2021年高中英语译林版模块8 分课时同步课件:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Task & Project.pptx

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1、Section Task 应得 deserve to do sth.值得做 deserve doing=deserve to be done 值得被做 deserve it (口)活该;自作自受 deserve后接不定式,若该动词表示主动意义,则用不定式的主动式; 若该动词表示被动意义,则用不定式的被动式或者动词-ing形式。 Those who work deserve to eat. 劳动者该得食。 Tom deserves to be criticized. 汤姆应当受到批评。 2 Simon and Garfunkel split up in 1970.(P27) 1970年,西蒙和加

2、芬克尔分道扬镳了。 考点 split up分手,分裂;断绝关系 His parents split up last year. 他父母去年离婚了。 The two partners split up after a quarrel. 这两个合伙人吵了一架之后分道扬镳了。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体部分词组的含义。 Shes split up with her boyfriend. 她和男友分手了。 含义 和某人断绝关系,分手 What was it that split them up? 什么事使他们闹翻了? 含义 使断绝关系,拆散 split up分手,分裂;断绝关系 split up

3、 with sb.和某人断绝关系,分手;离开某人 split sb.up使断绝关系,拆散;把分成小组 3 During the late part of the 19th century,black musicians used these folk songs to create a kind of music called the blues,because it had a tendency to be very sad.(P30) 在19世纪后半叶,黑人音乐家借助于这些民歌创造了一种被称作蓝 调的音乐,因为这种音乐形式有忧伤的趋势。 考点 tendency n.趋势,趋向;倾向,偏好

4、There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as a separate area of activity. 目前有一种趋势,认为每一种艺术形式都是独立的领域。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的词性和含义。 She has a tendency to rely on luck. 她总喜欢碰运气。 词性 名词 含义 倾向,偏好 She tends to get angry when others disagree with her. 别人不同意她的看法时,她很容易生气。 词性 动词 含义 趋向;易于 Some think that a wo

5、mans body cells have a tendency(倾向) to age more slowly than a mans. 有人认为女人的体细胞有一种比男人的体细胞老得更慢的倾向。 词组 have a tendency to do sth. 含义 有做某事的倾向 People tend to eat more in winter. 人们往往冬天吃东西多。 词组 tend to do sth. 含义 易于/往往会做某事 Youd better tend to your own affairs! 你还是管好自己的事情吧! 词组 tend to 含义 照料,照看某人/某事 阅读下列句子,

6、写出黑体部分的词组及其含义。 have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向 tend to/towards趋向/倾向于 tend to sb./sth.照料,照看某人/某事 tend to do sth.易于/往往会做某事 4 While the blues was popular,as a musical format it lacked variety and was too sad and slow to dance to.(P30) 尽管蓝调音乐非常受欢迎,但作为一种音乐形式,它缺少变化,而且 太伤感、节奏太慢,不适合跳舞时伴奏。 句式剖析 本句是复合句。whil

7、e用做从属连词,引导让步状语从句。 考点 while引导让步状语从句 While online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive. 虽然在线购物已经改变了我们的生活,但它的作用不全是积极的。 While China is getting stronger and stronger,it still belongs to developing countries. 虽然中国变得越来越强大,但它仍属于发展中国家。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,说出while引导的从句类型及其含义。 He was

8、 lonely while his father was away on business. 当父亲外出做生意时,他感到孤单寂寞。 从句类型 时间状语从句 含义 在的时候/过程中 While you have finished your work,you can go now. 只要你完成了工作,你现在就可以走了。 从句类型 条件状语从句 含义 只要 while用做从属连词,引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”,常用于句首。 while可引导时间状语从句,表示“在的时候/过程中”。 while可引导条件状语从句,表示“只要”,相当于as long as。 while可做并列连词,表示对比关系,意为“

9、而,然而”。 He likes singing but his brother enjoys dancing.() He likes singing while his brother enjoys dancing.() 5 Thus,from the blues,there sprung up a faster,livelier kind of music called jazz.(P30) 于是,从蓝调音乐发展出一种更轻快、更活泼的音乐形式,叫做爵 士乐。 考点 spring up突然兴起,迅速出现 The rice is beginning to spring up. 稻子正开始迅速生长

