外研版(2024新版)英语七年级上册期末复习:Unit 4-Unit 6话题作文写作学案(含范文).docx

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1、外研版(2024新版)英语七年级上册期末复习:Unit 4-Unit 6话题作文写作学案Unit4Time to Celebrate话题1:假如你是红星中学李华,请以“What festival is it?”为题写一封短文,介绍一下你的家庭是如何庆祝传统节日,比如说春节,端午节和中秋节等。提示:1. Who do you celebrate it with?2. What activities do you do?3. What food do you have?4. How do you feel?What festival is it?Its the Spring Festival, a

2、lso known as Chinese New Year! My family and I celebrate it together with great joy.We start by cleaning the house and decorating it with red lanterns and couplets, which symbolize good luck and prosperity. On New Years Eve, we have a big family dinner with lots of delicious food, such as dumplings,

3、 fish, and chicken. After dinner, we watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV and set off firecrackers to welcome the new year. I feel very happy and excited during the Spring Festival.Its a time for family reunion and new beginnings, and I cherish every moment spent with my loved ones.这是春节,也被称为中国新年!我和我


5、等),信中内容包括他的工作、职责、在节日中的经历,你可以根据自己的想法和实际情况进行修改和调整。Dear Doctors,As the festival bells chimed in the night sky, homes were lit up with joy and laughter.Yet, amidst this celebration, you chose to stay at your duty. You, the healers, worked tirelessly to save lives and ease pain. Your dedication and exper

6、tise brought hope to many during this special time. We are deeply grateful for your sacrifices and hard work. You are the true heroes of this festival.Wish you happiness and well-being.致医生当节日的钟声在夜空中响起,家家户户都洋溢着欢乐与笑声。然而,在这庆祝的时刻,你们却选择了坚守岗位。你们,这些治愈者,不辞辛劳地拯救生命、减轻病痛。在这个特殊的日子里,你们的敬业精神和专业技能为许多人带来了希望。我们对你们的牺

7、牲和辛勤工作深表感激。你们是这个节日里真正的英雄。祝愿你们幸福快乐、安康顺遂。Unit5 FantasticFriends话题1:假如你是红星中学李华,你的美国笔友Jim最近去动物园看到了很多他喜欢的动物,他来信咨询你喜欢的动物是什么,请给他回信。内容包括:1.What is it?2.What is is doing?3.What is specialabout it?4.What do you thinkof it?Dear Jim,How are you? I was delighted to receive your letter about your zoo visit.My fav

8、orite animal is the panda. Right now, its sitting in its enclosure, munching on bamboo leaves.Pandas are unique because they have a black-and-white coat and are native only to China. I think theyre incredibly cute, especially when they playfully roll around. Pandas are my favorite because theyre gen

9、tle giants and always bring a smile to my face.Hope to hear from you soon!Yours,Li Hua亲爱的吉姆,你好吗?很高兴收到你关于动物园之行的来信。我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。此刻,它正坐在围栏里,大口嚼着竹叶。熊猫很独特,因为它们有着黑白相间的皮毛,而且只生活在中国。我觉得它们超级可爱,尤其是当它们顽皮地滚来滚去的时候。熊猫是我的最爱,因为它们是温柔的巨人,总是能让我露出笑容。期待尽快收到你的回信!你的,李华话题2:为了增强青少年保护动物的意识,某英语杂志社正在开展以“保护动物”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,最近刚好读

10、到了拯救小象莫莉的新闻。请你根据下面的提示内容,用英语写一篇征文向该杂志社投稿,介绍小象莫莉的悲惨遭遇,呼吁大家保护大象。要求:1. 包括所给提示信息,可适当发挥;2. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法正确;3. 80词左右。Hi there! Im Li Hua, and Im here to share the story of Molly, a little elephant.She was bornin the beautiful Kunming Zoo in 2016. But in 2018, she was taken to a zoo in Henan. She had to

