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1、外研版外研版英语英语五五年级年级上上册册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 7 Unit 1 He cant see. 第一课时 Fast, fast, I can run fast. High, high, I can jump high. Catch, catch, I can catch the ball. Control, control, I can control the ball. Play, play, I can play football. I can dance well. I cant dance well, but I can pass the ball well.

2、I can./I cant. I can . I cant.but I can. I can . I cant.but I can. What about dogs? What can dogs do? Dogs can cant run fast help us in different ways search and rescue be our friend fly . . Dogs are clever! Dogs are cute! Dogs are useful! Dogs are cool! Listen and chant. Watch the video. he she He

3、is playing with her. she的宾格形式 hot dog bread sausage deaf blind TV show TV presenter firefighter fire Listen, read and act out. Watch the video. 1.Can we have a dog, Mum? 2.What do they eat for dinner? No, we cant. Hot dogs. Listen and answer the questions. Amy: Look! Theres a TV show about dogs. Lin

4、gling: Great! I like dogs. TV presenter: Dogs are very useful. Read and find out the new words! Listen and read. TV presenter: This man is blind. He cant see. This dog helps him. TV presenter: This girl is deaf. She cant hear. This dog helps her. TV presenter: Last week, there was a fire. This dog h

5、elped the firefighters. Sam: Can we have a dog, Mum? Ms Smart: No, we cant. Im sorry. Here is your dinner, hot dogs. Lingling: Hot dogs! Are they.? Sam: No. Theyre sausages and bread. All: Ha ha. This dog helps him. 详解:help 在这里作及物动词,意为“帮助”,可以直接接宾 语,接人称代词时要用其宾格形式。常用的结构有“help sb (to) do sth”和“help sb

6、with sth”,这里的to 可以省略,其 中with 后面接名词,这两种结构均意为“帮助某人做某事”。 We can help her. 例 I often help my mother (to) do the housework. I often help my mother with the housework. 例 Can we have a dog? 详解:此句子是询问是否可以拥有某物的句子。Can 除了可 以表示“能力”以外,还有“可以”之意,这里的can 就是 表示“可以”的意思,用来请求他人的许可。 句型结构:Can + 主语+ 动词原形+ 其他? Can I have yo

7、u book? Can I come in? 例 This dog helps the _ man. This dog helps the _ girl. This dog helps the _. blind deaf firefighters Are “hot dogs” dogs? No. They are sausages and bread. TV presenter Sam Amy Ms Smart Role play. Dogs are clever and useful! They are our good friends. Lets protect the dogs. (保护

8、) Let our world filled with love. 让我们的世界充满爱。 一、帮兔子拔萝卜。 ( ) 1. This boy is blind. He cant _. A look B see C watch ( ) 2. This is a book_ dogs. A about B in C for B A Try to do. 二、连词成句。 1.a, Theres, TV show, dogs, about(.) _ 2. useful, Dogs, very, are(.) _ 3. Mum, we, have a dog, Can(?) _ 4. man, is,

9、This, blind(.) _ Theres a TV show about dogs. Dogs are very useful. Can we have a dog, Mum? This man is blind. 重点词汇:hear, blind, fire, firefighter, hot dog, sausage 重点句式:I/He/She/They/I cant. Sum up. 1. 和同桌练习对话。 2.查找资料:狗对人类还有什么帮助? Homework I like dog. Dogs can help people. I like . What animals do y

10、ou like? Why? 第二课时 This man is bind. He cant see. Sam: Can we have a dog, Mum? Ms Smart: No, we cant. Im sorry. Listen and say. Why doesnt Sams mother agree to have a dog? Sam is too young to take care of the dog. Sam should study hard now and he can have a dog when he grows up. He is blind. He cant

11、 see. Practise. There is a big fire. The firefighters cant find people. This dog helps the firefighters. She is . She cant . The dog . The old man This dog. When I was ill in hospital last year, a dog played with me. Group work. Talk about the dogs that help people in daily life. The dog passes the

12、book to me. protect our home catch the bad guys help people find something ( )1. The old man is _. He cant see. A. deaf B. cool C. blind ( )2. The little girl is only two years old. She _ carry a desk. A. cant B. does C. is ( )5. The woman is deaf. She cant_. A. say B. see C. hear A C C 一、我会选。 Try t

13、o do. 二、请你帮小兔拔萝卜。 ( )1. 1. 这些小猫不会吃东西。这些小猫不会吃东西。 A This little cats cant eat. Her father helps him. ( )2. 2. 她的父亲帮助她。她的父亲帮助她。 This little birds cant eat. Her father helps her. B A B A B 狗的特征 1. 狗的嗅脑、嗅觉器官和嗅神经极为发达。鼻长, 鼻粘膜上布满嗅神经,能够嗅出稀释一千万分之一的有 机酸,特别是对动物性脂肪酸更为敏感,狗的嗅觉能力 超出人的1200倍。 2. 狗的听觉也很灵敏,比人灵敏16倍,可听见 5.05.5赫兹(HZ)的声音。 3. 视觉和味觉均较差。属色盲(红绿色盲,仅能 感受到蓝色、黄色和灰色,不能以红绿色作为条件刺激 来进行条件反射实验),辨色能力差。狗的味觉极差, 主要靠嗅觉辨别食物是否新鲜。 重点句式:He is bind. He cant see. The dog helps him. Sum up. 1. 以What can we do for dogs?为标题写 一篇作文。 Homework 2.查找资料:狗对人类还有什么帮助。


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