10、。 A new custom has sprung up.一种新的风俗出现了。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体部分的词组及其含义。 These rules spring from the needs of traffic. 这些规则源于交通的需要。 词组 spring from 含义 起源于,来自 She sprung a piece of bad news on me. 她突然告诉我一条坏消息。 词组 spring sth.on sb. 含义 突然提出/告知某人某事 spring up突然兴起,迅速出现 spring from起源于,出身于,来自 spring sth.on sb.突然提出

11、/告知某人某事 6 From the early 1930s to the early 1950s,traditional jazz went into a gradual decline,and was replaced by a new musical trend known as rhythm and blues,or R减少;下降 vi.下降;婉言 谢绝 As one grows older,his memory declines. 人的记忆力随着年龄的增长而衰退。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的词性及其含义。 There has been a gradual decline i

12、n the population of the town. 这个城镇的人口在逐渐地减少。 词性 名词 含义 减少 The price of the TV set declined from 4,000 to 3,200 yuan each. 这种电视机每台从4 000元降到3 200元。 词性 动词 含义 下降 I must regretfully decline your kind invitation. 我很抱歉必须拒绝你的盛情邀请。 词性 动词 含义 拒绝 There is a sharp decline in unemployment. 失业率急剧下跌。 词性 名词 含义 下降 阅读下

13、列句子,写出黑体部分的词组及其含义。 She is on the decline,and may die soon. 她的健康每况愈下,可能不久于人世。 词组 on the decline 含义 在衰退中 Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children,who are able from a young age to gather their own food. 甚至黑猩猩的妈妈会有规律地拒绝对小黑猩猩的食物分享,它们从 很小就能自己采集食物。 词组 decline to do sth. 含义 拒绝做

14、某事 After his wifes death,he fell into a decline. 他在妻子死后一蹶不振。 词组 fall into a decline 含义 衰落;衰退 Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. 英国工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在走下坡路。 词组 in decline 含义 在衰退中,走下坡路 on the decline在衰退中 fall into a decline衰落 decline to do sth.拒绝做某事 be in decline在衰退中;走下坡路 decline by下

15、降了 decline in.在方面逐渐衰弱 decline,refuse和reject decline 相当于refuse politely,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀 请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或动词不定式,主语只 能是人 refuse 表示“拒绝”,含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝 reject 意为“抛弃,不采纳”,主语可以是人或物,后接名词 7 In the early 1950s,a record company owner from Memphis,Tennessee,Sam Philips,sought to bring rock music to white audiences

16、.(P31) 在20世纪50年代早期,田纳西州孟菲斯的音乐制作人萨姆菲利普 斯试图把摇滚乐介绍给白人观众。 考点 seek(sought,sought) vt.寻找,寻求 I sought to change her mind. 我试图改变她的心意。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体部分的含义。 Most men seek wealth,while all men seek happiness. 多数人追逐财富,而人人寻求幸福。 含义 寻找,寻求 Many young people went to seek their fortune abroad. 许多年轻人去国外寻找发财的机会。 含义 外

17、出寻找发财机会 Those who seek to please everybody please nobody. 见人就献媚,谁也不待见。 含义 设法/试图取悦 How can we seek out a really good person for the job? 我们怎样才能找出一个真正合适的人来做这份工作? 含义 找出;挑出 Many farmers went to towns to seek for employment. 许多农民到城里找工作。 含义 找寻;寻求 One mustnt seek after comfort,personal fame and gains. 我们不应

18、当贪图安逸,追名逐利。 含义 追求;企图得到 The boy sought advice from his teacher. 这个男孩向他的老师征求意见。 含义 征求某人的建议 seek vt.寻找,寻求 seek ones fortune外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡 seek ones advice/help/assistance征求某人的建议/寻求帮助 seek to do sth.设法/试图做某事 seek out搜寻出;找出;挑出;努力寻找;物色 seek for找寻;寻求 seek after追求;企图得到 8 Because of the prejudice and racial d

19、iscrimination of the time,he knew that he had to use white singers or the records might not get played on the radio.(P31) 因为当时的偏见和种族歧视,他知道他得用白人歌手,否则,唱片将 不会由无线电播放。 考点 prejudice n.偏见,成见 vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见 This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.

