1、4 step4 step3 step3 step2 step2 stepWedding location Wedding dressWedding ceremonywedding banquet1 step1 stepWedding photos Solemn Solemn and holy,and holy,weddings are generally weddings are generally more quiet in the more quiet in the church.Attention has church.Attention has been paid much to th
2、e been paid much to the Western concept of Western concept of emotional expression,emotional expression,the pursuit of the the pursuit of the perfect combination of perfect combination of romance and reality.romance and reality.The church also The church also known as temple in the known as temple i
3、n the west,and the priests west,and the priests also known as the also known as the angels of god or the angels of god or the people of closest to people of closest to the god.Church the god.Church wedding,the couple wedding,the couple can get gods can get gods protection,drive away protection,drive
4、 away all the ominous and all the ominous and the evil demon,of the evil demon,of course,new course,new couple will also couple will also accept the blessings accept the blessings of god.of god.The bride on The bride on wedding day wears wedding day wears the wedding dress the wedding dress with fiv
5、e items with five items must be included as must be included as the old,newthe old,new(good good and successand success),blue,blue(loyal)and(loyal)and borrowedborrowed(luck)(luck),the,the happy bride,and,happy bride,and,in a sixpence in a sixpence shoesshoes(wealth)(wealth).The bride will The bride
6、will wearing a white wearing a white wedding gown and wedding gown and holding a bouquet holding a bouquet of flowers in her of flowers in her right hand.right hand.The bride is The bride is seen walking seen walking down the aisle,down the aisle,leaning on her leaning on her fathers fathers elbow.e
7、lbow.All eyes turn to her All eyes turn to her as she slowly moves as she slowly moves forward to take her forward to take her place beside the place beside the bridegroom in front of bridegroom in front of the clergyman.the clergyman.Minister:We are Minister:We are gathered here today in gathered h
8、ere today in the sight of God,and in the sight of God,and in the face of this company,the face of this company,to join together to join together(Grooms Name)and(Grooms Name)and(Brides Name)in holy(Brides Name)in holy matrimony;which is an matrimony;which is an honorable estate,honorable estate,insti
9、tuted of God,since instituted of God,since the first man and the the first man and the first woman walked on the first woman walked on the earth.Therefore;it is earth.Therefore;it is not to be entered into not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly,unadvisedly or lightly,but reverently and but re
10、verently and soberlysoberly Into this holy Into this holy estate these two estate these two persons present persons present come now to be come now to be joined.joined.If any one can show just cause why they If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together,let them may not
