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1、高考英语读后续写高分“动作链”描写段(一)1.遇到火灾/水灾/雪灾/地震/洪水【动作链】感到环境异常 察觉危险信号(如烟雾、轰鸣声) 确认危险来源 迅速评估逃生路线 紧急撤离,避开高危区域 抵达安全地点后确认情况【例】She suddenly noticed the smell of something burning, a thick haze forming in the air As she looked around, the distant crackling sound of fire confirmed her fear The kitchen was ablaze, and t

2、he flames were quickly spreading Without wasting time, she evaluated her surroundings, mapping out the fastest exit Grabbing her phone and keys, she sprinted toward the front door, making sure to avoid the spreading flames Finally outside, she stopped at a safe distance and dialed 911, watching the

3、smoke rise into the sky.2.各种灾难救人【动作链】听到微弱的求救声 确认具体位置 评估救援所需工具 利用工具打开救援通道 确保伤者情况稳定 带伤者撤离至安全地点【例】Through the chaos of the collapsing building, he heard a faint cry for help beneath the rubble He crouched down and listened intently, locating the source under a pile of bricks Realizing that he needed mo

4、re than just his hands, he quickly found a sturdy metal rod nearby With measured force, he pried open the debris piece by piece, widening the gap just enough to pull the trapped victim free Checking for any visible injuries, he gently lifted the person onto his back He carefully navigated through th

5、e wreckage and brought them to a clear, safe area where they could both catch their breath.3.各种灾难求救【动作链】意识到脱困无望 评估可用工具和资源 利用电话或信号设备发出求救 设法保持身体和情绪稳定 时刻保持警觉,准备迎接救援【例】As the rising floodwater surrounded her, she quickly realized there was no way to swim to safety Frantically looking around, she spotted

6、 a broken piece of furniture floating nearby and clung to it With her other hand, she retrieved her waterproof phone from her pocket and dialed for help Knowing that rescue could take time, she positioned herself securely on the makeshift raft, trying to conserve her energy The distant hum of a heli

7、copter finally brought a wave of relief, but she kept her focus, waving a piece of her jacket to signal her location.4.各种灾难逃生【动作链】感受到灾难征兆(如地面晃动、异响) 确认逃生路径(避开障碍物) 快速收集重要物品(如急救箱、水等) 沿着预定路线撤离 到达安全地带后检查自己和周围是否有伤者【例】A sudden, violent shaking threw him off balance, and he instinctively braced himself agai

8、nst the wall The windows rattled loudly, and dust began to fall from the ceiling, signaling an earthquake He quickly scanned the room, grabbing his pre-packed emergency kit and water bottle Without wasting any time, he headed toward the exit, avoiding the bookshelves and furniture that could tip ove

9、r at any moment Outside in the open field, he stopped to catch his breath and surveyed the surroundings, checking if anyone else needed help or if there were further signs of danger.5.灾难结束之后庆幸【动作链】感知环境恢复平静 慎重评估周围安全情况 检查自己和他人的身体状况 缓慢调整呼吸,感受劫后余生 与身边的人表达共同生还的喜悦和感激【例】After the long, terrifying minutes o

10、f shaking finally ceased, the air grew eerily still He cautiously stepped out from his hiding place, scanning the area for any signs of lingering danger Slowly patting down his body, he realized he was unscathed, though his legs trembled with adrenaline Breathing deeply, he let out a sigh of profoun

11、d relief, realizing he had survived Nearby, other survivors were emerging, and he joined them, exchanging relieved glances and thankful hugs, grateful to still be alive.6.发现子女/妻子/丈夫不见【动作链】发现家人不在预期位置 第一时间呼喊寻找 迅速检查可能的去向(房间、邻居家) 向附近的人询问线索 紧急拨打家人电话 若未果,决定报警求助【例】After calling her sons name with no answer

12、, she quickly checked his bedroom, expecting to see him playing as usual The room was empty, and her heart began to race as she rushed downstairs, calling his name louder After searching the entire house to no avail, she ran outside, asking the neighbors if they had seen him No one had, and her worr

13、y turned into panic as she grabbed her phone and called his friends, hoping for some information When all attempts failed, she finally called the police, her hands shaking as she described her sons last known whereabouts.7.找人一波三折【动作链】通过常规方法寻找未果 再次理清思路,回忆可能的去向 突发灵感,找到新的线索 途中遇到意外阻碍 继续前行,最终发现目标【例】He in

14、itially tried the caf where she usually went but found no trace of her Feeling frustrated, he retraced their last conversation, trying to recall where she might have gone Suddenly, he remembered she had mentioned a quiet park near the lake Upon reaching the park, he was blocked by construction and h

15、ad to take a longer route After what felt like an endless search, he finally spotted her sitting quietly on a bench, lost in thought.8.欣赏景色【动作链】抵达观景点 找到舒适的观赏位置 放松身体 感受风景中的每个细节 静静体会大自然的魅力 内心的烦恼逐渐平息【例】Reaching the top of the hill, she found a large rock and sat down, letting her legs rest She adjusted