20、这意味着英国人对待口音的态度有着深远的根源,并建立在等级偏 见的基础上。 Many old people have a prejudice against modern music. 很多老人对现代音乐怀有偏见。 His pleasant voice and manner prejudiced the jury in his favour. 他那令人愉快的声音和举止使陪审团对他产生了偏心。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的词性和含义。 What made you so prejudiced against pop music? 是什么使得你对流行音乐有如此偏见? 词性 形容词 含义 有偏见

21、的;带有成见的 阅读下列句子,写出黑体部分的词组及其含义。 You shouldnt be prejudiced against women drivers. 你不应该对女驾驶员有偏见。 词组 be prejudiced against 含义 对有偏见 One unfortunate experience prejudiced him against all lawyers. 一次不幸的经历使他对所有律师产生偏见。 词组 prejudice sb.against 含义 使对产生偏见 (1)prejudice n.偏见,成见 vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见 have (a) prejudice ag

22、ainst对有偏见 prejudice sb.against使某人对产生偏见 (2)prejudiced adj.有偏见的;带有成见的;偏心的 be prejudiced against对有偏见 9 Wherever the Beatles went,there was a phenomenon called Beatlemaniathousands of fans would surround them,screaming and going crazy trying to see them.(P31) 不管“披头士”乐队去哪里,都会出现一种“披头士狂热”现象成 千上万的歌迷围住他们,尖叫着

23、,疯狂地想见他们一面。 句式剖析 Wherever the Beatles went是Wherever引导的让步状语从 句,表示“不管/无论在哪里”,相当于no matter where。 考点 wherever引导让步状语从句 Wherever you work,Ill support you. 无论你在哪里工作,我都会支持你。 Wherever the policeman carries out his work,his family will be thinking of him. 无论这警察在哪里开展工作,他的家人都会一直牵挂着他。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体词引导的从句类型及含

24、义。 Whenever (=No matter when) you come,you will be warmly welcomed. 无论什么时候来,你都会受到热烈欢迎。 从句类型 让步状语从句 含义 无论什么时候 Keep calm,whatever (=No matter what) happens. 不管发生什么都要保持镇定。 从句类型 让步状语从句 含义 无论什么 Its wrong to give children whatever they want. 孩子要什么就给什么是错误的。 从句类型 宾语从句 含义 无论什么 (1)疑问词+ever构成的合成词有 whoever,whom

25、ever,whichever,whenever,wherever,however等。它们 都有一个共同的用法,相当于no matter+疑问词,意为“无论,不 管”,如whatever=no matter what,whoever=no matter who,however=no matter how等,它们都可引导让步状语从句。 (2)whatever,whoever,whomever,whichever 除了引导让步状语从句 外,还可以引导名词性从句,相当于定语从句的先行词。 however后必须接adj./adv.,引导让步状语从句,其语序为 however+adj./adv.+主语+谓

26、语。 However (No matter how) difficult the work is,we will try our best to finish it in time. 无论工作多么困难,我们都会尽力及时完成。 10 However,even though the Beatles broke up in 1970,no group since has ever come close to being as popular or selling as many records.(P31) 但是,尽管披头士在1970年就解散了,从那以后没有一个乐队能够 望其项背,如此受欢迎,并销售出

27、如此多的唱片。 考点 break up破裂;解散;破碎 He can break up a brick with his hand. 他用手能打碎砖。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,写出黑体部分break up的含义。 Police had to break up the crowd. 警察不得不驱散人群。 含义 驱散 The good weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样子要过去了。 含义 结束 He was breaking up under the strain. 他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。 含义 衰弱 阅读下列句子,写出黑体部分词组的含义。 He

28、r health broke down under the pressure of work. 她因工作压力身体垮了。 含义 垮掉 Please dont break in when others are talking with each other. 别人谈话时,请不要插嘴。 含义 打断(谈话等) A big fire broke out in the kitchen. 突然间厨房里着起了大火。 含义 (战争、火灾等)爆发 When I arrived home,I found my house broken into. 当我到家时,我发现有人闯入了我家。 含义 强行闯入 break up 破裂;解散;破碎 break down 出故障,坏掉;垮掉 break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等) break into 强行闯入;突然起来 break out (战争、火灾等)爆发 break away from 脱离;逃离 break off 中断;折断;突然停止 break through 突破;克服


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