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1、人教PEP英语五年级下册期末专项突破与评价(六)创新题型一、为了保护生物多样性及生物生存环境,国际上成立了一些动物保护组织。你知道下面这些图标分别代表哪些机构吗?请借助检索工具,将它们的中文全称写在横线上。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. _二、(原创题)阅读Joe的病例和药品服用说明,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Medicine instructionsTake it three times(三次) a day.Age(年龄)Dose(药量) for each time143 teaspoonfuls(茶匙)8-142 teaspoonfuls1-71 teaspoonfulPut it

2、 in a cold place.Use it before Jul.2025Name:JoeSex:MaleAge:13Consultation Time(就诊时间):October 20th,2023Allergies(过敏史):/Past history(既往史):/Medical history and diagnostic records(病史及诊断记录)Have a bad cold for five days;cough day and night for two daysTake some medicine on time and drink more hot water()1

3、.Joe should take the medicine three times a day.()2.Joe should take the medicine three teaspoonfuls a day.()3.Joe should put the medicine in a cold place.()4.Joe can take the medicine after August 1st 2025.()5.Joe should drink more cold water.三、假设你和家人要去澳大利亚自驾旅游,出发前请了解一些澳大利亚的标识牌,根据情景进行判断或选择。(8分)()1.I

4、n Australia,you are allowed to drive on the right at all times.(T or F)()2.According to the sign,you can park here at 6:30 p.m. on Friday.(T or F)()3.Which of the following is the correct speed at 8:30 a.m. in the school zone on school days?A.Over 40.B.Under 40.C.No speed limit.()4.What does the sig

5、n mean?A.Watch out(小心) for kangaroos.B.Watch a kangaroo.C.There is a kangaroo. 四、根据所给提示,补全下列句子。(16分) 1.I like best.Its rainy.I feel warm.I can with my friends.2.I like best.Its windy.I feel cool.I can with my sister.3.I like best.Its sunny.I feel .I can every day.4.I like best.Its snowy.I feel .I ca

6、n 五、Sarah 家人的生日都在九月和十一月,根据图片提示,照例子写对话。(12分)例:When is your mothers birthday?Its on September 1st.1.When is your birthday? Its on .2. 3. 4. 六、四位好朋友的学习用品弄乱了,快来帮他们找出来,并照例子,写对话。(9分)例:Whose schoolbag is this?Its Mikes. 1. 2. 3. 七、根据下面的信息,将尺子物归原主。(将序号写在横线上)(10分)1.Ruler is Marys. 2.Ruler is Adams.3.Ruler is

7、 Roses.4.Ruler is Marks.八、阅读绘本,完成下列各题。(25分)It is Saturday. Peter and Sam want to go to the zoo.They are waiting for(等待) a bus at a bus stop.Here comes the bus.There are a lot of people waiting to get on(上车) the bus.1. says the bus driver.OK! answers a boy.Peter and Sam are on the bus.A boy is eating

8、 something. Peter says,2. and 3. Sorry! answers the boy.An old man is standing. Sit down please! says Peter. Thank you very much. says the old man.Peter and Sam arrive at the zoo.They get off the bus.(一)阅读绘本,将下列句子的标号填入文中的横线上。(9分) A.Dont eat or drink on the bus! B.Please keep the bus clean! C.Please

9、wait for your turn!(二)遵守公共场合规则,人人有责。下列选项中符合规则的图片有:(6分)(三)Peter 和Sam 来到了动物园,看到了许多动物。展开想象,以“In the Zoo”为题,写一篇英文短文介绍一下动物园的动物们正在干什么。(10分)要求:1.现在进行时;2.意思连贯,语句通顺,不少于50个单词。 答案一、1.国际爱护动物基金会 2.世界自然基金会3.世界动物保护协会 4.世界动物卫生组织二、1-5 T F T F F三、1.F2.T 3.B 4.A四、1.spring go on a picnic2.autumn pick apples3.summer hot

10、 go swimming4.winter cold make a snowman五、1.sisters September 18th (任意一位人物即可,但要注意生日与人物要对应)2.When is your grandpas birthday?Its on November 7th.3.When is your grandmas birthday?Its on November 29th.4.When is your birthday?Its on September 22nd.When is your fathers birthday?Its on November 16th./(每道题的

11、对话顺序可以改变)六、1.Whose pen is this?Its Alices.2.Whose pencil is this?Its Johns.3.Whose ruler is this?Its Sarahs.七、1-4 C A E D八、(一)CAB(二)B(三)One possible version:In the ZooNow Peter and Sam are in the zoo.There are many birds singing in the trees.Peter and Sam are walking along the road.They see two elephants.They are playing with each other.And there are also many other animals.A tiger is sleeping.Two pandas are eating bamboo.Two giraffes are eating leaves.Peter and Sam are very happy.


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