16、 her position, sinking into the natural seat, feeling the solid warmth of the stone beneath her Her eyes scanned the horizon, where the sun was slowly setting, casting golden hues across the sky The sound of rustling leaves and distant birds filled her ears as she took a deep breath, savoring the fr

17、esh, cool air With each breath, she felt her worries dissolve, replaced by a profound sense of tranquility.9.发现野生动物【动作链】听到不寻常声音 定睛观察周围 发现动物踪迹 保持低调,小心靠近 观察动物行为,保持安全距离 不打扰动物,自行离开【例】While hiking through the forest, he heard a rustling sound in the nearby bushes Curiously, he stopped and peered through

18、the dense foliage To his surprise, a small deer was grazing quietly just a few meters away He crouched low, moving slowly to avoid startling it As he watched, the deer continued to nibble on the grass, oblivious to his presence Satisfied with the encounter, he backed away quietly, leaving the deer t

19、o its peaceful meal.10.救动物【动作链】发现动物困境 判断如何靠近与救援 获取工具或道具 靠近动物并实施解救 确保动物脱困 检查动物状态,确认是否需要进一步照顾【例】He spotted a small bird tangled in fishing net by the riverbank Assessing the situation, he realized he would need something sharp to cut the net without hurting the bird He found a pocket knife in his back

20、pack and approached slowly, trying not to alarm the bird Gently, he began cutting through the net, freeing the birds fragile wings Once the bird was free, he examined it for injuries, relieved to see it wasnt harmed Carefully placing it on the ground, he watched as the bird flew off, grateful for it

21、s second chance.These rewritten action chains focus on more detailed, sequential steps and include vivid descriptions to enhance the scenarios.(二)1.猎人发现危险的野兽【动作链】察觉周围环境异常 确认野兽踪迹 评估周围地形和逃生路线 准备自卫武器 随时观察野兽的行为 决定是逃跑还是防御【例】While deep in the forest, the hunter felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand

22、 up as a low growl echoed through the trees He slowly turned and spotted a large bear, lumbering towards him Keeping his eyes on the bear, he quickly scanned the area for a safe escape route Gripping his rifle tightly, he prepared to defend himself if necessary The bear paused, sniffing the air, giv

23、ing him a brief window to make his decision He carefully backed away, maintaining a defensive stance, but ready to flee if the bear advanced further.2.受到野兽攻击【动作链】意识到野兽的威胁 尝试逃跑 被迫自卫 反击或设法摆脱 逃出危险范围 确认自己是否受伤【例】A sudden roar behind him made him turn sharply to see a wild boar charging at him Instinctive

24、ly, he sprinted towards a tree, hoping to climb to safety The boar, faster than he expected, closed the distance, forcing him to grab a nearby branch to fend it off With a quick swing, he managed to strike the boars side, causing it to veer away momentarily Not wasting a second, he darted behind a b

25、oulder and kept running until he no longer heard the animals growls Once safe, he checked his body, relieved to find only a few scratches from the brush.3.转危为安【动作链】发现自己处于危险境地 冷静思考解决办法 寻找可行的方案 实施方案,逐步脱险 确认已经安全 稳定情绪,继续前进【例】Lost on a narrow mountain ledge, with steep cliffs on either side, she realized

26、 she was in serious danger Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and began to assess the situation Spotting a sturdy tree root sticking out from the rock wall, she decided to use it to anchor herself Carefully, she climbed along the edge, using the root to pull herself up to a safer position Once

27、 she reached stable ground, she collapsed briefly, her heart pounding After regaining her composure, she continued her journey, grateful to have escaped unharmed.4.朋友/夫妻吵架【动作链】意见不和引发争执 情绪逐渐升级 言辞激烈化 双方争论不休 一方冷静下来 吵架告一段落,关系暂时紧张【例】They started off discussing their weekend plans, but it quickly turned i

28、nto a heated argument about their different priorities As their voices rose, the tension between them grew, each refusing to back down Harsh words were exchanged, with accusations flying back and forth “You never listen to me!” she yelled, her face flushed with anger He stopped mid-sentence, realizi

29、ng the argument was spiraling out of control After a moment of silence, he sighed deeply, “Lets talk about this later,” he said, walking out of the room.5.内心挣扎【动作链】面对困难抉择 内心不断权衡利弊 反复犹豫不决 最终做出决定 付诸行动【例】He stared at the acceptance letter from a prestigious university, knowing it meant moving far from

30、home For days, he had been debating whether to accept the offer or stay close to his family Every time he felt sure of his decision, doubts crept back in, making him second-guess himself Late one night, after hours of pacing, he finally sat down and filled out the enrollment form He sealed the envel

31、ope, a mix of relief and anxiety settling over him as he prepared to send it off the next morning.6.筹备惊喜活动【动作链】产生惊喜的念头 计划活动的细节 购买和准备所需物品 实施惊喜 观察对方的反应【例】He suddenly thought of organizing a surprise anniversary dinner for his wife Over the next few days, he meticulously planned everything, from the gu

