或疑问句中中,通常置于通常置于句末。句末。yet表示说话人期望发生的事情尚表示说话人期望发生的事情尚未发生未发生,常用于现在完成时。常用于现在完成时。They havent watered the flowers yet.他们还没有他们还没有浇花。浇花。3.But we havent even started yet!(教材(教材P18)4.I

17、 dont mean that.I mean.mean v.“意思是意思是”mean doing sth.“意味着意味着”Success means working hard.成功意味着工作努力。成功意味着工作努力。mean to do sth.“打算或企图做某事打算或企图做某事”,其主语通常其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词。是表示人的名词或代词。We mean to call on you tomorrow.我们打算明天看望你。我们打算明天看望你。5.You dont need to rush!你不必着急!你不必着急!1)need在这里作行为动词,意为在这里作行为动词,意为“需要需要”。作行为

18、动词时,。作行为动词时,need有人称和数的变化,后面可接名词、代词、动名词有人称和数的变化,后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带及带to的动词不定式,可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句的动词不定式,可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中。中。e.g.I dont need to see the doctor.She needs help.need还可做情态动词,意为还可做情态动词,意为“必须,必要必须,必要”,这时无人,这时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,多用于否定句或疑问句称和数的变化,后接动词原形,多用于否定句或疑问句中。中。e.g.You neednt worry.4.You dont need to r

19、ush!(教材(教材P18)rush此处用作此处用作动词动词,意为,意为“仓促;急促仓促;急促”。常用短语:。常用短语:rush to do sth.意为意为“赶紧赶紧/抢着做某事抢着做某事”;rush to意为意为“冲冲/奔向奔向”。Shes always rushing to finish her homework first.她总是赶着第一个完成作业。她总是赶着第一个完成作业。He stood up and rushed to the door.他站起来向门口冲去。他站起来向门口冲去。rush用作名词用作名词,意为意为“匆匆忙;繁忙忙;繁忙”。in a rush“匆忙地匆忙地”rush

20、hour“(交通交通)高峰期高峰期;拥挤时刻拥挤时刻”I found the work being done in a rush.我发现这件作品正在被仓促我发现这件作品正在被仓促赶赶制制。If you go now,youre likely to hit the rush hour.你要是现在走你要是现在走,很有可能会赶上交通很有可能会赶上交通高峰高峰期。期。Exercises一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1.In the picture,he sits _ me,looking very happy.A.beside B.among C.up D.through2.Open the windo

21、w please,Mike._?I didnt hear what you said.A.Why B.Really C.Pardon D.What A C 3.Im going to the post office and buy a _ to send a letter to my pen pal.A.bookstore B.library C.dictionary D.stamp4.Take your time.Dont be _.OK,I will.A.worry B.in worry C.rush D.in a rushD D 完成句子完成句子1.打扰了,请你告诉我在哪能买到字典好吗?

22、打扰了,请你告诉我在哪能买到字典好吗?_ _.Could you please tell me _ _ _ get a dictionary?2.你能告诉我怎样去邮局吗?你能告诉我怎样去邮局吗?Could you tell me _ _ get to the post office?3.你能告诉我在新城是否有一些好的博物馆吗?你能告诉我在新城是否有一些好的博物馆吗?Could you please tell me _ _ _ any good museums in Newtown?Excuse mewhere I can how toif there are4.打扰了,请你告诉我在哪里能买到太

23、阳镜好打扰了,请你告诉我在哪里能买到太阳镜好吗?吗?_ _.Could you please tell me _ _ _ get sunglasses?5.你知道附近有餐馆吗?你知道附近有餐馆吗?Do you know _ _ _ any restaurants around here?6.请你告诉我怎样去颐和园好吗?请你告诉我怎样去颐和园好吗?_ _ tell me _ _ get to the Summer Palace?Excuse me where I can if there areCould/Can you how to 7.乘电梯到三楼,然后向左拐。乘电梯到三楼,然后向左拐。_

24、the escalator _ the third floor,and then _ _.8.在二楼有一家书店。在二楼有一家书店。_ a bookstore _ _ _ floor.Take to turn left Theres on the secondrestroomsstampsbesidebathroompostcardsto wear normallyexcitedto getrushCCBABstart/begin withwheretobuybetweenandpass by/go pastwalking along1.Copy new words and phrases2.Preview 2a-2d in page18.Homework


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