外研版(2020新教材)unit 4单元强基训练(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 4-Friends forever 单元单元强基训练强基训练 【语法专练【语法专练-定语从句定语从句关系代词】关系代词】 一、单句语法填空 1Happiness and success often come to those _ are good at recognizing their own strengths. 2The letter _ I received yesterday was from my father. 3The person _ you met yesterday is an honest man. 4This kind of book is for chil

2、dren _ native language is French. 5October 1, 1949 is the day _ well never forget. 6It was the very book _ I was saving up money to buy. 7They were talking about persons and things _ they remembered. 8Who is the woman _ is sweeping the floor over there? 二、将下列句子合并为定语从句 1I have a friend. He likes list

3、ening to classical music. _ 2Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress. I lent her the new dress. _ 3The students article was published in the magazine. I know the student. _ 4You referred to the man at the meeting yesterday. I want to know the man. _ 5The letter is from my sister. I received it yes

4、terday. _ 6The train was late. It was going to Nanning. _ 7I want to talk to the boys. Their homework hasnt been handed in. _ 8The boy is my brother. He was here a minute ago. _ 【单句填词】【单句填词】 1There is growing public _ (anxious) over levels of air pollution in our cities. 2The man is talking about th

5、e teachers and things _ encouraged him greatly in school. 3The International Red Cross is an organization _ purpose is to help the sick and the needy. 4The professor _ you wish to see has gone abroad. 5Do you have anything _ is important to tell me? 6.She has a_ a good knowledge of English. 7.To i_

6、my point , let me tell you a little story. 8.We can take photos using a d_ camera and input the photos into a computer. 9The Art Society is holding an exhibition of recent _ (acquire) 10The book is less than _ (inspire) 11.The smell is very familiar _ everyone who lives near a bakery. 12.Some childr

7、en tend _ (react) against their parents by going against their wishes. 13.There are no _ (significantly) differences between the two groups of students. 14.Ears not only let us hear, but they also play a role in _ (maintain) our balance. 15.Many people expressed a strong _ (prefer) for the original

8、plan. 16A shop should keep a stock of those goods _ sell best. 17This is the most beautiful and cleanest city _ I have visited in China. 18 Membership _ (quality) you for a discount on purchases. 19_ happens, we should be optimistic about our future. 20She ought to _ (stop) working; she has a headac

9、he because she has been reading all day long. 21.The new test should _ (使能够) doctors to detect the disease early. 22.Being overweight can _ (显著地) increase your risk of heart disease. 23.Do you have your milk _ (递送)? 24.Exercise can not only help you _ (保持) your regular weight, but also make you feel

10、 better about yourself. 25.We are lucky to be in an age of rapid technological a_. 26She witnessed some very distressing s_. 27John was deeply a_ of her behavior at the party. 28The children all have very different p_. 29He made a _ (fortunate) selling property in Spain. 30Darwin discussed all these

11、 ideas in _ (correspond) with other notable scientific figures. 31Art should be part of _ (平常的) life. 32The interior of the church was _ (朴素的)and simple. 33Discuss the problem with your _ (伙伴) and both of you should show your ideas to each other. 34 The hotel offers a friendly _ (氛围) and personal se

12、rvice. 35I managed to d_ myself out of bed. 36.It is _ (meaning) to waste so much time on such stupid things. 37.He is an _ (adventure) travelling the world. 38.Thanks _ his heroic deeds in the war, he was reckoned as one of the bravest soldiers. 39Please pay for goods on _ (deliver) 40 The reality

13、does not always correspond _ ones expectations. 41She saw a film _ name she has forgotten. 42The new drug has great _ (significant) for the treatment of the disease. 43An object is placed _ a distance of 20 cm from the mirror. 44The connections we make must be taken care of with great _ (patient) an

14、d understanding between all people. 45 It can help if you discuss your _ (anxious) with someone. 46Viewing is by _ (appointed) only. 47The tree was _ (strike) by lightning. 48 We do not harbor _ (bitterly) towards our compatriot (同 胞) 49The offices are conveniently _ (location) just a few minutes fr

15、om the bus stop. 50I need to work in pleasant _ (surrounding) 【选词填空】【选词填空】 A: lose track of; communicate with; keep . in mind; up to; throw the baby out with the bathwater; stay in touch with; long for; thanks to 1.Wherever you are, you should always _ that you are a Chinese. 2.I dont know how to _

16、strangers. 3.In my opinion, he is not really _ the job. 4._ him I began to love my career. 5.Freedom is perhaps what we all _. 6.The Internet enables us to _ the outer world. 7.We used to be friends, but _ each other afterwards. 8.His plan is not reasonable, but we shouldnt _ because the plan is sti

17、ll good in part. B: 选词填空(whatever/whoever/whenever/whichever/however) _ comes to the party will receive a gift. _ carefully I explained, she still didnt understand. Now that I have passed my exams, I can do _ I like. _ Im unhappy, it is my friend Jane who cheers me up. _ of the books you choose, you

