2019新版外研必修一Unit 5单元重点回顾&写作指导&课外知识拓展.doc

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1、2019 外研必修一外研必修一 unit 5Into the wild 单元重点回顾单元重点回顾&写作指导写作指导&拓展阅读拓展阅读 【课前词汇检测】【课前词汇检测】 1Thousands of people crossed the border, (seek) refuge from the war. 2More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast (accommodate) in private homes. 3 When he passed by, he observed a strange man (knock) a

2、t the door. 4The girl felt very safe with her mother (stand) behind her. 5What a pity that many ancient buildings (destroy) in the war. 6The young soldier (freeze) to death in the snow, his hands still hanging on to the gun. 7She couldnt imagine (live) in a place like that. 8The main reason he got t

3、he job in that company was that he worked hard. 9 Chinese players have the (determine) to win more gold medals in the next Olympic Games. 10I would appreciate if you could come to the party tomorrow night. 11 There has been a mixed (reacte) to her appointment as director. 12Ancient China was a place

4、 states were often at war with each other. 1 答案:seeking 2 答案:accommodations 3 答案:knocking 4 答案:standing 5 答案:were destroyed 6 答案:was frozen 7 答案:living 8 答案:why 9 答案:determination 10 答案:it 11 答案:reaction 12 答案:where 【重点词汇】【重点词汇】 1seek v. 寻找,寻求 seek to do sth. 设法做某事 seek (for) sth. 寻找/谋求某物 seek after

5、 追求;寻求 seek out 找出;搜出 2measure v. 量,测量;评估 linking verb 有长/宽 n. 尺 寸;措施 measure . by . 用来衡量 make . to ones measure 按某人的尺寸做(衣服等) take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 3position n. 位置;处境,状况;地位;职位;姿势 in a(n) . position 处于地位/位置 in/out of position 在/不在恰当的位置 hold the position of . 担任的职务 take up (ones) position 就

6、位 4determine v. 测定,确定;决定,决心determined adj. 坚决 的,有决心的,果断的determination n. 决心,决定 determine to do sth. 决心做某事(表动作) determine on/upon (doing) sth. 决定(做)某事 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表状态) 5amazing adj. 惊人的,了不起的amaze vt. 使吃惊amazed adj. 感到惊奇的;吃惊的amazement n. 惊讶 be amazed to do . 对做某事感到惊奇 be amazed at/by

7、 对很惊奇 (much) to ones amazement 令某人(非常)惊讶的是 in amazement 惊讶地 6survive vi. 活下来;幸存 vt. 幸免于;从中逃生;比 活得长survival n. 幸存survivor n. 幸存者 survive sth. 幸免于,从中艰难度过 survive sb. (by three years) 比活得长(三年) 7 effect n. 影响, 结果effective adj. 有效的effectively adv. 有 效地 have an effect on/upon . 对有影响 bring/put . into effec

8、t 使生效;实行,实施 come into effect 生效,开始实施 in effect 有效;在实施中;实际上 8accommodation n. 住处,工作场所;食宿;膳食供应 accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客);向提供膳宿;使适应,顺应 make/provide accommodations for 为提供食宿 accommodate sb. with sth. 给提供 accommodate . to . adapt . to . 使适应/迎合(其中 to 为介词) accommodate oneself to 使自己适应 accommodate sb. for the

9、night 留某人过夜 9variety n. C种类,品种 U变化,多样性vary v. (使)变化, 不同various adj. 各种各样的variation n. 变化 a variety ofvarieties of 各种各样的 vary from . to . 从到不同 vary with . 随而变化 10concentrate v. 集中(注意力、思想等)concentration n. 专心, 集中 concentrate . on/upon . 把专注于 concentrate on/upon . 专注于 11cut down 砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸、数量等);降价 cut

10、 off 切断;停掉;隔绝 cut in 插嘴;插队 cut across/through 抄近路穿过 12after all 毕竟,归根结底;终究 in all 总共 above all 尤其是,最重要的是(强调重要性) all the time 始终,一直 all of a suddensuddenly 突然,冷不防地 【重点句子】【重点句子】 1Somehow they manage to travel around 4,000 kilometres south and find their way to California or Mexico. (P50) 不知怎么地,它们成功地向南

11、行进了 4,000 公里,到达了加利福 尼亚或墨西哥。 2If this work is successful, there may come a time when monarch numbers increase once again. (P51) 如果这项工作取得成功,黑脉斑蝶数量可能会再次增加。 3The more we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural world for a long time to com

12、e.(P51) 我们对这种美丽的生物了解得越多,它生存的可能性就越大,并 且可以在未来很长一段时间内保持其在自然界中的地位。 4 Despite a weight of up to 300 kilograms, they can run at a speed of around 64 kilometres per hour and are also excellent swimmers. (P56) 尽管体重高达 300 公斤,但它们可以以每小时大约 64 公里的速 度奔跑,同时它们也是游泳高手。 5While I was concentrating on photographing this

