Unit 3 第二课时 Reading (ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版七年级上册《英语》.pptx

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1、everyone pron.(=everybody)所有人,每人,人人所有人,每人,人人Everyone/Everybody in our class all likes sports.我们班的每个人都喜欢运动。我们班的每个人都喜欢运动。perfect adj.完美的完美的Youre very lucky to have perfect teeth.你很幸运有一口你很幸运有一口完美的完美的牙齿。牙齿。spend vt.度过,花(时间);花(钱)度过,花(时间);花(钱)I want to spend more time with my family.我想我想花花更多的时间和家人在一起。更多的时

2、间和家人在一起。I only want to spend about 20 yuan.我只想我只想花花大约大约20元。元。chat vi.&n.闲聊闲聊 Mary chats with her mother.玛丽和她的母亲玛丽和她的母亲闲聊闲聊。I have a chat with John.我和约翰我和约翰闲聊闲聊了一会儿。了一会儿。exciting adj.令人激动的令人激动的The game is very exciting.比赛非常比赛非常激动人心激动人心。excited adj.兴奋的兴奋的;激动的激动的He is excited about the goal(进球进球)in the

3、 soccer game.他对足球比赛中的进球他对足球比赛中的进球感到兴奋感到兴奋。take place 进行,发生进行,发生The meeting will take place on Monday.会议将于周一会议将于周一举行举行。noticeboard n.布告板,告示牌布告板,告示牌The noticeboard is in front of the classroom building.布告板布告板在教学楼前。在教学楼前。board n.布告牌;木板布告牌;木板 a diving board 一个跳(水)一个跳(水)板板 There are some notices(通知通知)on

4、the board.布告牌布告牌上有一些通知。上有一些通知。gate n.大门大门He opens the gate and walks up to the house.他打开他打开大门大门,迈步朝房子走去。,迈步朝房子走去。news n.新闻;消息新闻;消息 Heres the sports news from Jane.这是简发来的体育这是简发来的体育新闻新闻。I hope to have some good news for you.我希望能有好我希望能有好消息消息告诉你。告诉你。like prep.例如;像例如;像 She likes bright colours,like red a

5、nd yellow.她喜欢鲜艳的颜色,她喜欢鲜艳的颜色,例如例如红色和黄色。红色和黄色。A club should be like a big family.俱乐部应该俱乐部应该像像一个大家庭。一个大家庭。more det.&pron.更多的,更大的更多的,更大的 adv.更;更多更;更多 The cat wants some more food.猫猫想要想要更多的更多的食物。食物。He has four eggs.Billy has more.他有四个鸡蛋。比利带得他有四个鸡蛋。比利带得更多更多。You need to get out of the house more.你需要你需要多多到室

6、外去。到室外去。trust vt.相信相信You can trust me.你可以你可以相信相信我。我。really adv.很,十分;真正地很,十分;真正地 Its really hot in the summer.夏天夏天真的很真的很热。热。You have to really enjoy your hobbies.你必须你必须真正真正享受你的爱好。享受你的爱好。soon adv.很快,马上很快,马上Your father will be back soon.你爸爸你爸爸很快很快就会回来的。就会回来的。indoorlearningwidedelicioussciencequiet_Acco

7、rding to the pictures and key words,guess what place it is.What other places do you find in yourschool?How do you learn about them?If we want to learn more about a new school,its video on the school website is a good choice(选择选择).This is a part from a promotional video(宣传片宣传片)for a middle school.Mil

8、lie also wants to learn more about Sunshine Middle School.She is watching a short video on the school website.Here is the video script.Before reading,think about the two questions below.1.What places should a school have?2.Why are green spaces important for a school?Here is a picture of Sunshine Mid

9、dle School.Fill in the places talked about in the video script.AP33 Amodern libraryclassroom buildingssports fieldgreen spacesschool noticeboardsStructure of the scriptIntroduction:greeting+self-introductionMain body:modern library+classroom buildingsgreen spacessports fieldnoticeboardsEnding:invita

10、tionWhat kind of places are they?What can students do in these places?Millie made some notes from the video.Help her complete the notes below.BP33 Bstudychat withsports matchesnewsstar students and teacherspaintings123456Try to introduce the main places of Sunshine Middle School with the following i

11、nformation.1.介绍场所名称介绍场所名称Here is.Our school has.We have.Look at.There is.in our school.2.介绍场所功能介绍场所功能Its a place for/to.We can.in it.Students enjoy.Can you see.?Lets see how Millie introduces them in her email.Millie is writing an email to her online friend Liu Yi about her new school.Complete her e

