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1、译林版小学英语六年级上册单元自测题译林版小学英语六年级上册单元自测题 班级姓名成绩 卷(卷(100100 分)分) 听力部分(听力部分(2020 分)分) 一、找出你所听到的单词。一、找出你所听到的单词。 (5 5 分)分) () 1. A. newsB. friendsC. sentence () 2. A. tellB. stillC. spell () 3. A. worldB. workC. word () 4. A. littleB. sisterC. letter () 5. A. takeB. dateC. day 二、二、 根据你所听到的内容根据你所听到的内容, ,将相应回答写

2、在题前的括号内将相应回答写在题前的括号内 。 ( 5 5 分)分) () 1.A. Its Tuesday.B. It was Sunday.C. It was sunny. () 2. A. No, Im not.B. Yes, I did.C. Yes, please. () 3. A. Yes, I could.B. No, I didnt.C. No, I cant. () 4. A. In the shops.B. At nine.C. By bus. () 5. A. No, it isnt.B. No, he didnt.C. Yes, he is. 三、听录音,把句子补充完整。

3、三、听录音,把句子补充完整。 (1010 分)分) A: What _ you do one year ago? B: I _ read and say. A: _ you read in the _? B: Yes. But now I dont. A: Why? B: Because I can _ _ the Internet. I read _ too. A: Thats great. _ you _ _on the Internet? B: Yes, of course. 笔试部分(笔试部分(8080 分)分) 一、英汉互译。一、英汉互译。(10(10 分分) ) 1.谁的手机2.h

4、ave an English lesson 3.十年前4.wait for you 5.在网上购物6.make new sentences 7.看电子书8.listen to the radio 9.交朋友10. look out of 二、按要求写出单词。二、按要求写出单词。(10(10 分分) ) 1.write(过去式)2.read(过去式) _ 3.take(过去式)4.can(过去式) _ 5.have(过去式)6.ate(原形 _ 7.got(原形)8.family(复数 _ 9.did (否定形式)10.watch(第三人称单数 _ 三、选择填空。三、选择填空。(10(10 分分

5、) ) ()1.-_ Wang Bing at school yesterday? -No, he_. A.Is, wasntB. Did, wasntC. Was, wasnt ()2. My mother _ things on the Internet now. A. is buyingB. boughtC. buys ()3. _you_ the radio everyday . A. Did, listen toB. Do, listen toC. Are, listen to ()4. They would like_ kites. A. flyingB. flewC. to fl

6、y ()5. My brother_ six years ago. A. couldnt wroteB. couldnt writeC. couldnt to write ()6. I _ to the shop with my mother last Sunday. A. goB. wentC. was go ()7. -_did you_ the news twenty years ago?- In the newspaper. A. What, readB. How, readC. Where, read ()8. Liu Tao often _ football after class

7、. A. playsB. playingC. played ()9. Tim _ in the park. A. likes drawB. likes drawingC. like to draw ()10. -What did you _ ? -I _ a funny cartoon. A. watch, watchB. watch, watchedC. watched, watch 四、将下列句子排列成通顺的对话。四、将下列句子排列成通顺的对话。(6(6 分分) ) A.Is your grandpa at home, Mike? B. No, he couldnt. But now he

8、 can. C. Could he read e-book last year? D. No, he isnt. E. He is reading e-books in the library F.Wheres he? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 五、按要求改写句子。五、按要求改写句子。(14(14 分分) ) 1. Sam can spell the word.(对划线部分提问) _ can Sam _ ? ) ) ) 2. He wrote letters to his son three days ago. (对划线部分提问) _did he _ letters to t

9、hree days ago? 3.He reads e-books on the Internet. (改为过去式) He_ on the Internet. 4. Mr Brown made friends at school twenty years ago. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mr Brown _ friends at school twenty years ago? 5. My radio is on the bed.(提问) _is_ radio? 6. There were some apples on the table . (改为问句) _ there_ apples o

10、n the table? 7. is, me, for, at, waiting, Helen, home(.) (连词成句) 六、句子配对。六、句子配对。(10(10 分分) ) ()1. Dont look out of the window.A. Its Friday . B. Yes, she was. C. No, she didnt. ()2.Your mobile phone is so nice. ()3.What day is it today? ()4.Was Helen here ten minutes ago? D. Thank you. ()5.Did she wat

11、ch TV yesterday evening?E. Im sorry. 七、用所给词的适当形式填空。七、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (5 5 分)分) 1.I usually_(fly) kites in the park at weekends. 2._ you _ ( buy) any things in the shop last week? 3.Dont _(talk) in class. 4.She can_(make) friends anywhere. 八、根据上下文完成对话。八、根据上下文完成对话。(10(10 分分) ) 1. A: _ was your mother yes

12、terday? B:She _ at home. A:What _ she _? B: She _ shopping _ the Internet. 2. A:_ you ride a bike when you was 15 years old , Mrs Brown? B:No, _ _. But I can _ some picture. 九、阅读短文,选择最佳答案。九、阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 (5 5 分)分) It is ten thirty in the morning. Mr Black and his students are going out for a picnic.

13、They are now in the park. The children are having a good time at the moment. Look, The girls in the beautiful dresses are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are singing and dancing. Whos the girl under the big tree ?She is Nancy. She is reading a storybook carefully. Where is Mr Black? He is playing games wit

14、h Helen and other students. But Liu Tao and David are fishing near the river. Then a park keeper comes to them. He points to a sign near the river. He says to the boys ,“Cant you see the sign over there? It says ,No fishing. Liu Tao and David say sorry and leave there quickly. () 1. Its_. A. half pa

15、st eight in the morning. C. half past ten in the morning. () 2. Mr Black and his students are_. A. in the zooB. at schoolC. in the park B. singing and dancing. () 3. The twins are _. A. reading a storybook carefully. C. playing football. () 4. Nancy is reading _. A. under the treeB. near the riverC.

16、 beside the table () 5. The sign near the river means_. A. You can fish here. B. You cant fish here. C. You must stay away from here. B. nine thirty in the evening. 卷(卷(2020 分)分) 根据课文内容填空。根据课文内容填空。(10(102)2) Six years _, Mike _ read and draw, but he could not _. Now he can do many things. Mr Brown _

17、 letters to his friends twenty years ago. He used the _ athome and in the office to call people. Now he has a _ phone and he can call people anywhere. He also writes emails. Mikes grandpa _ to the _ and read newspaper for news thirty years ago.Now he can read _. Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown made friends at school. She bought things in shops. Now she _ shopping on the Internet.


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