鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册英语Unit 2 语法知识清单.docx

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1、鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册英语Unit 2 语法知识清单Unit 2 Im going to study computer science. 知识清单一、 单词Section A:1.cook(v.烹饪;煮n.厨师 )cooking (n.)烹饪cook(n.)厨师cooker(n.)炊具;2.violinist(n.小提琴手).violin (n.)小提琴3.driver(n.驾驶员)drive(v.)开车4.pianist(n.钢琴家)piano(n.)钢琴5.Scientist(n.科学家) science (n.) 科学6.medicine(n.) medical(adj.)医疗的;

2、医学的7.education(n. 教育) educational (adj.)有教育意义的8.foreign(adj.)foreigner(n.)外国人Section B:9.meaning(n.意义:意思) (v.)意思是;10.beginning(n.)at the beginning ofbegin (v.)开始 beginner (n.)初学者11.improve(v.)improvement (n.)提高12.agree(v.)agreement(n.)同意disagree(反义词)不同意agree to do sth/ agree with sb. / agree on sth1

3、3.own(adj./pron.) own(v.)拥有 owner(n.)主人;所有者on ones own=by oneself单独,独自 某人自己的ones own14.personal(adj.个人的;私人的) person (n.人)二、重要短语和知识点Section A:1. 电脑科学 computer science 2. 电脑程序员 computer programmer 公交车司机 bus driver 篮球运动员 basketball player 3. 长大 grow up 4. 想成为 want to be 想干某事 want to do=would like to do

4、 =feel like doing 5. 上表演课 take acting lessons 上声乐课 take singing lessons 上游泳课 take swimming lessons 拍照 take photos 6. 练习打篮球 practice playing basketball 练习做某事 practice doing sth.(enjoy/finish/spend/keep/stand/mind +doing) 7. 擅长做某事 be good at +n./doing 对.有益 be good for.和某人相处得好 be good with sb. 8. 继续/坚持

5、做某事 keep on doing sth. 保持健康 keep healthy 9. 想让我当医生 want me to be a doctor (want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事) 10. 对于.不确定 be not sure about. 11. everyone 看成单三人称,在一般现在时中其做主语时谓语动词用单三 12. 确保 make sure 13. 竭尽全力 try/do ones best 竭尽全力去做某事 try ones best to do sth. 14. 搬去上海 move to Shanghai. 15. 高中大学毕业 finish high

6、school and college. 完成某事 finish doing sth. 16. 烹饪学校 a cooking school 17. 在大学学医 study medicine at a university 18. 明年九月 next September (用于一般将来时:next week/month/year) 区分the next day (第二天, 一般用于一般过去时) 19. 把它们寄给杂志社和报社 send them to magazines and newspapers. (send sb. Sth.=send sth. to sb. 给某人寄某物)Section B

7、:1. 新年计划 New Years resolutions 2. 明年 next year (用于一般将来时)3. 学习弹吉他 learn to play the piano (learn to do sth. 学习做某事,learn from.向.学习, learn .by oneself 自学., play+the+乐器) 4. 组建足球队 make the soccer team (make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事) 5. 取得好成绩 get good grades 6. 吃更健康的食物 eat healthier food 区分eat more healthily (吃

8、得更健康) 7. 进行很多锻炼 get lots of exercise (lots of=a lot of 很多+名词复数或不可数名词) 8. 上吉他课 take guitar lessons 9. 再学一门外语 learn another foreign language 10. 不适合我 are not for me (be for 赞成,适合) 11. sound/look/feel/taste/smell+adj. (sound like+名词) 12.能做某事 be able to do sth.=can do sth. 13.下决心 make resolutions 14.决心的

9、含义 the meaning of resolution 15.不同种类的决心 different kinds of resolutions 16.一种承诺 a kind of promise 17.对.许诺 make promises to sb. 信守诺言 keep promises 18.打扫房间 tidy/clean my room 19.从学校回来 get back from school 20.年初 at the beginning of the year (at the end of the year 年底) 21.改善我们的生活 improve our lives 22.写下

10、write down 23.来年 the coming year 24.帮助某人做某事 help sb.(to) do sth. help sb.with sth. 25.告诉某人关于某事 tell sb about sth. (tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人去做某事 tell stories/jokes 讲故事/笑话) 26.身体健康 physical health 27.例如(一般加句子) for example such as后一般加词或词组 28.对自己许诺 promise themselves 29.与.有关 have to do with. 30.培养一个像绘画或

