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1、云南省昆明市西山区昆明师范专科学校附属中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读选择The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Minor Snow (小雪) refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in Chinas northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.Here are four things you s

2、hould know about Minor Snow.Wearing hats and scarvesIn China, starting in Minor Snow, the wind blows from the northeast a lot. Because its still not bitterly cold, many people do not wear hats or scarves yet. In fact, according to an old Chinese saying, The head is the place where all passages of th

3、e body gather. Its sensible to keep ones head warm.Drinking soupDuring Minor Snow, indoor heating begins to work, which means the air indoors is dry and most people might find their nose and mouth feels a bit dry. According to practices in traditional Chinese medicine, this accumulation of inner hea

4、t in ones body can cause problems, including oral ulcers and breakouts (口腔溃疡和破损). The solution is to drink more hot soup, such as cabbage and bean curd soup, spinach and bean curd soup, and mutton and radish soup.Making preserved porkAfter Minor Snow, the temperature declines sharply and the air bec

5、omes dry. It is the best time to start making preserved pork, which by the Chinese Spring Festival would be ready to enjoy. In the past, when storage conditions were poor, people developed many ways to store food and preserved pork is one such example. So even in the bitter winter, the whole family

6、could enjoy meat. Some even say preserved pork tastes more delicious than fresh meat.Avoiding spicy foodOn cold days, people may crave some hot and spicy food to keep warm. Experts say its wise not to eat overly spicy food, since that will increase your inner heat.1Which of the following can best de

7、scribe Minor Snow?ASnowy and cold.BWarm and cozy.CGolden and windy.DComfortable and cool.2Why do people drink soup during Minor Snow?ATo save food.BTo keep warm.CTo solve problems caused by inner heat.DTo chase after fashion and follow the tradition.3How to keep warm during Minor Snow?AEat overly sp

8、icy food.BDo not go outside and stay in bed.CMake preserved pork with your family.DWear hats and scarves and eat proper hot and spicy food.Had she been a singer, she might have been an American star. But Clora Bryant played the trumpet, and reputation came slowly. Bryant, a barrier breaker who stood

9、 firm in her determination to be a respected jazz trumpet player despite the open sexism (性别歧视) that shadowed her, died on August 25, in 2019, in Los Angeles, when she was 92. Life as a jazz trumpeter was an uphill battle, said her son Darrin. “It was a mans world, and that made it hard for her. But

10、 that only fueled her fire, and made her more resolved.”Bryant played the trumpet with such passion and she became a mainstay in the growing jazz scene in the 1940s. Dizzy Gillespie once told Times jazz critic Leonard Feather that Bryant was the most underrated (低估) trumpet player in L.ABut by 1992,

11、 she was living on Social Security, staying at a sons Long Beach, in California, apartment, and two of her trumpets were in the pawnshop (典当铺). “A lot of clubs have closed.” she told the Times. “And how many female trumpet players do you see working?”Bryant and her brothers were raised by their fath

12、er, a patient man who encouraged his children to think big. She wanted to be in the high school marching band, but Charles Bryant warned his daughter shed likely face resistance. “But anything you want to do, Im behind you,” she recalled. It was her father who encouraged her to do whatever she wante

13、d to do that made her stronger and stronger.4What does the underlined word “resolved” in paragraph 1 probably mean?AAdventurous.BUnique.CEmotional.DDetermined.5Why is “Social Security” mentioned in paragraph 3?ATo show peoples acts of kindness.BTo prove Bryants struggle through life.CTo explain how

14、Bryant earned his living.DTo stress the importance of the pawnshop.6Whats the key reason for Bryants being underrated?AThe open sexism from society.BThe poor family background.CThe terrible financial situation.DThe mental pressure from colleagues.7What played an important role for Bryant to stick to

15、 her dream?AHer sons support.BHer brothers company.CHer strict family education.DHer fathers encouragement.After an earthquake most survivors can be expected to recover over time, particularly with the support of family and friends. Some families will be able to return to their normal life quickly,

