2020新牛津译林版英语必修一M1U1 Extended reading &ampamp; project ppt课件(含音频).pptx

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1、Module 1 美国k12教育中,中学为7-8 年级,高中为9-12年级,但 不同州有所不同,在这种情 况下中国的初三相当于美国 的九年级,国内高一相当于 美国的十年级,美国系统一 般分成三个阶段:小学 (KG5),初中(G68), 高中(G912)。在一些区有 些微小的区别。 英国基础义务教育从5岁到16岁(Y1- Y12),中学不分初高中,11岁后进 入中学教育,在中学教育的最后两年 (year10、year11)开始学习GCSE(初 中)课程,毕业后获得GCSE证书,16 岁开始学习A-level课程(相当于中国 的高三到大一),即人们常说的英国 高中阶段,英国大学以A-level成绩

2、 来决定录取。A-level课程引导孩子 走向专业化方向,解释成淘汰系统。 交换生(英文名交换生(英文名exchange exchange studentstudent)又称学校间学生交流)又称学校间学生交流 计划,“学生交换”是以提高计划,“学生交换”是以提高 不同地区、国家人民间的相互不同地区、国家人民间的相互 理解、尊重,培养青少年的世理解、尊重,培养青少年的世 界观为宗旨的项目。界观为宗旨的项目。 “国际学“国际学 生交流计划”起始于第二次世生交流计划”起始于第二次世 界大战之后,主要目的是加强界大战之后,主要目的是加强 全球不同国家之间的交流,增全球不同国家之间的交流,增 进国家间的

3、了解、文化沟通和进国家间的了解、文化沟通和 学术交流,促进各国之间的友学术交流,促进各国之间的友 好往来。目前每年世界各地有好往来。目前每年世界各地有 6060多个国家和地区的学生参加多个国家和地区的学生参加 交换项目,相互交换学生。美交换项目,相互交换学生。美 国国务院于国国务院于19951995年正式批准中年正式批准中 国加入“国际学生交流计划”,国加入“国际学生交流计划”, 其内容是每年从中国招收优秀其内容是每年从中国招收优秀 学生到美国高中就读。学生到美国高中就读。 1.Who is John Li? A. An English junior high school student.

4、B. A Chinese senior high school student. C. Not mentioned. 2. When did the writer study at a British secondary school? A. Last year B. This year C.Three years ago 3.Which grade were John Li and Daniel in? A. Year 9 B. Year 10 C. Year 11 4. When does the British school day begin? A. At 8 a.m B. At 9

5、a.m C. At 4 p.m 5. What language is Daniel learning now? A. Chinese B. English C. French 6.How many subjects do British students usually have to learn at secondary school? A. 11 B. 7 C. 9 1. Are the classes in the UK the same as those in China? 2. What did John Li think is hard in the beginning? 3.

6、How did John think of some of the classes? 4. Why couldnt the writer make a great contribution to class discussion? 5. What were his teachers and classmates like? 6. He could taste his mums cooking, couldnt he? 7. What clubs did he joined? No. They are different from those in China. He thought it wa

7、s hard to remember everyones name. He thought some of the classes were quite challenging. Because sometimes he couldnt express himself clearly in English. They were always helpful and encouraging. No. he couldnt . He joined the Rugby Club and the Theatre Club. 1. have the chance to V / have the oppo

8、rtunity to V 2. an exchange student 3. get on well (with ) 4. such as 5. be different from 6. ones own (+n.) 7. most of 8. in the beginning 9. make contributions to 10.be able to V 1. 有机会做某事有机会做某事 2. 交换生交换生 3. 与与相处很好相处很好 4. 比如比如 5. 与与不同不同 6. 某人自己的某人自己的 7. 大部分,大多数大部分,大多数 8. 开始,起初开始,起初 9. 对对 有贡献有贡献 10

9、. 能够做能够做 11.over time 12.dinning hall 13.sports field 14.once a week 15.enjoy doing 16.as well 11.随着时间流逝,久而久之随着时间流逝,久而久之 12.餐厅餐厅 13.运动场,操场运动场,操场 14.一周一次一周一次 15.喜欢做某事喜欢做某事 16.也,同样的也,同样的 L15/ I like it so much that I still use it as my alarm! L15/ I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the mat

10、erial was less advanced in the UK than in China. L19/ but I could not make a great contribution because sometimes I wasnt able to express myself clearly in English. L20/ Although there was not as much homework as I used to , it was still challenging. 我非常喜欢它以至于我现在仍然用它当闹钟。我非常喜欢它以至于我现在仍然用它当闹钟。 我发现数学很容易

11、,而且令人愉快,因为英国的教我发现数学很容易,而且令人愉快,因为英国的教 材难度没有中国的高。材难度没有中国的高。 宾补宾补 但是我参与的不多,因为有时候我不但是我参与的不多,因为有时候我不 能用英语清楚地表达自己。能用英语清楚地表达自己。 虽然作业不像我以前那么多了,但仍然具有挑战性。虽然作业不像我以前那么多了,但仍然具有挑战性。 L28/ The one that attracted me most was the Rugby Club. L30/ It was great fun. L34/ Joining clubs was a great way to meet British st

12、udents and make friends with them. L36/ I am glad to have the opportunity to experience this different way of life. 最吸引我的一个是橄榄球俱乐部。最吸引我的一个是橄榄球俱乐部。 定语从句定语从句 它真的很有趣。它真的很有趣。 加入俱乐部是一个认识英国学生并和他们交加入俱乐部是一个认识英国学生并和他们交 朋友的好方法。朋友的好方法。 我很高兴有机会体验这种不同的生活方式。我很高兴有机会体验这种不同的生活方式。 What is What is school life school l

13、ife in the UK in the UK like?like? P12/A School timetable:School timetable: Subjects:Subjects: Class size: Class size: Class discussion: Class discussion: Homework:Homework: School lunch: School lunch: Clubs: Clubs: The school day begins at 9 a.m. and The school day begins at 9 a.m. and lessons last

14、 until 4 p.m.lessons last until 4 p.m. Students usually have to learn nine subjects. Students usually have to learn nine subjects. They must study English, 5 Answer key Maths They must study English, 5 Answer key Maths and the Science subjects: Biology, Chemistry and the Science subjects: Biology, C

15、hemistry and Physics. They can also choose from History, and Physics. They can also choose from History, Art, Business, etc.Art, Business, etc. There are only about 20 students in most There are only about 20 students in most classes.classes. It is very important.It is very important. There is not a

16、s much homework in the UK as in There is not as much homework in the UK as in China, but it is still challenging. China, but it is still challenging. There are a lot of options for school There are a lot of options for school lunches, including bread and butter, lunches, including bread and butter, chicken pie and puddings.chicken pie and puddings. There are many clubs to join after school.There are many clubs to join after school. How can I challenge myself and fly higher?


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