Unit 4 综合素质评价-五年级英语下册人教PEP版.doc

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1、Unit 4 综合素质评价 时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、按单词画线部分的读音给单词分类。(10 分) thosethingthreethesethankmonththeyfathereighthtogetherthird this 二、选出每组中不同类的一项。(5 分) ( ) 1. A. five B. twelfth C. thirteen( ) 2. A. twenty B. twenty-first C. thirtieth( ) 3. A. May Day B. Mothers Day C. Monday( ) 4. A. spring B. Se

2、ptember C. summer( ) 5. A. ninth B. tenth C. mouth三、你知道十二生肖吗? 请根据十二生肖的顺序在横线上写出该动物对应的序数词。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 1. Monday is the (two) day of a week.2. Mike is eleven years old. Today is his (eleven) birthday.3. There are some other special (day) in May.4. I see (fourteen) boys in

3、his class.5. Fathers Day is on the (three) Sunday in June.五、单项选择。(10 分) ( ) 1. Every year, the third Saturday April, there is a kite festival in Weifang.A. on; in B. in; at C. in; in( ) 2. Its the ninth month of the year. Its .A. October B. November C. September( ) 3. Wednesday is the day of the wee

4、k.A. third B. fourth C. fifth( ) 4. Amys birthday is on the first day of October. Its on .A. Childrens Day B. Teachers Day C. Chinas National Day( ) 5. The Chinese test is on May 6th. The maths test is after the Chinese test. The maths test is on .A. May 2nd B. May 5th C. May 10th六、将图片与相应的日期连线,并将节日相

5、应的活动序号填在括号里。(10 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. September 17th B. June 1st C. January 1st D. June 10th E. May 12tha. We say Happy New Year to our friends and family.b. We can eat mooncakes on that day.c. Children will play games, sing and dance with their friends.d. I will send flowers to m

6、y mother.e. We can eat delicious zongzi on that day.七、给下列句子排序,部分句子顺序已给出。(10 分) ( 1 ) There are some special days in September.( ) Its on September 13th.( ) What are they?( ) When is the sports meet?( ) TeachersDay and the sports meet.( ) Great! I love September.八、选择合适的选项补全对话。(10 分) A: Whats your fav

7、ourite festival, Mike?B: 1. A: When is Dragon Boat Festival this year?B: 2. A: What do you usually do on Dragon Boat Festival?B: 3. Its my dads birthday, too.A: Really? 4. B: I will make a cake for him.A: Wow! 5. A. What will you do for him?B. Your dad will be happy!C. Its on June 10th.D. I like Dra

8、gon Boat Festival best.E. I usually eat zongzi.九、阅读理解。(20 分) (一) Lisa 向我们介绍了丰富的校园活动。请阅读材料,完成表格,并根据时间先后顺序给文段排序,将序号填在文段前的方框内。(10 分) There are some special days in our school.On April 11th, we have a talent(才艺) show in the school hall. We can sing and dance.On June 3rd, we have a rope skipping( 跳绳) con

9、test in each class. We jumprope one by one on the playground. The kid who wins the contest will have aspecial gift.On May 22nd, we have a school trip. We will play games and have a picnic in the park. We will have a great time!On March 20th, we have Parents Day. Parents will visit our school. They w

10、ill have classes and play games with us in the classroom.When: June 3rdWhere: 1. What: jump ropeWhen: 2. Where: school hallWhat: 3. When: 4. Where: 5. What: play games,have a picnicWhen: 6. Where: classroomWhat: have classes,play games(二) 阅读短文,完成下列任务。(10 分) Childrens Day is on June 1st in China. But

11、 do you know some countries have more than one Childrens Day?In Sweden( 瑞典) , August 7th of each year is the Boys Day. Its also known as the Lobster Festival(龙虾节) . Boys will put on lobster clothes on that day. They think lobsters are brave (勇敢的) . Girls Day is on the 13th of December. Girls will dr

12、ess like goddesses(女神) , and do good and kind things for other children.Girls in Japan have their own festival on March 3rd every year. On that day, it is popular (受欢迎的) to put dolls on a table at home. Boys also have Boys Day on May 5th. They fly carp flags(鲤鱼旗) in their garden.任务一:根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T

13、) 误(F) 。(6 分) ( ) 1. In Sweden, boys will eat lobsters on Boys Day.( ) 2. Boys in Japan like to fly carp flags on their own festival.( ) 3. On Girls Day, girls will help other children in Japan.任务二:根据短文内容,把图片和日期连线。(4 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. A. August 7th B. March 3rd C. May 5th D. December 13th十、书面表达。(10 分)

14、你的生日是在哪一天?在这天你会做什么呢? 请根据所给提示写一写吧!提示:March 3rd / May 12th / September 28th.eat a birthday cake / have a birthday party / play with my friends . Unit 4 综合素质评价一、third: thing three thank month eighththis: those these they father together二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C三、1. third 2. ninth3. twelfth 4. fourth 5

15、. first四、1. second 【点拨】根据句意可知,此处应填序数词。2. eleventh3. days 【点拨】根据句意可知,此处应填可数名词的复数形式。4. fourteen 5. third五、1. A2. C 【点拨】一年中的第九个月是九月。3. B4. C 【点拨】根据句意可知,Amy 的生日是十月的第一天,为国庆节。5. C 【点拨】根据句意可知,语文考试在5月6 日,数学考试在语文考试之后,故答案为5 月10 日。六、1E; d 2D; e 3B; c 4A; b 5C; a七、1 5 2 4 3 6八、1. D 2. C 3. E 4. A 5. B九、(一) 1. p

16、layground 2. April 11th 3. sing and dance4. May 22nd 5. park 6. March 20th2 4 3 1(二) 任务一:1. F 2. T 3. F任务二:1D 2C 3B 4A十、范文:My birthday is on August 10th. My mum will make a birthday cake for me. I usually have a birthday party. My friends will come to my house. We will eat the birthday cake and play games together. I will be very happy!


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