2024年中考英语全真模拟试卷 5套(W版含答案).docx

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1、2024年中考英语全真模拟试卷1(考试时间:120分钟满分:120分)注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号、座位号填写在试卷和答题卡上.2.考生作答时,请在答题卡上作答(答题注意事项见答题卡),在本试卷上作答无效。3.先考听力,在听力开始前有两分钟听力试音时间。一、听力(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分。)(一)听句子,选图片。你将听到五个句子,请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,有一幅图是多余的。每个句子读两遍。1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5. _(二)听短对话,选择最佳答案。你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请根据对话内容,选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。6. Wha

2、t does the man like to have for breakfast?A. Bread. B. Eggs. C. Noodles.7. When is Bob allowed to watch TV?A. Every evening. B. On Saturday. C. On school nights.8. What will the weather be like later?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.9. How does the man suggest going to Guilin?A. By plane. B. By car. C.

3、 By train.10. Who will take part in the space flight?A. Two Chinese astronauts. B. Three Chinese astronauts. C. Five Chinese astronauts.(三)听长对话,选择最佳答案。你将听到三段对话,请根据对话内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。请听第一段对话,回答第11至13小题。11.Who did Wade go to Guangzhou Zoo with?A. His friends. B. His brother. C.His parents.12.Wha

4、t kind of animal in the zoo did Wade like best?A. The bear. B. The tiger. C. The monkey.13. When will Alice go to Guangzhou Zoo?A. Tomorrow. B. Next Friday. C. Next weekend.请听第二段对话,回答第14至16小题。14.What does Luna think of her school life?A. Difficult. B. Relaxing. C. Interesting.15. What does Luna do f

5、or most of the day?A. Does sports. B. Reads books. C. Takes classes.16. What does Luna often do on Sunday?A. Goes out with friends. B. Does cleaning and washing. C. Has a picnic in the park.请听第三段对话,回答第17 至20小题。17.What kind of music does Mary like best?A. Jazz. B. Rock music. C. Pop music.18. How can

6、 Mike get the tickets?A. He will buy them online. B. He will buy them in the theatre. C. His classmate will give them to him.19. When does the concert begin?A. At 7: 00 this evening. B. At 7: 00 tomorrow evening. C. At 8: 00 tomorrow evening.20.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

7、A. Friends. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and student.(四)听短文,选择最佳答案。你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。21. How long did the speaker work at the local store?A. For a week. B. For a month. C. For one year.22. How old was the young ladys son?A. One year old. B. Two years old. C. Five years old.23. What

8、 did the young lady want to buy for her son?A. A book. B. A bag. C. A toy.24. What happened to the young lady?A. She left her wallet at home. B. She didnt have enough money. C. She lost her money somewhere.25. Who helped the young lady finally?A. The speaker. B. The ladys friend. C. The speakers mot

9、her.(五)听短文,填信息。你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读三遍。Advantages of gardeningTo bring you a lot.It brings you beautiful flowers, 26 fruit and vegetables.To help you keep healthy.Its a kind of exercise to27_ _around.To do with children.It gets them off 28_ _, televisions and phones. It can teac

10、h them about nature.To get on with 29_You will meet different people when gardening in the field.Youll find how 30_ _it is when doing it.二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从下列各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。31.-Shall we stay at home and watch a movie tonight?-_I want to go bike riding to lose weight.A. I think so. B.

11、No problem. C. Im afraid not.32. The workers are very thirsty. Lets give_ some water.A. her B. them C. you33. Alice and I will _the main points of the exam. We often help each other!A. discuss B. protect C. dislike34. I think Jack is a _boy and he can make the best choice wisely.A. poor B. smart C.

12、lazy35. My father is a humorous person. He always tells jokes which can make us laugh_.A. loudly B. clearly C. properly36. Love your parents_ they are alive. Never wait until it is too late.A. while B. though C. until37. -To tell you the truth, I dont want to join in the singing competition.-Come on

13、. You just need more practice to build up your_.A. challenge B. confidence C. development38. -Mom, Dad asked me to _the music because he thought it was so loud.-He was right. You should take his advice.A. give away B. listen to C. turn off39. -Polly, do you know the history of our school?-Yes. It _

14、in 1923, such a long history.A. is built B. was built C. has been built40. -Im interested in kites. Can you tell me_?-Sure. Im good at making them.A. where kites are from B. why kites are made C. how we can make kites三、补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。Roy: Hi, Tom. 41_Tom: Not

15、so well. I have a bad headache.Roy: Oh, no! 42_Tom: No, I didnt. I thought it would go away after some rest.Roy: I see.43_Tom: Yes, please. A bottle of water would be nice.Roy: Sure.44_Tom: Thats a good idea. Thanks for your help, Roy.Roy: 45_ Wish you get well soon!A. No problem. Anytime.B. You loo

16、k better today.C. Can I get you anything?D. How are you feeling today?E. Did you take any medicine?F. And maybe you should see a doctor if it gets worse.四、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面语篇,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。The roller coaster(过山车)is a scary(吓人的) thing in most parks. My friends used to think so. Now

17、, they have_46_that riding the roller coaster is a challenging but very interesting thing._47_I went to Happy Valley in Beijing with my friends. The roller coasters in this park were all exciting, and my friends just _48_to ride them. “Its too scary. I cant do it. ”said one of my friends. “But we al

18、l need to push ourselves! ” I _49_ them. At last, we decided to try the Music Roller Coaster first.When the roller coaster slowly started moving, my friends were too_50_to open their eyes. They quietly sat in the seat. I told them shouting could help make them more relaxed and get over their _51_. S

19、o they just yelled(喊叫) the whole time_52_the ride! After getting off the roller coaster, Tina said it was not scary anymore. She thought it was exciting and fun.We tried some other roller coasters, _53_.We were no longer afraid and were even looking forward to them. My most timid(胆小的) friend Grace,

20、opened her eyes, and she felt totally fine.Sometimes, the biggest difficulty is _54_but ourselves. When you think something is scary, why not have a try first? Perhaps youll find what you were afraid of before is nothing and you will then_55_ your real power. The most dangerous enemy is yourself.46.

