Unit 5 泛读·技能初养成 同步教材讲解 (新教材)外研版(2020新版)英语必修第三册.doc

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1、1/10 阅读 Reading 2 的材料,选出最佳选项 1Who was found working on the terrible creature was a submarine? APierre Aronnax,the biologist professor. BNemo Land,the captain. CConseil,the servant. DNed Land,the whale hunter. 2Why would the three passengers stay in the submarine? ATo keep the secret. BTo enjoy more

2、undersea scenes. CTo help the captain Nemo. DTo take more adventures there. 3Why was Ned different from the other two passengers? AHe enjoyed the adventures most. BHe thought of running away. CHe was in charge of the submarine. DHe was attacked by the terrible creature. 4What were not described in t

3、he words of Aronnax? AThe solar ray in the sea. BThe sand under the sea. CThe color of the sea water. DThe temperature of the sea. 答案 14 BABD Words and Phrases 知识要点1 charge n主管,负责 (教材 P57) They are captured and taken inside the submarine,where they meet the man in charge,Captain Nemo. 2/10 他们被俘虏并被带进

4、潜艇,在那里他们遇到了负责人尼莫船长。 例 1 She has charge of the day- to- day running of the business. 她负责掌管日常业务。 例 2 They left the old couple in charge of the children for a week. 他们把孩子留给这对老夫妇照料一周。 造句 他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。 He was in charge of the farm after his fathers death. 知识拓展 in charge of 负责 in the charge of sb.in sb.s

5、charge 由某人负责 take charge of 负责 即学即练 单句语法填空 An experienced mechanic is in charge of the management of the workroom. In the absence of the manager,I shall be in charge of the company. 知识要点2 permit v允许,准许,许可 (教材 P57) In order to keep this secret,Captain Nemo tells his three newest passengers that they

6、are not permitted to leave the submarine. 为了保守他的秘密尼莫船长告知他的三个新访客,不许离开潜水艇。 例 1 There is a wide road leading through the park,but nobody is permitted to walk on the road. 有一条宽阔的道路穿过这个公园,但不允许任何人在路上走。 例 2 They were taken to the police station as they had entered the area without being permitted. 他们被带到派出所

7、,因为未经允许他们进入了该区域。 造句 没有大人的陪同,孩子不允许进入电影院。 Children are not permitted to enter the cinema without their parents. 知识拓展 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 permit sb.to do sth. 允许某人做某事 permit n. 许可证 3/10 permission n. 允许;许可 即学即练 单句语法填空 The party will be held in the garden,weather permitting (permit) If you want to l

8、eave the classroom, you should ask for the teachers permission (permit) 小片段填空 Her father would not permit her to drive alone even though she had got her driving permitWithout her fathers permission,she had no choice but to go out by bus or on a bike. 她父亲不允许她单独驾车,即使她已经取得了驾照。没有她父亲的允许,她 别无选择只好坐公交出门或者骑自

9、行车。 知识要点3 leave an impression upon sb.给某人留下印象 (教材 P57) And now,how can I look back upon the impression left upon me by that walk under the waters?现在,我怎么回顾一下在水下行走给我留下的印象 呢? 例 1 I hope my son would leave a good impression upon the judges. 我希望我的儿子能给评委留下好的印象。 例 2 I admit that it will leave a deep impres

10、sion upon the audiences mind, but its too expensive to make TV commercials. 我知道电视广告会给观众留下深刻的印象,但是电视广告太贵了。 造句 他在昨天会议上所说的话给我留下深刻印象。 What he said at the meeting yesterday left a deep impression upon me. 知识拓展 impress vt. 使印象深刻;使铭记 be impressed by/with. 为所感动;对有印象 impression n. 印象 make/leave a(n) .impress

11、ion on/upon sb. 给某人留下的印象 impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的 即学即练 单句语法填空 4/10 What impressed (impress) me most was his friendly and enthusiastic attitude towards all the customers. I would return from school and spend the expected half hour recording the days events,feelings,and impressions (impress) in my

12、little blue diary. 小片段填空 To leave a good impression in the interview,Bob made up a most impressive story about himself,which made the interviewers really impressed 为了在面试中留下好的印象,鲍勃编了一个令人印象深刻的关于自己的故 事,这让面试官们印象深刻。 知识要点4 astonish v使吃惊,使惊讶 (教材 P57) The light,which lit the soil thirty feet below the surfa

13、ce of the ocean,astonished me by its power. 那光照亮了海面下三十英尺的土壤,它的力量使我吃惊。 例 1 It really astonished us that he appeared at the party.他出现在宴会上, 使我们感到惊讶。 例 2 The news of failure astonished everyone in the room.失败的消息使屋 里的每个人都很惊讶。 造句 他通过驾驶考试的消息让我们很吃惊。 The news that he passed the driving test astonished us all

