2020新外研版必修一Unit 2 Words and expressions共32张PPT.pptx

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1、 Unit 2 Exploring English Words and expressions Learning Aims 1. To read the words and phrases correctly (会读) 2. To recite all the words and phrases (会写) 3. To master the usage of some important (会用) words and phrases: opposing,behavior,confusing,creativity, unfamiliar, contact, likely, remind, rath

2、er, intend, recognise, aware, burn up, burn down, come across have a frog in ones throat 单词默写单词默写 1. n. 题目,标题 2. n. 雕刻,雕塑 3. adj. 相反的,相对立的 5. n. 举止,行为 6. adj. 令人困惑的 7. adj. 独一无二的,独特的 8. n. 警报器,闹钟 9. v. 显示,反映 10. n. 创造性,创造力 11. adj. 创造性的 12. adj. 丌熟悉的 13. v. 联系、联络 14. n. 组织 15. adj. 可能的 16. n. 汽油 17.

3、 n. 公寓 18. n. 上下文语境 19. n. 增加物 20. n. 资料、资源 21. n. 事故,灾难 22. adv. 相当、颇 23. n. 评论 24. n. 青蛙 25. n. 喉咙 26. adv. 在闹市区的 27. n. 靴子 28. n. 大门口 29. n. 区域 30. n. 出口 31. adv. 事实上 32. adv. 在楼下 33. adj. 缺德的,邪恶的 34. adj. 奇怪的,古怪的 35. adj. 消极的,负面的 36. n. 错误 37. v. 计划,打算 38. adj. 非正式的 39. v. 认识,辨认出 40. v. 以.为基础 41

4、. adj. 意识到,明白的 42. adj. 看得见的,可见的 43. n. 雕像,雕塑作品 44. v. 提醒,使想起 (一)词汇变形(一)词汇变形 1.opposing adj.相反的,相对立的相反的,相对立的 _ v.反对反对 _ prep.在在.对面对面 2.behaviour n. 行为,举止行为,举止 _ v. 表现表现 3.confusing adj. 难以理解的,不清楚的难以理解的,不清楚的_adj. 糊涂的,迷糊涂的,迷 惑的惑的_v. 使糊涂,使迷惑使糊涂,使迷惑 _n.迷茫,困惑迷茫,困惑 4.visible adj. 看得见的,可见的看得见的,可见的_adj. 看不见

5、的看不见的 _n. 视力,视野视力,视野 5.creativity n. 创造力创造力 _n. 创造,创建创造,创建 _n. 创创 造者,创作者造者,创作者 _ adj.有创造力的有创造力的 6.misadventure n.事故,灾难事故,灾难 _n.冒险冒险 _ a.有冒险精神的有冒险精神的 adventurous opposite behave confused confuse confusion invisible vision creation creator creative adventure oppose (一)词汇变形(一)词汇变形 7.intend v.打算,计划打算,计划

6、_n.意图,打算意图,打算 8.aware a.意识的,明白的意识的,明白的_n.意识意识_ a.无意识的无意识的 intention awareness unaware 重点词汇和短语:(自学用法,快速记忆)重点词汇和短语:(自学用法,快速记忆) Words: opposing, behavior, confusing, unfamiliar, contact, likely, remind, rather, intend, recognise, Phrases: burn up, burn down, wind up, come across, be aware of 重点单词用法:重点单

7、词用法: 1.opposing adj.相反的,相对立的相反的,相对立的 【同根词同根词】opposite adj. pzt 对面的,另一边的;对面的对面的,另一边的;对面的 prep. 在在.的对面的对面 n. 对立的人(或物)对立的人(或物) oppose v.反对反对 opposed adj.强烈反对的强烈反对的 【词组词组】a player from the opposing side 对方的运动员对方的运动员 be opposite to 与与相反,在相反,在.对面对面 the opposite of 对立面对立面 oppose doing sth = be opposed to d

8、oing sth 反对做某事反对做某事 【例句感悟例句感悟】 1) What is the_ of heavy? 重的重的 反义词是什么?反义词是什么? 2) I sat opposite(此处为介词)(此处为介词)him during the meal. 翻译:翻译: _. 3) Water is the opposing force to fire. 水火不相容。水火不相容。 吃饭的时候我坐在他对面。 opposite 2. confusing adj. 令人困惑的令人困惑的 【同根词同根词】confuse v.使困惑,使迷茫使困惑,使迷茫 confuse sb 使某人困惑使某人困惑 co

9、nfusion n. 困惑,迷茫困惑,迷茫 confused a.感到困惑的感到困惑的 confuse.with.把把.和和.混淆混淆 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 be confused about sth 对对迷惑不解迷惑不解 in confusion 困惑地,困窘地困惑地,困窘地 【例句感悟例句感悟】 1)People _ all the different labels on food these days. 人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签搞得稀里糊涂。人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签搞得稀里糊涂。 2)There is some_ about what the correct proced