13、 amazing scene, I suddenly had a feeling that I was being watched. (P57) 当我专注于拍摄这一令人惊叹的景色时,我突然有一种感觉,有 东西正在看我。 6With water falling off its thick, brown hair, the bear stared back at me. (P57) 水从它浓密的棕色头发上落下,那只熊回头盯着我。 【写作指导【写作指导-应用文写作应用文写作动物简介动物简介】 写作技巧:写作技巧: 本单元写作的要求是应用文,主题是写关于动物的简介。 为了让读者更好地了解所介绍的动物,

14、一般会描述其外形特点和 活动情况,如形状,颜色等。另外也会涉及其基本信息,如栖息地、 是否迁徙、以何为食等生活习性,再进一步可以从环保或文化角度介 绍,写出在人类文化中的象征含义。写作时注意突出重点。 经典句式:经典句式: 1Sea otters are pretty petite compared to other marine mammals. 与其他海洋哺乳动物相比,海獭非常娇小。 2Every Spring, migratory birds flood back to where they breed. 每年春天,候鸟都会飞回到它们繁殖的地方。 3Just 30 percent of

15、the ants did 70 percent of the labor. 仅仅 30%的蚂蚁完成了 70%的工作量。 4The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in dark places. 蛇是一种生活在阴暗地方的瘦长形的动物。 5. . usually have green, yellow or black skins, which make it difficult for their enemies to find them. 通常拥有绿色、黄色或黑色的外皮,这使得其天敌很难发现 它们。 6In fact, the animal

16、may travel 50 miles a day to search for food. 实际上,这种动物一天可以行走 50 英里去搜寻食物。 7But the maternal (母性的) bonds are strong, and offspring sometimes have reunions with their mother. 但是母系的纽带很强大,有时幼崽会与母亲重聚。 8Asian elephants are gentle and super- social. 亚洲象温柔且具有高度的社会属性。 经典例题:经典例题: 根据要求用英语写一篇有关濒危动物金丝猴的短文。内容包 括以下

17、信息: 1栖息地:中国; 2外貌:金黄色,有点灰;尾巴和身体一样长; 3生活环境:海拔 1,5003,000 米的森林; 4生活习性:群居,吃水果、干果; 5现状:数量减少了,需得到保护。 注意:词数 120 左右。 精彩范文 Golden Monkeys Golden monkeys live mainly in China. They are protected by Chinese government. Their fur is golden and a bit grey. Their tails are as long as their bodies. The male golden

18、 monkeys are big and strong while the female ones are much smaller. Golden monkeys live in forests which are 1,5003,000 meters above the sea level, and they like living in groups. They feed on fruit, nuts, tree leaves and so on. Now the number of golden monkeys is decreas ing. Our government has bui

19、lt some nature reserves to protect them. We hope people can stop hunting golden monkeys and that more and more people can realize the importance of protecting them. 总评 文章涵盖了全部的要点信息,衔接流畅自然;思路清晰, 使用了一些较高级的词汇和较复杂的结构和句式。 亮点呈现 (1)“Their tails are as long as their bodies.” 同级比较结构 as . as 的 运用准确到位。 (2)“The

20、 male golden monkeys are big . while the female . ” while 作并列连词表示两种情况的对照。 (3)“which are 1,5003,000 . ”定语从句的使用令句式简洁,信息 丰富。 实战演练:实战演练: 非洲象是世界上最大的陆地动物,成年非洲象大约有 5 吨重,它 们主要以草、树叶或野果为食,栖息地为森林、河流、山谷或非洲撒 哈拉沙漠南部的半沙漠地带。由于人类的大量偷猎,非洲象的数量已 从 1980 年的 1,300 万头左右降到了现在的 40 万头。 请根据以上内容, 写一篇有关非洲象的英语短文。 注意:1.词数不少于 120;

21、2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 精彩范文 【拓展阅读【拓展阅读-中华传统文化中华传统文化】 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词 的正确形式。 Ci in the Song Dynasty (9601279) indicates another type of poetry at that time. It came into being in the Tang Dynasty and reached its peak in the Song literature. 1 (depend) on its length, Ci can 2 (divide) into

22、 Xiao Ling (small- sized, no more than 58 characters), Zhong Diao (middle- sized, 5990 characters), and Chang Diao (long- sized, over 90 characters). Some of 3 (they) have only one verse (诗节), some have two, and some have three or four, each of 4 has its own appellation (名 称) Each Ci has 5 title as

23、well as a Cipai which is the name of the tonal (音调的) pattern and decides the rhythm and form of a verse. The names of Cipai, such 6 “The Beautiful Lady Yu”, “Buddha Dance”, and “Wine Spring”, are coming from historical 7 (figure) or events, and former musical names, although later Ci changed and dev

24、eloped 8 (separate) from music. Poets in the Song Dynasty 9 (develop) Ci in content and forms. Those who made a great 10 (contribute) were Liu Yong, Su Shi, Yan Shu, Li Qingzhao, Xin Qiji, etc. If you seek out and study their Ci further, you may find it a source of interest with no limit. 1 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 参考答案: 1.Depending 2.be divided 3.them 4.which 5.a 6.as 7.figures 8.separately 9.developed 10.contribution


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