Unit3 Sports and Fitness 单词ppt课件-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、一轮复习旅游篇Good habits formed at youth make all the differences.-Aristotle年轻时养成的好习惯影响很大。1.honor-honored/honorable1)I feel _(honor)to make a speech to celebrate Teachers Day _ honor of our _(honor)teachers.honouredinhonourable2)人们庆祝端午节纪念屈原,他是中国一位伟大的诗人。People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in honour o

2、f Qu Yuan,who is a great Chinese poet.The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in honour of a great Chinese poet,Qu Yuan.3)能有宝贵的机会在这里发表题为一起向未来的演讲,我感到非常荣幸。(应用文写作之演讲稿)_ _(it is an honour for sb to do)_(feel it an honour to do)_ _ (feel honoured to do)It is a great honour for me to have the precious oppo

3、rtunity to deliver a speech titled“Together for a Shared Future”here.I feel it a great honour to have the precious opportunity to deliver a speech titled“Together for a Shared Future”here.I feel greatly honoured to have the precious opportunity to deliver a speech titled“Together for a Shared Future

4、”here.1)After suffering a serious injury_(injure),he could do nothing but sit on the stand to watch others playing football on the playground.injury2.injure-injured-injuryThe rescue team dashed to the spot like arrows,offered first aid to the injured and then rushed them to the nearest hospital.3)救援

5、队像箭一样冲到场,给伤者实施急救,然后急忙把他们送往最近的医院。2)我当时系着安全带,否则我就受伤了。I was wearing a seatbelt,without which I would have been injured.1)As the youngest _,John will compete in the writing_ for the annual award of writing.He must be very _ so that he can win.(compete)pete-competitive-competition-competitor2)尽管这是一场竞争激烈的

6、比赛,但是真正重要的不是冠军称号,而是参与者在比赛中所展示出来的决心。Although/Though/While this was a competitive race,what really mattered was not the title of championship but the determination that participants showed during the race.3)人生就像一场漫长的竞赛,我们与别人竞争,以超越自己。(读后续写主旨升华)Life is like a long competitive race in which we compete ag

7、ainst others to go beyond ourselves.1)After a stressful_l week of work,all the employees were extremely_ and tired.They complained that few could work efficiently under stres_(stress)stressfulstressedstress4.stress-stressful-stressedYoud better arrive a little earlier as the Chinese lay stress on pu

8、nctuality.2)你最好早点到,因为中国人重视守时。(建议信)As has been stressed many times,learning English well is of great importance to your career development in the future.3)正如我们多次强调的,学好英语对你未来的职业发展是非常重要的。我很抱歉地告诉你,周末我不能和你外出了。(2021北京高考道歉信)真正的失败是未能从失败中汲取教训。(读后续写主旨升华)当母亲想向双胞胎道谢时,她不知道说什么好。fail failure)There were also severa

9、l accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.)The athlete didnt win a medal or become a champion,but the audience didnt view him as _ failure.故障;失灵Words failed the mother when she wanted to express her thanks to the twins.The true failure is the failure to learn from failure.Im sorry to

10、inform you that I will fail to go out with you this weekend.a1)end/result in failure 以失败告终/导致失败sb.s failure to do sth.某人未能做某事2)fail vt.&vi.失败;不及格;出故障;失灵;衰退;使失望;使无能为力fail to do sth.未能做某事fail sb.使某人失望words/courage fail sb.某人无法表达自己的感受/某人鼓不起勇气言语无法表达我对你的善良和慷慨的感激之情。Words fail to express my gratitude for y

11、our kindness and generosity.【佳句】用pretend的适当形式填充下列短文。The police are setting a trap for the drug-sellers.One pretends _(假扮成卖雪糕的)standing at the corner.One pretends _(假装刚刚购物完并正在等)the bus.One pretends _(假装好像正在看)a newspaper.(to be)an ice-cream selleras if he were readingto have finished shopping and be w

12、aiting for6pretend弗兰克转过身去,假装没看见我,匆匆走开了。(读后续写动作描写)尽管很绝望,但是他对家人佯称一切顺利。(读后续写情感描写)Frank turned away,pretending not to notice me,and hurried away.Despite a feeling of desperation,he pretended to his family that everything was going well.与pretend有类似用法(后接to do/to be doing/to have done)的动词还有:happen,appear,s

13、eem等。Sb/Sth seems/seemed动词不定式,表示“看来;好像”【练通】单句语法填空/补全句子It seems difficult to learn(learn)so many new words by heart in a short time.There seems to be hope(看起来有希望)that business will get better.【写美】一句多译他的嘴里似乎充满了血,他的眼睛因愤怒而发红。It seemed that his mouth was full of blood and his eyes were red with anger.His

14、 mouth seemed to be full of blood and his eyes were red with anger.to learnThere seems to be hopeIt seemed that his mouth was full of bloodHis mouth seemed to be full of blood一开始,学好英语似乎很难,我甚至没有尝试就想放弃。In the beginning,learning English well seemed to be so challenging that I wanted to give up without