10、ure should be. 对于应该采取什么正确步骤,还是有些不明确。对于应该采取什么正确步骤,还是有些不明确。 3)He looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question. 他困窘地看着我,没有回答问题。他困窘地看着我,没有回答问题。 【即学即练即学即练】用】用confuse的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 They _me by asking so many _problems. I was totally _, sitting here in _, not knowing what to do. are confused a

11、bout confusion confused confusing confused confusion 3. behavior/ behaviour n.行为,举止行为,举止 【同根词同根词】 behave v. bhev 表现;表现得体,有礼貌表现;表现得体,有礼貌 【词组词组】 good/bad behaviour 良好良好 / 恶劣行为恶劣行为 behave yourself 举止得体举止得体 behave well/badly 表现好表现好/不好不好 well behaved 表现好的表现好的 badly behaved 表现差的表现差的 【即学即练即学即练】 1)Everyone

12、here _ very politely and tourists are deeply impressed with their elegant _. 2)Such behaviour is common to all young people. 这种行为在年轻人中司空见惯。这种行为在年轻人中司空见惯。 behaved behaviour 4.wind up 给给.上发条,使上发条,使.结束结束 wind n. wnd 风风 v. /wand/ .转动,给转动,给.上发条上发条, 蜿蜒,迂回蜿蜒,迂回 过去式过去式/过去分词:过去分词:wound/wound 【词组词组】 wind up 摇

13、动(把手),使(会议,活动)结束摇动(把手),使(会议,活动)结束 wind down 把把.摇下,使摇下,使.逐步结束逐步结束 【即学即练即学即练】 1)She _(wind) the car window down to speak to the police officer. 2)Highway 99 _(wind) its way along the coast. 99号公路沿着海岸蜿蜒伸展。号公路沿着海岸蜿蜒伸展。 wound winds e across 偶然发现,偶然遇到偶然发现,偶然遇到 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 come about _ come out_ come to_com

14、e up with_ come off_ come on_ come up_ when it comes to doing sth_ 1)When walking down the street, I _ David, whom I hadnt seen for years. 2)Please tell me how the accident _. 3)When it comes to _(learn) English, I can give you some advice. 发生,产生 当提到做某事 came across came about learning 被想到,合计, 得出 想出,

15、提出 脱落 得了,算了吧,加油 长出地面,出现 出现,出版,发行 6.likely adj.adv可能的可能的 【同根词同根词】unlikely adj.不可能的不可能的 【词组词组】be likely to do sth 可能做某事可能做某事(主语可以是人也可是物主语可以是人也可是物) It is likely that 很可能很可能 【辨析】【辨析】it is possible for sb to do sth It is possible that. It is probable that. possible,probable做表语时不能用人做主语做表语时不能用人做主语 If you w

16、ork out bright and early in the morning, you will be _ to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. 如果你一大早就如果你一大早就精力精力充沛地锻炼,你将更有可能一整天坚持选择充沛地锻炼,你将更有可能一整天坚持选择 健康的食物。健康的食物。 likely 共 140 页 17 7 7. . contact n. 接触接触、联系联系、联络联络 v. 联系联系 常用搭配:常用搭配: in contact with 与与.接触接触 have/make contact with.和和.有联

17、系有联系 be in contact with与与.联系中联系中 get/stay/keep in contact取得取得/保持联系保持联系 lose contact 失去联系失去联系 活学巧练:汉译英活学巧练:汉译英 ( (1 1) )那一瞬间那一瞬间,他的手和他母亲的手碰到了一起他的手和他母亲的手碰到了一起。 For a second, his hand was in contact with his mothers. ( (2 2) )我最终在北京与她取得了联系我最终在北京与她取得了联系。 I finally got in contact with her in Beijing. ( (

18、3 3) )以前的邻居搬走后以前的邻居搬走后,我们就和他们失去了联系我们就和他们失去了联系。 We lost contact with our former neighbours after they moved. 8. remind v. 使某人想起,提醒使某人想起,提醒 1) remind sb. about sth. 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事 我们必须送封信去提醒他们这件事。我们必须送封信去提醒他们这件事。 2) remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事提醒某人去做某事 一定要提醒她早点回来。一定要提醒她早点回来。 3) remind sb. that 提醒某人提醒某

19、人. 我总是提醒自己岁月不饶人。我总是提醒自己岁月不饶人。 We must send a letter to remind them about it. Be sure to remind her to come back early. I always remind myself that time and tide wait for no man. remind sb. of. 使某人想起 那些照片让她想起了她的父亲。 9. comment n.意见,评论意见,评论 v. 评论,发表意见评论,发表意见 1) comment on/about 对对.的评论(的评论(n.) 他对我们的额建议不

20、做任何评论。他对我们的额建议不做任何评论。 2) comment on对对.发表评论发表评论/看法看法 他对我的话未作评论。他对我的话未作评论。 3) comment that.评论评论. 他评论说约翰在这部电影里扮演的角色是最好的。他评论说约翰在这部电影里扮演的角色是最好的。 He made no comment on our proposal. He did not comment on what i said. He commented that the role John played in the film was the best. No comment! 无可奉告! 10. in