18、 should return it on time. C: work out; get started; be known for; be set in; hear from; ought to; make a fortune; turn up) 1.Jack agreed to get here at seven; it has been seven twenty, but he hasnt _. 2Things just didnt _ as planned. 3I am looking forward to _ you as soon as possible. 4Since you ha

19、ve prepared well, you can _ now. 5They British people _ their politeness. 6He left school early, determined to _ in New York, but he didnt make any money there. 7You _ be stricter with him. Hes very naughty. 8The story _ the autumn of 1960. 【完成句子】【完成句子】 1这些规定中的哪些是一个青少年应该遵守的? What are some of the rul

20、es _? 2远处教堂的钟声响起。 Church bells rang _. 3不活跃或者饮食中含有高脂肪食物的孩子会很快发胖。 Children _ are not active or _ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly. 4他们正在等的那位老人是李教授。 The old man _ is Professor Li. 5在高中你将学习更多不同于初中的课程。 In senior high school you will study more courses _ your junior middle school courses. 6我们

21、在一间窗户很大的教室学习。 We study in a classroom _ the windows are very big. 7这是他读的第一本书。 This is the first book _. 8延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。 It was an unpopular decision to _. 9.那个男孩子做的事情让老师很生气。(what 引导宾语从句) The teacher got angry because of _. 10自从他 3 年前离开,我们没有见过彼此。(since 引导时间状 语从句) We havent seen each other _ 3 year

22、s ago. 11.无论发生什么事,你都不要丧失信心。(whatever 引导让步状 语从句) _, you shouldnt lose heart. 12.由你决定我们是否买这套家具。(up to) _ to decide whether we buy this set of furniture or not. 13.倘若明天下雨将会怎样呢?(what if) _ tomorrow? 14.即使你是对的,也不该那么说呀!(even if 引导让步状语从句) _, thats not the way to put it. 15晚饭后去购物怎么样?(How about . ?) _ after

23、dinner? 16不管他告诉我什么,我都不会相信的。(no matter what) _, I will not believe him. 17我们刚才请人把机器修好了。(have sth. done) We _ just now. 18任何你老师要求你做的事儿都值得把它做好。(be worth) Whatever your teacher asks you to do _. 参考答案: 【语法专练】 1 答案:who 2 答案:that/which 3 答案:whom/who/that 4 答案:whose 5 答案:that/which 6 答案:that 7 答案:that 8 答案:

24、that 二、 1 答案:I have a friend who likes listening to classical music. 2 答案:Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress (that/which) I lent her. 3 答案:I know the student whose article was published in the magazine. 4 答案:I want to know the man (whom/who/that) you referred to at the meeting yesterday. 5 答案

25、: The letter (that/which) I received yesterday is from my sister. 6 答案:The train that/which was going to Nanning was late. 7 答案:I want to talk to the boys whose homework hasnt been handed in. 8 答案:The boy who/that was here a minute ago is my brother. 【单句填词】 1 答案:anxiety 2 答案:that 3 答案:whose 4 答案:who

26、/that/whom 5 答案:that 6 答案:acquired 7 答案:illustrate 8 答案:digital 9 答案:acquisitions 10 答案:inspiring 11 答案:to 12 答案:to react 13 答案:significant 14 答案:maintaining 15 答案:preference 16 答案:which/that 17 答案:that 18 答案:qualifies 19 答案:Whatever 20 答案:stop 21 答案:enable 22 答案:significantly 23 答案:delivered 24 答案:

27、maintain 25 答案:advance 26 答案:scenes 27 答案:ashamed 28 答案:personalities 29 答案:fortune 30 答案:correspondence 31 答案:ordinary 32 答案:plain 33 答案:partner 34 答案:atmosphere 35 答案:drag 36 答案:meaningless 37 答案:adventurer 38 答案:to 39 答案:delivery 40 答案:with/to 41 答案:whose 42 答案:significance 43 答案:at 44 答案:patienc

28、e 45 答案:anxieties 46 答案:appointment 47 答案:struck 48 答案:bitterness 49 答案:located 50 答案:surroundings 【选词填空】 A: 1 答案:keep in mind 2 答案:communicate with 3 答案:up to 4 答案:Thanks to 5 答案:long for 6 答案:stay in touch with 7 答案:lost track of 8 答案:throw the baby out with the bathwater B: 答案:Whoever However wha

29、tever Whenever Whichever C: 1 答案:turned up 2 答案:work out 3 答案:hearing from 4 答案:get started 5 答案:are known for 6 答案:make a fortune 7 答案:ought to 8 答案:is set in 【完成句子】 1 答案:that/which a teenager should obey 2 答案:in the distance 3 答案:who; whose 4 答案:whom/who/that they are waiting for 5 答案:which/that a

30、re different from 6 答案:of which 7 答案:that he has read 8 答案:postpone building the new hospital 9 答案:what the boy had done 10 答案:since he left 11 答案:Whatever happens 12 答案:Its up to you 13 答案:What if it rains 14 答案:Even if you are right 15 答案:How about going shopping 16 答案:No matter what he tells me 17 答案:had the machine mended 18 答案:is worth doing well


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