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1、高一英语期末翻译:1.其实从一个人踏上异国他乡土地的那一刻起,文化冲击就已经开始悄悄作祟了。(culture)In fact,the moment a person sets foot on a foreign land,culture shock begins to have an influence.2.尽管移居国外多年,也早已适应国外的生活,但是他们还是会包饺子、看春晚,以此庆祝新年。(adjust,celebrate)Although they have been living abroad for many years and have long adjusted to the li

2、fe abroad,they still make dumplings and watch the Spring Festival Gala to celebrate the New Year.3.事实证明,暂时远离社交媒体,同时关注自身的身心健康,对于焦虑症患者而言是个不错的选择。(turn,focus)It turns out that staying away from social media temporarily while focusing on their own physical and mental health is a good option for people wh

3、o suffer from anxiety.4.尝试一个人独自旅行,等待你的或许是邂逅一群志同道合之人。(encounter)Try traveling alone,and what may be waiting for you is encountering a group of like-minded people 5.如今的年轻人对他们父辈耳熟能详的歌曲和电影知之甚少。(familiar to)Todays young people know little about the songs and movies that are familiar to their parents.6.人工

4、智能可以运用在如此多的领域,你很难想象未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。(imagine,variety)AI can be used in such a variety of fields that its hard to imagine what life will look like in the future.7.没有什么比努力了仍一事无成更令人沮丧的事了。(frustrate)Nothing is more frustrating than trying hard but ending up achieving nothing.8.交警认为他的车子突然间失控撞到了墙上是因为他醉酒驾车,其实

5、不然。(run into)The traffic police thought that why his car was suddenly out of control and run into the wall was that he was drunk driving,but actually it was not true.9.为了一目了然地展示这一季度的销售业绩,经理用彩色图表来说明每个月的销售额。(illustrate)To clearly show the quarterly sales performance,the manager illustrated each months

6、 sales with colorful charts.10.原来他背着父母,用零花钱买了一部新手机,并把它藏在了衣柜里。(hide)It turned out that he bought a new mobile phone with pocket money without telling his parents,and hid it in his closet.11.那些把希望寄托在别人身上的人终将意识到,缺乏独立精神是他们失败的根本原因。(rest)Those who rest their hopes on others will eventually realize that a

7、lack of independence is the root cause of their failures.12.很多人往往会把女性的成功归因于一些外部原因,诸如她们的出生和运气等,而忽略了她们的能力和努力。(tend to)Many people tend to attribute womens success to external reasons,such as their birth and luck,while ignoring their ability and effort.13.离讲座结束还剩10分钟的时候,这个演讲者才注意到,坐在最后一排的竟然是他多年未见的高中班主任。

8、(be seated)With only 10 minutes left before the lecture ended,the speaker noticed that the person seated in the last row was his high school class teacher he hadnt seen for years.14.他的突然造访让我大吃一惊,因为我前天才刚刚被告知,他跟随资深记者一起前往乌克兰战区采访去了。(take by surprise)His sudden visit took me by surprise because I had jus

9、t been told the day before yesterday that he had gone to the Ukrainian war zone with senior journalists to cover news.15.他之所以能高度认同这部电影中的主人公,是因为他在童年时期和他有着相似的悲惨经历。(identify with)The reason why he can highly identify with the leading character in this movie is that he had a similar tragic experience wi

10、th him in his childhood.16.当你感到有压力的时候,找一些情绪的宣泄口是非常有必要的,但是说实话,玩电子游戏不是缓解压力的好办法。(feel stressed)When youre feeling stressed,its necessary to find some outlets for you emotions,but to be honest,playing video games is not a good way to relieve stress.17.这些进入新大陆的移民,他们最初的动机是为了黄金和荣誉,希望将寻得的财富世代相传。(immigrant)T

11、he original motivation of these immigrants to the New World was for gold and honor,hoping to pass on the wealth they found from one generation to the next.18.在这个平静的小镇发生过三起抢劫案之后,警察每晚会巡逻,维持治安的同时希望能抓到案犯。(maintain)After three robberies had happened in this quiet town,policemen patrolled every night,main

12、taining law and order as well as hoping to catch the criminal.19.考试成绩很大程度上反映了你学习努力与否,因此,不要再用粗心或者运气不好作为借口了。(on a larger scale)Test scores are on a large scale a reflection of whether you have studied hard,so stop using carelessness or bad luck as excuses.20.保护野生动物以保持生态平衡已经是老生常谈的话题了,可是偷吃野味的事件还是时有发生。(p

13、reserve)Though preserving wildlife to maintain the balance of nature is a common topic,incidents of eating wild game still happen from time to time.21.当他在国外学习时,他发现很难应对由文化冲击所引起的挑战。(cope)When he studied abroad,he found it difficult to cope with the challenges caused by culture shock.22.每一次他得到考试结果,他总是反