32、est list to the venue decorations He bought her favorite flowers, booked her favorite restaurant, and made sure all their friends were in on the secret On the night of the dinner, he blindfolded her and drove to the location As they entered the room, the lights came on, revealing a beautifully set t

33、able surrounded by loved ones Her wide-eyed expression and joyful tears were everything he had hoped for.7.准备礼物【动作链】决定送礼物 选择合适的礼物类型 仔细考虑对方的喜好 购买或亲手制作 包装精美 赠送礼物,观察对方的反应【例】He wanted to give his best friend a special gift for his upcoming birthday After considering several options, he decided on a pers

34、onalized leather journal, knowing how much his friend enjoyed writing He spent days researching different styles and finally chose one with his friends initials engraved on the cover Once it arrived, he carefully wrapped it in elegant paper and tied it with a ribbon At the birthday party, his friend

35、s face lit up as he unwrapped the gift, immediately running his fingers over the smooth leather and smiling with appreciation.8.意料之外【动作链】计划一切顺利进行 突然发生意外 迅速应对意外情况 调整计划 结果出乎意料,但带来意外收获【例】The group had planned a peaceful hiking trip in the mountains, expecting clear skies and beautiful views However, ha

36、lfway through the trail, dark clouds began to gather, and a storm quickly rolled in They rushed to find shelter under some large trees, but the rain came down hard Forced to change their plans, they huddled together, trying to stay dry Despite the rain soaking through their clothes, the group laughe

37、d and shared stories, making the best of the unexpected situation In the end, the stormy hike became one of their most memorable adventures.9.自己一个人在野外探险【动作链】整理探险装备 选择路线 出发 遇到自然障碍 解决问题,继续前行 最终完成探险【例】He packed his essentialsmap, compass, and a small tentknowing this solo trip through the dense forest

38、would be challenging After studying the terrain, he chose a path that led deeper into uncharted territory Hours into the hike, he encountered a swollen river blocking his way Without a bridge in sight, he crafted a makeshift raft using fallen branches and rope Successfully crossing the river, he pre

39、ssed onward, marveling at the untouched beauty around him By the end of the day, he set up camp, feeling a profound sense of accomplishment for overcoming the days obstacles.10.比赛开始(马术、篮球、足球、钢琴、小提琴、演讲)【动作链】进行赛前准备 调整心态,静候比赛开始 比赛开始信号发出 全力投入比赛 根据局势调整策略 竭尽全力直至比赛结束【例】He tightened the straps on his helmet

40、 and adjusted his position on the horse Taking deep breaths, he focused his mind, waiting for the starting bell to ring As soon as the bell sounded, he urged his horse into a fast gallop, racing down the track The thundering hooves and wind in his ears sharpened his focus, pushing him to guide his h

41、orse with precision Halfway through, he noticed his closest competitor gaining on him, so he adjusted his speed, urging the horse forward with more determination In the final stretch, he gave it everything he had, crossing the finish line just seconds ahead of the competition.These action chains and

42、 detailed examples aim to vividly illustrate a wide range of scenarios, providing clear sequences that enhance the narrative flow.(三)1.比赛结束获奖【动作链】比赛结束 等待结果公布 得知自己获奖 上台领奖 发表获奖感言 与队友或家人庆祝【例】The final whistle blew, and the basketball court fell silent as everyone waited for the judges decision With bat

43、ed breath, he stood with his team, anxiously glancing at the scoreboard Suddenly, their names flashed as the winners, and the crowd erupted into cheers He couldnt contain his excitement as he stepped onto the stage to receive the trophy The moment he held it up, he felt tears welling up in his eyes

44、As he addressed the audience, he thanked his coach, teammates, and family for their support After the ceremony, he celebrated with his team, hugging each of them in turn.2.反思时的动作行为【动作链】经历过失败或成功 坐下反思经历 分析过程中的优劣 确定未来的改进方向 计划下一步行动【例】After losing the final match, he sat alone on the bleachers, staring b

45、lankly at the empty field Thoughts swirled in his mind as he replayed the key moments of the game He realized where his strategy had faltered and what he could have done differently Taking a deep breath, he jotted down notes, determined to avoid the same mistakes in the future With a renewed sense o

46、f purpose, he rose from his seat, ready to tackle his next challenge I wont let this defeat define me, he muttered to himself, already planning his next move.3.野外迷路寻找回家的路【动作链】意识到自己迷路 冷静下来观察周围环境 查找地图或使用指南针 选择一个可能正确的方向 途中寻找线索 最终找到正确路线,安全回家【例】He walked deeper into the forest, only to realize too late t

47、hat hed lost track of the trail Panic surged through him, but he forced himself to calm down Taking out his map and compass, he tried to pinpoint his location, though the dense trees made it difficult After choosing a direction that seemed right, he started walking, keeping an eye out for any familiar landmarks Hours passed, but just as hope began to fade, he spotted the broken fence hed seen earlier Relieved, he followed the path back to his village, exhausted but safe.4.在屋子里回忆美好的过去【动作链】进入曾经熟悉的房间 看到熟悉物品引发回忆 静静地回想过去的美好时光 轻轻触摸物品 感慨时光流逝 怀念过


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