11、 be lawfully joined together,let them speak now or forever hold their peace.speak now or forever hold their peace.Minister:I require Minister:I require and charge you both and charge you both that if either of you that if either of you know any impediment why know any impediment why you may not be l
12、awfully you may not be lawfully joined together in joined together in matrimony,you confess matrimony,you confess it now.Be assured that it now.Be assured that if any persons are if any persons are joined together joined together otherwise than as otherwise than as Gods word allows,Gods word allows,
13、their marriage is not their marriage is not lawful.lawful.(Minister:(Minister:addressing the groom)addressing the groom)(Grooms Name),do(Grooms Name),do you take(Brides you take(Brides Name)for your lawful Name)for your lawful wedded wife,to live wedded wife,to live together after Gods together afte
14、r Gods ordinance,in the holy ordinance,in the holy estate of matrimony?estate of matrimony?Will you love,honor,Will you love,honor,comfort,and cherish comfort,and cherish her from this day her from this day forward,forsaking all forward,forsaking all others,keeping only others,keeping only unto her
15、for as long unto her for as long as you both shall live?as you both shall live?Groom:yes,I do.Groom:yes,I do.(Minster:addressing Minster:addressing the bride):(Brides the bride):(Brides Name),do you take Name),do you take(Grooms Name)for your(Grooms Name)for your lawful wedded husband,to lawful wedd
16、ed husband,to live together after live together after Gods ordinance,in the Gods ordinance,in the holy estate of matrimony?holy estate of matrimony?Will you love,honor,Will you love,honor,comfort,and cherish him comfort,and cherish him from this day forward,from this day forward,forsaking all others
17、,forsaking all others,keeping only unto him for keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall as long as you both shall live?live?Bride:yes,I do.Bride:yes,I do.Whether in prosperity Whether in prosperity or adversity,rich or poor,or adversity,rich or poor,health or disease,happy health or dise
18、ase,happy or sad,I will always love or sad,I will always love you,cherish you,loyal to you,cherish you,loyal to you,forever and everyou,forever and ever.Some people say that the ring Some people say that the ring finger is linked to the heart,and finger is linked to the heart,and with the ring loved
19、 ones caught in with the ring loved ones caught in the ring finger,he(she)can keep the ring finger,he(she)can keep her(him)heart.her(him)heart.Diamonds come out of Diamonds come out of brilliant heat and brilliant heat and pressure,thus making it pressure,thus making it known to mankind the known to
20、 mankind the highest hardness of the highest hardness of the material.In ancient material.In ancient times,people cant cut times,people cant cut the diamond.the diamond.Therefore,diamond is Therefore,diamond is deserved to be a natural deserved to be a natural symbol of eternal,symbol of eternal,end
21、uring love.The birth enduring love.The birth of diamonds represent the of diamonds represent the red-hot heat for love.red-hot heat for love.It is said that It is said that it can prevent the it can prevent the jealousy of the jealousy of the brides brides exboyfriend.exboyfriend.It is the It is the