15、even trying.(应用文之求助信)【归纳】(1)Sb/Sth seems/seemed动词不定式 It seems/seemed that.(2)It seems as if/as though.看起来好像(3)There seems(to be).看起来像【佳句】Actually,everyone may go through a time when things seem to be going wrong,so there is no need to worry so much.事实上,每个人都似乎有诸事不顺的一段时期,因此不必太担心。(建议信)even if 引导让步状语从句A

16、 soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.尽管我学英语费力,但我仍然竭尽全力提高我的英语水平。_,I still do whatever I can to improve my English.即使遇到许多挫折和困难,我们也会不遗余力地实现我们的目标。真正重要的是你的决心和毅力。(应用文之观点表达)当孩子们受到赞扬的时候,他们会表现得很积极,即使仅仅是一个点头微笑.even if there are many setbacks and difficultiesEven if/thou

17、gh I have difficulty(in)studying EnglishWe will spare no efforts to reach our goal even if there are many setbacks and difficulties.What really matters is your determination and perseverance.Children will act positively when they are praised,even if it is just a nod with a smile.Last Sunday witnesse

18、d a 5 km cross-country running race_ (host)by our school,which both students and teachers of our school competed in for the gold medal.Even if the race was rather tiring and all athletes sweated a lot,no athlete gave up halfway.At last,with great (determine),all the athletes made to the finish line.

19、(compare)with other events,the event was highly thought of.Not only did it provide a chance for us to strengthen our fitness,but it(also)made a great difference to all the (compete).hosteddeterminationitComparedcompetitorsOne of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to work regularly in the gy

20、m.However,we are so busy with our lessons that we seem (have)little time for outdoor sports activities,even if we have the interest.Last week,our school organised a sports meeting where each player tried his best to win honour for his class.What moved us was that our monitor got (injure)while runnin

21、g,but he pretended to be cheerful.He said,“In no case _(我们会灰心);keep trying and we will make it.”Thanks to our efforts,our class won the first place.outto haveinjuredshould we lose heartSecond PeriodRevision平时多输入,用时顺手出1.后缀-en高频动词集锦shorten 缩短deepen 加深widen 加宽broaden 加宽lighten 减轻lengthen 加长2.“事事”关心inci

22、dent n.事件;事变the July 7th Incident 七七事变accident n.事故traffic accident 交通事故event n.重大事件;比赛项目sports event体育比赛项目 3.“偶尔;有时”全接触at timeson occasionoccasionallyonce in a whilefrom time to timenow and thengive ingive outgive awaygive offgive way togive sb a hand屈服,投降分发;用光;耗尽赠送;泄露散发(光和热等)给让路帮某人一个忙简的精力已经耗尽了。她的脚

23、像灌了铅一样沉重,她瘫坐在树旁,失控地哭了起来。Janes energy had given out.Her feet felt as heavy as lead and she slumped beside a tree,weeping without control.走向;冲向走向;冲向获得成功;准时到达获得成功;准时到达有有/没有作用或影响没有作用或影响前往,去前往,去弄懂弄懂的意思的意思确信;一定确信;一定组成;补偿;编造;化妆;和解组成;补偿;编造;化妆;和解make formake itmake a/no differencemake ones way tomake sense o

24、fmake suremake up你决不应丧失信心;继续努力,你迟早会成功的。In no sense should you lose heart;keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.写 作能力提升1.按要求用表“惊恐、害怕”的表达补全下面各句,并背诵你无法想象北极熊向我们逼近时我们是多么的恐惧。You could hardly imagine .(形容词)我吓呆了不敢动弹。,and I was unable to move an inch.(无灵主语句)how frightened we were at the approach o

25、f the polarbearA burst of horror held me entirely in its power我惊恐不已,我觉得两腿发抖,手心冒汗。,I felt .(形容词作状语)Extremely frightened/panickedmy legs trembling and my palms sweating我的妻子在我旁边吓呆了。Beside me was my wife,.看着北极熊的血盆大口,她几乎要吓死。阵阵恐惧涌上我们的心头。我们喉咙发紧,膝盖发软。(名词作主语+动作描写)who was rooted to the ground frozen with fear

26、At the sight of the polar bears bloody mouth,she was nearly dead with fright.Waves of fear welled up in/swept over/seized/flooded over us.Our throatstightened and our knees felt weak.2.将以上各句合并成小短文并背诵成文,注意使用合适的衔接过渡词汇You could hardly imagine how frightened we were at the approach of the polar bear.A b

27、urst of horror held me entirely in its power,and I was unable to move an inch.Extremely frightened/panicked,I felt my legs trembling and my palms sweating.Beside me was my wife,who was rooted to the ground,frozen with fear.At the sight of the polar bears bloody mouth,she was nearly dead with fright.Waves of fear welled up in/swept over/seized/flooded over us.Our throats tightened and our knees felt weak.


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