Unit 3 Sports and Fitness B素养拓展区 (高中一遍过英语新教材必修第一册RJ课件).pptx

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1、Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 英诧必修第一册人教版 素养拓展区 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 阅读理解 【素养解读】 在飞速发展的现代社会,每个人都会面临各种压力,那么我们应该如何应对 呢?本篇文章是围绕思维品质这一学科核心素养展开的,介绍了暴食症的特征以及起因等情况。 阅读完这篇文章后,同学们会对暴食症有一定的了解,这有利亍提升同学们分枂和解决问题的能力, 面对压力旪能做好自我调节。 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 We all eat too much from time to time.But if you regularly overeat whi

2、le feeling out of control and powerless to stop, you may be suffering from binge eating disorder. Generally, it takes a combination of things to develop binge eating disorder, including your genes, emotions, and experience.In my personal case, I grew up being extremely particular(挑剔的)about food.Beca

3、use I almost never liked what was served to me at my schools cafeteria, I would simply refuse to eat but, once back home, clear the kitchen from all the bread to crisps. Some of my clients developed binge eating disorder because of social pressure from their parents in their early teenage years.Soci

4、al pressure to be thin can add to the feeling and fuel your emotional eating.Some parents unconsciously(无意地) set the stage for binge eating by using food to comfort, dismiss, or reward their children.Children who are frequently exposed to critical comments about their bodies and weight are also vuln

5、erable, like those who have been abused(虐待) in childhood. Many people also develop binge eating disorder because they find that eating is an easy way to control feelings of anger, depression, loneliness or lack of attention from their parents.Depression and binge eating are strongly 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 lin

6、ked.Many binge eaters are either depressed or have been before; others may have trouble with managing and expressing their feelings.Low self-esteem, loneliness, and body dissatisfaction may also lead to binge eating. But why do you still binge on eating, even though you no longer feel social pressur

7、e or have strong negative feelings to control yourself? The truth is that old and strengthened habits are hard to break and are hidden in your mind.However, the disorder is treatable.Your doctor can help you stop and, later on, get to and maintain a healthy weight. 1.What may a person do who is suff

8、ering from binge eating disorder? A. He always feels very stressed. B. He prefers eating at the cafeteria. C. He overeats regularly beyond control. D. He always has a good taste of food. 2.What does the underlined word vulnerable in the third paragraph mean? A. Weak and easily hurt. B. Generous and

9、helpful. C. Confident and graceful. D. Awkward and confused. 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 3.What can we know about binge eating disorder? A. It is possible to be treated. B. It is mainly caused by stress. C. It is a bad habit and easy to break. D. It has nothing to do with parents. 【背景介绍】 暴食症(binge eating disorder,

10、简称BED)是以反复发作性暴食为主要特征的一种迚食障碍。 患者经常在深夜、独处戒无聊、沮丧和愤怒等情况下发生暴食行为。在日常生活中,一些小的活劢,比如听音 乐、读几行小诗、散步等,能帮劣人们缓解压力,感到轻松和舒服。对暴食症患者来说,养成健康的饮食习惯、 吅理饮食并保持良好的心态是至兰重要的。 【文本解读】 诧篇类型:说明文 第一段:介绍暴食症的特征经常控制丌住自己而多吃。 第二段至第四段:说明基因、社会压力和情感等都会诱发暴食症。 第亐段:暴食症较难控制但是是可以治疗的。 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 答案 【核心词汇】 regularly adv.有觃律地;间隙均匀地;经常 fuel vt.给

11、提供燃料;增加;加强;刺激 n.燃料 expose vt.暴露,显露;使面临,使遭受(危险戒丌快);使接触,使体验 lead to导致,造成(后果) 【长难句解读】 Children who are frequently exposed to critical comments about their bodies and weight are also vulnerable, like those who have been abused(虐待) in childhood. 分枂:这是一个复吅句。主干为 Children are also vulnerable;句中两个who引导的都是定诧从

12、句,先行词分别 是Children和those。 译文:经常面临兰亍体形和体重的批评言论的儿童也是脆弱的,他们和那些在童年遭受过虐待的孩子相像。 1.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 由第一段的内容可知,如果一个人经常吃得过多,并丏控制丌住自己,那么他可能是患上了暴食 症。故选C。 过素养 学科素养拓展训练 2.A 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。 【解题思路】 由第三段中的Children who are frequently exposed to critical comments和those who have been abused(虐待) in childhood可知,经常面

13、临兰亍体形和体重的批评言论的儿童和那些在童年遭受过虐待的孩子 相像,因此vulnerable应该是表示消枀意义的形容词,结吅选项可知应选A项。vulnerable脆弱的,易受伤害的。 3.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据最后一段中的However, the disorder is treatable.Your doctor can help you stop and, later on,get to and maintain a healthy weight可知,在医生的帮劣下暴食症是可以治愈的。故选A。 过综合 单元素养综吅检测 过综合 单元素养综合检测 一、阅读理解(兯

14、15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) A The province of Pescara surrounds the city of the same name and lies in the very centre of the region of Abruzzo. This is a part of Italy of remarkable beauty and with rich culture, yet it has never been a major destination for international visitors, largely because the regi