12、mail with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.CP34 Cchat withsports fieldproblemperfectexcitingspacenoticeboardrole modelperfectspaceschat withproblemssports fieldexcitingnoticeboardsrole modelshelp(sb.)(with)sth.帮助帮助(某人某人)()(做做)某事某事相当于相当于a lot of,可修饰,可修饰可数可数名词复数或不可数名词名词复数或不可

13、数名词。perfectspaceschat withproblemssports fieldexcitingnoticeboardsrole modelsTake Millies email as an example,try to introduce our school to others.和和聊天聊天体育比赛体育比赛进行,发生进行,发生学校公示栏学校公示栏楷模,行为榜样楷模,行为榜样学生们的作品学生们的作品Pay attention to the expressions.人称代词的用法人称代词的用法:代替表示人或物的名词代替表示人或物的名词,有,有主格主格和和宾格宾格两种形式。两种形式。

14、_1.和和聊天聊天2.体育比赛体育比赛3.进行,发生进行,发生 4.学校公示栏学校公示栏 5.楷模,行为榜样楷模,行为榜样6.学生们的作品学生们的作品sports matchtake placeschool noticeboardrole modelTranslate the following expressions into English.chat with.students works Think about the questions below.Share your answers with your classmates.DP34 D1.What do you like abou

15、t Sunshine Middle School?2.What places at your school do you like best?Why?3.How is your new school different from Sunshine Middle School?2)Is everyone/everybody ready to go?1)Everyone/Everybody here likes the small park.1.Hello,everyone.大家好。大家好。everyone pron.(=everybody)这里的所有人都喜欢这个小公园。这里的所有人都喜欢这个小公

16、园。每个人都准备好了吗?每个人都准备好了吗?意为意为“所有人,每人,人人所有人,每人,人人”,表达整体概念,表达整体概念,但但作主语作主语时,时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。These snacks all look nice.I want to try every one of them.every one 这些小吃看着都很美味。每一种我都想品尝。这些小吃看着都很美味。每一种我都想品尝。意为意为“每一个每一个”后后可接可接of短语短语。2)This is not a good place for you to live.1)The reading room is a

17、 quiet place for us to read.2.Theyre the perfect places for us to study.它们(教学楼)是供我们学习的绝佳场所。它们(教学楼)是供我们学习的绝佳场所。be a/the place for sb.to do sth.阅览室是我们安静读书的地方。阅览室是我们安静读书的地方。这个地方不适合你居住。这个地方不适合你居住。对某人来说是做某事的地方对某人来说是做某事的地方1)Joe plans to spend the summer holiday with his brother in Qingdao.3.Students enjoy

18、 spending time here.学生们喜欢在这里度过时光。学生们喜欢在这里度过时光。spend vt.乔打算和他哥哥一起去青岛度暑假。乔打算和他哥哥一起去青岛度暑假。度过度过spend(time)with sb.与某人度过与某人度过(时光时光)2)New Years Day is a day to spend with family.元旦是一个家人团聚的日子。元旦是一个家人团聚的日子。2)John spends one hour on his homework every evening.1)The workers spend two years(in)building this br

19、idge.工人们花两年时间建造了这座桥。工人们花两年时间建造了这座桥。约翰每晚花一小时写作业。约翰每晚花一小时写作业。spend vt.花(金钱、时间等)花(金钱、时间等)3)Millie spent 3,500 yuan on the computer/(on)buying the computer.米莉花米莉花35003500元买了这台电脑。元买了这台电脑。spend+时间时间 +on sth./(in)doing sth.花费花费时间时间在某物或做某事上在某物或做某事上 spend+金钱金钱 +on sth./(on)doing sth.花费金钱在某物或做某事上花费金钱在某物或做某事上

20、2)In the evening,you can often see people dance here.1)Can you see a boy flying a kite over there?4.Can you see the students running there?你能看见学生在那儿跑步吗?你能看见学生在那儿跑步吗?see sb.doing sth.你能看到一个男孩正在那里放风筝吗?你能看到一个男孩正在那里放风筝吗?傍晚,你经常能看到人们在这里跳舞。傍晚,你经常能看到人们在这里跳舞。看见某人看见某人正在做正在做某事某事see sb.do sth.看见某人看见某人做了做了某事或某事或

21、经常做经常做某事某事强调看见的动作强调看见的动作正在发生正在发生。强调看到动作的强调看到动作的全过程全过程或或经常性的行为经常性的行为。具有类似用法的动词还有具有类似用法的动词还有hear、watch等。等。2)I can hear the girl play the piano every evening.1)Can you hear the students singing next door?你能听见学生们在隔壁唱歌吗?你能听见学生们在隔壁唱歌吗?我每天晚上都能听到这个女孩弹钢琴。我每天晚上都能听到这个女孩弹钢琴。4)She watches her children playing in

