人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 4 Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk(教案).docx

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1、Unit 4When is the art show? (Period 4)Part B Lets try & Lets talk教材分析本单元学习的主题是节日及个人的生日。本节课是本单元的第四课时,是一节听说课。教材通过 Mike 和陈杰谈论生日的情景,让学生感知句型“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is on April 4th.”的语义及语用情景。教学目标1在 Lets try 部分,能够在听前,读懂题目要求,预测要听到的重点内容,运用抓住关键词的听力技巧完成本部分听力任务;2能够通过读图猜测、观看视频、模仿媒体光盘中的动画,理解对话大意,并运用正

2、确的语音语调朗读并表演对话;3能够在情景中运用句型“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is on April 4th.”就生日日期展开问答;4能够在语境中运用句型“What will you do for your mum?”“Ill cook noodles for her.”表达自己能为家人或朋友做些什么;5能够在语境中理解短语 both of you 的意思,并能正确发音;6能够通过对话的学习,感恩父母,在生活中为父母分担一些力所能及的事情。教学重点1能够通过读图猜测、观看视频、模仿媒体光盘中的动画,理解对话大意,并运用正确的语音语调朗读并表演对话;

3、2能够在情景中运用句型“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is on April 4th.”就生日日期展开问答;3能够在语境中运用句型“What will you do for your mum?”“Ill cook noodles for her.”表达自己能为家人或朋友做些什么。教学难点1能够在情景中运用句型“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is on April 4th.”就生日日期展开问答;2能够在语境中运用句型“What will you do for your mum?”“Ill cook noodles

4、 for her.”表达自己能为家人或朋友做些什么。教学准备课件、教材音频、教材视频;教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1Lets sing学生跟唱歌曲 When is your birthday? 并回答问题“Whats the song about?”。通过歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛的同时,复习所学关于月份类的单词。2Lets say教师出示日历,同桌之间进行问答。教师提示:in + 月份,on + 具体日期。S1: When is your birthday?S2: My birthday is in June.Step 2 Presentation1Listen and answerT:

5、 Now I know your birthday. Look! Who is the baby? Listen and answer.教师播放录音,学生听录音回答问题。2Listen and tickT: When is the babys birthday? Lets listen and tick.学生再听录音,选择生日日期,复习 A 部分所学的知识,并为本课的学习作铺垫。3Lets checkT: Can you find the answer?Ss: Its on March 2nd.课件出示对话原文,核对答案并学习 15 days old 的用法,师生共同读对话。4Listen a

6、nd chooseT: Now we know the babys birthday. What about Mike? When is Mikes birthday?教师带领学生听录音并回答问题,学生初步了解对本节对话内容。师生共同核对答案。5Watch and answerQ1: Whose birthday is on April 4th, too?Q2: What will Chen Jie do for her mother?在教师的引导下,学生学习短语 do for 并根据细节问题认真看视频,回答问题。6Lets check师生共同核对答案。T: Can you find the

7、answer? Whose birthday is on April 4th, too?Ss: Chen Jies mother.T: What will Chen Jie do for her mother?Ss: She will cook noodles.T: Yes! Different countries have different cultures for birthday. Lets have a look.教师根据表格讲解:在中国庆祝生日要吃长寿面,在西方庆祝生日要吃蛋糕或开生日派对。通过本环节,学生了解中西方在有关生日方面的文化差异,培养学生的文化意识。7Read and

8、answerT: We know Mikes birthday is on April 4th, too. What will Chen Jie do for Mike?学生根据细节问题,认真读对话,回答问题。Ss: Chen Jie will have a birthday party for Mike and her mother.教师引导学生学习 both of you 的用法。Step 3 Practice1Listen and imitate教师指导学生听音跟读,指导学生的语音语调,尤其是连读和升降调的处理。2Role play每位学生制作一张自己的生日卡或者生日头饰,上面写上生日日

9、期和姓名。学生先在四人小组里互相交换,扮演角色并互相询问,然后在全班范围内交换并询问。教师给予指导,鼓励学生使用更多的已学词汇和句型进行交流。Step 4 Consolidation1Talk in groupsT: Now we know Chen Jie will cook noodles for her mother and have a birthday party for Mike and her mother. When is your mothers or fathers birthday? What will you do for her or him?学生进行头脑风暴,教师对

10、学生进行词组的拓展积累。S1: I will make a cake for my mother.S2: I will sing the birthday song for my father.2Make a dialogue教师先进行示范,创编对话。学生根据教师表格中的词汇提示,进行模仿。通过创编对话,学生巩固本节课所学的重点句型,做到学以致用。3Lets read学生读一首写给妈妈的小诗。通过本项活动,调动学生所学,将句型不再局限于本节课所学,起到融会贯通的效果。教师进行引导,我们不仅要感恩父母,身边的同学朋友我们也要记得感恩,常怀一颗感恩之心。Step 5 SummaryPhrases:

11、cook noodles 煮面条do for 为某人做某事have a birthday party 举行生日聚会both of you 你们两个Sentences:When is your (s) birthday?My/His/Her birthday is in/on What will you do for ?Ill Step 6 Homework1Listen and imitate.(听录音并跟读。)2Write a poem to your parents and show your love.(为父母写一首诗,表达你对他们的爱。)板书设计Unit 4When is the art show?Part B Lets try & Lets talkWhen is your (s) birthday?My/His/Her birthday is in/on What will you do for ?Ill 教学反思_


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