Unit 4 Then and now第2课时 PartA Let's learn&Find the mistakes 教案.docx

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1、Unit 4 Then and now教案第二课时(A. Lets learn Find the mistakes)教学目标1.能听、说、读、写词汇dining hall, grass, gym, ago, . years ago, . months ago, last year, last month;能在实际情景中运用There be句型的一般现在时和一般过去时描述某个地方现在和过去的状态和变化。(语言能力)2.对了解中国的历史文化有兴趣,能用英语描述差异。(文化意识)3.能用所学句型比较、描述某个地方过去和现在的差异。(思维品质)4.能对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣和自信心,积极参与课堂活动,认

2、真思考,主动探究。(学习能力)教学重点能熟练掌握并运用本课时的重点词汇和句型。教学难点能在实际情景中正确运用There be句型的一般现在时和一般过去时描述某个地方现在和过去的状态和变化。教学过程设计意图Step 1 Warm up&Lead in通过自由谈论,让学生在轻松的氛围中回顾与学校相关的词汇。通过“看图猜词”的游戏复习旧知,提高课堂的趣味性,为本课时的生词教学作铺垫。 Warm up Free talk教师提问:Whats your school like? Whats in it? 学生自由谈论。T: Good morning, boys and girls! Look! Ther

3、e is a beautiful school. Whats your school like? Ss: .T: Whats in it? You can talk with your partner. Lead in1.Guessing gamePPT依次呈现三张不同的学校设施图片, 教师进行简单的描述,引导学生看图猜测并说出对应的名称。T: Now, lets play guessing game. There are some pictures. Please look and guess what place it is in the school. Ill give you a fe

4、w hints. The first one, you can have PE there. S1: I know! Playground!T: Great! The second one, you can read books in it.Ss: Library!T: Wonderful! Lets go on! You can have computer class in it. Ss: Computer room! T: Bingo!2.PPT呈现A. Lets learn版块的插图,教师引导学生看图谈论:What is it? Is it big? Is it new? What ca

5、n you see in the school? 学生说出已学的学校设施名称:trees, playground, buildings等。教师继续提问:What can we do in the buildings?Step 2 Presentation&Practice利用图片辅助词汇教学,学生能更直观、准确地理解生词并掌握生词。在情境中用所学词汇和句型进行表达,巩固本课时的重点内容。利用时间轴教学时间短语,学生能更轻松的理解各时间短语的含义及用法。通过输出练习,进一步巩固本课时所学的词汇及句型,为实际语用作准备。 PresentationLets learn1.教学词汇dining hal

6、l,gym,grass(1) PPT呈现饭厅的图片,教师提问:What is it? 教学词汇dining hall,教师提问:What can we do in the dining hall? We can have lunch there. 最后带读。(2) PPT呈现体育馆的图片,教师提问:What is it? 教学单词gym,教师提问:Where can we play basketball? In the gym. 最后带读。(3) PPT呈现草地的图片,教师提问:What is it? 教学单词grass,教师提问:What can we do on the grass? We

7、 can play basketball. 最后带读。2.正式教学Lets learn部分(1)PPT再次呈现Lets learn版块的插图,学生看图说词汇。然后教师组织学生用句型“There is/are . in the school.” 描述图中的学校。(2)教师提问:Wu Binbin and his father are at the same time at different times, too. Was there a gym in Wu Binbins fathers school thirty years ago? Is there a gym in Wu Binbins

8、 school now? 播放Lets learn版块的对话音频,学生听录音,回答问题。随后核对答案。 (3)PPT呈现Lets learn版块的对话,教师讲解,注意强调时间短语thirty years ago。(4)PPT呈现时间轴,教学单词ago,同时教学时间短语last year/. years ago。最后带读。(5)PPT呈现月历,让学生找到时间短语对应的月份,教学时间短语last month/. months ago。最后带读。 Practice1.PPT呈现五个时间短语:three years ago,last month,last year, yesterday,five ye

9、ars ago,学生读短语并排序。然后核对答案,教师用时间轴演示五个短语的时间先后顺序,最后学生齐读。2.PPT展示三组不同的图片,每幅都标上不同的时间,教师引导学生仔细观察每组图片,寻找不同之处,用句型“There was/were (no/not) . .years ago.”“Now there is/are . ”描述图片。3.PPT展示一张二十年前学校的图片及现在学校的图片,教师引导学生以“Changes in the school”为主题,用所学句型描述图片中学校过去和现在的状态和对比。此版块可先让学生在小组内讨论,然后各组选择一位代表上台展示,教师给予优异者一定奖励。课后也可布置

10、学生以小组为单位收集学校的今昔照片做成Poster或PPT在全班展示和介绍。Step 3 Consolidation&Extension在图片中找错误的活动能培养学生的观察能力,激发学生的表达欲望,提升学生的语用能力,同时让他们对唐朝人的生活状态和条件有一定了解。Find the mistakes 1.PPT呈现Find the mistakes的插图,教师提问:Do you know when it was? 让学生说说他们心中的唐朝是什么样子,有哪些场所和物件。(此部分教师可视实际情况补充教学资料,如展示唐朝大街场景的电影片段等) 2.PPT出示Sarah的描述,教师引导学生读一读并找出错

11、误的地方。 3.让学生以小组为单位合作找出错误的地方。然后请代表分享答案,同时核对答案。 4.PPT呈现示例句型“At that time, there were no . People didnt . People couldnt .”,教师鼓励学生仿照例句进行描述,给予适当指导。 5.教师利用PPT汇总并出示正确、完整的答案,请学生读一读。Step 4 Summary&Homework1.小结:师生先共同口头总结,再用PPT完整呈现。Key words: beach, be far from, by plane, took pictures, went swimmingKey senten

12、ces: There was no gym in my school thirty years ago. Now there is a new one in our school.2.作业。1. Read the new words and phrases in this part.2. Make a new dialogue about the changes of your school.板书设计Unit 4 Then and now第二课时dining hall gym grass agoThere was no gym in my school thirty years old.Now

13、 theres a new one in our school.There was/were . years/months ago/last year/month.There is/are . now.教学反思本课时是一节词汇课,先利用“看图猜地点”的活动以旧引新,自然过渡到本课时生词的学习。在学生理解并掌握生词后,要求学生看图说句子,提高了学生的综合语言运用能力。在时间短语的教学上,我充分利用时间轴和月历等工具,引导学生观察并排序,他们能更直观、准确地理解并掌握时间短语。最后“Find the mistakes”版块,通过层层递进的教学活动,巩固本课时词汇及句型,训练学生的观察力,也渗透中国历史文化知识的学习,让学生对中国的历史文化产生浓厚的兴趣。5


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