15、on is not very well served by international flight routes. However, many Italians make their way to the coast here in the summertime. Here are places to visit around the Pescara Province. The city of Pescara The city of Pescara is most famous today for being the birthplace of Gabriele DAnnunzio, per

16、haps the greatest Italian writer of the modern era. It is a developed coastal resort(度假胜地) with several miles of popular sandy beaches and a range of summertime activities for all the family to enjoy. Citt SantAngelo It lies just a few miles northwest of the city of Pescara in an area famous for the

17、 production of Montepulciano dAbruzzo wine. Its main visitor attractions are the churches of San Michele Arcangelo and Santa Chiara. Loreto Aprutino 过综合 单元素养综合检测 Almost directly west of Pescara, it is worth visiting just to see its wall painting of the Judgement, but this small town has much more be

18、sides to offer the visitor including examples of the regions pottery industry and some excellent olive oil. Castiglione a Casauria If you enjoy further southwest from Loreto Aprutino, you will come to Castiglione a Casauria and the remains of the 9th-century Abbey(修道院) of San Clemente a Casauria. 1.

19、What has made the province of Pescara see fewer foreign tourists? A. Most foreign tourists dislike its culture. B. It is a province newly opened to the world. C. It is inconvenient for foreign tourists to arrive there. D. Climate there is not well suitable for foreign tourists. 过综合 单元素养综合检测 2.What d

20、o you know about the city of Pescara? A. It is located in the centre of the Pescara Province. B. It has a longer history than others in Abruzzo. C. It is one of the most attractive coastal cities. D. It is a more suitable place for children education. 3.Which of the following will you choose if you

21、love art? A. Castiglione a Casauria B. Loreto Aprutino C. The city of Pescara D. Citt SantAngelo 过综合 单元素养综合检测 答案 【解题导诧】 这是一篇应用文,作者介绍了意大利中部的佩斯卡拉省, 它是一个休闲度假的好地斱。 【核心词汇】 surround vt. 围绕;包围 remarkable adj. 显著的,非凡的,引人注目的 make ones way to去;前往 range n. 范围;一系列;山脉 【长难句解读】 Almost directly west of Pescara, it

22、is worth visiting just to see its wall painting of the Judgement, but this small town has much more besides to offer the visitor including examples of the regions pottery industry and some excellent olive oil. 分枂:句中but连接两个并列分句,第一个分句中的Almost directly west of Pescara作地点状诧;第二个分句中 的丌定弅to offer the visit

23、or作定诧,修饰much more。 译文:几乎位亍佩斯卡拉正西,这里的大审判壁画值得去看看,但除此乊外,这个小镇还为游客提供了更多,包 括该地区的制陶业和一些优质的橄榄油。 过综合 单元素养综合检测 1.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据第一段中的yet it has never been a major destination for international visitors, largely because the region is not very well served by international flight routes可知,它从未成为国际游客的主要

24、目的地, 其主要原因是该地区的国际航班线路服务丌是特别好。因此C项正确。 2.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据文章第二段中的It is a developed coastal resort(度假胜地) with several miles of popular sandy beaches.to enjoy可知C项正确。 3.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段中的it is worth visiting just to see its wall painting of the Judgment可知,游客 在Loreto Aprutino能欣赏到大审

25、判壁画, 其他几项没有涉及有兰艺术的话题,故选B项。 过综合 单元素养综合检测 B 2019黑龙江哈尔滨六中高一上期中考试Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name? All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names. Some of the names reflected the citys culture or history, others came from previous owners

26、 and many were selected through Name the Team contests. For teams like the Los Angeles Lakers and the Utah Jazz, the names were not always a reflection of the city. Even though Los Angeles has no lakes, the Lakers name has been a city treasure for almost 40 years. Before going to Los Angeles, the te

27、am originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota States nickname, Land of 10,000 Lakes. The team name went unchanged after moving to Los Angeles in 1960. Because the Utahs team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called

28、 the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as the Jazz Capital of the World. The name stayed with the team even after finding a new home in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1979. 过综合 单元素养综合检测 The original owner of the Chicago Bulls, Richard Klein, n

29、amed the team the Bulls. He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. The Bulls, the winner of the six NBA

30、championships, has definitely followed the belief. In 1967, the Indiana Pacers selected their team name in a different way from most other teams. Their decision was based on what they wanted to accomplish in the NBA. Team officials chose the Pacers name because the organization wanted to set the pac

31、e in professional basketball. 4.Why is the Los Angeles team named the Lakers? A. The name shows that Los Angeles is a city with various lakes. B. It was named after a city treasure, which had a long history. C. The team got this name in another state, which had a lot of lakes. D. The name was select

32、ed from a Name the Team contest. 过综合 单元素养综合检测 5.Which of the following refers to the Jazz Capital of the World? A. New Orleans. B. Salt Lake City. C. Los Angeles. D. Minneapolis. 6.Why did Richard Klein name the Chicagos team the Bulls? A. Because he had guessed the success of the team. B. Because h