11、 perform for people and got hurt a lot. It was a dirty and sad place for her. But in 2022, with the help of kind people, Molly returned to Kunming Zoo. Her story touches our hearts and shows us the importance of protecting elephants. They are gentle giants and deserve our love and protection.Lets do

12、 our part to keep them safe!嗨!我是李华,我来分享小象莫莉的故事。她于2016年出生在美丽的昆明动物园。但在2018年,她被带到了河南的一家动物园。她不得不为人们表演,经常受伤。对她来说,那是一个肮脏又悲伤的地方。但在2022年,在好心人的帮助下,莫莉回到了昆明动物园。她的故事触动了我们的心弦,向我们展示了保护大象的重要性。它们是温和的巨兽,值得我们的爱护和保护。让我们尽自己的一份力,确保它们的安全!Unit6 ThePower ofPlants话题1:假如你是初中生李华,最近你校举办了植树节活动,请你根据下面的提示内容,以My plan for Planting

13、Day为题写一篇短文,介绍植物成长的要素(climate,animals,people)和你的植树节计划。My plan for Planting DayPlanting Day is a day when we can help the environment by planting trees. For plants to grow, they need three things: good weather, animals, and our care. The weather gives them sun and rain. Animals help spread seeds and m

14、ake the soil better. We plant the seeds and water them.On Planting Day, I want to plant trees in our schoolyard. I will pick easy-to-grow trees. First, Ill dig holes in the ground. Then, Ill put the tree seeds in the holes and cover them with soil. Ill make sure to water them every day.I hope the tr

15、ees will grow big and strong, and give us shade and fresh air. Planting trees makes me happy because Im helping nature.植树节是我们通过种树来帮助环境的一天。植物要生长,需要三样东西:好天气、动物和我们的照顾。天气给它们阳光和雨水。动物帮忙传播种子,让土壤变得更好。我们种下种子并给它们浇水。在植树节,我想在我们学校的院子里种树。我会挑选容易生长的树。首先,我会在地上挖洞。然后,我把树种放进洞里,用土盖上。我会确保每天都给它们浇水。我希望这些树能长得又大又壮,给我们提供阴凉和新鲜

16、空气。种树让我感到很开心,因为我在帮助大自然。话题2:假如你是初中生李华,学校举办了“品茶鉴赏”传统文化课堂,请你根据下面的提示内容,分享文化课程经历和心得,并说明你的家庭和“茶”文化的联系。提示:1.Whodrinks teain your family?2.Whatkind oftea do they like?3.Where dotheydrink tea?4.Whodo theydrinktea with?5.Do they haveanystoriesof drinkingtea?6.How does teamake them feel?Tea and My FamilyRecent

17、ly, our school held a Tea Tasting and Appreciation class, which made me appreciate tea culture more. In my family, both my grandparents love drinking tea. They prefer green tea and often drink it in the living room.Every afternoon, they sit together, enjoying a cup of tea. Sometimes, they invite the

18、ir friends over for tea. My grandma once told me a story about how tea brought her and her old friend closer. Drinking tea makes them feel calm and happy.This class not only taught me about tea but also made me understand its importance in our family. Now, I enjoy drinking tea with my grandparents, feeling the warmth and love it brings.最近,我们学校举办了一堂“品茶鉴赏”课,这让我更加欣赏茶文化。在我家,我的爷爷奶奶都爱喝茶。他们偏爱绿茶,经常在客厅里喝。每天下午,他们坐在一起,享受一杯茶。有时,他们会邀请朋友一起来喝茶。我奶奶曾给我讲过一个故事,关于茶如何让她和她的老朋友更加亲近。喝茶让他们感到平静和快乐。这堂课不仅教会了我关于茶的知识,还让我理解了它在我们家庭中的重要性。现在,我喜欢和爷爷奶奶一起喝茶,感受它带来的温暖和爱。


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