16、while others will have to contend with the destruction of their homes, medical problems, and injury to family members. Children especially will need time to recover from the loss of a loved one or a pet or from the closing down of their school.Children often turn to adults for information, comfort a

17、nd help. Parents should try to remain calm, answer childrens questions honestly and remain understanding when they see changes in their childrens behavior.Children react differently to an earthquake depending on their ages, developmental levels and former experiences. Some will respond by withdrawin

18、g (不与人交往), while others will have angry outbursts (爆发). Parents should remain sensitive to each childs reactions. Parents should spend time talking to their children,letting them know that its OK to ask questions and to share their worries. Although it may be hard to find time to have these talks, p

19、arents can use regular family mealtimes or bedtimes for them. They should answer questions briefly and honestly and be sure to ask their children for their opinions and ideas. Issues may come up more than once and parents should remain patient when you answer the questions again. For young children,

20、 parents, after talking about the earthquake, might read a favorite story or have a relaxing family activity to help them calm down. Parents should also tell children they are safe and spend extra time with them. They could play games outside or read together indoors. Most importantly, be sure to te

21、ll them you love them.8The underlined phrase “contend with” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “_”.Adeal withBmake upCput offDturn back9When children ask the same question again, parents should _.Aread a favorite story to comfort themBask them to help do some houseworkCbe patient and answer the quest

22、ion againDtake them out to play games10Which of the following pieces of advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?AKeep a close watch on childrens behavior.BTell the children they are safe.CTell the children you love them.DAsk educational experts for help.11What can we know from the passage?AAll people

23、 will recover from an earthquake quickly.BChildren may need a longer time to recover after an earthquake.CChildren should turn to their classmates for help after an earthquake.DChildren react in the same way as adults do to an earthquake.Many people who want to lose weight often choose to go on a di

24、et. But is this really the best way? With celebrities (名人) speaking about new diets that have helped them become slim (苗条的) in advertisements (广告), more and more people are turning to dieting. Some shops begin to sell diet products such as diet milkshakes, snack bars and even diet pills. However, su

25、ch popular products and diets are often found to be extremely unhealthy.Most of these popular diets work by cutting down on a certain nutrient (营养素) from your food intake (摄入量). For example, some diets work by cutting down on carbohydrates (碳水化合物). This means the body must use its fat reserves for e

26、nergy. This might help you lose weight. However, by cutting a particular food group out of your diet, you are starving your body of a nutrient that it needs, which could leave you feeling weak, tired or even bad-tempered. Besides, these diets are often unsuccessful in the long run.Generally, one of

27、the most effective ways of losing weight is to cut down on calories. The recommended (推荐的) calorie intake for an adult male is 2,500. If a man consumes more than 2,500 calories each day, then he is likely to gain weight. However, if he consumes less, then he is likely to lose weight.In fact, protein

28、s, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals all play an important role in staying healthy, which is why they all should be included in your meals. Of course, some foods can be eaten in moderation (节制) as an occasional snack. For example, a bar of chocolate every once in a while wont cause you any

29、problems.So, instead of spending money on popular diet pills or special weight loss foods, try to eat healthy balanced meals containing foods from all food groups. So, next time your friends tell you that they are going on a diet, tell them that eating a healthy balanced diet is a much better choice

30、.12What is the authors opinion about the popular diets mentioned in the passage?AThey are useful for losing weight.BThey are welcomed by celebrities.CThey are not as healthy as people think.DThey are replacing peoples everyday meals.13What is the authors attitude towards the popular diet pills?ACuri

31、ous.BUnfavorable.CUnconcerned.DSupportive.14How can we lose weight effectively according to the author?ABy having diet pills.BBy following a strict diet.CBy taking regular exercise.DBy reducing calorie intake.15What can we infer from the last paragraph?ADiet products should be limited.BSnacking is a

32、 big no-no for health.CKeeping a diet with various nutrients is ideal.DGoing on a diet should be stopped immediately.Reasons Why You Should Go HikingWhether youre looking to lose weight, reduce (减少)pressure, or clear your head and get out into nature, hiking is the best choice. If youre looking for