14、. 知识拓展 astonishing adj. 人惊讶的 astonished adj. 感到惊讶的 astonishment n. 吃惊,惊讶 to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是 即学即练 单句语法填空 We were quite astonished (astonish) at her quick reaction. To my astonishment(astonish),they should have finished that task in such a short time. 小片段填空 The astonished look on his face to

15、ld us that he felt astonished to be asked such a 5/10 question.To our great astonishment,he answered the question and accepted the challenging position.That was really astonishing 他脸上吃惊的表情告诉我们被问到这样一个问题他很吃惊, 令我们很吃惊的 是,他回答了这个问题并且接受了这个具有挑战性的职位。这真是让人吃惊。 知识要点5 surround vt.围绕; 环绕 (教材 P57) Truly this water

16、 which surrounded me was but another air heavier than the Earths atmosphere,but almost as clear. 事实上, 环绕我的水不过是比地球大气层重的另一种空气, 但几乎同样清澈。 例 1 When he looked up,he suddenly found himself surrounded by a group of teenagers. 他抬头看时,突然发现自己被一群青少年围住。 例 2 I came to realize that the key to success lay in trying

17、to surround myself with creative people. 我逐渐意识到,成功的关键在于试着让自己与有创意的人为伍。 造句 在澳大利亚,Jennifer 有一段艰难的时光去适应新的环境。 Jennifer is having a hard time getting accustomed to new surroundings in Australia. 知识拓展 (1)surround sb./sth.with/by. 使某人/某物被包围 (2)surrounding adj. 周围的 n.周围的事物;环境 (通常用复数形式) 即学即练 单句语法填空 People say

18、 Chongqing is Chinas most beautiful city, surrounded (surround) by mountains. The trees surrounding(surround) the town were planted by the soldiers ten years ago. 小片段填空 As a famous pop star,he loves being surrounded by so many fans coming to visit him from the surrounding towns.And he also likes bea

19、utiful surroundings with green trees and flowers,because he can get much more pleasure from nature. 6/10 作为著名的流行明星, 他喜欢自己周边围绕着那么多来自周边镇上来拜访他 的粉丝们。他也喜欢带有绿树红花的宜人环境,因为这样他能从大自然中获得更 多的乐趣。 知识要点6 account for 说明/解释的原因;(数量上、比例上)占 (教材 P57) This dazzling carpet,really a reflector,drove away the rays of the sun

20、with wonderful intensity,which accounted for the vibration which passed through every atom of liquid. 这条耀眼的地毯,实际上是一个反射器,以惊人的强度驱走了太阳光,这正 好说明了穿过每一个液体原子的振动的原因。 例 1 He could not account for his absence from school.他无法说清楚为什 么旷课。 例 2 Together they account for less than five percent of the population. 他们总共

21、占不到总人口的 5%。 造句 你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢 ? How do you account for losing five games in a row? 知识拓展 on account of 由于,因为 on no account 决不(位于句首,主句要部分倒装) take sth.into account 考虑;顾及;注意 即学即练 单句语法填空 On no account should you leave the door unlocked. The flight was postponed on account of bad weather. Sentence Pattern

22、s 重点句式1 as if 从句 (教材 P57) Conseil and I remained near each other,as if an exchange of words had been possible through our metal cases. 康赛尔和我保持着比较近的距离,仿佛通过我们的金属箱可以进行语言交 流。 句式分析: as if 引导方式状语从句, 表示“好像”, 也可以替换成 as though。 例 1 I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 7/10 我记得整个事情,就好像它是发生在

23、昨天。 例 2 The child talked to us as if he were a grown- up. 那个小孩跟我们讲话就像个大人一祥。 造句 他说起长城来好像他以前去过那里似的。 He talked about the Great Wall as if he had been there before. 知识拓展 (1)如果 as if 引导的从句只是表示一种假设的情况,从句的谓语动词要用虚 拟语气,但如果从句的动作发生的可能性较大,就要用陈述语气。 (2)as if 引导状语从句时通常用虚拟语气。 与现在事实相反, 从句谓语要用过 去式;与过去事实相反,从句谓语要用 had

24、done;与将来事实相反,从句谓语要 用 would/could/might do。 (3)如果 as if 引导的从句是“主语系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词等 成分,这样 as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)或动词- ing 形式等。 翻译 It seems as if nothing had happened(啥事也没发生) It looks as if it will rain before long(一会儿就要下雨了) 即学即练 单句语法填空 We have missed the bus;it looks as if we will have(have) to walk

25、. He talks as if he knew (know) everything. 重点句式2 介词关系代词的定语从句 (教材 P57) I no longer felt the weight of my clothes,or of my shoes,of my air supply,or my thick helmet,inside which my head shook like a nut in its shell. 我再也感觉不到我的衣服、鞋子、空气供应的重量,也感觉不到我厚厚的头 盔的重量,我的头在头盔里摇得像壳里的坚果。 句式分析: 该句是复合句, 其中的 inside whi