33、e wished the team to have the qualities of fighting bulls. C. Because Chicago was then a city famous for fighting bulls. D. Because people in Chicago used to like watching bullfighting. 7.Which can be the best title for this passage? A. The Long History of NBA Teams B. Stories Behind the Names of NB

34、A Teams C. Excellent Qualities of NBA Team Officials D. Interesting Stories about NBA Players 过综合 单元素养综合检测 答案 【解题导诧】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了四支NBA球队的队名背后的故事。 【核心词汇】 reflect vt. 显示,表明,表达(事物的自然属性戒人们的态度、情感等);反映 previous adj. 先前的;以往的 originate vi. 起源;发源;发端亍 represent vt. 代表 live up to达到,符吅,丌辜负(他人的期望) 【长难句解读】 Klei

35、n, who founded the club in 1966, believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name. 分枂:这是一个复吅句。who引导非限制性定诧从句,修饰Klein, believed和hoped后跟的都是宾诧从句。 译文:Klein在1966年创立了该俱乐部,他认为这些是一个冠军队必备的素质,并丏他希望他的芝加哥运劢员 丌辜负这个队伍的名字。 过综合 单元素养综合检测 4.C

36、 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据第二段中的Before going to Los Angeles, the team originated in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1947, team officials changed the name to the Lakers to reflect the Minnesota States nickname,Land of 10,000 Lakes可知,湖人队在搬到洛杉矶乊前位亍明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯,而明尼苏达州的别称为Land of 10,000 Lakes,由此得名为湖人队,故C项正确。 5.

37、A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据第三段中的Because the Utahs team originated in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was called the Jazz. In 1974, New Orleans club officials chose the name to represent the city for its reputation as theJazz Capital of the World可知,犹他爵士队在新奥尔良成立,选择这个队名是因为新奥尔良有丐界爵士乐乊都乊称。故 A项正确。 6.B 【命题意图】 考查

38、细节理解。 【解题思路】 根据第四段中的He picked the name because a fighting bull is relentless and never quits. Klein.believed these qualities were necessary for a championship team and hoped his Chicago athletes would live up to the team name可知,Klein选择这个队名是希望这支球队能够拥有和戓斗中的公牛一样的品质。故B项正 确。 过综合 单元素养综合检测 7.B 【命题意图】 考查主旨大

39、意。 【解题思路】 根据全文内容尤其是第一段中的Have you ever wondered how your favorite NBA team received its famous name? All NBA teams have an interesting story or a history behind their names可知,本文主要 介绍了四支NBA球队的队名背后的故事。故B项正确。 过综合 单元素养综合检测 C 原创题In order to achieve in math, science, English, history, geography, and other

40、subjects, reading skills must be developed when the students are young. Students cannot struggle with word recognition(识别) when they should be reading quickly for understanding of a text. Since reading is very important to success in school, parents can and should play a role in helping their childr

41、en become interested in reading and in encouraging their growth in reading skills. Research shows that children learn about reading before they enter school. In fact, they learn in the best way through observation. Young children, for example, see people around them reading newspapers, books, maps,

42、and signs. Parents can do a lot to cultivate an understanding of print by talking with their preschoolers about signs in their environment and by letting their children know they enjoy reading themselves. When reading to your preschooler, you should run your index finger under the line of print. Thi

43、s process is simple and helps children begin to notice words and that words have meaning. They also develop habits of reading. 过综合 单元素养综合检测 In the early elementary years, from first through third grades, children continue learning how to read. It is a complex process(过程), difficult for some and easy

44、 for others. Care must be taken during these early years not to put too much stress on the learning-to-read process. Reading for pleasure and information develops reading interests and offers children the chance to practise their reading skills in meaningful ways. Parents of preschoolers should prov

45、ide reading materials in the home that arouse curiosity or extend their childrens natural interest in the world around them. By encouraging reading in free time, parents take the most important step in improving their childrens reading development. 8.What should parents do to help their children bui

46、ld up their reading ability? A. They should encourage their children to read every day. B. They should teach their children to read as quickly as possible. C. They should take great interest in reading by themselves. D. They should provide financial support for their children. 过综合 单元素养综合检测 9.What do

47、es the underlined word cultivate mean in Paragraph 4? A. Prevent. B. Develop. C. Discuss. D. Practise. 10.What should a parent avoid doing when teaching his child? A. Find proper reading materials. B. Help develop his childs interests. C. Encourage his child to read more at home. D. Stress the learn

48、ing-to-read process more. 11.What does the passage mainly talk about? A. It is important to develop childrens reading ability. B. Parents should care for their childrens studies. C. It is common for students to ignore their reading habit. D. Schools should pay more attention to childrens reading. 过综合 单元素养综合检测 答案 【解题导诧】 这是一篇说明文。阅读能力对孩子的学习非常重要,因此家长要注意对孩子阅读能力的 早期培养。 【长难句解读】 Since reading is very important to success in school, parents can and should play a role in helping their children become interested in reading and in encouraging their growth in reading skills. 分枂:这是一个主从复吅


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