14、思为什么会没考好的原因,但过不了多久他就把一切抛在脑后了。(reflect)Every time he gets the test results,he will always reflect on why he hasnt done well,but it wont be long before he leaves everything behind.23.面对有这么多学生遭受精神疾病的现实,许多老师恳求家长多多关注孩子们的精神健康。(appeal)Faced with the reality that so many students suffer from mental illness,

15、many teachers appeal to parents to pay more attention to their childrens mental health.24.使我们惊讶的是,这部新发行的电影竟然投年轻人的所好。(appeal)To our surprise,this newly released film turned out to be an appeal to young people.25.出生于富裕家庭,他有机会在一所著名的私立学校接受好的教育。(access)Born into a wealthy family,he had access to good edu

16、cation at a famous private school.26.像因特网这样的大众媒体使公众知道世界上正在发生什么。(inform)Mass media such as the Internet keep the public informed of what is happening in the world.27.这位商人非常感激这个慷慨的银行家在他陷入困境时把他拉了出来。(appreciate)The businessman quite appreciated the generous bankers helping him out when he was in trouble

17、.28.毫无疑问你在所谓的嘉年华活动上花的时间越多,你期末考试会考的越糟糕。(the more,the more)There is no doubt that the more time you spend on so-called carnival events,the worse you will do in your final exam.29.当母亲看到她儿子走向门口时,她不知道他身上发生了什么事。(happen)When mother saw her son heading for the door,she had no idea what had happened to him.3

18、0.虽然给与教育更多的关注,但不容否认的是在这个领域仍然发生了一些不正常的现象。(pay attention)Although more attention has been paid to developing education,there is no denying that some abnormal phenomena have happened in this field.31.当他听到这个激动人心的消息时,他捂住自己的嘴,屏住呼吸,不让自己叫出声来。(scream)When he heard the exciting news,he covered his mouth and h

19、eld his breath to keep him from screaming.32.这位最不被看好的运动员在最后一刻进球得分了,教练和他的队友们都松了口气(relief)The least favored athlete scored a last-minute goal and the coach and his teammates breathed a sigh of relief.33.他被告知如果在深山中迷路了,面对黑暗和孤独时一定要保持镇定。(calm)He was told that if he got lost in the mountains,he must remain

20、 calm in the face of darkness and loneliness.34.当得知他考试没通过的消息时,他深深地吸了几口气来使自己平静下来,并在心里暗自下定决心接下来要更加努力。(breath)When he learned that he had failed in the exam,he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down,and secretly made up his mind to work harder.35.她很荣幸接受这一艰巨的任命,并期待着它所带来的各种各样的挑战。(honor)She was hono

21、red to accept this difficult appointment and looked forward to the challenges it would bring.36.这对老夫妇出十万元酬金,希望小区的居民一起帮忙来寻找他们的爱犬。(offer)The elderly couple offered a reward of 100,000 yuan,hoping that the residents in the community would help find their dog.37.计算机的应用已经渗透到社会的各个行业,正在改变着传统的学习,生活和工作方式。(ap

22、plication)The application of computers has penetrated into various industries of society and is changing the traditional way of learning,living and working.38.令她失望的是,她对该组织会员资格的申请被拒绝了。(application)To her disappointment,her application for membership in the organization was rejected.39.自去年以来我们取得了显著的进步

23、,但今后的道路仍很漫长。(remarkable)We have made remarkable progress since last year,but there is still a long way to go.40.他一直都很困惑怎样才能说服这位大老板愿意来投资他们的新项目呢?(convince)He had always been puzzled about how to convince the big boss to invest in their new project.41.他在三十多岁的时候被诊断出癌症,但是医生向他保证,只要他配合治疗,就一定会恢复健康。(convince

24、,diagnose)He was diagnosed with cancer when he was in this 30s,but the doctor convinced him that as long as he cooperated in the treatment,he would certainly be restored to health.42.根据前几年毕业的校友所说,我们这个专业的学生很容易面临激烈的竞争。(face)According to what alumni who graduated several years ago have said,students st

25、udying our major will easily be faced with/face fierce competition.43.尽管面临其他国家竞争者的挑战,屠呦呦以其杰出的成就获得瑞典科学院的高度评价,被授予了诺贝尔生理医学奖。(award)Although faced with the challenges from competitor from other countries,Tu Youyou was highly praised by the Swedish Academy for her remarkable achievements and awarded the

26、Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.44.月球表面的环形山(crater)中有6座以中国人的名字命名,以纪念他们在历史上为天文学所作出的贡献。(name)Of all the craters on the surface of the moon,six were named after Chinese people in memory of their contributions to astronomy in history.45.毕业后,她就去美国留学,在那里她结婚并且定居了下来。(further)After graduation,she went

27、 to America to further her study,where she got married and settled down.46.她父母对于她执意要和那个穷小子结婚非常恼火,想方设法逼他们分手。(marry)He parents was very angry that she insisted on marrying the poor guy and they tried every means to force them to break up.47.警方花了一个多星期寻找那个被绑架的孩子,最终在一个偏僻的村庄里找到了奄奄一息的他。(search)The police s