26、ch 引导非限制性定语从句, which 代指前面的 helmet,其结构是“介词关系代词 从句”。 例 1 Look,there comes Tom,for whom I have waiting for an hour. 瞧,汤姆来啦,我等他等了一个小时。 例 2 Last week,I visited Shanghai,in which I have made several friends. 上周我参观了上海,在那儿我交了几个朋友。 8/10 造句 我的房子前有一棵树,鸟儿正在树上唱歌。 In front of my house,there is a tree,in which som

27、e birds are singing. 知识拓展 (1)介词 whom 只能指人;介词 which 只能指物。 (2)有时,前面的介词可移到定语从句的中间或后面,此时 whom 可用 who, that 代替;which 可以用 that 代替。而且 who,whom,which,that 都可省略。 (3)当先行词是时间、地点、原因时,介词 which 一般在定语从句中分别 作时间、地点、原因状语,介词 which 可以分别用 when,where,why 代替。 翻译 The man who you talked with just now is our manager.(你刚才与他谈话

28、的) I will remember the day forever on which/when I won the first place in the contest.(那一天) 即学即练 单句语法填空 He handed me a pen,with which I wrote down my address for him. The computer for which I paid 5,000 yuan is made in Shenzhen. 词义猜测题 提分技巧:词义猜测题是考查学生对文章的前后联系的理解。因为语言表达 总是按照一定的逻辑关系展开的, 根据语言的内在逻辑关系可以粗略

29、地推断出生 词词义或大致义域。对我们猜测词义帮助最大的逻辑关系有并列关系、转折关系 和因果关系等。英语中可以使用 also,as.as,similarly,and,or,just as,like 等词语表示相同或者相近的意思,这种表示并列的关系中,只要我们认识其中一 个单词,就可以推测出另一个单词的意思。并列、因果、递进、例证、转折或对 比等逻辑关系都具有推理的必然性, 因此使用逻辑关系推理的词义准确率会比较 高;逻辑关系的判断需要平常多关注句式的逻辑关系,形成对逻辑关系词的敏感 感知能力,快速有效地判断语句和词汇的关系和意义。 典例 (2017 全国卷 阅读理解 D 节选) . Some p

30、lants pump out smelly chemicals to keep insects away.But others do double duty.They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are 9/10 natural enemies to the attackers.Once they arrive,the tables are turnedThe attacker who was lunching now becomes lunch. . 33What does the author me

31、an by “the tables are turned” in paragraph 3? AThe attackers get attacked. BThe insects gather under the table. CThe plants get ready to fight back. DThe perfumes attract natural enemies. A 本题考查对文章中一句话的理解, 属于广义的词义猜测题。 画线词前面 的句子说明了一些植物散发出气味意在吸引不同的昆虫, 这些昆虫是袭击者的天 敌。在这一句后面,又使用了一句同义并列的句子来对其进行解释,根据后一句 话的意

32、思 “正在吃午餐的攻击者变成了午餐”可以知道,画线句子是指袭击者 受到了它的天敌的袭击,故选 A。 即学即练 根据文章内容迅速判断出划线单词的含义。 You dash through a crowded railway station,tripping over bags,spilling (泼出) your coffee,only to have the doors slide shut in your face,leaving you breathless on the platform as the train pulls away. But at least, if youre in

33、France, someone may be playing the piano for you.But it wont be performed by a paid musician, or even a street entertainer playing for coins.It will just be a random passerby,jamming for the fun of it on one of the pianos that the national railroad company,S.N.C.F.,has fixed in nearly 100 stations a

34、cross France.They are free for anyone to play,and travelers from all walks of life have taken to doing just that. Gares & Connexions,the SN.C.F.division that manages its stations,rents the instruments from the producer, Yamaha, which maintains (维修) them and tunes them every month or two.The first on

35、e was set up in the Gare Montparnasse in Paris in 2012. 10/10 The music,mixed with the sounds of shouting passengers,screaming trains and rolling suitcases,gives French stations a special soundscape.The amateur musicians have included Irish soccer fans and even babies.In 2014,Gares & Connexions and

36、Yamaha organized a nationwide contest called Your Turn to Play,asking participants to submit videos of themselves using one of the pianos.It drew nearly 900 entries. Isnt the railroad company taking a big chance? Apparently not: “None of the instruments has been vandalized to this day,or even merely

37、 damaged, ” said Claire Fournon, a spokeswoman for Gares & Connexions.“They are shared and respected by all.” So if you miss a train in Paris, Bordeaux or Marseille one day, perhaps someone will be playing a favorite piece that will ease your pain.Or perhaps youll sit down and play your annoyance aw

38、ay yourself. What does the underlined word “vandalized” in Paragraph 5 probably mean? ( ) ASelected carefully. BChecked regularly. CReserved in advance. DDestroyed on purpose. D 词义猜测题。由第五段中的“They are shared and respected by all.”可知, 这些钢琴被人们分享, 受人们尊重; 由 or 可知, has been vandalized 与 even merely damaged 为并列关系,由此推断,该词的意思比 merely damaged 的破坏程度更为 严重,故选 D。vandalize “故意破坏”。


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