21、tend v. 计划计划,打算打算,想要想要 n. intention 意图意图,打算打算 常用搭配:常用搭配:intend doing sth./to do sth. 打算打算/想要做某事想要做某事 intend sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事想要某人做某事 1 1. . 我打算明年去留学我打算明年去留学。 I intend to study abroad next year.=I intend studying abroad. 2 2. . 他打算让他儿子接管他的生意他打算让他儿子接管他的生意。 He intended his son to take over his busi

22、ness. 11. recognise 观察下列的句子,总结单词的用法观察下列的句子,总结单词的用法 (1) Im sorry I did not recognise you just now. v. 认识,认出,辨认出认识,认出,辨认出 (2) I recognise what my teacher said about my shortcomings was right. v.承认承认 recognise (that) what/how/how. (3) What he did has been recognised as a great contribution. be recognis

23、ed as.被认为是被认为是. (4) The town has changed beyond recognition. beyond recognition 认不出来认不出来 在公众场合被认出来给她带来了很多麻烦,所以她在公众场合被认出来给她带来了很多麻烦,所以她 总是戴墨镜以避免被认出。总是戴墨镜以避免被认出。 【语境巧记语境巧记】 Being recognised in public has brought her much trouble, so she is always wearing dark glasses to avoid recognition/being recognis

24、ed. 共 140 页 24 1212. . rather adv. 相当相当,颇颇 常用搭配:常用搭配: would rather 宁愿宁愿 (后接虚拟语气后接虚拟语气) would rather do.than do.宁愿做宁愿做.而不做而不做. rather than 而不是而不是 1. I would rather they did something about it instead ofjust talking about it. 2. I would rather you didnt mention the price. 3. I would rather you hadnt r

25、ung me at work. would rather “宁愿宁愿,宁可宁可”,后接从句时后接从句时,从句要用虚拟语气从句要用虚拟语气。 如果是对现在或将来的情况的描述如果是对现在或将来的情况的描述,从句用一般过去时;从句用一般过去时; 如果是对过去情况的描述如果是对过去情况的描述,从句用过去完成时从句用过去完成时。 4. She made students think for themselves, rather than telling them what to think. 共 140 页 26 1313. . base v. 以以.为基础;把基地设于为基础;把基地设于(一般用被动语态

26、一般用被动语态) 常用搭配:常用搭配: base.on. 以以.为根据为根据/基础基础 be based on/upon.以以.为根据为根据/基础基础 basic adj. 基本的基本的,基础的基础的,根本的根本的 basically adv.基本上基本上,从根本上说从根本上说cong 如果你把重要的决定建立在情感之上,而不是理性如果你把重要的决定建立在情感之上,而不是理性 之上,那你早晚会后悔的。之上,那你早晚会后悔的。 【语境巧记语境巧记】 Basing an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regre

27、t it sooner or later.= Based on emotion rather than on reason, your important decision will make you regretful sooner or later. Review Time 1.与与.相反,在相反,在.对立面对立面_ 2. 反对做某事反对做某事_ 3. 对对.感到困惑感到困惑 _ 4. 困惑地困惑地_ 5. 把把.和和.混淆混淆_ 6. 举止得体举止得体_ 7. 表现好表现好/不好不好_ 8. 可能去做某事可能去做某事_ 9. 很可能很可能._ 10. 与与.接触接触_ 11. 和和.有联

28、系有联系_ be opposite to It is likely to do oppose doing sth = be opposed to doing sth be confused about in confusion have/make contact with. behave well/badly behave yourself confuse.with. in contact with be likely to do sth. 12. 取得联系取得联系_ 13. 失去联系失去联系_ 14. 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事_ 15. 提醒某人去做某事提醒某人去做某事_ 16. 提醒某人提

29、醒某人+句子句子_ 17. 对对发表评论发表评论_ 18. 打算打算/想要做某事想要做某事_ 19. 想要某人去做某事想要某人去做某事_ 20. 被认为是被认为是_ 21. 宁愿做宁愿做.而不做而不做_ 22. 而不是而不是_ get/stay/keep in contact be recognised as lose contact remind sb. about sth. remind sb. to do sth. rather than intend doing sth./to do sth. comment on remind sb. that would rather do.tha

30、n do. intend sb. to do sth. 1. The machine is _(无害的)(无害的)to human beings. 2. Her _(行为)(行为)at the meeting was out of character. 3. As soon as seeing this wonderful _(雕像),(雕像), everyone present let out of a cry of surprise. 4. Your facial expression can _(反应)(反应)your real feelings. 5. The students began to feel _(想家的)(想家的)after they had been away from home. 作业:作业: 1. 读会记会单词读会记会单词 2. 掌握单词、短语的用法掌握单词、短语的用法 3. 背会课文背会课文


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