22、 last but last but one item of one item of a wedding,a wedding,which also which also is the most is the most popular one.popular one.After the reception the bride throws her bouquet After the reception the bride throws her bouquet back over her shoulder where the unmarried female back over her shoul
23、der where the unmarried female guest group together.Tradition holds that the guest group together.Tradition holds that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next one one who catches the bouquet will be the next one of those present to marry.of those present to marry.Paper WeddingPaper WeddingC
24、otton WeddingCotton WeddingLeather WeddingLeather WeddingSilk WeddingSilk WeddingWood WeddingWood WeddingIron or Sugar Candy WeddingIron or Sugar Candy WeddingCopper WeddingCopper WeddingPottery Wedding Pottery Wedding Willow Wedding Willow Wedding Tin Wedding Tin Wedding China WeddingChina WeddingS
25、ilver Wedding or Silver Silver Wedding or Silver JubileeJubileePearl WeddingPearl WeddingCoral WeddingCoral WeddingRuby WeddingRuby WeddingSapphire WeddingSapphire WeddingGolden WeddingGolden WeddingDiamond WeddingDiamond Wedding 英国人结婚英国人结婚 婚礼多由女婚礼多由女方出钱:方出钱:按英国传统,婚礼一按英国传统,婚礼一般由女方家长出钱操办,般由女方家长出钱操办,新
26、郎家只需承担蜜月期间新郎家只需承担蜜月期间的一些开支。但随着近年的一些开支。但随着近年来各种婚庆支出以高于通来各种婚庆支出以高于通胀率胀率3 3倍的速度猛增,女倍的速度猛增,女方家面临的经济压力越来方家面临的经济压力越来越大,男方家长有时也会越大,男方家长有时也会主动负担一部分花费,如主动负担一部分花费,如婚戒等。婚戒等。北欧流行冰婚:北欧流行冰婚:在瑞典的冰教堂,前在瑞典的冰教堂,前来举行婚礼的人们络绎不来举行婚礼的人们络绎不绝,来冰教堂举行婚礼的绝,来冰教堂举行婚礼的新人们不穿婚纱,而是穿新人们不穿婚纱,而是穿着皮草、戴着厚厚的帽子。着皮草、戴着厚厚的帽子。在冰教堂举行婚礼非常特在冰教堂举
27、行婚礼非常特别,纯洁的冰雪代表了他别,纯洁的冰雪代表了他们纯洁的爱情。教堂里的们纯洁的爱情。教堂里的东西都是冰制成的,就连东西都是冰制成的,就连里面的祭坛都全部由冰制里面的祭坛都全部由冰制成。为了不让热源融化了成。为了不让热源融化了冰块,教堂里不准点蜡烛。冰块,教堂里不准点蜡烛。“俄式俄式”婚礼婚礼 要当众摔酒杯:要当众摔酒杯:男大当婚,女大当嫁。俄罗男大当婚,女大当嫁。俄罗斯人从订婚、结婚到婚后生活斯人从订婚、结婚到婚后生活有一整套习俗,讲究颇多。在有一整套习俗,讲究颇多。在婚宴开始时,阿廖沙和列娜首婚宴开始时,阿廖沙和列娜首先用一对用红绸带系在一起的先用一对用红绸带系在一起的酒杯喝交杯酒,
29、,应该用新人的吻把它变甜。应该用新人的吻把它变甜。德国婚礼:砸碗盆图吉利德国婚礼:砸碗盆图吉利 应邀前来参加婚礼的应邀前来参加婚礼的客人们,每人都带着几样客人们,每人都带着几样破碗、破碟、破盘、破瓶破碗、破碟、破盘、破瓶之类的物品。然后玩命地之类的物品。然后玩命地猛砸猛摔一通,他们认为猛砸猛摔一通,他们认为这样可以帮助新婚夫妇除这样可以帮助新婚夫妇除去昔日的烦恼、迎来甜蜜去昔日的烦恼、迎来甜蜜的开端,在漫长的生活道的开端,在漫长的生活道路上,夫妻俩能够始终保路上,夫妻俩能够始终保持火热的爱情、终身形影持火热的爱情、终身形影相伴、白头偕老。相伴、白头偕老。丹麦婚礼:秘密进行丹麦婚礼:秘密进行 让
31、浪漫简单 白色是浪漫的法国婚白色是浪漫的法国婚礼的主色调,无论是布礼的主色调,无论是布置用的鲜花,还是新娘置用的鲜花,还是新娘的礼服,乃至所有的布的礼服,乃至所有的布置装饰,都是白色的,置装饰,都是白色的,可以看出法国人眼中的可以看出法国人眼中的婚姻应该是纯洁无瑕的。婚姻应该是纯洁无瑕的。婚礼上,新娘子会准备婚礼上,新娘子会准备手工精细、象征健康以手工精细、象征健康以及繁荣图案的柜子作嫁及繁荣图案的柜子作嫁妆,所以此柜子又有妆,所以此柜子又有“希望之匣希望之匣”的美称。的美称。而新人选用的杯子也有而新人选用的杯子也有特定的名称,名为特定的名称,名为“婚婚礼之杯礼之杯”。希腊婚礼:传统浪漫希腊婚
32、礼:传统浪漫 曾经有很长的一段时间里,曾经有很长的一段时间里,只有在教堂举行的婚礼才被希只有在教堂举行的婚礼才被希腊承认为合法婚姻。虽然这项腊承认为合法婚姻。虽然这项规定在规定在19821982年被废除,不过至年被废除,不过至今仍有不少新人坚持到教堂去今仍有不少新人坚持到教堂去结婚。如今,婚礼上的服饰已结婚。如今,婚礼上的服饰已经多种多样。特别是根据婚礼经多种多样。特别是根据婚礼的主题不同,希腊人也不是非的主题不同,希腊人也不是非要穿婚纱举行婚礼。不过,如要穿婚纱举行婚礼。不过,如果选择婚纱,他们还是会选择果选择婚纱,他们还是会选择最传统的样式最传统的样式白色的长袍,白色的长袍,搭配面纱和戴在
33、头顶的花环,搭配面纱和戴在头顶的花环,这样的装束使新娘看起来像圣这样的装束使新娘看起来像圣洁端庄的雅典娜一样美丽。而洁端庄的雅典娜一样美丽。而新郎的服装相对简单许多,黑新郎的服装相对简单许多,黑色或白色的西服即可。色或白色的西服即可。美国婚礼:形式多样 美国人来源于世界各地,婚礼形式也就迥然各异。有热闹非凡的教堂婚礼;有根本没有宗教仪式的世俗婚礼;还有宾客在山顶上光着脚举行的婚礼。新郎与新娘要交换戒指。戒指经常戴在左手的无名指上。婚礼仪式举行后,常常由家中的亲友往新郎新娘身上洒落一把把生米,以此祝愿他们多子多孙。Wish you all a Wish you all a desirable desirable marriage!marriage!Thank you!Thank you!