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1、高考话题写作动词(运动 垃圾食品)青少年运动:1. engage (参与):Children should be encouraged to engage in physical activities to promote their overall health.(应该鼓励孩子们参与体育活动,促进他们的整体健康。)2. participate (参加):She participates in various sports activities to stay active and fit.(她参加各种体育活动保持活跃和健康。)3. encourage (鼓励):Parents should

2、encourage their children to participate in sports and outdoor activities for their physical and mental well-being.(家长应该鼓励孩子参加体育运动和户外活动,以促进他们的身心健康。)4. improve (改善):Regular exercise can improve a child's physical fitness and overall well-being.(定期锻炼可以改善孩子的身体素质和整体健康。)5. enhance (增强):Physical activi

3、ties enhance a child's strength, flexibility, and coordination.(体育活动增强了孩子的力量、灵活性和协调能力。)6. develop (发展):Engaging in sports helps children develop vital skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship.(参与体育运动有助于孩子培养团队合作和体育精神等重要技能。)7. build (建立):Regular exercise helps children build strong bones and musc

4、les.(定期锻炼帮助孩子建立强健的骨骼和肌肉。)8. foster (培养):Sports activities can foster discipline, self-confidence, and resilience in children.(体育活动可以培养孩子的纪律、自信和韧性。)9. promote (促进):Physical activities promote a healthy lifestyle and help prevent childhood obesity.(体育活动促进健康的生活方式,帮助预防儿童肥胖。)10. strengthen (增强):Participa

5、ting in sports helps strengthen the immune system of children.(参加体育运动有助于增强孩子的免疫系统。)11. stimulate (刺激):Physical activities stimulate brain function and contribute to better cognitive development in children.(体育活动刺激大脑功能,有助于孩子更好的认知发展。)12. instill (灌输):Engaging in sports can instill discipline and a sen

6、se of responsibility in children.(参与体育运动可以灌输孩子纪律和责任感。)13. cultivate (培养):Regular physical activities help cultivate a lifelong interest in fitness and active living.(定期进行体育活动有助于培养终身对健身和积极生活的兴趣。)14. enjoy (享受):Children should be encouraged to enjoy physical activities and find sports that they love.(

7、应该鼓励孩子们享受体育活动,并找到他们喜欢的运动项目。)15. empower (赋予):Participating in sports can empower children with a sense of achievement and self-confidence.(参与体育运动可以赋予孩子成就感和自信心。)16. balance (平衡):Regular exercise helps children achieve a balance between academics and physical well-being.(定期锻炼有助于孩子在学业和身体健康之间实现平衡。)17. s

8、ocialize (社交):Sports activities provide opportunities for children to socialize, make friends, and develop teamwork skills.(体育活动为孩子提供社交、交朋友和培养团队合作技能的机会。)18. relieve (减轻):Engaging in physical activities can relieve stress and improve mood in children.(参与体育活动可以缓解压力,改善孩子的情绪。)19. teach (教导):Sports teach

9、 children important values such as sportsmanship, fair play, and resilience.(体育运动教导孩子重要的价值观,如体育精神、公平竞争和韧性。)20. inspire (激发):Watching professional athletes can inspire children to pursue sports and set goals for themselves.(观看职业运动员的比赛可以激发孩子追求体育运动并为自己设定目标。)垃圾食品:1. consume (消费):Many people consume exce

10、ssive amounts of junk food, putting their health at risk.(许多人过量消费垃圾食品,给他们的健康带来风险。)2. indulge (沉溺):She often indulges in eating unhealthy snacks late at night.(她经常沉溺于晚上吃不健康的零食。)3. crave (渴望):After a long day at work, he craves sugary and salty snacks.(在工作一天后,他渴望吃甜食和咸食。)4. rely on (依赖):Many individual

11、s rely on fast food for their daily meals due to convenience and lack of time.(许多人由于方便和时间不足,依赖快餐来解决日常饮食。)5. promote (推广):Food companies spend billions of dollars each year promoting junk food to children through advertisements.(食品公司每年花费数十亿美元通过广告向儿童推广垃圾食品。)6. contribute to (导致):The excessive consumpt

12、ion of junk food contributes to the rising rates of obesity and other health issues.(过量食用垃圾食品导致肥胖率和其他健康问题的上升。)7. lead to (导致):Regular consumption of junk food can lead to a range of health problems, including diabetes and heart disease.(经常食用垃圾食品可能导致一系列健康问题,包括糖尿病和心脏病。)8. increase (增加):The availabilit

13、y and affordability of junk food have increased over the years, resulting in higher consumption rates.(多年来,垃圾食品的可得性和价格可承受性增加,导致了更高的消费率。)9. warn (警告):Health experts warn about the dangers of consuming excessive amounts of junk food on a regular basis.(健康专家警告说定期过量食用垃圾食品的危险。)10. limit (限制):It is import

14、ant to limit the intake of junk food in order to maintain a healthy diet.(为了保持健康的饮食,限制摄入垃圾食品是很重要的。)11. affect (影响):Highly processed and sugary junk food can negatively affect one's overall well-being.(经过高度加工和含糖的垃圾食品会对人的整体健康产生负面影响。)12. substitute (替代):It is recommended to substitute junk food wit

15、h healthier options such as fruits and vegetables.(建议将垃圾食品替换为更健康的选择,如水果和蔬菜。)13. avoid (避免):To maintain good health, it is important to avoid consuming excessive amounts of junk food.(为了保持良好的健康,避免过量食用垃圾食品很重要。)14. educate (教育):Schools should educate children about the harmful effects of junk food and

16、promote healthy eating habits.(学校应该教育孩子们垃圾食品的有害影响,并促进健康的饮食习惯。)15. resist (抵制):She struggled to resist the temptation of junk food and opted for healthier alternatives instead.(她努力抵制垃圾食品的诱惑,而选择更健康的替代品。)16. discourage (阻止):Parents and caregivers play a vital role in discouraging children from consumin

17、g excessive amounts of junk food.(父母和照顾者在阻止孩子吃过量垃圾食品方面发挥着至关重要的作用。)17. understand (理解):It is important for individuals to understand the negative impact that junk food can have on their health.(个人理解垃圾食品对他们健康的负面影响是很重要的。)18. regulate (管控):Governments should implement policies and regulations to regulat

18、e the marketing and sale of junk food.(政府应该实施政策和法规来管控垃圾食品的营销和销售。)19. discourage (劝阻):Friends and family can play a supportive role by discouraging loved ones from consuming junk food.(朋友和家人可以通过劝阻亲人不吃垃圾食品来发挥支持作用。)20. prioritize (优先考虑):It is crucial to prioritize a balanced diet over the consumption of junk food to maintain good health.(为了保持良好的健康,重视均衡饮食胜于食用垃圾食品。) 


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