28、pent over a week searching for the kidnapped child and finally found him,who was dying,in a remote village.48.尽管做出非常杰出的成就,许多科学家在日常生活中都非常 谦 虚,过 着 很 简 单 的 生 活,这 一 点 令 人 肃 然 起 敬。(remarkable)Although they have made remarkable achievements,many scientists are very modest in their daily life and live a ve

29、ry simple life,which is really worth respecting.49.每个家长都该相信自己孩子的潜能并且不断鼓励他们为实现自己的梦想而奋斗。(encourage)Every parent should believe in the potential of their children and keep encouraging them to work hard to realize their dreams.50.直到多年以后人们才相信他的清白,但这对他来说已经不重要了。(convince,matter)It was not until years later

30、 that people were convinced of his innocence,but it didnt matter to him any longer.51.各个社团别出心裁的手工艺品将会在一年一度的嘉年华集市上展出。(on display)The creative handicrafts made by the various societies will be on display at the annual Carnival Market.52.大熊猫,被誉为活化石,象征着我国与其他国家和地区的友好关系,并以可爱闻名海内外。(symbolize,be famous for)

31、Giant pandas,known as living fossils,symbolize the friendly relations between China and other countries and regions,and are famous at home and abroad for their cuteness.53.学习不应仅仅停留在书本知识,而是需要结合理论与实际生活。(go beyond,couple)Learning should go beyond book knowledge,and need to couple theory with practical

32、life.54.多亏了近年来政府在环保事业上的投入,公众可以切身感受到天更蓝、水更清。(thanks to,commitment)Thanks to the governments commitment to environmental protection in recent years,the public can feel the sky bluer and water clearer.55.对所做的事保持热情,对取得的进步保持谦虚,那么你离实现成功不远了。(passionate,modest,achieve success)Be passionate about what you do

33、 and be modest about the progress youve made,and youre not far from/close to achieving success.56.有越来越多的证据表明,睡眠不足与许多健康问题有关。(indicate)The growing evidence indicates that lack of sleep is linked to many health problems.57.此情此景让我想起了一首古诗,后面两句是说,“举头望明月,低头思故乡”。(remind)This scene reminds me of an ancient p

34、oem,the last two sentences of which say,Looking up at the bright moon and looking down,I will think of my hometown.“58.医生建议他多吃富含维生素的水果,不要一天到晚喝可乐。(rich)The doctor advised him to eat fruit rich in vitamins instead of drinking coke all the time.59.人工智能的兴起,将导致许多工作的消失,这是一个不可阻挡的潮流。(trend)It is an unstoppa

35、ble trend that the rise of AI will lead to the disappearance of many jobs.60.受这个病毒感染后的典型症状包括咳嗽和发高烧。(typical)Typical symptoms when one is infected with this virus include coughing and having a high fever.61.爱因斯坦被公认为是史上最杰出的物理学家之一,他的相对论向世人解释了时空的本质。(recognize)Einstein is recognized as one of the most di

36、stinguished physicists in history,whose theory of relativity explains to the world the nature of space and time.62.小明因为晚上看短视频睡得太晚,课上很难集中思想听老师讲课。(focus)Xiaoming was unable to focus(his attention)on what the teaching was saying in class because he watched video clips until late into the night.63.他打算退休

37、后以悠闲的方式到全国各地走走,以弥补以前因为忙于工作而留下的遗憾。(manner)He plans to travel around the country in a leisurely manner after retirement to make up for the regrets left by his previous busy work.64.虽然他在物理领域做出了杰出的贡献,但是直到60多岁时才获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。(award)Although he made outstanding contributions to the field of physics,he was no

38、t awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics until he was in his 60s.65.每当我让他把欠我的钱还给我时,他总是请求我把截止日期延长几天,说一发工资就还钱。(extend)Each time I asked him to return the money he owed me,he always begged me to extend the deadline by a few days,saying that he would pay it back as soon as he got his salary.66.那位受邀的嘉宾据说曾在好几

39、家大公司任职,他的演讲肯定会让在座的学生们受益匪浅。(be said)The invited guest is said to have worked for several major companies,and his speech will definitely benefit the students present.67.因为不能区分短信的真假,很多老人成了电信诈骗的受害者。(distinguish)Because they cannot distinguish the true text messages from the false ones,many elderly peopl

40、e have have fallen victim to telecom fraud.68.据说那是历史上首次各国政府联合起来着手解决全球变暖问题。(set)It is said that it was the first time in history that governments had joined forces to set out to address|cope with global warming.69.你为我们提供了许多我们急需的物资,为此我们感激不尽。(grateful)We are very grateful to you for providing us with so many supplies that we need badly.70.这些日子这个团队忙于解决一个技术问题,不过他们是否成功还需拭目以待。(occupy)These days,the team is occupied with solving a technical problem,but it remains to be seen whether they will succeed.


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