hello KET 考试 剑桥英语青少年版第一版Unit7-8 ppt课件.pptx

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1、hello KET考试 剑桥英语青少版 Unit 7 The secrets of success Why are they so successful? YouYou havehave toto havehave a a dreamdream I I havehave toto workwork hard.hard. ButBut wewe dontdont havehave toto workwork 2424 hourshours a a day.day. WeWe use_use_ toto saysay ThisThis isis necessarynecessary WeWe us

2、e_use_ toto saysay ThisThis isntisnt necessarynecessary havehave to/to/ hadhad toto dont/dont/ didntdidnt havehave toto Grammar Positive Negative Question Short answer I/ you/ we/ they have to go he/ she/ it _go I/ you/ we/ they_ (do not) have to go he/ she/ it_ (does not) have to go _I/ you/ they h

3、ave to go? _he/ she/ it have to go? Yes, I /you/ they_. No, I/ you/ they_. Yes, he/ she/ it_. No, he/she/ it_. has to dont have to doesnt have to Do Does do dont does doesnt A. Do you have to do the washing? B. Yes, I do. What about you? A. Sometimes, but I dont have to do the cooking. s Speak pilot

4、 secretary nurse Vocabulary doctor engineer vet teacher flight attendant lawyer dentist Vocabulary singer doctor lawyer teacher pilot tennis player vet computer programmer 1. Mike: _ 2. Tina: _ 3. Tony: _ 4. Judith: _ Read The 1900 House Make a list of things that the Bowlers had to do and didnt hav

5、e to do. Use the words in the box. egg and lemon toilet bed school clothes shopping They had to wash their hair with egg and lemon. Unit 8 New ideas Whats your favorite singers? Do they write songs? songwriter n. 歌曲作家歌曲作家 belong to 属于属于 conversation n. 对话对话 knvsen nearly adv.几乎几乎 plan to 计划做计划做 band

6、 n. 乐队乐队 1.who is the main songwriter for 4Tune NickNick 2.When can we hear the new songs TheyreTheyre planningplanning toto playplay themthem atat thethe schoolschool partyparty atat thethe endend ofof nextnext month.month. 3.Does Nick like writing songs Yes,Yes, sheshe does.does. 4.Who else writes

7、 songs for the band? KarenKaren writeswrites too.too. 5.Did Nick write any of the news songs when she was away from her desk? Yes.Yes. read and listen 人称代词 I 我 we 我们 you你 you 你们 he他 she 她 it 它 they 他们 她们它们 Grammar 数数 单数单数 复数复数 格格 主格主格 宾格宾格 主格主格 宾宾格格 第一人称第一人称 I we 第二人称第二人称 you you he they 第三人称第三人称 sh

8、e I have these books. me you him her it us you them = These books belong to me. it Grammar I have a pen. = This pen belongs to _. This is _ pen. = This pen is _ . my mine me 名词性质物主代词名词性质物主代词 =形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+所修饰的名词所修饰的名词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 my your his her our your yours mine yours his hers ours 主格 I

9、you he she we their theirs you they 这是这是我的我的手表。手表。 This is my watch. 这块手表是这块手表是我的我的。 This watch is mine. 这些是这些是我我们们的的手表手表。 These are our watches. 这些手表是这些手表是我我们们的的。 These watches are ours. 这是这是你的你的狗狗。 This is your dog. 这只狗是这只狗是你的你的。 This dog is yours. 这些是这些是你你们们的的狗狗。 These are your dogs. 这些狗是这些狗是你你们们

10、的的。 These dogs are yours. 这是这是他的他的猫猫。 This is his cat. 这只猫是这只猫是他的他的。 This cat is his. 这些是这些是她她的的猫猫。 These are her cats. 这些猫是这些猫是她她的的。 These cats are hers. 这是这是我们的我们的香蕉香蕉。 这些这些These are our bananas. 香蕉香蕉是是我们的我们的。 These bananas are ours. 这些是这些是他们他们的汉堡包的汉堡包。 These are their hamburgers. 这些汉堡包是这些汉堡包是他们他们的。的。 These hamburgers are theirs. When do you usually think of new ideas? 7 Read Which picture shows Walt Disney when he was working on a new idea? 7 Read What do you do when youre thinking hard? 7 Speak


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