22、 the park.3)He likes to watch his daughter play soccer.他喜欢看他的女儿踢足球。他喜欢看他的女儿踢足球。她看着她的孩子们在公园里玩耍。她看着她的孩子们在公园里玩耍。hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事听见某人正在做某事 hear sb.do sth.听见某人做某事听见某人做某事watch sb.do sth.观看某人做某事观看某人做某事watch sb.doing sth.观看某人正在做某事观看某人正在做某事1.We hear someone knock at the door.2.I see her to dance i

23、n the party.3.I watch the sun rises(升起升起)in the east.找出错误并改正。找出错误并改正。knockingrise2)The change takes place in the city.1)Students painting show takes place in the library.5.Lots of exciting sports matches take place on it.许多精彩的体育比赛都在这里举行。许多精彩的体育比赛都在这里举行。take place 学生画展在图书馆举行。学生画展在图书馆举行。这种变化发生在城市。这种变化

24、发生在城市。发生,进行发生,进行(尤指根据安排或计划)(尤指根据安排或计划)2)The football match last night was exciting.1)It is an exciting film.exciting adj.它是一部令人激动的电影。它是一部令人激动的电影。昨晚的那场足球赛令人激动。昨晚的那场足球赛令人激动。令人激动的令人激动的可作可作定语或表语定语或表语,其主语为,其主语为物物。2)We are excited to travel there by plane.1)He is excited about the good news.excited adj.他对

25、这个好消息感到兴奋不已。他对这个好消息感到兴奋不已。我们对乘飞机去那里旅行感到兴奋。我们对乘飞机去那里旅行感到兴奋。兴奋的;激动的兴奋的;激动的其主语为其主语为人人be excited about sth.对某事对某事(物物)感到激动感到激动/兴奋兴奋be excited to do sth.对做某事感到激动对做某事感到激动/兴奋兴奋1.Everyone is _ when they hear the _ news.2.The children are very _ about the _ party.3.The _ game makes everyone feel very _.在下列横线上

26、选择填入在下列横线上选择填入excited或或exciting。excitedexcitingexcitedexcitingexcitingexcitedHere are two pieces of news about her.1)As the saying goes,“No news is good news.”6.Here we can read about school news.在这里我们可以读到有关学校的新闻在这里我们可以读到有关学校的新闻news 不可数名词不可数名词 常言道:常言道:“没有消息便是好消息。没有消息便是好消息。”这里有两条关于她的新闻。这里有两条关于她的新闻。新闻

27、;消息新闻;消息作主语作主语时,时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。“数词数词+piece(s)of news”表示表示“几条几条/则新闻则新闻”,该结构,该结构作作主语主语时,时,谓语动词要与谓语动词要与piece的单复数形式保持一致的单复数形式保持一致。2)The cloud looks like a sheep.1)You can do it like this.7.The boards also show students works,like paintings and photos.这些布告板也会展示学生的作品,如绘画和照片等。这些布告板也会展示学生的作品

28、,如绘画和照片等。like prep.你可以照这样做。你可以照这样做。这片云看起来像一只绵羊。这片云看起来像一只绵羊。例如;像例如;像What is your new friend like?你的新朋友是个什么样的人你的新朋友是个什么样的人?What+动词动词be+sth./sb.like?某物某物(人人)是什么样的是什么样的?2)Alice is very nice and we all like her.1)Tom likes Chinese chess very much.like v.汤姆很喜欢中国象棋。汤姆很喜欢中国象棋。爱丽丝人很好,我们都喜欢她。爱丽丝人很好,我们都喜欢她。喜欢喜

29、欢3)Dad likes to take a walk after dinner.爸爸喜欢晚饭后散步。爸爸喜欢晚饭后散步。后接名词、代词、动词不定式或后接名词、代词、动词不定式或动词的动词的-ing形式。形式。4)The small girl likes swimming a lot.这个小女孩非常喜欢游泳。这个小女孩非常喜欢游泳。名词名词代词代词动词不定式动词不定式动词的动词的-ing形式形式()1.Everyone in the new class _ kind to Andy.They spend fun time _ with each other.A.is;chat B.are;ch

30、attingC.is;chattingD.are;chat()2.Miss Lu is just _ the students big sister and she _ all her students.A.like;like B.likes;like C.like;likes D.likes;likes()3.Our class meeting _ every Tuesday afternoon.A.happensB.starts C.begins D.takes place()4.Good news never _ beyond the gate.A.go B.goes C.is goin

31、g D.are going()5.There are _ books in the library.A.much B.little C.a lot of D.a lot单项选择。单项选择。CCDBC1.What places does Sunshine Middle School have?What can students do in these places?2.Can you introduce your school to others?Write a video script to introduce your school including schools places and what you can do in these different places.


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