11、者拍照这样的爱好 take up a hobby like painting or taking photos 31.制定一周的学习计划 make a weekly plan for schoolwork 32.更多的学习时间 more time to study (动词不定式作后置定语) 33.although不和but连用, because不和so连用 34.有一个共同点 have one thing in common 没有共同点 have nothing in common 35.几乎从不 hardly ever(表示否定) 36. too+形容词原级+to+动词原形:太.而不能. H

12、e is too young to go to school. 他太小了没法上学。 37.忘记去做某事 forget to do sth. (未做) 忘记做了某事 forget doing sth.(做了) 38.因为这个原因/因此 for this reason 39.多少种 how many kinds of. 40.对你自己的承诺 promises to yourself 41.帮助做某事 help (to) do sth. 42.我自己的个人提高 my own personal improvement 43.培养一个新爱好 take up a new hobby 44.让我家人快乐 m

13、ake my family happy (make sb.+形容词:让某人怎样) make sb. do 让某人做某事 45.热爱听音乐 love to listen to music 46.改善我和家人朋友的关系 improve my relationships with my family and friends 三、句子Section A 1. What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想成为什么?2. I want to be a basketball player/computer science/engineer/actor. 我想成

14、为一名篮球运动 员 / 编程人员 / 工程师 / 演员。3. How are you going to do that? 你打算怎样做呢?4. Im going to practice basketball every day/study computer science/study math really hard/take acting lessons. 我打算每天练习(打)篮球/学习电脑科学/努力学习数学/上表演课。 5. Im going to keep on writing stories, of course. 当然,我打断继续写故事。6. Wow, now I know why

15、youre so good at writing stories . 哇,现在我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事了。7. My parents want me to be a doctor ,but Im not sure about that.我父母想让我成为一名医生,但我不确定。8. Just make sure you try your best. 只要确定你尽最大努力就行。9. Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 我打算写文章,然后向杂志社和报社投稿。Section B1. Im goin

16、g to learn another foreign language/study hard and get good grades. 我打算再学一门外语 / 努力学习,取得好成绩。2. Most of the time , we make promises to other people. 大多数时候,我们向其他人许下承诺。3. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.让我们在年初下决心时,我们希望会改善我们的生活。4. Some

17、 people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. 有些人写下他们来年的决心和计划。5. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.很多决心和自我提升有关。6. Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos.一些人也许会说他们打算培养一种业余爱好,例如绘画或摄影。7. Although there are differences

18、, most resolutions have one thing in common. 尽管有所不同,但大多数决心有一个共同之处。8. People hardly ever keep them.人们几乎难以将它们坚持下去!9. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有时这些决定可能因为太难而无法实现。 四、语法一般将来时态:将来时用于表示未来将做的事,常用“be + going to+动词原形”来表达,表示计划或根据某些现象或征兆预测不久即将发生的事情。含有“打算”之意。常与tomorrow,nextSunday,nex

19、tmonth, thedayaftertomorrow等表示将来的时间状语连用。1.be going to的肯定式是“主语 + be going to + do(动词原形) + .”。2. be going to的否定式是在助动词be后加not,即:主语 + be + not + going to + do +. 。 3. be going to的疑问式是把助动词be移到句首,即:Be+主语+going to do+.?这和be作连系动词时的用法相似将来时也可以用 “be + doing ”来表达 ,表示按计划和安排即将发生的动作,语气较婉转,动词多是一些“来、去”移动词。如:go, come

20、, leave, start, move, sail, arrive, reach, return, drive, travel, remain, landHe is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 他明天去北京。The plane is landing soon. 飞机即将着陆。考点1:Just make sure you try your best.只要确保你尽最大的努力就行了。(P10)make sure 意为“确保;查明”。(1) make sure 的三种常见结构(2) 有关sure的其他常见短语考点2:Sometimes the resolutions

21、may be too difficult to keep.有时候这些决定可能太难而坚持不了。(P13)(1)too.to.意为“太而不能”,可与not.enough to.转换。The boy is too young to dress himself.=The boy isnt old enough to dress himself.这个男孩年纪太小了,不能自己穿衣服。He got up too late to catch the bus.=He didnt get up early enough to catch the bus.他起得太晚了,不能赶上公共汽车。(2)句中的情态动词may表示肯定的推测,意为“可能”,后面跟动词原形。Tom may know the news.汤姆可能知道这个消息。考点3:Mom,I promise Im going to tidy my room when I get back from school.妈妈,我承诺放学回来就整理房间。(P13)promise n.承诺;诺言: v.许诺;承诺;答应promise的常见短语及结构第 8 页 共 8 页


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