33、some motivation (动力)to get off the sofa, consider these reasons to start hiking.Hiking is healthy. According to the American Hiking Society, hiking is good for your health. 16 You can lose weight, reduce heart disease and slow aging by it. It also offers mental health benefits by reducing pressure a

34、nd worry. 17 As you hike more frequently, youll begin to develop additional patience, skills and comfort along the way. The beauty of hiking is that we can do it naturally and easily. Its easy to stick with hiking because the frustration (挫败)level for beginners is low and you can find the pace that

35、works for you.Hiking is cheap. 18 Prepare good shoes, some proper clothes, a comfortable pack, and youre pretty much ready to go. Most of you have easy access to parks and natural areas, so you dont have to spend a lot of money or time heading out on a hike.Hiking is real. We all spend too much time

36、 on computers at home, writing under electric lights or watching TV indoors (often youre writing while watching TV). 19 Hiking is a great way to introduce kids to the world of the outdoors. 20 So let your kids hike together with you and have a good time.AHiking is simple.BHiking is long and difficul

37、t.CHiking offers physical benefits by keeping you active.DCompared to any other sport, the cost of hiking is low.EIts also a sport in which theyll be able to enjoy their whole lives.FWhen you are hiking, you often feel tired and want to stop at once.GHowever, hiking encourages you to walk out of you

38、r house and get close to nature.二、完形填空I was 25 years old when I started teaching in high school. It was my first year teaching in high school and I was very 21 . When I applied for the job, they told me that I was too “young and 22 ”. However, since they really needed a teacher, they hired me.On the

39、 first day, a group of boys walked into the classroom laughing 23 and giving each other highfives. I told them a couple of times to take their 24 as I was standing in front of the room 25 everyone to arrive. As I repeated it for the third time, one of the guys looked at me intensely and continued to

40、 26 . His face was full of surprise. Then he looked at the other boys and 27 them to take their seats. I felt kind of 28 by the way he looked at me.Later, I found out his name was Landon. He was 29 to take a foreign language in order to graduate. Landon was 30 of the boys swimming team and was very

41、handsome.Time passed quickly, and I had done about 2 months of 31 . One day, he was absent for a test and had to go for a makeup test. I gave him the test after school. He sat down quietly and 32 the test for about 15 minutes. After that he stopped and stared at me. I asked him what was wrong and hi

42、s answer gave me a 33 .“Miss S, doesnt it bother you that the guys make 34 of you?” For a minute I could not find an answer.I answered saying, “They dont 35 it and I dont mind it. I know they are just joking.”We continued to talk for some time until I remembered he was supposed to do his test and I

43、said, “Finish your test, its getting late.”21AanxiousBnervousCcautiousDcurious22AinterestedBimportantCinexperiencedDinaccurate23AaloudBpolitelyCloudlyDquietly24AmannersBbooksCbagsDseats25Acalling onBwaiting forClooking atDhelping with26AtalkBlaughCstareDsleep27AforcedBtoldCforbadeDassisted28Aencoura

44、gedBembarrassedCexcitedDscared29AdemandedBallowedCrequiredDadvised30AteacherBcoachChelpDhead31AplanningBtrainingCteachingDworking32Aworked onBturned toCleft forDwent after33AdelightBsuccessCshockDhope34AuseBphotoCtroubleDfun35AlikeBmeanCcontrolDappreciate三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Lang Pi

45、ng and Michael Jordan are two Living Legends of Sports. They are 36 (athlete) mastering in their sports and also set good examples for others.A s a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to 37 (she) country. As a coach, she led the China womens volleyball team to medals at world championships an

46、d the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping 38 (love) by fans at home and abroad. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave beca

47、use of heart problems. 39 (lose) two important players was 40 big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She faced difficulties 41 (brave) and the team finally won the game.Michael Jordan, 42 was known as Air Jordan, changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Jordans skills were 43 (impress), but the mental strength that he showed made him unique. Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning 44 his failures. L


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