21、A. realized B. regretted C. forgotten47. A. Suddenly B. Finally C. Recently48. A. continued B. refused C. stopped49. A. encouraged B. praised C. warned50. A. angry B. nervous C. upset51.A. excitement B. surprise C. fear52.A. during B. before C. outside53.A.though B. too C. either54. A. somebody B. e

22、verybody C. nobody55.A. require B. understand C. hide五、阅读理解(共20小题,第56-60每小题1分,第61-75每小题2分,共35分)ALong ago, in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers, Harry and Peter. Harry was very hard-working while Peter was lazy.One summer there was no rain and the crops were dying. Harry went out to find

23、 a river so that he could dig a canal(灌溉渠) to his field. After a long and tiring walk, he found a river full of water. He started digging a canal to his field. Until it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home for lunch. But Harry did not go. He did not want to leave his work unfini

24、shed. He completed his work late at night. He was very satisfied. He went home, had a good meal and fell into a sound sleep.Peter did the same. But he was not at all determined(决心). He also started digging a canal to his field but he didnt have his work completed. His field did not get enough water

25、and all his crops died.Harrys field would be watered when it was needed. He had a good harvest because of his hard work.So dear friends, please remember that hard work is the key to success.根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的在答题卡上将“T”涂黑,错误的在答题卡上将“F”涂黑。56. Harry was very hard-working while Peter was lazy in a small

26、village.57. Harry completed his work when his daughter asked him to go home for lunch.58. Both Harry and Peter started digging a canal to the field, but Peter didnt finish his work.59. Harrys field did not get enough water and all his crops died. 60. From the story we know that hard work is very imp

27、ortant.BQuick!Join us and get the most of the special offer! Join us this week and youll get: A free TTwo free personal training hoursOne month free classes if you pay the whole yearBuild the body you have always wantedEnjoy some of the best equipment(设备) in the world 35 classes every week including

28、 swimming, tennis, yoga, volleyball and 10 classes about how to eat healthilyOur personal coach will be happy to help youOpen from 10 am to midnight from Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on Monday.-shirtGet fit! Get healthy!Peter is interested in the following poster.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。61. How may Peter get a f

29、ree T-shirt?A. By having classes. B. By joining the club this week. C. By talking with the coach.62.What can Peter do in the Fitness Club?A. Build his body. B. Open his mind. C Enjoy the personal time.63. When is The Fitness Club open?A. At 9 am. B. On Monday. C. Every Thursday.64. What can Peter le

30、arn from the poster?A. The Fitness Club is the best one in the world. B. Members can learn how to eat healthily in the club.C. Whoever joins the club can get one months free classes.65. What is the purpose of the the poster?A. To introduce some swimming classes. B. To show people the way to build a

31、strong body.C. To provide information about fitness to draw peoples attention.COlgas school was having a big concert tonight. Olga played second flute(长笛), so if the first flute player got sick, Olga could play his or her part. Today Olga went to school early for more practice. Her music teacher Mr.

32、 Perez was waiting for her. He told her that Alonso was ill and stayed in hospital. It meant that Olga would play Alonsos part tonight.After hearing the news, Olga was very nervous. Alonso was one of the best flute players in the school. Olga thought that she couldnt play well. Mr. Perez smiled, “Yo

33、u practise it every day. Alonso plays well, and so do you. Please try, Olga.”Olga closed her eyes and began to play, but this morning she still felt nervous. The high notes were hard to reach and the fast notes were difficult to play. The quiet part seemed too loud. When Olga finished, her eyes were

34、 filled with tears(眼泪).Without saying anything, Mr. Perez played a piece of flute music on his computer. “Thats beautiful. I wish I played like that! ”Olga said. “Olga, I recorded the music just now. That was you playing! Mr. Perez said.“Do my play really sound like that? ”Olga was surprised and dou

35、bted whether she could play so well. “Sure, thats you! ” Mr. Perez told her. “So, dont worry. You work hard and play very well. Never forget to have fun and enjoy the music. You should be confident in yourself. Youre a great musician! 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。66. Why did Olga go to school early?A. To play the

36、flute well. B. To look after Alonso. C. To help her music teacher.67. What can we learn from paragraph 4?A. When the concert began. B. The music was a little difficult for her.C. Alonso was the best flute player in the school.68.What is the right order of following?Mr. Perez recorded the music for O

37、lga.Alonso got sick. Mr. Perez told Oiga the news about Alonso. Olgas eyes were filled with tears.A. B. C.69. What are the changes of Olgas feelings?A. nervous surprised confident B. surprised nervous confidentC. confident nervous surprised70. What can we leam from the text?A. Olgas success is up to

38、 Mr. Perez. B. Olga is not good at playing the flute.C. Mr. Perezs words greatly encouraged Olga.DWhat do the following animals have in common? Pandas, tigers, whales, lions and camels(骆驼)? They are all in danger! Animals are in danger for many reasons. Sadly, peoples activities are some of them! He

39、re are three reasons. Excessive hunting(过度猎杀). For centuries, people have hunted elephants and tigers for money, and caught many other animals for their meat. So many wild animals leave the world at last.Foreign animals. In 1505,Europeans found a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean named Mauritius. They brought dogs, pigs, monkeys, and mice with them. It wa


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